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BettyBoop 08-09-2010 10:28 AM

★ Izzy and Charlie
I decided to write another story, mostly because I was encouraged by Marvin's story writing and I do enjoy writing. The characters, obviously, have the names of me and a friend of mine (CharlyBelles) but at the moment the story is completely fiction, along the way I may add in things that happen in reality but for now I'm unsure.
I think some people liked Charlotte's School Trip enough to read the whole thing through so I figured I may as well write another.

Chapter One.

I took a deep breath; thinking about doing this was a lot different than actually standing naked in my hallway before my front door. My feet were beginning to get cold on the hardwood floor; I looked down and could hardly see them in the dark. Bare feet, bare legs, bare body, I was starting to regret this already and I hadn’t even opened the damn door. I gripped the window ledge of the small glass semi-circle window at the top of the door and pulled myself to tiptoes so I could peek outside. Other than being dark, it looked like the usual empty street, my mum’s perfectly sculpted garden and the one pretty little cottage across the way. Houses were not close together in Clifton Springs and a sweet old couple lived in the closest house to us, I knew they’d be deep in sleep; they went to bed around 7pm every night.

The small town where I live is hardly busy, ever. It’s dull, it’s quiet so I constantly have to create my own entertainment. Not to mention being an only child, like this village wasn’t lacking teenagers as it is. I have my friends at least, there’s a local school we go to so everyone pretty much knows everyone. Scratch that, it’s the summer holidays now and after this I’m going to College, the local College, but College nonetheless. At least here you never lose track of your friendships, you pretty much keep on the same paths. I can only hope my path branches out to more interesting things soon.

I rocked backward on the balls of my feet psyching myself up. I took a quick look behind me before turning the key in the lock and pulling the door wide open. The gush of wind shocked me for a moment and I stumbled backwards before stepping closer to the open door. Now I could see out it wasn’t as scary as I’d thought, it was completely dark out and I knew there couldn’t be anyone up at this time around here. The only light was from the moon which gave everything a peculiar glow; even my own skin. I stepped out into my front garden and forgetting the decorative gravel I stepped right on it with my bare feet. I silently cursed and hopped onto the grass desperately trying not to crush my mother’s flowers.

I tucked and rolled across the grass loving the feeling of it on my bare skin; it took all I had not to laugh out loud at this situation which was not me at all. I was surprised at myself, the average me would be freaking out but something about this was calming, it may have had something to do with the almost 100% chance of not being seen. Lying back on the grass I stared at the moon for a few moments adoring the silence. Unfortunately the silence was soon broken as a dog barked in the distance but that was enough to startle me to reality. I suddenly felt very, well, naked and I hopped up I darting to my front door closing it behind me as quick as I could.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-09-2010 10:32 AM

Thumbs up from moi. I love your descriptions and you use 1st person really well. And you've given us an insight to your main character without even specifying all the boring nosh like her name, age, birthday, yadda yadda.

Can't wait to

Dicedarefan666 08-09-2010 10:42 AM

You're an excellent writer, keep going please :)

I never pull punches when I'm reviewing a story, but I can honestly say, this looks like it'll be yet another great story from you Ms. Boopster.

memyselfandi 08-10-2010 04:31 AM

I love it already...Can't wait to read more!

BettyBoop 08-10-2010 12:23 PM

Chapter Two

The next morning I woke up way too early, I curled my body the opposite direction from my window under my duvet to shield myself from natural light. I only wanted sleep. I cuddled up amongst my mountains of cute cushions and tried to block out morning. My Mum had an annoying habit of getting up early and opening my cute rosebud curtains, I’d grown out of the pink flowery things a while back but I could never get rid of them, and at least they complimented the rest of my room. I gave up and forced myself to sit up, a few of my many cushions fell onto my luscious cream carpet, my bed was literally like a big puffy marshmallow cloud and I loved it.

I rolled over and aimlessly shoved my hand around my bed side table until I felt my mobile phone, I pulled it to my face until my eyes adjusted to the screen. I fumbled through the phone until I managed to get to my text screen.

