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Night-1991 05-31-2010 12:39 PM

How would you survive a zombie apocolypse? :D

But anyway. How would you survive a zombie apocolypse? if one ever happened. For example, in 2012 or something.

What would you grab?, where would you hide out? etc

As for me. I'd seek out a Machete and a shotgun. Water for hydration, possibly hide out in the nearest shopping centre, baracading every door.

On the other hand, my plan looks like it could go badly wrong.

CollaredBlondie 05-31-2010 12:56 PM

Myself and a group of friends would head to Ikea.

lilwetslave 05-31-2010 01:17 PM

I would love to be able to say that i would try and fight back against the zombies.... but knowing me, I would probably end up a zombie

theone 05-31-2010 03:36 PM

I would buy a can of zombie repellent spray.

This spray is GUARANTEED to keep away: scary trees, closet monsters, ghoulies that hide under beds, imps from the basement, thunderstorm monsters, vampires, zombies, ghosts, boogie persons, heebie jeebies, boggarts, kobolds, doldrums, ickies, And many more!

MetalGreek 05-31-2010 04:29 PM

Haha i would go to my local Home Depot! It has this connection to the Gian (for reasons still unkown) and also has a bunch of awesome tools to use as weapons, vehicles, iron gates, places to hide, hell even ways to occupy yourself(paints, TV's and helps you to invent new ways of killing them like lawnmowers and chainsaws). So yeah I have actually thought ahead about doing that lol.

Norse Fire 05-31-2010 04:53 PM

The Right Way.
First, I will gather supplies (read food, water, bow and arrow, and crowbar) and head to a local cemetery for a brief reprieve. Then, I will do my best to find a secluded spot in the woods or mountains. After the initial mayhem and the zombie horde has dispersed, I'll return to the city to scavenge for left over supplies and survivors. Next we will pool our resources, assign tasks and leadership (me) and head for the mountains where we will do our best to set up some semblance of our lost civilization while scraping a day-to-day living, hoping to survive and kill any zombie foolish enough to come anywhere near us.

KILL THE BRAIN, KILL THE ZOMBIE!!!!:drillsergeant:

Catalyst 05-31-2010 08:58 PM

I would have to say a Mall is a decent idea, but it backfired pretty badly for Frank West in Deadrising, lol.

I would probably head to a Wal-mart, because it has tons of food, and weapons as well. Even if the zombies got in, you could probably run up and down the aisles to confuse them, and you can always use the bathrooms and employee rooms as a saferoom.

Dicedarefan666 06-01-2010 01:02 AM

It looks like some of you have thought this through
I think the person who has given this the most thought is known on youtube as FPS kyle.

Given the situation "You find yourself in the middle of Home Depot in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, what do you do?"

He responds by running to his car, where he has a shotgun hidden under the back seat. From there, he drives home, where he has over 4,000 rounds of ammunition, and an arsenal of assault rifles, like the AR15, the SKS, among others. Then he goes into something he calls "Defense Pattern Beta"...

And that's where I decided in the event of a zombie apocalypse, he's just going to be better prepared than me.

But in all seriousness, I think malls, ikeas, etc. are over rated. The reason being, is that everyone's going to a mall or shoping center or something. The first thing I would do is make a quick trip to the gunstore. Probably pick up a nice new Ruger SR9, or maybe a Springfield XDM. Since I'll be shooting the zombies in the head, and there will be a lot of zombies, I'll be going a 9 mil variety of some nice handgun, preferably with a 17+ round magazine. I'll pick up a carbine (I'm sure gunshops sell some civilian m4gery or something right?) or pump shotgun as well if I have the cash. But I'm definately going with something quality, it may be the last thing I ever buy.

The house is usually well stocked with food, but if it's not then I'm making a quick stop at the local grocery store, for some shopping or looting, on the way home. I'll be going with the flow on whatever the angry rioting crowds want to do. (So probably looting in all honesty.)

Then I'm returning home, and filling up the bathtub with water, as the water might get cut off soon. I'll bottle and purify that on a later date. But at that point I'll work to board up the house and secure the windows as fast as possible.

I'll hide out there for a few days, maybe a week to get my bearings, and figure out where I'm going next, but the plan will be to get as far away from all previous human civilization as possible, as that's probably where all the zombies will be looking for food. The most probable destination would be a military base to start with. They're well armed, well trained, well stocked and generally nice people, so I'll hope they take me in. The ultimate goal however, would be to see if I could get to an oil rig until most of the zombies have run out of food. Even if the virus goes airborne, there's no way it can get that far out to sea, and everyone knows zombies can't swim, so I'll be safe as long as the food holds out, which hopefully will be for awhile as I'm bringing a minivan filled with ramen noodles to the docks.

From there, I don't know, but I don't think anyone really would...

(Edit: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, want to team up Norse Fire? You seem like you know what's up.)

Jslave 06-01-2010 02:19 AM

It's weird how people would go to malls. Surely a big open area with many doors isn't that great an idea. I don't know what I'd do, my initial reaction would be to go somewhere isolated, but horror films have told me that is a bad idea.

Anjelen 06-01-2010 04:36 AM

I'd grab the nearest ten nubile females and move to an unpolulated tropical island.

While you're all out fighting and dying, i'll be kicking back on the beach, sipping handmade piņa coladas, and repopulating the planet with my DNA.

