Thread: Singing
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Old 08-01-2013, 03:49 PM   #7
getDare Succubus
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1. Do you sing often? In private or in front of people?
As much as possible. I'm usually at least humming something, but I tend to forget that I'm not by myself and I start singing along to things properly sometimes. Today I walked into a shop and heard "So Lonely" by The Police and got to the end of the chorus before I realised it was in public, haha. However, if people pick up on my humming/singing then I tend to quieten down, but everyone who knows me either ignores me or joins in by this point

2. How would you rate your voice on a scale of 1-10?
Hm... I'm really bad with talking about my abilities (or lack of them, as the case may be) but I'd go for maybe a 7? I should hope it's half-decent by this point seeing as I keep practising and my voice is finally maturing.

3. Has anyone else ever commented on your singing voice in a positive way and what did they say?
Well, I get nice comments at church, but that's because they're all nice people :P But they always make sure to say when something sounds particularly good, or when I've done a solo.

4. In a negative way? (I hope these answers are funny)
I can't think of any funny things people have said, but according to one of my friends, someone at school gets really annoyed by my constant singing. No idea who, but I found it funny... and I'm almost relieved that someone's actually noticed enough to find it irritating. Wish I knew who it was so I could annoy them more, though ;p

5. What is your favorite kind of music to sing? Favourite song or artist?
Ooh... I'll sing along to anything I can, really. I really like singing things from musicals, because I can get into it and be a bit silly But there are some choral pieces that are just... well, heavenly to sing :P Favourite song/artist... erm... too much choice! I quite like singing Blurred Lines at the moment (I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing it) but I often find myself singing Killer Queen, and as far as choral music goes... well, anything Christmassy. Or Advent-ish. And Stanford's Magnificat. And Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring... though I usually end up singing the organ part. I'll stop geeking out now :P

6. If not the same as above, what kind of music do you think you sound best singing?
Probably choral things. It's what I'm most used to because I've been in a church choir since I was little, and it's the music I practise most regularly. Oh, that and lullabies.

7. What kind of music do you sound terrible singing?
Haha, I think there are quite a few... anything vaguely rock-ish (though nothing will stop me singing Paramore songs when I'm annoyed :P) and anything all that jazzy, either, unfortunately *sadface* My voice just really doesn't suit it. Again, not that it stops me. Oh, and I really cannot rap though sometimes I do when I'm alone in my room

8. Have you ever won any kind of award for singing?
I won a talent contest at a holiday place (like Butlins) when I was 7 or 8 (which I'm still kind of proud of, ngl :P) but I can't think of any real awards or anything, and I'm guessing exams don't count, haha.

9. On a different hand, can you rap?
Not as far as I'm aware :P I've never trying rapping anything when anyone else can hear. Except my brother. But that was just to make him laugh, haha.

10. And finally, is your singing voice higher, lower, or similar to your speaking voice?
I think it's higher. At the moment I really seem to be struggling with the low notes. I can't sing them loud enough.

Oh, and if you want I dare you to post a recording of you singing. If you're good please please do this! And if you're not, go ahead and do it anyway; just learn to laugh at yourself and it will be humorous for us and you!
Well, there is a recording of me singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Slut" on my Soundcloud, but I'm not sure that really counts as proper singing :P Still, it seems to make people laugh.

Thanks Mandi, I enjoyed answering these

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Last edited by Siren; 08-01-2013 at 04:11 PM.
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