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Bloxo 12-22-2020 08:06 PM

When Demon's make you love them - a true story
Hello all,
If you are reading this I better give you a heads up, this is a story of my love in life...and how it has tried to break me over the years, all elements are real and from my own memory, there is kink included in this story, but it won't be fantastical, it will go back and forward in time a bit and is a journey of self discovery I have been on.
I hope you may learn from this as I have and otherwise hope you find this an interesting read...


Richard has been living in Poland for 2 years now, falling in love with a country not of his own as originally he was born in the UK, he moved for work and for a fresh start of adventures in life!

June 2019 -
Richard works in an office, as many of us do nowadays, his position is one of expert authority, he is there to guide the new teams in Poland, teach them their job and how the company works, as part of this role he works closely with a large team, regularly socialises outside of work with Beer and Vodka, the two staples of drinking life living in Central Europe, he feels well established, respected by his colleagues and managers...and is having a much more progressive and satisfying life here than he found in the UK.

The country he works for is creating a new team, transitioning work from India to Poland, he is to be a key coordinator for this project and will be responsible for not only training the new members of the company but also assessing whether they are fit to go live once training and shadowing have been completed.

June is the month when all the employees are assembled, he walks through the office led by his manager Alicja, a very attractive Polish women with dark brown hair, a trim figure and emerald eyes and the new manager Damian, younger than Richard but very focused and determined, in his mid 20's of thin build with short Blonde hair.
He turns the corner to see the new team...there are a lot of new faces...and a couple of old ones that have moved from the previous team he works with. The group is about 25 strong, mostly younger members, he would learn they range from 21 - 40 actually, but most are in their mid twenties.

There are formal introductions, Richard is very excited to work with all these new and enthusiastic people as well as taking on the new challenges that this role will bring and the level of respect his opinion will matter.

After these brief speeches he proceeds with the desk move, transitioning his work computer and his various desk accessories (including a few geeky figure touches) to his new seat...he finally gets to sit at a window! Very exciting :p

He hears all the excited Polish voices around him and of course cannot really follow what they are saying, he exchanges pleasantries with a few of the people sat near him.

At the beginning Richard's role is to give a series of presentations and a few trainings about country specifics, often taking a large theatre style room, the layout consisting of a set of raised benches at the back where the team are sat, Richard is positioned in front of the projector screen where he talks through various training presentations he has been given, the team is attentive and ask a lot of relevant questions, he feels confident that they will do a good job :)

Fast forward a few days...

Richard has always been the one in the office to organise social gatherings, his colleagues are his lifeline out in this country, he relies on them to give him a network of friends...and most really don't want the responsibility or have the drive to do large scale gatherings...

He engineers a large amount of the new members to join him down by the River, the Vistula...Warsaw's finest drinking spot in the summer.
This is his first social encounter with the group, he is a little embarrassed that he doesn't know everyone's name yet, but he is getting there.
The usual questions are asked, what are you doing in Poland? What do you think of Poland? Don't you miss the UK? Etc...
Even though he's had these questions constantly since he moved, he is happy to answer and get to know all these new people.
As the sun goes down, the decision is made to go to Pawilony, a drinking district in the city, an intricate network of small bars, often at pretty cheap prices.
They all crowd around a couple a table, the numbers having dwindled from the original gathering, this is for the more determined socialites!
Richard orders some beers...of course his Polish is not great, often further hindered by his mistake he orders 9 Zywiec lagers...he only wanted 1...he comes back to the table with his mistaken bounty and further ingratiates himself with the free beer for his colleagues haha,

He gets to know the team bit by bit, surrounded by some rather young and attractive women, as well as some cool guys, all of them have good English and are very talkative, the night is a fine one...shame about having to work the next day :p

...okay, so maybe this is a little dull a start, but I wanted to establish the scene so you can see how all developed, the next chapters will get progressively more personal and more interesting ;)

Bloxo 12-22-2020 09:32 PM

The beginnings of something new...
The days are tough for the new team, outside of the Training that Richard provides they spend the rest of their days on calls to India...Richard chuckles as he sees them switching on the subtitles so they can understand the tough Indian accents...

Richard keeps things light hearted in the office, throwing paper planes and stress balls around to keep the team in a fun mood and to distract them a little from the day to day, the team around him engage and make this a fun part of the day :)

Another night out is organised, this time the team is going to a craft beer pub called Piw Paw, this will be the whole team, not just the new members, a large group assembles on the metro to head down, much excited talking and banter proceeds, this is going to be a great night!

