Thread: Fiction: Foot Fetish Slave
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Old 04-09-2014, 03:03 PM   #6
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Posts: 23
Default 15 Months Earlier.....

I spent most evenings online, just relaxing, looking at interesting topics. One that took my fancy was dare games and slavery, I found a website that covered both. This was where I meet Jessica, she too was an fan of the site, we got to know each other during severally conversations. We covered all sorts of topics, chatted about our experiences and shared stories. One day Jessica suggested that we chatted over the net, I thought about it, then said why not?

We got online together, Jessica suggested to me that she would very much like the idea of being my slave. This is the point at which I disclosed that I had a foot fetish, that if she was to become my slave she would have to accept that I would expect her to be barefoot at all times she was online with me and that I would like to see her feet through pics or on cam. She readily agree to this, we started a online slavery relationship, which progressed to a meeting at one point where we came together at a mutually agreed location.

The day we meet I told Jessica she had to pitch up in the park, find a nice spot for a picnic, she was to lay a blanket on the floor, make sure she was barefoot and that she had written on the soles of her feet "foot slave". That would make it easier supposedly for me to find her in the park, that didn't work out to well as I nearly got knocked out by one bloke for looking at his partners feet and another women tried to get me arrested. I eventually found Jessica and explained what had happened, she laughed like anyone else would. We spent lunch together, chatted like we did online, and feed the ducks by the lake. We ended the day having a meal in a pub, where she spent the entire time barefoot, was not happy with me for that though, the floor was grimy and sticky. I walked her back to her car and we bid a farewell to each other. That when things went a little wrong...

We meet up several more times after that, the last time was at my old place, I had to inform Jessica I had a job offer and I would be away for 12 months and wasn't sure if I would be coming back. We had planned so much, she had given up so much already, and I just dropped her like a sack of potatoes. Jessica had given up her job, moved away from family, dropped friends and even sold her car to stay closer to me to be my full time slave. I could not take her with me, the trip was for me alone and with no money to add her to the journey she was stuck. I wished her all the best, gave her what money I did have spare and hoped she could one day forgive me for what I had done.

It seemed now the tables had turned, I was the one that was out of a job, freelancing where I could. I had arranged to meet Jason this weekend cause I had no further commitments coming up, I was hoping he could put me up for a few days until I found something. Instead I found something here alright, Jessica had been tracking me down, she had made friends with Becca, she knew I was out on my ear, she knew I was free. Jessica wanted revenge for what I had done, now she had me naked in a cage with my toes stretched down pointing towards the floor. She had every intention of making sure that I was going to be her property, this was clear when the hot branding iron came out with massive letters of Jessica's initials on it and was pressed against the soles of my barefeet. The most tremendous pain I have ever experienced in my life as it was pressed against them, I screamed into the gag at the top of my lungs to no affect. No one could hear, I spent the next hour in pain, and the worst was yet to come....
JAMES read this link
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