/To: Charlie

I did the deed last night, you were right it wasn’t that scary.
Oh, and btw, I found that book you lent me last year; I knew I had it about.
See you later chump,
Izzy x

My friend Charlotte was the main reason I did anything spontaneous and a little crazy, but we always had fun. Some may say she was a bad influence on me but I knew she only encouraged me to do stuff I already wanted to do.

Charlie and I are like sisters, we just don’t look anything alike. Me, I’m tall-ish, brown skinned and I have jet black hair which is at the moment long and goes down my back to below my shoulder blades with a full fringe that hits my eyelashes. In comparison to me Charlie is shorter, but not short, tanned but freckly and has shoulder length auburn hair which is frequently in a bedhead “style” with a sweeping fringe she’s forever flicking out of her eyes but is too lazy to get it cut.

I dropped back face first into my pillow and felt sleep beginning to take me for a second until my quick texting friend caused my phone to buzz scaring me out of my slumber. I threw my duvet off and kicked my duvet and as many cushions as I could to the floor to try and wake myself up for good. Sitting up I checked my phone.

/From: Charlie

You make it sound like I asked you to rob a bank, jeebus Izzy.
And you can return my fucking book now I’ll see you in a bit.
Cafe à la boring. 11:30.


I smiled to myself at her casual use of swear words, she didn’t care what people thought. Checking the time on my phone, 10:30 am, I hopped out of bed and went to shower, brush my teeth and fight my hair in a war I would most likely lose.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-10-2010 12:28 PM

What do I say?

I need some kind of auto-message: I love it :D

ace1991 08-11-2010 08:18 AM

You have an excelent writing style, I'm just glad that I found this story early so I can follow it as it emerges :)

I hope you have lots more in store for us!

BettyBoop 08-11-2010 07:38 PM

Chapter Three.

I nudged the cafe door with my knee as the old thing was known the get stuck, it finally creaked open and the little bell rang alerting, Lisa, the owner that someone had walked in which really wasn’t necessary as the cafe wasn’t exactly large.

“Oooh Hi! Isabella dear, would you like an iced bun?” Lisa said in her overly cheery high pitched voice.
I smiled and nodded to get out of any potential conversation; I scooped the iced bun off the counter and sat at the booth I knew Charlie would be in. She sat curled up in the corner, her back to the counter.
“That Lisa’s a nutter, I swear she’s got decaying bodies upstairs, I can just imagine her hacking away at people because they wouldn’t take an iced bun” She acted out the hacking at me.

“She’s just a bit too friendly is all” I peered around the booth chair and saw Lisa painfully grinning ear to ear in my direction; I struggled to smile back before sliding back into my seat.
“Sure sure, friendly. So, Little Miss Naked Antics, I have a fun day planned for us.” She grinned.
I groaned “I’m a little worried”.
“Don’t be, you know I don’t really make plans, spontaneity is the new black” She smirked.
“Well, now I’m a lot worried” I slumped in my seat and picked at my iced bun even though I knew I’d never end up regretting anything I did with Charlie.
Speaking of Charlie, she grabbed the iced bun I was picking at off my plate and shoved half of it in her mouth.
“Come on” She sprayed crumbs while she got up. We left our money on the counter while Lisa was distracted with burnt bacon and struggled to open the old stuck door.
Of course when we pulled it the hardest it decided to fling us backwards onto the ground, we jumped up and left before Lisa could try and “cuddle us” or something equally uncomfortable.
We walked onto the cobbled pavement, the sun seemed to have come out of hiding while we nommed iced buns.

“It could be a scorcher today” Charlie winked at me, probably trying to think how she could turn that into a dirty joke.

“Doubt it, the weather never makes a straight decision, it’ll be raining before you know it” I stared at the sky, willing it to stay warm.
I took off my denim jacket and stuffed it into my cloth bag; under it I was wearing a cotton white summer dress, knee length and as girly as it gets. Not to mention with a lower cut than in looked in the shop, what’s done is done and I liked it anyway.

“Cleavage ahoy” Charlie laughed her unbelievably loud laugh and span round twice before deciding to turn left and walk.

