Thread: Non-Fiction: Public Dare Diary
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Old 12-09-2013, 03:31 PM   #2
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Default Dare #1: Randomised Clothing Run

This dare was inspired (but modified) by SNB's dare at This dare was done in the middle of the day with lots of people moving about.

I drove to one of the residential areas of my uni campus - basically it's like a big housing estate with roads and pathways. There are very 'courts' which are basically groups of houses with around a small open square area.

I parked the car at one end of the housing area and got out and locked the car, leaving the boot slightly ajar so that I would be able to get back into the car. I then walked to the opposite end of the housing area - this took around 5 minutes and hid my key and walked back to the car.

I climbed into the car through the boot and stripped naked. In the boot were 12 bin liners I'd prepared earlier. I'd jumbled all the bags up and just left the ties to close the bags exposed so I wouldn't know which bags had what in. of the 12 bags:

- 6 were empty
- 1 contained some cling film
- 1 contained a pair of boxers
- 1 contained a short t-shirt
- 1 contained a small pair or shorts
- 1 contained a towel
- 1 contained some tin foil

When the coast seem clear I jumped out the car taking two random bags with me. I then slammed the boot meaning I was locked out and naked, and had to get the key back to get back into the car.

I hid briefly in a rubbish/bin area to look through my bags (I didn't want to stay near the car and have the car registration identified). Both bags were empty. Now I really was stuck and naked in broad daylight with 10 minutes of walking to get to my key and then back to my car!

I took off at a jog, and several people saw me generating lots of catcalls and cheers. I did nearly round a corner into a big group of guys but I saw them early and stepped back and hid for a few seconds to allow them to pass! Running back again I was seen by a lot of people but generally there was no incident except for one guy who I pretty much ran into that swore at me!

Once back in the car I quickly drove off (just a little way) and then got redressed.

However, I wasn't feeling quite satisified and so I decided to redo the dare. I made a couple of changes:
- I hid the key down the main cycle and footpath that leads from the accommodation area to main campus (this was approx. a 3 or 4 minute walk)
- I decided to just do the dare naked and not even see if I got any clothes from the bin liners in the car
- I decided I would force myself to walk (i.e. no running allowed).

By the time I actually started this dare it was the change over time for lectures so there were a lot of students on the path. I felt very exposed because walking made it seem like the dare went on forever; and as the path is very long and straight I was on display for a long time!

I set off calmly walking down the path and just kept going. It was quite amusing hearing people's shock as I walked past them. That said this walk was fairly brisk - I think next time I do a dare like this want to slow everything down and really act like there is nothing unusual or odd going on at all.

After a few minutes I got to the short side path to where I had hidden my key. I think walking back was worse as lots of the people were people I'd already overtaken on my way to the key and for some reason it was more embarrassing turning to face them (even though [I]'d been front on to some people on my walk out.

On the way back I got back to the car without incident. However, a couple of groups did cross to the other side of the footpath as I approached!

What was interesting about this dare is that when I did it the first time and ran I got lots of cheers and whistling. The second time I made myself walk and there were no cheers or anything, just some giggling and whispering. It seems that because I acted calm and normal everyone else seemed more ok with the random naked guy on the path as well.

I would estimate that during this dare between 50 and 100 people saw me.
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