Thread: Male DICE TRUTH
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Old 06-25-2013, 03:25 AM   #122
Barer of Feet
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 527

I rolled a 5 for the first roll, so I just rolled once for the question I won't answer.

What color is your hair? Reddish-brown
What color are your eyes? Blue
What's your operating system(Windows 95, Mac OSX?)? Windows 7
What's your favorite band? Dream Theater
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Johnny Depp

What kind of underwear are you wearing? None!
What color of underwear are you wearing? Invisible!
Wat's your sexuality? Gay

What city do you live in (I don't need country or state, just a city)? Eau Claire
Are you a virgin? Nope.

How often do you masturbate? Depends... on average, probably once a week-ish.

How long is you *flaccid/limp* penis? Un... *blushes* Inverted. It likes to hide inside.
Dildo or vibrator? Vibe!
Chains or leather? Ooh... chains.
What is your most odd fetish? Odd? In real life, having my inner forearms played with. In fantasy, uh... mutilation/cannibalism torture/gore fetish... *shy grin*

What's the farthest you've gone with a girl? Kissing and cuddling, with boob fondling, and a hand down my pants.
What's the farthest you've gone with a guy? Full oral, limited anal including fingering and rimjobs.
Sub or dom? Definitely submissive.
What kinds of sex toys do you own? A big purple dildo (that I don't really like), and an Aneros, which is divine.

What's the farthest you've gone with a family member? Uh... curious mutual touching of genitals.

Lvl5: BONUS ROUND 1~In bed:

Lubed or dry? Uh... for anal? Lubed. Everything else, dry.
Anal or oral (giving)? Oral! I adore sucking on things.
Anal or oral (receiving)? Definitely oral here too. Asses are just... holes. *shrugs* Mouths can actually do things!
Naked or underwear? For sex? Who the hell has sex in their underwear? Why is this even a question? Oh... maybe it means for sleeping? Naked then, too. Haha!
Condom or bare? Bare. I uh... barely work as it is, with limited sensation in my penis, so any dulling of that limited sensation means -no- sex, no safe sex.

Lvl6: BONUS ROUND 2~ On your penis:
Toothpaste or blood? Yeesh. Um. Blood, if it's -my- blood. Otherwise, *cringes from experience* toothpaste.

Peanut butter or caramel? Caramel
Salt or pepper (on glans/head)? Never tried either, but... I'm gonna assume salt wouldn't be fun at all, so... pepper.
Glue or duct tape? Glue.
Rubbing alcohol or red ants? Heh... much as it burns like a bitch, alcohol. Though there is a really hot dare I saw once... actually I think I'll just post it!

Lvl7: BONUS ROUND 3~Anal:
Ice or enema? Enema

Penis or dildo? Penis... *moans*
Violet wand or unlubed fist? Whoa. Uh... the wand please. Fisting is hot! My ass however, likes to bleed a lot...
2 aspirin tablets or 2 antacid tablets? Umm... why in the world would you do that? Aspirin? I guess? I'd rather not froth at the ass...
Another guy's urine or 8 other guy's semen? Wow... I'd go with one other guy's urine.
Kik: Barefoot_Alien
PM me or Kik me for my Discord ID for longer conversations.

I most enjoy giving dares involving exhibitionism, nudity, orgasms, and bare feet.

I like to give dares/commands to people who are eager and grateful to obey, not ones who have to be blackmailed or brow-beaten into doing things.

I do not support chastity or long-term denial. My philosophy as a dom is almost diametrically opposed.

I adore, encourage, and truthfully answer, virtually all questions.
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