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NikkiBlue 02-23-2008 07:19 AM

The Perfect Game [Fiction]
--My first story written on getDare, depending how this one goes I may write more! :)

And just because I couldn't think of anything more original than my own religious name as a name for the main character, I might as well let you know, it's pronounced "ruh-ven-uh", not "ray-veen-ah", or "ruh-veen-ay" or even "ray-vayn-ah."
No, just pronounce it with a nice Midwest accent and nobody gets hurt. It is "ruh.ven.uh."
Ravena Moondown stood in the garage of a friend, her fourth and last Bacardi of the night in her hand. She was talking to Casey. And, apparently, a friend of his. Jason McLouden, to be specific. Jason was a good six foot tall, at least. Or, at least a bit taller than her own meager 5'4". His eyes were gray and he had a musician's beard going on. They had been flirting for the past hour while Ravena's current boyfriend shot smoldering glares at both of them from across the room.

She had come to the party so she could babysit her boyfriend's children. But she told him at sunset she was done. THere were other kids there, after all, and other women who were not interested in drinking. So they could watch them. And so she had set out to make her boyfriend jealous. He hadn't paid attention to her for the past few weeks. She had come to the party and found her target. Or, he had found her. Probably because she was the youngest, prettiest, and most well-endowed girl there. He wasn't so bad himself, she thought, though her mind was rather slow to put the thought together. Before she knew it, he had asked her to go outside with him.

Sitting out on the tailgate of Jason's truck, Ravena looked up at the sky. "There's no stars. We're not in that big of a town. How come there's no stars?" She asked, looking at the man sitting next to her.

"There are. They're just...not in the sky." He replied, looking pointedly at her. Any other time she would have put him off for stupid pick up lines. But just at that moment, she didn't care.

"Oh? And where are they, then? Since you seem to know who has taken them." Ravena asked, leaning towards him a little, her already pouty lips puckering ever so slightly.

"Well, that's just it, I thought they were in your eyes, but--it seems that boyfriend of yours has put them away somewhere." Jason said, looking at her lips as he spoke.

"Ah. I see. Well, do you think there's anything you can do to bring them back again?" She asked, tilting her head playfully. She regretted the movement though, as it caused her to lose her balance and nearly fall.

"I know of a few ways, but they are reserved for good kissers." He replied, looking away.

"Oh, so I'm not a good kisser?" Ravena demanded, her eyebrows rushing together defensively.

"I don't know, I haven't kissed you yet." Jason murmured, turning his face back towards her.

"Well...then I dare you to do so!" She laughed, tilting her head back a little. She didn't expect Jason to really kiss her. But before she knew it, his lips were upon hers. And stayed that way for a good two or three minutes before she broke away. Just as she broke away, her boyfriend walked out of the house.

"I'm taking the kids home, let's go." He yelled from across the street. Looking at her new-found interest she smiled quickly, winked, then looked back towards the street light that was oh-so-bright.

"No, I'm staying here." She called back. After an unpleasant exchange that was yelled back and forth, her boyfriend decided to go home and leave her there. She was told to find another place to sleep. The order didn't really bother her though. She would have somewhere to sleep-and it would be with Jason. If she played her cards right.

After flirting a bit longer, Jason helped her down and she went around to the front of the truck by herself. She didn't feel very good. Maybe the six beers that had followed...wait, was it six? No, only two or three. No, more than that....oh, my goddess, how much had she been drinking? No matter. It all started coming back up. Jason was at her side in an instant, pulling her hair back as she vomited for a few minutes straight.

After Ravena was done, Jason asked if she was ok and let her go. she walked a few steps, then laid down in the ditch. It was damp, and cool, and oh so soft. It felt like hours, but was only seconds, before hands were pulling her up.

"Nhh...nhhh!" She protested. "Dark....tired..." She said, but to no avail. They were talking about...wait, what was it? Oh, yeah. They were going to call somebody to take them home. Her, too? Yes, her too. Oh thank Goddess. No more bright lights, no more loud noise...just bed. Oh, and Jason. Must. Have. Jason.

Soon, a white truck pulled up. Jason got in and she was hoisted up into his lap. Then the truck started moving. Trying to keep her eyes open only made her nauseous. She shut her eyes and leaned her head against Jason's strong, capable chest.