CollaredBlondie 06-01-2010 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Dicedarefan666 (Post 283464)
But in all seriousness, I think malls, ikeas, etc. are over rated. The reason being, is that everyone's going to a mall or shoping center or something.

Actually, most people try to get out of town...

Captain Harkness 06-01-2010 04:00 PM

I've given this some thought. I'd go to my school. Weird yes but its got food, Weapons as there building a new section to it so it's full of crowbars etc. I know the place like the back of my hand. There's two levels and it's near a major shopping centre. I can already use guns so until i learn to get cars hot wired to drive to an army base i'll just really on my reliable eye. Naturally can't stay there forever so in the day time when Zombies are weakest and I'm strongest I'd head north. I'd keep working out obviously so I'm in great shape should i run out of ammo and my trusty cricket bat be needed. With nails in naturally. This plan so far is already in a few peoples minds so i wouldn't be alone. Heading north as the virus or whatever it is gets hold means there's more cane of survival as i can out a coat on. The virus would not survive the cold. After hiding i'd try and get some form of mass radio transmitter to tell anyone head north. After a few years of repeating this message finally hack into Military control systems and fire Nuclear weapons towards the most infected areas. Gets rid of most the ZOmbies and best of all a giga counter will warn you that you'll die. Not the horde of brain dead ba**ards running towards you. that's it basically....easy...nope...hard but the best one i've got for now.

dragonator 06-01-2010 04:13 PM

id grab one of my swords from downstairs and my bow and arrows, load as much food, water, batteries, and my sentimental things that i couldnt leave behind, and tools, and go to my old house, which was made of solid steal with 6 inch thick steal doors. id immediately chop down 2 of the trees out back for fire wood, and fortify my house with the available supplies (as if a fortress needs fortifying lol) and i should be fine until my food and water run out. at which point id take my sword, bow and arrows, and go hunting in the woods for food, resupplying on water at the nearby lake. I am a MASTER swordsman and beleive i could decapitate any zombies i had to while hunting, once i felt it was safer id go and raid nearbyh stores and gas stations, and if need by neighbors. for supplies such as fire wood, as the only way i could get the wood from the forest should i need more firewood back to my house would be with my truck, which needs gas. I should be 110% fine tho, id prolly even be abe to keep my family friends and pets with me.

Norse Fire 06-01-2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dicedarefan666 (Post 283464)
I think the person who has given this the most thought is known on youtube as FPS kyle.

Given the situation "You find yourself in the middle of Home Depot in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, what do you do?"

He responds by running to his car, where he has a shotgun hidden under the back seat. From there, he drives home, where he has over 4,000 rounds of ammunition, and an arsenal of assault rifles, like the AR15, the SKS, among others. Then he goes into something he calls "Defense Pattern Beta"...

And that's where I decided in the event of a zombie apocalypse, he's just going to be better prepared than me.

But in all seriousness, I think malls, ikeas, etc. are over rated. The reason being, is that everyone's going to a mall or shoping center or something. The first thing I would do is make a quick trip to the gunstore. Probably pick up a nice new Ruger SR9, or maybe a Springfield XDM. Since I'll be shooting the zombies in the head, and there will be a lot of zombies, I'll be going a 9 mil variety of some nice handgun, preferably with a 17+ round magazine. I'll pick up a carbine (I'm sure gunshops sell some civilian m4gery or something right?) or pump shotgun as well if I have the cash. But I'm definately going with something quality, it may be the last thing I ever buy.

The house is usually well stocked with food, but if it's not then I'm making a quick stop at the local grocery store, for some shopping or looting, on the way home. I'll be going with the flow on whatever the angry rioting crowds want to do. (So probably looting in all honesty.)

Then I'm returning home, and filling up the bathtub with water, as the water might get cut off soon. I'll bottle and purify that on a later date. But at that point I'll work to board up the house and secure the windows as fast as possible.

I'll hide out there for a few days, maybe a week to get my bearings, and figure out where I'm going next, but the plan will be to get as far away from all previous human civilization as possible, as that's probably where all the zombies will be looking for food. The most probable destination would be a military base to start with. They're well armed, well trained, well stocked and generally nice people, so I'll hope they take me in. The ultimate goal however, would be to see if I could get to an oil rig until most of the zombies have run out of food. Even if the virus goes airborne, there's no way it can get that far out to sea, and everyone knows zombies can't swim, so I'll be safe as long as the food holds out, which hopefully will be for awhile as I'm bringing a minivan filled with ramen noodles to the docks.

From there, I don't know, but I don't think anyone really would...

(Edit: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, want to team up Norse Fire? You seem like you know what's up.)

:D:cool: Hooray! The kids at school were wrong... I do know what the Hell I'm talking about. Anyone with a shred of common sense, contact me or Dicedarefan666 to set up a contingency plan in case the military can't defeat the Zombie Uprising.

WE ARE THE RESISTANCE!!!!:drillsergeant:

I say this because I care... DESTROY THE BRAIN, SIMPLY REMOVING THE HEAD IS NOT ENOUGH! Also, you seem to have a good plan. Want to join our survivor colony? pm me with your reply.

Captain Harkness 06-01-2010 04:27 PM

WE ARE THE RESISTANCE!!!!:drillsergeant:

Don't John Connor us.

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