As the team heads from the central metro up to the bar the heavens open and it begins to pour with rain! Richard didn't bring an umbrella...but then this girl steps in and offers to share hers...
Her name is Asia (pronounced Asha), she is 29, about 5 foot 8, long blonde/brown hair, Deep brown eyes and a trim figure, she is a member of the new team being trained. Richard greatly appreciates the help, they make it to the bar...

They find some large tables downstairs where the 40 odd group can all sit together, the setting is kind of a dark cavern, with bottlecaps decorating the walls, the floors are black. The selection of craft beers is immense, most likely around 100 varieties and varying in type, flavour and strength...some real gems there from all over Europe!

The seating is general split with the old CL team on one table, the new CI team on another, there are also some other guests from the UK who are stationed in Poland for a few months, Diogo and Ashley...a few outsiders from other teams also tag it is a big night! There is a lot of talking, group photo's and great integration!
The night goes by without incident, it is fun and goes on into the early hours!

A few days later there is another gathering, this time we go to a more local craft beer bar called Muranow, this is a smaller place, with normally about 15 different beers on tap, the range changing regularly, this time it is a much smaller gathering, mainly the new members but also a couple of the old crew.

Richard and Asia end up in a corner of a table together and the conversation is very focused, she likes to talk about her achievements, before this role she was doing a PHD in Geology...or something similar and was actually stationed out in a remote area called Spitsburgen up in Norway doing scientific study on glaciers.
Richard has a science background and finds this all quite interesting, they are talking for hours and there is good eye contact and stimulating conversation.
Asia leaves around 10, Rich's friend Szymon, a slightly muscular Pole with dark hair and Blue eyes starts to say that he should go for it, she is clearly interested, others in the group remaining chime in to say the same...

Rich has always been a bit hesitant about dating someone in the office, but he is very attracted to this girl...and it seems she feels the same way...

Bloxo 12-23-2020 07:14 AM

The Golden Period a prelude...
Time in the office is fun, the team are in good spirits and even though Richard has a lot to do...he is loving it, this transition project is very interesting, his ideas are being readily accepted and all is on track :)

He finds a very slight rivalry with a new supervisor...her name is Weronika, a slightly mousy girl, shortish dark hair, but pretty in her own way. She came over from the German team...and her ideas are rather inexperienced, she has a much softer approach to team development and she is getting very close to the team as Richard is...

The fun, games and banter despite the work flourish, Richard and Asia regularly throw things at each other in a playful way and have the odd chat here and there, all is looking positive...and Asia has a birthday coming up, the big 30! She invites the team to join her in a bar...I forget the name in Polish, but it translates to Deep Throat...something Rich finds amusing in a twisted way.

The party is on Saturday and starts at around 7, at this point we are well into July, the weather is warm, the nights long and the atmosphere in the city very positive and lively.
Using google maps, Rich tracks down the bar, it is on a rather steep street off one of the main thoroughfares near the centre of the city, he steps in and it is again a dark room, a very square area with some large tables and sofa like booths lining the walls, to the right is another room which forms an L shape around the well stocked bar.

He is greeted by Asia, who gives him a warm hug and a peck on the cheek, she takes him over to the bar to buy him a drink (this is a tradition in Poland, where the birthday boy/girl actually treats the guests).
Richard gladly takes a beer and presents Asia with a small gift, a glass Dolphin which he had purchased in the Czech Republic some months prior, she receives this happily and gives him a strong hug and again a kiss on the cheek with a radiant smile they proceed to the table she has reserved where some of the rest of the group are already present.

Asia sits in the corner with the comfy booths, while Richard perches on the opposite corner of the table, sat next to a girl called Marta, one of the smartest in the group...but no drinker haha,

The night continues into a card game that Asia has brought, she is a big fan of games...something Rich is also keen on in life, and something he finds exciting and fun about her, there are no bets or anything but the group have fun.
Later on Asia breaks out this Alcohol called Mintu, something from Norway...basically this mint flavoured Liquor, she shares it around the table and it is very tasty...however...once the bar staff find out she had brought her own alcohol we are rather harshly asked to leave the premises...Asia argues with the staff but they won't budge...

We all get up and move on...

The next few hours are a little blurry, a result of alcohol no doubt, the group I believe goes to a Subway for some food and ends up in some other random bar...but that is all I can remember...