It didn't seem like the truck turned at all after she was nestled against Jason. She later would not recall even moving. All she knew was that, when the truck stopped, she moved to the window and vomited. How ladylike, waiting until the truck had stopped to be sick in front of three men she didn't know. Oh, there it was. A trailer. Home.

Jason carried her in like she weighed no more than a rag doll. He set her down on the loveseat, then sat next to her, a bowl somehow appearing in one hand and a tall glass of water in the other.

"Drink slowly." He commanded her, putting the glass to her lips. Slow was not in her vocabulary at the moment, though. She downed half the glass of water, then suddenly pushed the glass away and threw up everything she had just consumed into the bowl. She looked up at him. She was pagan, so...maybe he was a God. Sent to her this night to save her from an untimely death. Yes. He had the body of a god. Toned, and...tall, and strong. Nice hands, and a soft voice. She squirmed a little. Then he said something about putting her to bed. Bed?! No!

He picked her up and carried her back to a bedroom. As he was setting her down, she opened her eyes and talked sensibly for the first time in the past couple hours. "Please, no. Stay, I'm're so warm..." She begged piteously, her auburn hair falling in satin layers on the pillow around her. He must have liked what he saw, because he took off his coat and layed next to her.

They laid in silence for awhile, then he looked at her. "You realize you can't leave until I do, right?" Jason asked, looking at her. Ravena opened her eyes and looked at him, then nodded and snuggled against him in a feline manner. " long as we both realize that, let's play a game."

"I don't wanna play a game tonight!" Ravena protested. She was tired. All she wanted was to sleep. Or ravage him. Or have him do so to her. It mattered not.

"Starting tomorrow morning then, you will be my pet until further notice." He whispered, his lips grazing her earlobe temptingly. "You do as I say, I take you home soon. You be a bad girl, and...well, there's no telling when you'll go home."

She shivered and looked at him drunkenly. "Say what?" And suddenly, it dawned on her. He didn't just want a one-night stand. This, she thought, was much, much better.

BeX25 02-23-2008 07:30 AM

I like this so far but I want to know what she has to do. Can not wait for the next part.


Kitty 02-23-2008 09:56 AM

i would love more like bex

Trystaan 02-23-2008 03:05 PM

Woah for a first story that is pretty dang good. Plenty of description and storyline. There may be a new writer emerging.

Please continue with the same standard as the first one:)

NikkiBlue 02-24-2008 03:37 AM

Later that night...
Thanks to all who commented, I love feedback. ^.^ Here is the second installment, and thanks for taking the time to read it.
Jason waited until the girl laying next to him was sleeping before climbing carefully out of bed. She was attractive, no doubt, and obviously had class. It was a shame he would have to break her spirit. He pulled his coat back on and stepped outside the trailer for a smoke. The other two men looked at him through the window, their eyebrows raised. It was only then Jason remembered that he was allowed to smoke inside.

"Look," He said quietly, coming back through the door. "She's not like them. I can almost guarantee you that she's tight, clean, and at least a little naive." Giving the other two a conspiratory grin, he gestured with his hands. "Tomorrow we're taking her down to the usual spot--you know, in Gulfport, to the first club. Tomorrow she drops her supposed airs and becomes Dallas, from God only knows where, the fresh meat for the local men."

Even as he spoke, his mind filled with possibilities. Dallas MacLeland was going to take the local strip club scene by storm--if she was a bad girl tomorrow. And he'd make sure to set up impossible tasks. Talking to her tonight, he had learned some of her childish fears and phobias. Her thing about spiders, for instance. There was a woodshed just dying to be cleaned, and who else to clean it but Dallas? And she wanted him. As her Master, he needed no reason to do anything. Nor did he have to tell her what he expected of her. So when she woke up and tried coming on to him, well...Master is off limits. She would have to be punished.

Maybe that was a bit harsh, though. After all, she had never, to his knowledge,been trained to do this sort of thing before. He suddenly glanced up to realize the front of Dallas's size 4 panties were staring him in the face. He looked up at her and realized for the first time just how well endowed she was. Blame it on the lighting. "Are you ok?" He asked, standing up so that once again he stood a good few inches above her. She reached out and plucked at his sleeve, looking at the floor.

