Thread: Male DICE TRUTH
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Old 07-15-2013, 12:43 AM   #133
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Five for me :/

What color are your eyes? Brown
What's your operating system(Windows 95, Mac OSX?)? Windows 7
What's your favorite band? My Chemical Romance
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Christoph Waltz
What's your favorite movie? Hard to say, let's say Inglorious Basterds

What kind of underwear are you wearing? Calvin Klein Boxers
Wat's your sexuality? Bi, with a preference to guys
Do you have an erection right now? Yes.
What city do you live in (I don't need country or state, just a city)? Vancouver
Are you a virgin? Unfortunetly

How often do you masturbate? Multiple times a day
How long is your *erect* penis? 4 inches
How long is you *flaccid/limp* penis?2 inches
Dildo or vibrator? Vibrator
Chains or leather? Leather

What's the farthest you've gone with a girl? I accidently touch boobs a lot XD
What's the farthest you've gone with a guy? Having a guy lead me on a collar and chain
Sub or dom? Sub <3
What kinds of sex toys do you own?
If you got hold of your dream celebrity, what *exactly* would you do to them? Have them tie me up and do whatever they want

Lvl5: BONUS ROUND 1~In bed:
Zac Efron or Leonardo di Caprio? di Caprio
Lubed or dry? Lube that shit up.
Anal or oral (giving)? Oral
Anal or oral (receiving)? Anal.
Condom or bare? Bare.

Lvl6: BONUS ROUND 2~ On your penis:
Toothpaste or blood? Toothpaste
Peanut butter or caramel? Caramel
Salt or pepper (on glans/head)? IDK never tried that
Glue or duct tape? Duct tape
Rubbing alcohol or red ants? Ants

Lvl7: BONUS ROUND 3~Anal:
Ice or enema? Enema
Walnut or pecan? Walnut
Penis or dildo? Penis
2 aspirin tablets or 2 antacid tablets? Aspirin
Another guy's urine or 8 other guy's semen? Semen
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