Thread: Fiction: Nude sleepover [FICTON]
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Old 08-03-2013, 10:49 AM   #45
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Default Chapter 7

Guys, I put a lot of thought and ideas into this after you've gave me your choices. I had considered a lot of story lines and plots but after a suggestion, this was the story I finally wrote. I intend to get back to sex etc. soon but don't worry, you'll enjoy this. As far as I know this is very different from other stories so give me a chance to thaw it out! Let me know what your think!!

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September. A God forsaken month if you ask me. Back to school and bad weather. Ugh! There was, however, one good thing about this particular September...SCHOOL TRIP! Yes! That's right. It was school trip time and we were headed for sunny Spain. To be honest, I wasn't sure just how sunny it would be in September, but it had to be better than Seattle.

Sorry...I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ashley. I'm 16 and I attend Seattle High School. It's a great school, but school's school, and no body likes going to school.

There was however one downside to the whole school trip to Spain...

I hated flying. I always have. The taking off and landing always made me sick and sitting for hours made me restless.

I stared out at the endless sky. The clouds which had once been fluffy, white and innocent had turned hard, dark and ominous.

"Ashley, are you even listening to me?" Tom asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah, course.. Something about girls and beaches... You know, the usual !" I joked.

"No, I was saying that Peter and Hannah look like they're getting VERY friendly over there"

We hadn't chose who we sat beside, it was just whatever seat you were given. I'd gotten Tom as my partner which I didn't mind. We sat beside each other in a few classes and got along well. My brother, Peter, had got Hannah. They'd never spoken before and I'd spent the past few days listening to him moan about wanting to sit beside his friends. Looking at them now, it was obvious he'd gotten over it. He had his hand quite obviously down Hannah's skirt as she wriggled about uncontrollably in her seat. He better watch Miss Murphy didn't make her way over to the bathroom, they'd have definitely been caught!

Suddenly, the plane jerked up and down - turbulence probably.

"Shit!" I muttered, grasping toms arm for support.

"Haha, calm down, it's just a little wind." Tom laughed, " I think you're cutting off the blood flow in my arm."

The shaking still hadn't stopped - infact it had got worse. This was NOT just a little wind. The fasten seat belts sign flashed on but I had never risked taking mine off anyway.

"Sorry," I muttered, "I just really, really hate flyi -"

I was cut off mid sentence by a violent jerk of the plane which sent my head toward the back of the seat Infront.

"Oh shit, are you okay ?" Tom asked as the oxygen masks dropped down.
So it was serious ! I knew it. Just my luck - the one time I actually get on a plane, it crashes ! I looked around and seen everyone's reactions. Some of the girls cried, some of the guys laughed (acting brave ) and the others, like me, just sat in shock.

"Put on your fucking mask, idiot !" Tom snapped.

I grabbed my mask. "Just a little wind, eh ?" I muttered at Tom as I put on my mask.

When we first got on the plane I had made Tom swap seats with me so that I could sit on the outside - I liked easy access to the bathroom. I regretted that decision the minute luggage start falling from the overhead compartments. I looked up at the compartment across from me and seen a briefcase gradually slipping out from the shelf with every violent jerk of the plane. If it fell - id get a bad hit across the head. The sound of a loud roar and crack followed by screaming and the sudden blast of wind flying by me distracted me.

I turned to look at the back of the plane and instead could only see the dark black sky.

The plane had broke in half.

The tail section was gone.

I felt a scream rising up inside me.

Before it could be released I felt a sharp pain in my head and blacked out.

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