Thread: Ask about Islam
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Old 06-29-2013, 10:03 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
Go to Google. Do a search with these three words: [Christians persecute Muslims] and look at the results. Now swap the order to [Muslims persecute Christians] and look at the results again. Pretty much identical and it is heavily leaning to links about Muslims persecuting Christians, predominantly in the Middle East countries of Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria.
It depends on how you define persecution. Try being a Muslim in Chechyna or a Muslim in the Balkans 20 years ago. Bear in mind that you live in the West where the press will obviously report persecution of Christianity more heavily than the other way around. Likewise, if you are living in the West then persecution of Muslims will hold more weight.

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
Paint it however you want but if you want to die a gruesome death or rot in a prison, be a Muslim who converts to Christianity in the Middle East. By contrast, you could live in Rome and convert to Islam without gaining a death sentence.
Whilst I won't deny that may happen in certain circumstances, it is inaccurate to say that this is widespread and in every single country and every single case. A lot of the top schools in Pakistan are Christianity based because they receive better private funding. A lot of Muslim children are sent abroad to American and UK schools which have their roots in Christianity. These people do not return to their country and become persecuted.

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
My problem is when the "90%" do too little to stop the known troublemaking faction BEFORE a tragedy is borne. Why is it so necessary for law enforcement and government intelligence to infiltrate a mosque to discover plots before they hatch? If that vast majority of Muslims did more to police their own members, there would be far fewer religious persecutions, murders, acid-assaults, and bombings.
Are you in law enforcement? How do you know people have not reported groups who are planning attacks. Again, bear in mind that the cells who are planning attacks are not going to around advertising that the are about to bomb somewhere.

As you said in your previous paragraph, 99.9 of Muslims are in no way linked to extremists so why should they blamed for inaction when it is almost impossible to stop it.

Using your logic - why was there inaction amongst the community for events such as a bomb at a mosque, an arson attack a mosque and even an arson attack a school.

How much press have those three incidents gotten? Imagine if the bomb was at a church.

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
And to preempt, of course Muslims are not the only ones worldwide who commit crimes. But this thread was started to clear up and educate about Islam and its followers. So the topic is Muslims, not everyone else. Please stay on your own topic and not try to toss it off on "the problem is everywhere" because well, it isn't.
You are saying that the problem only lies with Islam when there is more than enough proof that this occurs around the world regardless of religion. In order to argue against your opinion, of course other religions will need to be brought into it to provide context.

Originally Posted by Sharp Shooter View Post
The last item is my suggestion to not show your own prejudice too soon. To attack a news source without proof that the story they publish is actually false is a bad tactic.
Firstly, the Vatican has refused to comment on what that particular spokesman has said. Furthermore, the organisations that they have used for comment in the article are all pro-Christian groups. The only non-biased group they got a quote from said:

"Dinah Pokempner, general counsel for Human Rights Watch, was not able to independently verify the Vatican's figure, but said, "I think there’s little doubt that every week, every day, someone in the world is being persecuted – even to the point of losing their life – based on their religion."

"Persecution is a daily event on the basis of religion," Pokempner said. "This persecution affects Christians just as it does Muslims, Jews, Bahá'ís and people of other faiths.""

The problem is not associated solely with Islam and it would be incredibly naive to think so.
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