I followed her without a thought; she began skipping along the cobbled stones trying not to touch the cracks, making a game out of everything. She wore the cutest lace trim dress, but even on her it was short, every time she skipped I noticed she was flashing her arse.
“Charlotte! What is your issue with underwear?” I shouted after her with a fake look of shock across my face.

“I’m wearing underwear” She stopped and twirled around toward my lifting her dress up, front and back revealing a red micro g-string with the least amount of material on it as possible.
“I would have believed you if you just said” I looked around us frantically, the street was wide and small stores lined each side. Luckily those inside seemed to be more concerned with selling, buying or eating to notice my insane friend.
“But that wouldn’t have been as much fun, let’s see yours then” She circled me, making me feel dizzy.
“They are orange, boring” I walked on, knowing sooner or later I would show her but I’d rather be somewhere less public.
I turned the corner onto a downhill slope which led to a small river. I couldn’t help but speed up while going down the hill and fell into the metal gate that stopped people from taking an unwanted dip in the water. I winded myself a little but turned walking up the path to save the embarrassment of Charlie knowing I’d ran into the gate again.
I sat down on a nearby bench and waited for Charlie to get down the hill.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-12-2010 02:39 AM

[Insert usual comment here]

I like the way you tease us. Your simplistic description merged with your in-depth stuff works really well. Like the description of Lisa compared to the way in which Charlie flashes.

It's just great and I can picture it in my head, which is good. For two reasons xD

Adv3nture 08-12-2010 03:46 AM

Really excellent work! - Please keep it up :)

Leopard 08-12-2010 06:12 AM

Yay! I'm enjoying this :3

CharlyBelles 08-13-2010 03:47 PM

just put me in another story why don't you?
i'll read this eventually :D

BettyBoop 08-15-2010 03:07 PM

Chapter Four

Charlie skipped down the path and looked the wrong way before seeing me, spinning and walking over.
“Running shan’t help you!” She declared. She thrust her hand in the air and suddenly took on the persona of an evil villain; she twiddled her invisible moustache and smirked at me.
I stood up and the bench and lifted my dress little by little to show her my orange boypants. I stuck my tongue out, did a little dance and then laughed. I expected her to laugh right back but she didn’t, I was as her face dropped and noticed she was looking past me altogether.

I realised that what was about to happen could only be bad, my dress fell out of my grasp but didn’t want to turn around. I closed my eyes for a moment and wished when I opened them I’d have gone back in time a few minutes.
No luck.
As I opened my eyes, to my right, between me and the water I could see a figure beginning to walk past me.
He stopped between me and Charlotte; looked at me, then at Charlie and then furrowed his brow which made his expression a confused one. He turned again in my direct and said “Hey there Izzy” cool as a cucumber.
Miles Hendrix, he went to our school, well, he went to the College but they were on the same ground, you even had to continue with the whole uniform rubbish in the college. He’s one year above us, a college student, and a sexy college student at that.

Miles’ confusion turned into a grin, he looked me right in the eyes and winked, I followed him with my eyes as he sauntered around the corner and up the hill.
The only noise I managed to make was a broken “ah”.

“Shit” I put my head in my hands as I slumped onto the bench.
“I’d say he didn’t see anything, but I’m pretty sure he saw everything... At least your knickers are clean” Charlie smiled at me and I could tell she was holding back laughter.
I let out a pained laugh.
“Trust that to happen to me” I flung my head back and stared at the sky.
“Lucky you.” Charlie bit her lip and snickered.
Miles’ head suddenly popped out from behind the wall that led up the hill, he leaned against it casually.
“I forgot to say, nice pants” He smiled that smile at me again before swiftly turning up the hill.
After a my embarrassment was almost diminished I said
“Maybe we should just go?”
“Yep” Charlie was up in a second. She spun around twice before facing right and walking on.

chubbsman7 08-18-2010 01:51 PM

*face of pure awe*

This... is amazing. One of the few stories I can truly appreciate and read like it's an actual novel. AMAZING!

CharlyBelles 08-18-2010 01:57 PM

*spins around twice*

my name is not CHARLIE other than that i likey this

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