Thread: Fiction: Whore-able Stalker
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Old 06-23-2014, 11:34 AM   #4
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Default Chapter 2: So It Begins...

Chapter 2: So It Begins...

Casey then got another text from the same mysterious person...

"Your first task, is to take off your underwear and dispose of them in the closest bin. You cannot go to the bathroom to take them off, it must be right here this very second. From now on.. You must not wear underwear at all while I'm your master!"

Casey was in so much shock, she felt like fainting. She REALLY didn't want to do this at all, especially since there was a business man on the next bench who would think she was really odd. She replied:

"I really don't want to do this.. please don't make me :'("

A few seconds later, she got a reply:

"If you don't.. the indecent pictures of you will be spread around.. It's your choice..."

Casey started to think..
"Actually.. thinking about it, it would be better to just get it over with.. I'd rather have 1 man see me do something rather than everyone in the college see it.."
She then replied something she would soon regret..

"I'll do it..."

She then looked over to the man awkwardly to see if he was looking.. Casey then thought to herself again "It's a good thing I wore a skirt today"
She then moved her thumbs slowly towards the top of her panties and grabbed her panties. She then looked at the business man again who was now looking at the electronic board again while still on the bench next to her.
She thought quickly. This is my chance!
Casey then pulled her panties down quickly and slid them off of her shoes. She then quickly put them beside her to make sure the man wasn't looking.
Casey walked over to the bin holding her panties in a ball clenched in her fists and dropped them in quickly.
The man looked at her and noticed she had red cheeks from the embarrassment. He then looked away again without knowing anything that's happened.

Casey got a text

"Well done.. Your first task is complete, Now for task 2.. Look into your bag.. You'll see a Banana that you packed for your lunch that you never ate.. tut tut tut, can't be wasting food now can we.
Slide that banana into your filthy wet pussy and leave it there until you get home!"

Casey looked in absolute horror and took a few moments to breathe. She then decided she'd do it.

She then saw another business man walk into the train station who then sat down next to the other man, they both shook hands and started having a conversation.

She looked in her bag and saw the banana.. she took a deep breath and picked it up. Hands shaking as she lowered it and moved it under her skirt. She kept moving her hand closer and closer to her clit and eventually she felt the end of the banana touch her pussy. It felt cold and hard. She slowly inserted it and held in the force for her to make a noise. Her eyes were now closed and her mouth was open. It felt so good that she wanted to scream with pleasure. She had to hold it in, otherwise the men would notice.
She looked at her phone again and saw a new message saying

"Deeper.. don't want it falling out now do we"

She then pushed it as deep as she could. Her entire pussy felt full and like it was being stretched open. She was hoping this journey home ended right now but there was still 10 minutes until the train got to the station.

Casey got another text..

"Very good.. I shall leave you alone for today.. Remember, you will not wear any underwear until I say so.
Another thing.. Do not tell anyone about this.. If you do, I'll show everyone the pictures anyway.

Casey wandered who this could be.. A name beginning with K.. She could never guess who it could be...

The train arrived and she waddled along with a banana stuck in her pussy. She felt so awkward and embarrassed, as if everyone who was getting off the train knew what she had just done.
She was about to sit down as the train conductor called from the other side of the carriage "Excuse me!"

Casey was filled with dread as she wandered if he had noticed something odd...
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