Thread: Singing
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Old 08-01-2013, 03:58 PM   #3
Starchy Sadist
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1. Do you sing often? In private or in front of people?
Whenever I'm alone, and definitely in private...but yeah, pretty often.

2. How would you rate your voice on a scale of 1-10?
4 or 5?

3. Has anyone else ever commented on your singing voice in a positive way and what did they say?
A friend told me once that I sound like a Siren. I responded: Yes, I do in fact sound like a police siren.

4. In a negative way? (I hope these answers are funny)
One time my brother heard a song that I used to sing a lot and he was like "Oh, THIS is the original song? The way you were singing it I didn't think it was a good song!" ...I popped him upside the head for that.

5. What is your favorite kind of music to sing? Favorite song or artist?
Symphonic Metal, Soft Rock, Comedy Rock, and yeah...whatever other songs are catchy.

6. If not the same as above, what kind of music do you think you sound best singing?
I probably sound alright singing some rock songs and Disney songs.

7. What kind of music do you sound terrible singing?
Everything else.

8. Have you ever won any kind of award for singing?

9. On a different hand, can you rap?
Hell no. D:

10. And finally, is your singing voice higher, lower, or similar to your speaking voice?
My range is about the same as my speaking voice.

Oh, and if you want I dare you to post a recording of you singing. If you're good please please do this! And if you're not, go ahead and do it anyway; just learn to laugh at yourself and it will be humorous for us and you!

Someday. Thanks for this thread.
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