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Old 05-26-2007, 01:35 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 218
Wink 6 People Dice Dare

This one is better for 6 Males, heres what you do:
(Use a 6 sided dice)
Lable yourselves 1-6. Before every round roll the dice and the number that it is is the person that has to do the next dare.

(First Roll For Each Person)
1. - Ware your normal clothes but inside out and back to front.
2. - Ware nothing but a shirt, tie and belt.
3. - Strip down to your underware.
4. - Dress up completeley as a women.
5. - Get Naked.
6. - Stay as you are.

(Second Roll For Each Person)
1. Stay in the room you are in.
2. Go outside on yr own.
3. Go outside with somebody with you.
4. Go in to bed with 1 other person
5. Go to another room with 1 other person.
6. Go to another room w ith 2 other people.

(If Someone Rolls A 2/3)
1. - Run round the block 1 in what you are waring.
2. - Give the person you are with a lap dance, (If alone roll again)
3. - Treat the person you are with like a pole and pole dance around him in what you are waring. (If alone roll again)
4. - Run round the block once for every item of clothing warieng, every time you done it once take of one item of clothing.
5. - Knock on your neighbours door and ask if they have a tin opener you could borrow.
6. - Lie on the top of a car and sing a song of the groups chioce.

(If Someone Rolls A 1/4/5/6)
1. - Give a lap dance to each member in the room. In what you are wareing.
2. - Give a strip tease for each member in the room.
3. - Do the chicken dance. In what you are waring.
4. - Make love with a teddy baer in what you are waring.
5. - Snog all members in the group in what you are wareing.
6. - Get tied to a chair or on a bed or any other surface while the people in the room cover you in either golden syrup, a type of sauce, whipped cream, baked beans, or paint, from head to toe. Stay like this until your number comes up again. (If someone all ready has this you must llick the food off them completley while lieing on top of them, if painted roll again.)

Reapeat as many times as you want.

Please tell me how your stories went.

Last edited by HypoMonkey; 05-26-2007 at 01:51 AM.
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