Thread: Funny thread!
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Old 05-03-2007, 11:48 AM   #3
tordman's Avatar
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Posts: 44

i told u this already but...
A guy walks into the patent office and states that he needs to get a patent.

The clerk leads him into an office and they both sit down.

The clerk asks him what he has invented?

The guy pulls a crumpled lump of plastic from a brown paper bag. With the flick of his wrist, it pops into a perfectly shaped bottle.

The clerk tells him that his invention is truly amazing, and asks him what he calls it?

The guy says that it is a "Fottle......folding and bottle equals Fottle.....Get it?"

The clerk asks if he has invented any other products?

The guy says yeah, " I have a folding carton that I call a "farton".

The clerk says that "Farton" is a completely unacceptable name for a product and he could not possibly issue a patent for an item with such a name.

The guy says........"I guess you don't want to hear about my folding bucket"
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