Thread: Non-Fiction: Public Dare Diary
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Old 01-01-2014, 05:33 AM   #5
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Default Motorway Bridge Walks

I've done this dare twice recently, both over the M25 (one of the UK's main motorways).

The first time was at around 8am in the morning on a little country road bridge. I drove over the bridge and parked on a layby. The bridge had a concrete wall that was about mid thigh high. I then walked back to the bridge and stripped off leaving my clothes in some bushes a little way down a short foot path. I then walked slowly over the bridge (it was a 30 second walk) but obviously still needed to walk back to my clothes. So far the motorway had been busy but I don't think anyone had noticed that I was naked (at least no-one tooted or anything). When I turned around I saw that a car was approaching in the distance on the road I was actually walking on - I decided not to run as that would be cheating and so just kept walking back at the same slow pace. I had to cross the road to get back to my clothes and stepped out to do so just as the car pulled into view and got an eyeful. I walked slowly back to my clothes but I thought the car had stopped so I panicked and took off naked at a run down the footpath. I run for about 30 seconds and then stopped to get dressed - a good decision really as a jogger passed me just as I was pulling on my jumper!

The second time was over a footbridge at around 3pm. It had an odd spiral ramp to get up to it so I was very onshore as I went up (and the flag bit at the top only had railings). It took approximately 2 mins to walk slowly across the bridge and then I turned round to go back. When I got to the top of the bridge again I could see that a woman was nearly at the bottom of it in the direction I wanted to go. She looked quite young and was alone so I decided not to walk past her as I didn't want to scare her so I turned back the way I'd come and hid in some bushes until she passed (and got loads of thorns in my feet in the process). I'd got pretty cold so I decide to jog back to my clothes once she'd passed and got dressed without incident - in total I'd been outside naked for about 12 mins.
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