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Old 04-25-2007, 11:17 PM   #2
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i am not from america. but i find the goverment 'ours and yours' (england)


here, there taking our money (not mine im too young)

and giving it to the people who have like 5 kids.
when they shouldnt have one.
they having them at like 10.
because there, anti social dirty tramps ^-^ known as the chav

they have 5 kids = they get loads of money from the goverment.

more and more stupid rules which we all need to follow. when i only want to live my life. as according to my religion. i only get 1 of. so why am i being hold back by some people i dont know.

yer i guess if there wasnt any rules it would be pure anarcy.

its nice to do things that the goverment dont want you to do.
eg: graffiti xD

tony blair, isnt going to be prime minister for much longer.
but once hes gone. some other prat will come.
you cant depend on a country being run by a group of people
it needs to be run by all of us.
and letting us just vote, isnt good enough

and why is suiside illegal. =/

my views are stupid. but its 7:17 in the morning.
and i just wanted to rant ^_^
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