Next thing I know it is around 3am, Richard and Asia are alone and walking towards the river, at the start of the evening she had expressed a wish to see the sunrise...I guess no one else was able to make it, walking and talking all the way they soon make it to the stone steps on the bank.

They take a seat as the sun gradually arises on the horizon, the area being bathed in a warm glow, they still have Asia's Mintu which the share, a few local cleaning teams are busy cleaning up the mess from those who were on the riverside the night before, other than that they are alone.

I do not remember what was said, but the next thing I know...Rich and Asia are kissing, it feels magical and exciting, they stay on the steps for sometime longer in one another's embrace...Asia suggests to go back to Rich's place...

Bloxo 12-23-2020 10:27 AM

The first time
They both went to the roadside and ordered an Uber, although it had been a bit of an all-nighter Rich was excited...this couldn't have gone any better, it just felt so right...he was very happy.

They made it back to his flat, now at the time he was on a second floor flat, it consisted of a long corridor, walk in closet to the left, bathroom to the right, then further on the left was an alcove containing a double bed, the living room/kitchen was up ahead.
It was a dark Oak colour scheme and a very modern flat.

It wasn't long before they were kissing and tumbling onto the bed, removing each others clothes and getting very passionate, Asia's body was a thing of beauty, smooth white skin, curves in all the right places, the breasts were maybe a B cup, the arse nice and firm...but alas, alcohol isn't always a good thing before sex...Rich could get hard but couldn't maintain it...the natural disaster for any man! Asia was understanding and they both went to bed to sleep holding each other...

The following morning they woke up and basically went straight back to it, the sex went on for a long time, when Rich finally came...he was in ecstasy as you may well imagine :D
Then Asia began to ask what he liked...he revealed he was a little kinky and that he had a few things to play with...Asia said she wasn't very experienced but wanted to try some new things.
Soon various ties were in place, massage oil was used, a little light spanking was was a day of pleasure, there was one bad thing...he poured some chocolate sauce over her breasts and started to lick it off...again, not the best plan when hungover...the sugar was a little too much and he ended up having to rush to the bathroom to throw up...not his finest moment...

As it got later in the day and the evening started to come Asia needed to return to her flat, Rich walked her to the tram stop and they parted ways.

During the following week they would go for walks in the evening, Rich was an avid Pokemon Go player, Asia soon adopted this game and they would walk around the area hunting! As well as having nice talks and going for ice cream.
Asia then offered to help Rich learn some Polish and would give him some lists of words to learn...

Things were going really well, the following weekend it was Rich's turn to have a birthday...

Bloxo 12-23-2020 06:21 PM

Rich's birthday
The previous year Rich had hired out a floor of Bobby Burger (a local burger chain that also sells alcohol) and then had a flat party for his turned into a bit of a this year he decided to play it a bit safer...
He would invite everyone to the river, where they could stay late and any stragglers later on could come to his place.
There is a quiet spot on the Vistula near a bar called Wild Beef which was perfect, people could take their drinks and then go to the bar for top ups.

It was a hot summer Saturday, perfect for the occasion...though the forecast had predicted some rain...which luckily didn't come to pass!

At this point, technically Rich and Asia hadn't told people at work about the two of them, but it had been discussed whether to...

People drifted to the party in a steady flow, there was a great turn out, people from the UK team and other groups came the least there was a good 50 people there (the group photo from my Youtube intro was taken at this event).

Rich was darting around talking to different people throughout the event, StoLat was sung many times, his friend Artur even showed up with a guitar and started playing some music, some dancing began with Rich in the centre...he made a move and pulled Asia in to dance with him, the night progressed...Asia was pretty drunk at one point stumbling over a grassy embankment on the way to the bar.

At around 1am, the group decided to move back to Rich's flat, some 20 odd people came back and continued the evening, Jenga was brought out so some drinking games could continue.
Soon Rich and Asia were sat on the bed talking, and the others at the party began to drift away.
They kissed and cuddled that night and went to bed.

The following day Asia would spend the whole day at Rich's place, and that whole day was spent being intimate, Asia loved for Rich to pleasure her...she didn't seem able to get enough!

In the evening, they played strip Playstation, playing a Dragonball versus game that Rich won with just his boxers remaining, he loved her competitive Asia was, it was something that really drove his desire, he melted some ice on her naked body as a forfeit which she hadn't done before yet enjoyed.

All in all, it was safe to say it was Rich's best birthday to that date and he was very happy.

