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Old 03-04-2014, 05:50 AM   #11
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Originally Posted by shadowice0823 View Post
If you could live anywhere in the world where would you pick?

Who is your celeb crush?

I have a bit of an eye fetish so what color are yours?

Is there anything in life you have done that you regret?

What is your favorite task you have ever done, and who came up with it?

What is the worst task you have ever done, and who came up with it?

I have heard you can really take a beating and not make a sound what are you thinking about while denying pupil any screams as he flogs your ass?

Do you have any kinks that are taboo to some?

I know you love edging would you be willing to edge for each question asked in your thread?
1_ Italy! I've wanted to go to Italy since I was around 7 years old if I recall correctly, it's such a beautiful place. I love the place, the scenery, the language, the culture... I love everything about it. As a sidenote, I was supposed to go to Italy to meet 1Pupil originally before he came to the UK, but due to the circumstances with my son I couldn't. Although we were asked by his parents when we were going over there; so hopefully one day soon I'll achieve my dream of being able to view the most beautiful place in the world, and it will be even better because I'll get to achieve that dream with him by my side.

2_ Jenson Ackles (Dean Winchester in Supernatural.) But my crush is the character, not the actor. Well okay; obviously I find the actor attractive or I wouldn't crush on the character, but it's more the personality of the character that appeals to me if that makes any sense.

3_ Blue. Pretty, pretty blue. Although at times they look slightly blue-green. My eyes are my favourite thing about myself, I adore them and find them beautiful.

4_ I used to think about the things that I had done that I later regretted, such as "oh if I hadn't been a douche at 16 I wouldn't have gotten fired, and then I wouldn't have had so many arguments with my mother regarding money (as I was living with her at the time.) I wouldn't have ended up living on my own, and doing this or that etc...but then I realized if none of that happened, I wouldn't have ended up living with a friend and meeting my son's dad through her and having my son, and he is the best thing I've ever done. So I don't. Because my choices all led directly to him, although I was unaware of it at the time. Although...I guess I regret not leaving his dad sooner, as the relationship wasn't a happy one and it would have saved a whole lot of pain if I'd had the strength to walk away long before I did. But I'm taking it as a learning experience and not dwelling upon it because life is too short.

5_ My favourite task was again the body writing task, that was created for the Sub Wars by Dravot. I'll expand a bit more here- I believe I stated in the Sub Wars thread that originally I dreaded that task due to self confidence levels and lack of self esteem, so I never even thought of writing personality traits on myself to begin with, and it was only after Rose posted her report that I began to consider it. Even whilst considering it I was still nervous about it and about what the outcome would be, would it help me or cause my self confidence to drop even further? I decided to go ahead with it anyway and it truly was an eye opener and convinced me of things I hadn't allowed myself to believe for several years. It's also something I constantly refer back to if I start becoming overwhelmed with negative self thinking.

6_ My worst task in terms of actually being awful to suffer through was the wedgie task for 24 hours, also created for the Sub Wars and by Dravot...(I'm starting to see a pattern here...) It was horrible, so uncomfortable and eventually it became excruciating. Before this task I was neither for or against wedgies, simply indifferent to them-they were either present or not, end of. But after that task...they received a spot firmly on my most disliked/hated things and are currently still holding that spot.

My worst task in terms of the task itself, are those that are things like "edge once." "corner time 30 minutes." "edge using your hands." "Stick something up your ass." and so forth. There's no thought or creativity in them, and that makes them incredibly boring to perform. I want a challenge, not something that requires no thought or effort from either the giver or the receiver. Which is probably why my inbox is filled with unanswered messages asking why I didn't report back on their dare from random people half of the time. If they're lucky they might get told to shoo.

7_ I think for me, this comes down to self preservation, possibly pride and/or stubbornness even. It isn't that I'm not feeling it or that I'm not silently thinking "oww motherfucker!" at times, but more so the fact when I was little I was beaten on a regular basis and eventually I learned not to cry out because I didn't want to give the person beating me any satisfaction from my cries. I learnt to control the pain and sort of 'block' myself off from it, and eventually this led me to developing a very high pain threshold, and now that it's consensual pain, I enjoy it very much. There has been times when 1Pupil has flogged me or used the cane or the crop on me and the day after he will state something like "wow, look at your back" because it's bruised so much from it to the point you'd think I would have broken down long before those sort of bruises were able to form.

I've found when he begins beating me with any implement I might originally move a little involuntarily, but that most of the time I can withstand the pain inflicted on me and as the beating goes on my mind starts to sort of close off. Once I get past those initial thoughts of "oww you motherfucker!" I don't really focus on anything specific, and I just focus on the pain and nothing else, my mind goes completely blank. It took a hell of a beating for me to really open and allow myself to cry for the first time with him, which I detailed in a blog post about tears being for the weak. Even after that one, off the top of my head I can only recall one other time where I really opened up and cried from it again.

8_ It's something that I'd never do, but the thought of being restrained and being forced to let a dog(s) fuck me is a major turn on for me. I once let the dog I used to have lick me out, but that was as far as it went and ever would go and I wouldn't do it again. Whilst the thought is a turn on (and I'm assuming that it's because of the humiliation factor for me) I would never be able to bring myself to go any further with that.

9_ Oh my. I have daily edges as a daily rule already, you mean, mean person! Haha, if 1Pupil approves this (as I'm fairly sure he will since one of his favourite things to do is have me frustrated on a long term basis) then of course
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Last edited by IceMaiden; 03-04-2014 at 06:18 AM.
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