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sirparkuk 10-25-2007 03:50 PM

A Teacher's Life [FICTION]
Ok - this is the first story I've posted here, so your comments would be gratefully received. It's obviously only the start - plenty more to come if it goes down well. Thanks for reading...

Andrew sat in his chair with a sigh. He had been teaching at this school now for five years – five years of hard work, endless marking and little thanks. It was lunchtime, and he had retreated to his classroom for a bit of peace and quiet before the chaos of the afternoon got under way. He had his upper-sixth form class after lunch – twelve English students, all 17 or 18 years old, and all out for an easy ride. He leant back in his chair and pictured the class in front of him, eyes glazed, attention focused on the clock above his head. He let his mind wander to his favourite distraction – Jenny. She was by far the best student in the class – head and shoulders above the rest – and without doubt the prettiest too. Her black hair hung seductively at shoulder length, and her athletic figure had been much helped by her recent habit of wearing particularly short skirts. She was his student, and he knew well what that meant – but there was no harm in dreaming.
Almost without thinking he let his hand move down to his already hardening cock, and as he began to stroke it through his trousers he shut his eyes and let his imagination play. So engrossed with he in his vision, that he only realised too late that his classroom door had been opened. With a sudden jolt he opened his eyes to see, standing framed in the doorway, Jenny, a look of shock and embarrassment on her face. His only hope was that she hadn’t seen – but that would have been impossible. She was staring right at him.
“Erm… Jenny. can I do for you?” His mind raced, making clear thinking impossible. Just act normally and pretend it didn’t happen he thought. Play it cool.
Jenny moved into the room and shut the door behind her. She walked slowly towards him, seemingly searching for an answer to the question.
“Were you just doing what I think you were doing Sir?” she asked him, something somewhere between a smile and embarrassment flickering across her face.
“I don’t know what you mean Jenny. Anyway, look, let’s just forget anything you may think you saw and move on. Now what do you want?”
“I was just looking for somewhere quiet to eat my lunch,” Jenny replied, her eyes still flickering between Andrew’s face and crotch, noticing the still hard shape of his cock through his trousers.
“Ok, well… I’m in here now, so you need to find somewhere else… and Jenny – I think we should not mention this to anyone. After all, we wouldn’t want silly rumours spreading around school would we?”
Jenny, already walking towards the door, turned around to face him. “If you say so Sir,” she said, but there was an air of sarcasm to her voice that Andrew didn’t like at all. Something in the pit of his stomach told him he was in trouble. Big trouble.

dkong 10-25-2007 04:13 PM

hurry up make an other

SubMissChievous 10-25-2007 05:02 PM

Very intriguing story so far. I am eager to read more. This is very good! :)

molten man 10-25-2007 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by naughty_chloe (Post 29157)
Very intriguing story so far. I am eager to read more. This is very good! :)

i would second that!!!

GaggedForever 10-26-2007 03:10 PM

Good story:) Please continue!

sirparkuk 10-29-2007 10:49 AM

Thanks for the encouraging posts! Been away for the weekend - next installment being written as we speak. I'll upload it later tonight...

zeketheorc 10-29-2007 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by sirparkuk (Post 29675)
Thanks for the encouraging posts! Been away for the weekend - next installment being written as we speak. I'll upload it later tonight...

excellent! looking forward to it!

sirparkuk 10-29-2007 05:24 PM

Ok - here it is. Part two. I hope you enjoy...

As Andrew sat in his classroom, trying to wipe from his memory the events of the last ten minutes, Jenny walked into the crowded dining hall. It was the middle of lunchtime, and it was packed with students eating, laughing and joking. Jenny’s heart was still thumping at the thought of what she had just seen. Could she have imagined it? Could she have misunderstood what she had seen? No. There was no doubt; and if even if there had been, the guilty look on Mr. Thomas’ face had said it all.

Jenny moved through the hall, searching for a clear table to eat her lunch in peace and figure out what to think and do. After all, this was serious – she had walked in on a teacher masturbating in his classroom. She was sure that had to be wrong. But then there was the fact that images of Mr. Thomas had filled her fantasies for the last two years. There was no doubt he was attractive – mid twenties, good figure, kind eyes.

“Hey Jenny! Watch where you’re going!” The voice came from a table just in front of her, a table she was about to walk straight into. She stopped short and saw Erica, her sometimes friend, sitting on her own at the otherwise empty table. She and Erica had been in the same class all the way through school, and there had been a time when they had been close. They had drifted apart through secondary school; Erica had wanted to spend more and more time together – shopping, hanging out, chatting online – but Jenny had been more focused on her studies and on her other friends. Erica had seemed possessive and demanding, and so Jenny had tried to distance herself. Erica, it seemed, had got the message, and they both moved in quite different social circles now. But it was an empty table, and Jenny needed to talk.

“Hi Erica,” she said, attempting cheerfulness. “Mind if I join you?” Erica gestured with her fork for Jenny to sit down. Jenny wondered if she should say anything. Maybe she would just sound ridiculous.

“So Jenny,” Erica said. “What’s on your mind? You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders. You nearly walked straight into me.”

“Well,” said Jenny, almost whispering now, “I’ve just seen something really… weird.” And so she told Erica what had happened, Mr. Thomas masturbating through his trousers, his look of embarrassment and guilt, finishing with his demand that she kept it quiet. Jenny kept her voice down, and concentrated on the small pile of spilt salt she was pushing around the table with her finger, but when she looked up at the end of her story, she saw Erica’s face alive with interest.

“You’re having me on? You’re joking, right?” Erica stammered. “How… big did it look?” she giggled, her eyes sparkling with interest.

“Well, you know… quite big,” replied Jenny, not sure whether to be embarrassed or amused.