Him and Asia had a bit of a talk, she started saying that this couldn't be a full on relationship as she was trying to get a job in Science and may be moving out of Warsaw, she also said Rich had mumbled something about marriage the night before (which he didn't remember) and this definitely couldn't go that way.

Rich was a little sad to hear this, but he thought to himself that he would make the most of what he could, and you never know the situation may change as they got least that is what he secretly hoped for...

Bloxo 12-24-2020 09:02 AM

The move
The next big event was a change of flat...Rich had to move his lodgings...his landlord was getting divorced and needed to reclaim the property for himself.
Rich looked at a few places in the same block, which his landlord helped him to find and went to a few viewings...
and guess what...he went for the biggest and most expensive place! In hindsight a bit over indulgent, but he liked to have friends round and wanted a place where he could have the space to do that and be accommodating to guests...

He rallied the troops, well some people from the office with the reward of Beer, so a few people helped him move his things from one office to another, the manager Damian, Grzegorz...someone who seemed nice, but Rich had a hard time trusting in the end...and of course Asia.

It took a few sorties back and forth and the job was done, everyone stayed for a drink afterwards, but then only Asia remained.

Her and Rich played on his Playstation classic, some fighting games...but sadly no bets this time.

They played some Chess, which Rich always won...much to Asia's frustration, they watched some Netflix together...and of course, a new flat has to be christened, so Asia and Rich made love that day.
They went to get some Pizza at a local Italian restaurant.

Rich felt very close to Asia, they enjoyed doing the same things, they could talk about interesting subjects...and she really seemed like an almost perfect girl for him...

Asia stayed over that night...the next day

Bloxo 12-25-2020 07:35 PM

Sitting here now, I look at the door which provokes one of my favourite memories...sadly my timeline may not be 100% this post will summarise some of the kinky actions that happened with Asia.

I would tie her to the door, with some straps that went over the top, originally keeping her in her underwear, I would blindfold her and have my fun.
I would give her some spanks...though she didn't like this, "No hitting she said"
I tried some wax which I melted on her ass, this was a little painful for her...
At this point I established she wasn't into pain...
I would melt ice over her body which she enjoyed
I had a flog, I didn't really hit her with it...but she loved the sensation when I dragged the tassles over her pussy
I used a vibrator on her which took her out of control
As well of course licking and kissing her, stroking and squeezing...all the normal things.

We played games of chess where the loser would have a forfeit...she always lost and I could see this frustrated her...
I made her strip, I poured whipped cream on her which she didn't enjoy that much
She tried to distract me with her breasts and body, sitting on my lap while I made a move...she was frustrated I could still think clearly, even with her very fine figure

When we kissed her mouth would click a little which she found embarrassing.
She had a hard time giving blow jobs because her mouth was quite small
She didn't like it when I came over her body, but I had to do it anyway hehe, I never got around to giving her a facial...

I would tie her up at the wrists and use her

I would have her wear satin gloves when she was stroking my cock

I bought her a sailor moon costume which she never got to wear

We had sex in the shower, she loved the water

I would tug her hair...again she wasn't too much of a fan...

I think that about covers the areas of kink we went into...

Bloxo 12-28-2020 09:17 PM

But alas, the last post was a sidetrack...and even looking back on it, I think not can be hard to remember everything from over a year ago, especially small details...

So let's return to the story...

So as you gathered, things seemed to be going well with Rich and Asia, they had a good sex life, were regularly seeing each other, sharing interests...Rich was amazed a girl like this had fallen into his almost felt like the long and painful time he had had in his life with relationships was finally being rewarded! work something funny had been happening, it was subtle at first...but seemed to be getting worse with time...

Working with Asia closely in the office, he started to notice she was getting a bit distant, she was even snapping back at him when he would talk to her...Rich was quite confused, her behaviour outside of work was the polar opposite...

This behaviour I later became familiar with is called hot and cold, or the push and pull effect, actually a deliberate way of forcing certain chemicals in the brain to be stimulated...and causes a kind of drug addiction.

Rich wondered if he was imagining it, but a colleague of his Michal, a youngish and bookish chap said that he could see this behaviour too and he couldn't understand why Asia was treating Richard this way.

Rich was he confronted Asia on one of their walks after work, she explained it as her having concerns, what if they broke up, how would that effect things in the workplace? Were they even supposed to be dating with Rich being senior to her? What if she did move away?
Rich...being the understanding person he is talked through these issues with her and they hugged, he hoped he had calmed things down by addressing it...