"I thought you were going to stay with me." She pouted, moving just a smidge closer to him. And suddenly he decided to give her a taste of what being with him was like. Pulling her to him, he looked down into her tired face.

"I'd hate to take advantage of a sweet but intoxicated person such as yourself." He murmured, laying the trap for her.

"But I'm not drunk." She protested, holding out her hands in proof. "Ten fingers, I see. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...ten." She counted, wiggling each finger as she counted it off. " I can count to ten, I'm sober." She argued, but it came out sounding "Ikin counta tin, I'ms obur."

He laughed and picked her up again, carrying her this time to the back of the trailer and a queen-sized water bed. She looked comical, laying there in the middle of the bed, but oddly raw, too, like earth that is overly fertile and has not yet been used for crops. Oh, but he expected a rich harvest. She turned her emerald eyes on him and reached her arms out. "I'm tired."

You won't be, after I get to you. Thought Jason, but he just smiled. Then proceeded to strip himself of his clothing and crawl into bed with her. As he caressed her, lulling her into security with sweet nothings spoken aloud and seemingly sincerely, he realized just what a prize she was. Not necessarily something he wanted to share. Her skin was like velvet milk, and it fairly glowed in the dim light. Her breasts were ample, and obviously natural, whiter still than the rest of her. Then his attention was drawn to her nipple area. Her areolas might be somewhat large, but her nipples were a light rosy pink, and absurdly tiny for the breasts that they adorned.

And, as he penetrated her, he said, in a matter-of-fact tone. "You're the tightest girl in the area, you know that?" Nevermind the startled look on her face. She just bit her lower lip and nodded. For an hour or so, he ravaged her as though his body couldn't get enough of her, and she responded in kind. Suddenly, though, she murmured a complaint about being sore and he stopped, as it was obvious both were too drunk to finish.

She collapsed next to him and again he waited until she fell asleep, then he took her to the living room and chained her to the leg of a couch, putting a blanket over her naked body on the dirty carpet of the trailer. She stirred momentarily, murmured sleepily about being stoned, then all was quiet again. The two other men had already gone to sleep. Before retiring himself, Jason left a brief note by Ravena's bed area. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

BeX25 02-24-2008 04:32 AM

WOW ! That turned me on..... Can not wait to hear what happens to Dallas. Keep feeding us more of this adictable story. :)

x_daringbaby 02-24-2008 06:42 PM

I am enjoying this story so much!

Naughtybaby 02-24-2008 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by BeX25 (Post 52016)
WOW ! That turned me on..... Can not wait to hear what happens to Dallas. Keep feeding us more of this adictable story. :)

same i cant tell u how much this makes me wanna read more its an awsome story

NikkiBlue 02-24-2008 11:46 PM

A few hours later, Ravena woke up. Her back was killing her. This waterbed was--oh, wait. Where was she? Her head was pounding as she sat up and looked around, the pale light of dawn the only visual aid she was getting. A couch, a old tv, a video rack...but in a trailer. Last thing she remembered, she was on the tailgate of a...oh, no. She hadn't. She couldn't even remember his name. Something about a J. She remembered he was attractive, but was he attractive enough to lure her into his bed last night?

As she thought, her eyes fell on a neatly folded piece of printing paper. Picking it up, she read it thoughtfully. "Nice handwriting..." She muttered.

'Ravena,' Began the note. 'Or, should I say Dallas? Last night was very interesting, but be aware that it shall not happen again for quite some time. As your Master...' Wait, she thought. Master? What was this about, anyway? Oh, god. She vaguely remembered him saying something about a game. And that was before..what had happened next? Oh, right, she had been ravaged. And enjoyed every second of it. Ravena attempted to stand up, only to realize her feet were bound to the couch. Looking at the gleam of her restraints in the ever-increasing sunlight, she squirmed a little. Maybe he'd come out and take her again. She remembered the paper in her hand and began reading.

'...I will expect you to follow simple rules. Three. They are not to be broken, ever, for any reason. They are as follows:
1. Always address yourself as "She, it, her" or any derogative term I see fit to apply later, and always address me as "Sir, or Master" unless given permission not to do so while in public.

