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yours_slave 08-13-2011 07:54 AM

Points for reporting?

As most you have seen, there are lots of underage S/M discussions, rude discussions etc. are going on this site which reduce the site popularity dramatically. Most of the time, people do reply to a thread saying it's underage or they just blame the person who start the thread. Only few people actually use the 'report' button.

What if the person who report a VALID thread (aka a thread with problems or thread which violate the site rules) gets something in return? Don't you think it will help moderators to see those threads quickly then? It will encourage people to report problematic threads.

As I see, the main reason, why people don't report a thread is, why should they? Only few people really having the ache about underage problem and site rules violation. They just replying to the thread and they do not spend time to report a thread.

What am I suggesting?!?

Let's say, some person reports 100 valid threads. Then he will get 100 points and a star next to his username or whatever. If a person reports a NON VALID thread (aka a thread which does not really violates any site rules) then he will loose two points. So people will not just report ANY thread to just to get an Star.

Intention of this kind of system is NOT TO HAVE A COMPETITION but a easy way to recognize who have contributed to the site. We all know that If a person get some recognition for what they've done, they do encouraging about what they are doing. Then the users will more likely click on the 'report' button rather just replying to the thread.

Looking4somename 08-13-2011 10:31 AM

Reporting a message is done by users who want to see a better getDare.

I really don't think that adding a point system to reports will make that much of a diffrence, and any diffrence that it will make might even be counter-productive.

If a user cares about this forum, he'll report any unappropriate message he sees. If he doesn't, He wouldn't. Simple as that. There's no point in adding a motivating point system just to force people to critic every message they see just in the hopes of finding something to report on.

It's a community, and it works best by putting trust in the people that make it.

Rachie 08-13-2011 11:33 AM

Just my views - but not required at present

I am already aware of how many reports people have made, and i;m sure other staff are aware similarly.

It is a nice idea, however i feel this could make even more problems with people reporting unworthy stuff (even though you say you get marked down)

Also some people may not wish others to know they report a lot etc. We have already got/had rep points which we can use to award people.

People help out for the benefit of the site / community.

As i say, you would be surprised by the statistics that i have/can retrieve if / when i require them.

Love Rachie
x x x x

slave1987 08-13-2011 11:55 AM

Got to agree with Rachie, some people might not be comfortable with others knowing that they report alot of posts and it could lead to animosity between users. However some might like the idea of recognition for what they've done.
People report posts for different reasons, I think I've reported a few for under age stuff because I don't like to see it go on. I reported some stories a while ago because the user that had wrote them was an illiterate, ignorant, pain in the ass so a quick check revealed that he'd copied 2 entire stories off another site and passed them off as his own.

BettyBoop 08-13-2011 12:38 PM

We get a lot of reports already from a large amount of very helpful members which we all appreciate.
I don't think a point system will be helpful, it seems like extra work for us to decide which reports were "valid" and whether or not a member deserves points for their report. We might also end up with people just reporting anything to report making it harder for us to deal with real reports
I also believe some kind of point system was used on this website before and it didn't work out well.

lilysmaster 08-14-2011 09:06 AM

I think I understand the thought behind this, give users a reason to be helpful and gives them a reputation of sorts as a "good" user. However this would cause user to dislike certain users. Like the users who are consistently reporting threads that violate the rules, many may start to think they are a** kisses. I report when I feel the thread needs to be reported, for the good of the site. The mods know who report often and who reports well. To be honest they probably have a list going in the Mod section. If users don't want to report then we don't need to bribe them into reporting, with the amount of users I am pretty sure nothing slips through for very long.

In the end I would just see this as another competition. Or something to brag over. However I do think that maybe users that want to join and have high quality post and reports on the site, could be offered a new group of sorts, similar to Elite Members but with much higher standards. Although this is not needed and will warrant bragging and hatred among the site.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-14-2011 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 516275)
We get a lot of reports already from a large amount of very helpful members which we all appreciate.
I don't think a point system will be helpful, it seems like extra work for us to decide which reports were "valid" and whether or not a member deserves points for their report.


And it could easily become a contest because you'd have Backseat Mod Wannabe Members seeking out posts to report to get points and stars.

Personally, I like the system we have now. And kudos to one of the mods who actually thanked me a couple of times for my reports. That's all that needs doing. I don't want/give a shit about points.

I'm not reporting to score points.

nellybell 08-14-2011 05:34 PM

I don't think we really need people looking around just to report things to publically get a pat on the head.

You report because you care about the site, and if you do it well you gain favor from the mods. There is also no need for back seat moddin. If you are worried about not getting the chance to post on something, and worried about not getting your post count uped, your report counts as a post. I feel like that should be incentive enough.

Star Shadows 08-15-2011 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by nellybell (Post 517110)
I don't think we really need people looking around just to report things to publically get a pat on the head.

You report because you care about the site, and if you do it well you gain favor from the mods. There is also no need for back seat moddin. If you are worried about not getting the chance to post on something, and worried about not getting your post count uped, your report counts as a post. I feel like that should be incentive enough.

This exactly. It isn't the reason that people should be reporting,

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