Bloxo 12-28-2020 10:02 PM

Missed details and The Party
So looking back, I realise I missed a couple of key things out...

We would play a game of Battleships, where each ship meant a truth question, Asia would ask me some rather deep and serious questions and with the answers I gave...she described them as perfect, a lot of this were kind of future relationship based things...such as what would happen if she got pregnant?
But she also tried to dig out if there was anything I was ashamed of, or if I had any bad actions from my past...
All seemed perfectly normal to me at the time...

Rich was a smoker, and this is something that Asia joined in on at social least at the start of the relationship, as the relationship went on Asia would complain she didn't like the taste when they kissed...

At one point I needed to get a new phone, I wanted to change to a Polish number as it made things easier in this country, especially with official things like paying Taxes online...she took me to the local shopping mall Arcadia and we went to a few different shops, she worked as translator for me...but as I had not been in the country a full two years, I couldn't get a contract, frustrated I walked out, it was a failure...
Later on that day I bit the bullet, hit my savings and bought a phone for myself and signed up to a pay as you go contract.

Anyway...getting back to the story...

So in Warsaw, we had two visitors, Diogo and Ashley from the UK, Diogo was a bit of a suave Portuguese member of the team, Ashley was a nice down to Earth guy from the UK, they were put up by the office in some rather swanky flat very close to us...they opted to throw a bit of a party, particularly as this girl fatima (of Indian decent but from Italy) was coming to visit them. It was to be a grand cocktail party and all were invited. the end of the work day, they were still at the party would probably kick off a bit late, everyone was more or less going straight from the office...

Now...Asia had a habit of starting every work day at 8am, so was normally finishing around thing that was tricky, as Rich tended to work 9-5 and she often moaned that she had to work longer to wait for him at the end of the day, she was a morning person and he was a night person.
That day her and Rich left work pretty much at 5 on the dot and decided to go back to his place while they waited for the party, they ended up having sex, which was not normal during the week.

At the end, Asia decided to go home instead of attending the party, which was a little unusual, but Rich after walking her to the tram stop made his attendance.

People were spread all over the flat, the kitchen, the living room and the balcony, the kitchen window to the balcony was being used as a serving station for cocktails.
Nothing significant of note happened at this party, people got drunk and had fun, lots of chatting and socialising, a bit of dancing, everyone was in good spirits and Rich was very happy, everything was going perfectly in his life right least up until this point.

Bloxo 12-28-2020 10:56 PM

It was decided that the following weekend, Rich and Asia would go to Wroclaw, Asia was keen to see the zoo there and Rich was excited to see a new city in Poland, having only really travelled to Krakow outside of Warsaw so far.
It was agreed that Asia would plan the Friday and Rich would plan the Saturday.
The were also having some rather steamy discussions prior to this about some kinky things they would do when they got there, and Rich was given a list of things to bring with him so they could have some extra fun...
Asia generously covered the hotel with some benefit points she had from work, they would split the train fair to get there.

They travelled up on the Thursday, which was a public holiday day in Poland, they took the train fairly early in the morning...there was a crying child on the carriage and this irritated Asia quite a lot, she would listen to music and work on some spanish lessons she was trying to get through when they weren't talking, it was a few hours journey inbetween the two cities.

Getting to Wroclaw they worked out the tram to get them to their hotel and checked in, before heading to the old town centre, they walked around and explored, seeing the historic buildings and looking for Dwarves (little colourful bronze statues hidden throughout the city), they walked around for hours taking in some of the views and going up and down the streets, they got to the evening and tried to find somewhere to eat...they walked around a bit and eventually after Asia was getting a little frustrated with Rich that they hadn't found a place, took an outdoor area on the main square and had a meal and some drinks, of course this cost a little more than the average place due to the location, they went back to the hotel and played battleships using paper and pen, however Asia was winning these games...and even though they made some bets, such as winner gets a massage, Asia didn't claim her prize. They settled down with a movie, and although they were very close, they did not have sex that night...