2. I expect my orders to be carried out promptly, correctly, and without question, no matter what.

3. You will not do anything without first asking.

I believe that this is a good start, but of course rules are subject to change at any time, and for any reason. Should any of these rules be broken, trust that there will be severe punishments. All I expect from you, other than the rules,is cleanliness. There is no excuse not to be showered every day before you present yourself to me, which will happen at 9 o'clock sharp. Not 8.59. Not 9.01. 9 o'clock. Now, about your name. You are no longer Ravena. She does not exist except to your family and business affairs. Your name is now Dallas MacLeland. Learn it, and use it when I take you anywhere. I expect to see you kneeling in front of me at 9 o'clock. That is all.

Signed, Jason McLouden.'

Ravena set the note down, frowning a little. Then, turning her attention to her restraints, she noticed it was loose. Arching her foot, she pushed on it hard, wincing as the metal passed unyeildingly over her ankle. It was worth it, though, because now she was free. Yes! Free! She stood up and wandered down the hall of the trailer. There was a small room to her immediate left. She peeked in and saw it was a child's room. Maybe the owner's daughter? Oh well. She continued walking and on her right was another room, which she discovered to be the bathroom. Smiling victoriously, she went in and shut the door. Swinging one leg up onto the ledge of the sink, she began to examine her nether region. It was dry, and her entrance was chaffed horribly. She kept running her finger over the chaffing,though,getting a bit of a thrill from the pain that it inspired.

She was still standing there when Jason walked in. They stood there, staring at each other, each somewhat embarrassed. Ravena put her leg down and her hands behind her back, a guilty look flashing across her face. God, he was just so gorgeous. Standing there in just his jeans, looking at her with a blank expression on his face. After a few moments of silence, Ravena decided to gauge her situation. walking to him, she made a slight bow,then stood with her breasts pressing against his chest slightly. "Good morning, Master." She purred, looking up coyly to smile at him.

But, aside from the erection forming in her Master's jeans, it didn't go as she planned. "Aren't you supposed to be in the living room?" Demanded her Master, as he stepped away from her.

As blank as his face was, she still knew a punishment was in order. But she was ready. Anything to get him to touch her again. "Um, yes, but I was really sore, so I came in here to examine myself, then I was going to come tell you." She said meekly, looking straight into his eyes. He seemed to consider this a moment, then he shrugged.

"Fine. Since that is your first mistake, I will let it go. Only, it's going to make your first task much, much more interesting." He said, running his hands through his hair. "There is a woodshed behind the trailer that needs to be cleaned so Casey can keep dogs there. You're going to do it, and you're going to do so clothed only with a pair of gardening gloves. Do not, for any reason, leave the shed until it is clean."

She nodded meekly. It couldn't be too awful,could it? It was a little shed, after all. Or so she thought, as she stood in front of it half an hourlater. Jason opened the door for her, gave her the gloves,and walked away. Upon walking in,she groaned. This would not be as easy as assumed. Just look at all the stuff. And there were what she hoped to be cobwebs all over the place. This was going to suck. As long as she didn't get any spiders on her, though. After all, it was late October, and though today was warm, it was unusually cold this year. Picking up a wooden panel, she went back to the door and tossed it a few feet away. This wasn't so bad, other than she knew she looked ridiculous. And it was a dirty job. She worked a few more minutes, then, as she was really getting into the task, she felt hair-like movement on her ankle. It paused, then continued up her leg in short spurts. Suddenly, the blood was roaring in her ears and she looked down. On her leg, staring up at her with eight ugly eyes and eight hideous legs, head and huge abdomen fused and moving up and down slowly.

NikkiBlue 02-24-2008 11:47 PM

Part 3, cont...
Suddenly she was screaming. Screaming and jumping up and down, she ran out of the shed. As soon as she was safely out of range of the shed, she collapsed onto the ground, shaking and crying. The tears stopped abruptly, however, when Jason walked out. She looked up at him. "I...I c-c-can't go b-back in there." She whimpered.

"Oh? And why is that, pet?" He demanded, pulling her to her feet roughly.

She stood unsteadily, tears flowing anew. "Because, sir, I just can't...there was a...a...a sp-spider."

He glanced at his watch, then looked back at her, a sneer of disgust curling his lips. "Get up out of the dirt and go inside. Get dressed. You're going to earn your Master money tonight." He said, then he turned and went inside.