“You know what this means Jenny,” said Erica, her voice alive with excitement. “It means we’ve got him exactly where we want him. It’s time to turn the tables, time to get some revenge. You know last year he caught me smoking in school – you know he phoned my parents and got me grounded for a month.”

Jenny felt suddenly apprehensive; felt suddenly that she shouldn’t have told Erica anything. This was all getting out of hand, and moving much too fast.

“I don’t know Erica. Maybe we should just leave it like he said. I mean, I’m getting good marks in History. I don’t want to blow that now. Anyway, what can we do?”

“What can we do?” snorted Erica in disbelief. “Don’t come the innocent with me now. I’ve seen the way you look at him, and the skirts you wear to his class.” She sniggered as she spoke. “I know perfectly well what you’d like to do. But I’ve got some plans of my own too. Go on, look me in the eyes and tell me you’re not interested.”

Erica held Jenny’s gaze, and Jenny could not help but smile. She thought back to just last night, when she had lain in bed, bringing herself to orgasm with the thought of Mr. Thomas ripping her clothes off her and pushing her hard against the wall. If she were honest, her fantasies never got much beyond that point – that was enough for her usually. Not that she’d admit that to Erica now. She did not answer her question directly, but instead asked her what she had in mind – what she meant by ‘plans’.

“Don’t you worry about that,” replied Erica with a smirk. “Leave that to me. Just meet me outside his room ten minutes before History last lesson.”

brownie 10-29-2007 05:33 PM

wow this is good, i wonder what will happen to him

SubMissChievous 10-29-2007 06:22 PM

You're doing a really good job at keeping this unpredictable, Robert. Very interesting so far! Thumbs up to you! :)

borigraphix 10-29-2007 09:45 PM

Great story so far. I like the details. Lets see some more!

sirparkuk 10-30-2007 04:31 PM

Part 3
This is part three of the story. Thanks again for the positive comments. If you have any comments or want to discuss any of the ideas in the story, please feel free to post them here or message me. Thanks!

As Jenny approached her History classroom, Erica was already waiting, a grin etched across her face. The more Jenny had thought about this, the more she had regretted telling Erica anything about the incident with Mr. Thomas. She couldn’t deny she was intrigued by what Erica had in store anymore than she could deny the excitement in the pit of her stomach when she thought of Mr. Thomas; but there was also a real sense of apprehension – this now seemed out of her control, and all of her attempts to distance herself from Erica in the past, seemed to have been brushed out of the way.

“You took your time,” Erica said as Jenny came alongside her in the corridor. “Now listen quickly – we’ve only got a couple of minutes.”

Jenny took a deep breath, before replying. “Look Erica, I’ve been thinking. I’m not sure this is such a good idea. I think we should wait a bit and …”

“No way,” interrupted Erica. “We’re both in this now – no backing out. Now, listen.”

And so she told Jenny her plans, and the more she told her, the redder Jenny’s complexion became. What was this she was feeling? Nervous – probably? Plain scared – definitely. But something else too – excitement, desire… lust. The plan was audacious and incredibly risky. Erica had written a note, enclosed in a makeshift envelope which Jenny was to hand to Mr. Thomas on the way into the classroom. Erica hadn’t told her what exactly the note said, other than it made it clear that Jenny had seen what he had been doing, and wanted to ‘discuss’ it after class. It also made clear that Jenny had asked her friend, Erica, to stay as a witness. After the class, Erica was going to tell Mr. Thomas that she and Jenny were going to the Headteacher to report him for inappropriate behaviour, but that he had one opportunity to get himself out of trouble. Erica had it all sorted she told Jenny, when she doubted that he would play along.

“Of course he will,” she snorted. “He knows your dad’s on the Governors. He won’t have any option.”

When they had him on their own, Erica assured Jenny that he would do whatever she wanted him to do. “And I mean whatever,” she had finished.

“But what about you Erica? What will you be doing?”

“Well, I’ll be making sure I get my go too,” she replied, “and I’ve got a few other little surprises up my sleeve for him.” She held up a plastic carrier back she had been holding by her side. “I’ve been getting a few supplies in.”

At that moment, the door to the classroom opened, and there he was, Mr. Thomas, as always, beckoning the reluctant class into the warm room….


“Don’t look at her, “ Andrew told himself as he stood in the doorway, signalling for the gang of teenagers to come in. “Just play it cool,” he repeated. “Play it cool.” He had spent the last half an hour of lunch marking essays, trying to tell himself that it had been alright really, that Jenny was a sensible girl who would keep her secret. So hard had he tried to convince himself that now, as he stood watching them file past him, he almost believed it himself; at least right up to the moment that Jenny handed him a warm, slightly scrunched piece of paper as she passed. He froze to the spot, trying desperately to keep his face steady. As the remaining pupils took their seats, he took the opportunity to step out of the room, apparently looking for any stragglers. With his heart thumping at his chest he opened the note slowly, and what he saw made his blood freeze. Six simple sentences, handwritten down the scruffy note paper:

Jenny has told me everything - you are in BIG trouble.
Jenny and I will see you after class.
Don’t make plans. Don’t tell anyone.
Jenny wants you – she has taken off her panties ready for you.
I want Jenny.
I want you to pay.

The note was signed, Erica. As Andrew turned his head towards the open doorway, he saw Erica swivelled in her chair to face him, and although her face was on the surface expressionless, there was no hiding the look of triumph in her eyes.

brownie 10-30-2007 04:57 PM

wow, if only ti could have found my reading teacher doing this, wow she hot

batman420 10-30-2007 05:27 PM

wow! this is one of the best stories i have read on here for sure!

molten man 10-31-2007 07:15 AM

awesome. Keep it going!!

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