Thread: Singing
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Old 08-01-2013, 03:39 PM   #4
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[QUOTE=**Mandi**;1042738]Well, earlier I was thinking about how I love to sing but I am absolutely god-awful at it and I got to wondering if anyone on GetDare had a secret singing talent so here are some questions..

1. Do you sing often? In private or in front of people? I will hum along and sometimes jokingly belt out to a song
2. How would you rate your voice on a scale of 1-10? like a 4 maybe haha
3. Has anyone else ever commented on your singing voice in a positive way and what did they say? um they said i have a jazzy kinda voice
4. In a negative way? (I hope these answers are funny) oh god yes, i have been told (by rude girls) that my singing is god awful
5. What is your favorite kind of music to sing? Favorite song or artist? I love singing alternitive, so like Blink182, Angels and Airwaves, oooor oldies like Billy Joel and Bon Jovi
6. If not the same as above, what kind of music do you think you sound best singing? I sound best singing low belty songs
7. What kind of music do you sound terrible singing? anything with high notes
8. Have you ever won any kind of award for singing? HA no
9. On a different hand, can you rap? i dont mean to brag or anything but i know all of Ice Ice Baby, it's kinda a big deal
10. And finally, is your singing voice higher, lower, or similar to your speaking voice? around the same

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