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Old 12-23-2013, 07:12 AM   #10
Happy Me
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Originally Posted by naked_lego View Post
I dare you to finally write those questions you have been meaning to write.
I will do it.
Not as much fun for everyone else to read about though!

Other updates:
  • Last night I had my remaining 2 orgasms, and licked them up for NorthlandDom, but once again it wasn't terribly messy and didn't taste like much. It did feel pretty humiliating, and I had been horny for long enough that it was pretty thick, which is not the most enjoyable thing to lick up and swallow ever (it is gross, like snot).
  • I also messaged NorthlandDom and asked him for something different than eating off of the floor. I really hate eating off of the floor! He said he would think about it and let me know today. Maybe if I try the nipple task again in a few days that would make up for it?
  • I rolled a 2 today, so no orgasms.
  • Last night I kikked my dommy a picture of me playing with my bullet on my clit for my picture task for him: so that is one of 5 keywords down.
  • I forgot all about the peeing task, but was reading the task list right after I woke up (and I had just peed), looked at the clock, and it was 6:10, so I am going to try to do that one today!
  • I just waited until 7:00 to get some of my spanks for the week done. I did 130/1000 paddle spanks on my butt, and 100/400 of the clit spanks. I really thought that it would be a good idea to get the clit spanks out of the way on a non orgasm day, because I have to spank my clit on orgasm days separately (unless I do my orgasms in the morning I guess...) GAH. Those clit spanks hurt. I have come a long way in the past 5.5 months though... I really only used to be able to do 5-10 clit spanks in a row, I guess my pain tolerance has gone up!
  • Today I have to go represent my employer in court, and there is something really fun and wonderful about the idea that I am going to do that with my ass all stingy.

I am about to leave for work, hopefully I will get off early and can come home, clean a bit, and then do some more dares for people!
What a beautiful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.
I’m sick, please be nice.
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