The following day they got up early to go to the Zoo, something which Asia was particularly looking forward to, they got the tram and did a bit of walking, they were there for hours, walking around and seeing the various animals on display, Rich asked Asia if she would like a souvenir, some stuffed animal or T-shirt but she declined.
They queued for an aquarium in the centre of the park, it started to rain and Rich used his jacket as a shield for Asia as they didn't take with them an umbrella that day, the queue took around an hour, it was a very popular exhibit.
After this they explored the rest of the zoo, Rich noticed that Asia seemed a bit uncomfortable with Rich showing public displays of affection...which was odd as it hadn't been that way before...
They left the zoo and stopped at this small Pizza place to grab a bite, the pizza was not ideal...but it did it's job.
After this they made it back to the centre and went to a large fountain where they could dip their feet in the water, every 30 minutes or so there was this laser show with music which they enjoyed, Rich grabbed a beer from an outdoor stall but Asia declined to have one.
After an hour or so they decided to head back to the hotel (from what I remember), that evening they decided to try downloading the Harry Potter game, similar to Pokemon go that Asia was interested in...but it wouldn't work on her phone. Rich went for a bit of a walk on his own as he wanted to have a cigarette and he felt it was a bit early to be settling down at the hotel.
At one point, Asia was wearing this loose fitting Pyjama top and her breast was hanging out, she laughed it off...despite some kisses and petting by Rich they didn't have sex that night either, they settled down and watched some stuff on their phone and went to bed.

The following day it was Rich's turn to plan the events, they went to a botanical garden, followed by a natural history museum, ended up in this cinema museum that was located in an old bunker under the main square and then went to a videogame museum, Asia played some Super Mario (NES edition) and they played some tank game together which was popular in Poland in the 90's, they stopped at a board game shop to pick out something...Rich wanted a new game to play together and then they went to a bar to have some food and some beers...
When they got back to the hotel, Rich had a bit of an upset stomach and was a little one point, Asia was sat with her legs open, her pussy on full display...but they didn't have sex that night...
Also of note during this day Asia stopped holding Rich's hand, saying it felt uncomfortable and they linked arms instead.

The Sunday morning, Rich asked Asia if everything was okay...he was confused why they hadn't been intimate during this this point Asia started to cry, and said something about memories of an old boyfriend, Rich didn't know about any of this, he held her while she sobbed and they went for a walk in some local woods. She also reveals that she doesn't think she will ever want to have children, something which Rich accepts.
They talked, and Asia didn't want to open up that day about how she was feeling, she commented that she needed to get back to Warsaw for Mass (she was a regular church goer).
They got the train back, and at the station they parted...

Bloxo 12-28-2020 11:10 PM

After Wroclaw, Asia and Rich didn't spend much time together, he would walk her to the tram stop occasionally after work, but these trips were brief.
The texting went a little quiet and after Wroclaw...Rich had the distinct impression something was wrong.
Asia said that he was crowding her and she needed some space, also saying she needed to see friends which she hadn't had the time to as she spent her weekends with him...Rich was a little surprised by this, as she hadn't said anything before, but naturally said that she could use her time as she wished and he didn't want to cut her off from his friends.
They planned to meet up at the weekend, but then Asia and Gregorz from the office planned to have a BBQ in the woods where people were invited, this was cancelled as it turned out it was illegal to do so, and Asia saw a friend instead from her science days.

One night people were going down to the river after work was let out early as a celebration for one of the teams going live from the transition.
As they sat down, Asia started calling Rich out for some jokes he had made and said he didn't like what he was saying...this was in front of the rest of the team...Rich was a bit taken aback, but laughed it off.
He left the riverside to go and meet some friends which was pre-arranged.
Asia text him to check he was okay, and that he wasn't leaving because of what she was saying...he reassured her and things were calm.

The following week, Rich started to question Asia over text why she didn't want to spend time with him...she told him that she needed some time to decide how she felt, and whether she loved him enough for the relationship to continue, they agreed to take a break from contact, he was going back to the UK to a friends wedding and she was also travelling home to see family.

While he was back in the UK, he caught up with friends and family, spoke to some of them about what was going on.
He did text Asia at one point to see how she was doing and had very limited messages back, so he left her be. He noticed after a point that she stopped liking his posts on Facebook.

He was feeling sad and a bit helpless, this wonderful relationship he had experienced was dying and he knew it...he didn't know what to do other than to leave Asia her space.

Bloxo 12-28-2020 11:38 PM

A brief reprieve...
The day I got back to Poland from the UK...or maybe the day after...I lose track, the team organised to head out to the river to have some drinks.

Naturally being the socialite he was Rich couldn't say no, also Asia was going to be there and Rich wanted to see what would happen...

