Thread: Ask about Islam
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Old 06-30-2013, 05:02 AM   #96
Be afraid
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Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
I usually define words by their common use in the dictionary. Try it sometime. Although it does make slanting stories more difficult.
So you don't want to want to respond to my points regarding persecution of Muslims in Eastern Europe? No, I didn't think so. You obviously have nothing further to add as you are just resorting to petty insults now. I'll reply to the rest of your points and then if you have any further points, you can PM me as the point of the thread is to ask questions.

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
Good thing I never said that it was widespread and in every single country and every single case. A common trick, as you used here, is to manufacture a far more extreme set of criteria than originally used, then to denounce that "suddenly extreme" statement as being false. All the while, the original statement is forgotten. You don't score by distorting and avoiding a direct answer to a simple statement.
Quoting you exactly, "Paint it however you want but if you want to die a gruesome death or rot in a prison, be a Muslim who converts to Christianity in the Middle East". I haven't twisted your words in any way. Had you said, "Certain converts get horrific treatment in some parts of the Middle East" then I would be inclined to agree with you. That's not what you said though. Throughout your posts, you have made very general statements and then when challenged on them, you have quickly backtracked.

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
Yes, those radicals are ejected from the mosques. And then the majority of Muslims simply turn their backs and pretend the extremists did not exist. They normally do NOT tell law enforcement or otherwise act to protect non-Muslims who will likely be victims of those extremists. THAT is my criticism. And NO, I am not law enforcement or military.
The point that I was making with you not being law enforcement is that how do you know who does and does not inform on other people? You have no idea.

In respect of the Boston Bomber, as far as I recall, he was ejected from a mosque for saying that an Imam can not used MLK in a sermon as he was not a Muslim. It is a large jump to go from that to killing people in a bombing. It is not always easy to inform on a suspected terrorist because they are not going to make it easy for people to know that they are about to commit a terrorist attack.

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
Maybe you haven't noticed, but you are in the UK, not Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, etc. England is a predominantly CHRISTIAN land. If you want moral outrage, go to the Middle East, the homeland of Islam. And the police in the first item you noted already arrested a 75-year-old loner. The other two are so recent to the reports that you need to trust in your HOST country's law enforcement to do it's job. You are not in Syria or Iraq or Egypt. If you feel those countries have superior results, I would comment to "not let the door hit you in the butt on your way out."
Your xenophobia is coming out now. Firstly, I was born in England and my Dad works for the British Government so don't give me any of "HOST country" crap. This is my country as much as anyone else's.

Secondly, the reason why I posted the three articles was to show you that it is almost impossible to stop someone if they are hell bent on committing a crime. You can be sure that multiple people know who burnt down the mosque and tried to burn down a school (with children in it might I add) but no-one has come forward. Do you feel the EDL are to blame for not informing on whoever carried out the attacks?

Another reason I posted them was to show to you the indifferent response that those three attacks got in the Western press. Before I posted those articles, how much did you know about them honestly? Had there been a bomb at a Church, a Church burned down or an arson attack on a Christian school with children in it - can you imagine how much press it would have got? I direct to you my statement about the media.

Lastly, I never once criticised the police in respect of their response to the attacks. That's just your xenophobia coming out.

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
No, I never said that. AGAIN! I simply pointed out the PREDOMINANCE of it happening with your chosen religion of this topic, than with any other majority religion. YOU picked to promote Islam. That is your prerogative. I simply pointed out how Islam has significant skeletons in its closet. Since I did not promote any other religion as superior or fault-free, you cannot deflect what I said into "everyone else is doing it too so it's not my fault."
Again quoting you directly, "Try to toss it off on "the problem is everywhere" because well, it isn't." Backtracking again?

Also, this thread was never made to promote Islam. It is a thread to ask questions about Islam because a lot of people may not have Muslim friends or be comfortable going into a Mosque to ask such questions.

If I wanted to promote or preach Islam then I would be posting links to scholars who are far more educated than me. Do you really think me answering questions about whether Muslims can shave their pubic hair is going to make people convert?

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
Your argument that because a source is not "unbiased" must mean that the source's information is wrong is horrendously invalid. You have NOT proven that the information is flawed, and by whose definition of "unbiased" are we to go, yours? Mine? Neither your opinion nor mine about ANY source will make its information any more or less factual. I suggest that you work on the factual basis of an article to decide its validity and not on whether that source meets your personal approval.
Oh dear. Human Rights Watch and the US State Department (i.e. your government) have said they can not verify the figures. The Vatican themselves did not comment on what Tomasi said.

Tomasi himself has not given any proof or explanation has to how he got to that figure so how can you say that we should all concentrate on the facts of the article when there are none? If I said to you that 1 billion Muslims are living under threat of persecution, is that a fact merely because I have said it?


Anyway, like I said at the beginning, you are no longer asking any questions. If you would like to continue this then feel free to PM me.
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- Mark Twain
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