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Old 05-05-2014, 09:54 AM   #10
Starchy Sadist
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 921
Blog Entries: 43

1. Would you kiss #2? Yes!
2. Is #5 male? Yup.
3. Would you trust #1 with your biggest secret? Absolutely.
4. Have you seen #4 naked? No
5. Do/did you want to see #4 naked? Sure.
6. How long have you known #3? Three months, exactly.
7. Would you dance with #2? Yes. He might be a better dancer than me, though.
8. Would you have sex with #5? No. :T
9. Would you go shopping with #1? I think he'd be fun to go shopping with!
10. Would you let #2 see you naked? Not right now.
11. Describe #1 in one word. Mythical.
12. Describe #2 in one word. Frustrating.
13. Describe #3 in one word. Sweet.0
14. Describe #4 in one word. Eye-catching (yes, it fuckin' counts.)
15. Describe #5 in three words. Flakey.
16. Would you like to spank #4? I would certainly try it!
17. Would you lick chocolate off #3's face? Pfft, haha, that might kill him.
18. Would you go out with #2? Yup.
19. Which colour would most suit #5 - pink or green? Green.
20. #All - snog, marry, avoid, hug, poke?

1. Hug
2. Snog
3. Marry
4. Poke
5. Avoid
No, I do not want to be your Mistress.
No, I do not want to be your slave.
So don't PM me about it!

Likes, Limits, and Fantasies (click)

A Domme with a Monkey.

The Monkey, the Potato, and the Book of Truth (AMA)

My PM Dares are Offline.
I don't participate in unsolicited PM dares, so don't ask.

"iSpuds used to be an onion before she realized that she wanted a simpler, layer free life. Gordon Ramsey himself agreed to perform the surgery, but when Nigella Lawson walked in during the middle of the procedure with a bottle of scotch, things went awry. Waking up as an iOS kernel trapped in a potato's body, iSpuds successfully sued the Food Channel for 13 quintillion Zimbabwe Shillings, and now lives in an exclusive, nano-sliver coated vegetable crisper." -Runesmith

"On a scale of 1-10, what's your favorite color of the Alphabet?"
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