She stared after him and then did as she was bidden. Make money? She couldn't get a job right now,she had no transportation. She wandered how on earth she was going to earn any money. After she was presentable, she went out to the living room and joined Jason on the loveseat. He didn't seem to notice her for a few minutes, then he looked at her. "Did I give you permission to sit next to me, slave?" He asked.

She shook her head, pouting a little. "No, sir."

"Then sit on the floor, like the dog you are."

"Yes, sir." She went quickly to obey, sitting in the middle of the living room floor. But she couldn't help feel somehow mislead. Tears threatened her eyes as she ventured a glance towards Jason. Just what did he have his mind set on? His body, she remembered, was rock-hard below his clothing. His lips soft, but his kisses firm and empowering, to a degree. He controlled her and surrendered to her at the same time. He made her want to beg him to stop, but keep him from doing so. And just look at his neck, and shoulders. So strong and broad and masculine! She realized that she was staring open-mouthed at him, and he was looking at her with an eyebrow raised, so she snapped her jaws shut and turned to watch the television.

At seven, he stood up, went to the back room, and brought back a blindfold. Carefully securing it around her eyes, Jason leaned down. "Are you ready to serve your punishment, Dallas?" He inquired, his lips pressed to the curve of her neck.

She tensed, closing her eyes under the blindfold and breathing in, for a moment, the masculine scent that eminated off of him. "Yes, sir, I will do anything you require of me." She said, standing and offering him her hands. In a moment, she was picked up, and taken outside, then put into a...what was it? She felt around after the vehicle's door shut. It was too spacy to be a car. A truck, probably. There was no middle console. She remained where she had been set, though. SHe heard the other door, open, then shut, and the truck started. She tried to track the movement of the truck. Reverse, left...forward...right...or, wait, was that just a curve? She gave up trying to follow, and resigned herself to the thought of punishment. After what seemed an eternity, the truck stopped, and was turned off. Then, Jason got out, came around, and helped her down. Holding her there, though, he looked down into her face. Damn her beauty, she was wordlessly almost convincing him to just turn around, take her home, and punish her sexually instead of mentally.

But no, they were here. "What's your name, slave?" He asked, though his voice was as gentle as the hand he used to play with her hair.

"My name is Dallas MacLeland, Master." She replied, marveling at his sudden change in demeanor. She was being led somewhere, a sidewalk, maybe. Then through a door. THe smell of cigarettes and alchohol hit her nose suddenly. THere were laughing female voices and gruff male ones. Jason's hand was on her Waist. She was propelled into a room apart. THen another male voice. "This is the one you called me about?" It barked.

"Yeah, this is her." Replied Jason, pushing Ravena forward a little. "What do you think, Rich?"

The man called Rich yanked off Ravena's blindfold, causing Ravena to blink rapidly, for the light in the room was incredibly bright. "Pretty face." He growled. "Let's see if the rest of you matches." He said. Ravena looked puzzled, and Jason told her to remove her clothing. She was horrified. In front of an old man? And a strange old man, at that! Jason scowled as she stood there staring at him, so she immediately stripped naked, her clothes laying in a pile at her feet. The older man made a grunt of approval, then turned to Ravena again. "Name, age, birthday, and city of residence, if you please."

"Dallas MacLeland, aged 19, born September 12, 1988, and I just moved from Tulsa, sir." She replied politely, turning her green eyes to the floor as she spoke. At least most of it was true.

"Can you dance?" He asked, looking her over.

"Well, sure, can't everybody?" She asked,tilting her head a little to the side. Then it occured to her he didn't mean dancing like at prom. He meant...well, pole dancing. "I mean, I'm sure I could,sir."

"Go for it. One of my girls is sick anyway. All your tips go to your friend here. Now get out there." He said, and tossed her a skimpy silver number with red tassels and new lingerie to go with. She pulled it on, though it was a bit tight in the bust, and as soon as the last tie was tied, the last button snapped, there was a hand on her back, and she was pushed out onto the stage. Into the spotlight. It seemed as though her heart stopped. Good girls didn't do this. And then, the music started.

tissue13 02-25-2008 01:03 AM

awesome! go on! ( 16 letters thing)

imaslave4u 02-25-2008 01:24 AM

im liken the story. keep it up!

Kitty 02-27-2008 12:56 AM

i like the story

Trystaan 02-27-2008 09:08 AM

You no your are doing amazingly when BeX comments on it.

This is unblievble for a first story

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