The night was fun, the team had a lot to drink and some good talks, Asia was behaving a bit more normally, though Rich was still trying to give her some space.
It was decided to go back to Rich's flat at the end of the night for a small after party, Asia actually decided to go back with them...Rich was surprised, they walked ahead of the group and talked a little, Rich kissed her when they got to the entrance of the flat, but Asia said not to do anything in front of the group.

People came back to the flat and had some drinks, Asia left a little earlier than the rest but agreed to see Rich the following day, the party continued a little later before the team headed home.

The following day Asia came over to Rich's flat, they talked a little, watched netflix and played some new games that Rich had purchased while at home...
Asia finally found a game she could consistently beat Rich at called Second Chances, which was a little bit like Tetris, she stated that you needed a certain type of intelligence to beat this game, though they didn't place any bets on it...even though Rich wanted to.

They kissed and cuddled on the sofa, but Asia stopped Rich from taking things further, saying she was on her Period.
They watched a movie and Rich would massage her back.

In the evening she went home, on the way to the tram stop she said that she thought Rich may have he kept touching her...he was a little taken aback by this and started to self analyse...

she was again distant and a little snappy in the office after this weekend, they walked a small amount after work, but that was the only real contact they had...

The next big event was a big work party organised by the managers...

Bloxo 12-29-2020 12:25 AM

The work Summer's end celebration
We have reached mid-September by this point.

The air is still warm, the weather still holds up and as a celebration work is organising a big party down at the beach!

Okay, this is a beach by the river, part of Northern Warsaw passed the boulevard, it is rather secluded and near a closed beach bar.

Virtually the whole extended team is there, all the managers and departments make an attendance.

When Rich gets there he sees some people starting to build a fire in this large pit, gathering wood and making kindling, he pitches in and does some foraging for materials.

There is a big speech by the managers, thanking everyone for their hard work, there is a lot of alcohol provided, beers and spirits mostly.

Rich tries to talk to Asia, but she is a bit evasive, she hops around from person to person talking, Rich does follow her around a little like a helpless puppy admittedly a bit...

There is a group activity where everyone is split into teams and they need to make some artwork, getting the hint that Asia wants some space Rich joins a different team from her. Once this activity is complete the night continues...

Rich continues to try and find out what is happening with Asia...the two of them eventually walk off to a part of the beach to talk.

Asia reveals to Rich that she is still in love with an Ex-boyfriend, how he mistreated her and then slept with her best friend, she says she is not ready for a serious relationship, her friends tell her she needs therapy and she thinks she will be broken like this for a long time and tells Rich not to wait for her...

Rich is naturally heart broken about this, but to him at least this is some closure and explanation for what has been happening, holding her gently by the shoulders, he tells her that she understands and accepts what they are saying, he lets her go...he is upset, but what can he do? She had given her story and he has to accept that.

He goes to a couple of friends to talk, one friend Basia is also having a bad time, thinking of an ex of hers, Rich holds her in comfort.

The night gets blurry after this, the team end up gravitating from the beach to the nearby Wild Beef bar and continue drinking, Rich has some heart to heart conversations and invites people back to his flat at the end of the night to continue the evening... turns out a lot more happened this night than Rich was aware of...this would be revealed to him later...

Also, this was not the end of things between him and Asia...the worst is yet to come in this twisted story...

Bloxo 12-29-2020 02:23 AM

After the breakup
The morning after the party, Rich couldn't help but text Asia, saying that he missed her already, Asia responded kindly saying she wanted them to stay close and they could still play games together...naturally this gave Rich some hope of a future coupling...

In the office Rich gave Asia some distance, helped her with her work when needed, but she mainly asked other people for help at this point.

He didn't text her again, not wanting to make things more complicated.

The two of them didn't really talk, but I think this was natural, they needed some space to heal, Rich was worried about Asia...with all that she had said he knew that she was suffering inside, but he also knew that he couldn't do anything about it, he did his best to be professional in the office and to make her life easier by ensuring the team's transition was being managed well, so essentially he put his head down and focused on work.

At this point he wasn't grieving the relationship too much, he accepted how things had gone...and wanted his best to make sure that life got back to some normality at least...

The following month...well it would be eventful, Azaz, one of the team in India was being flown over to help do some specialist training to one of the teams on a rather tricky process they had to adopt...Rich and Azaz were close, they had worked together for many years, had each others backs and were more friends than colleagues, he was looking forward to the visit and put together an activity plan so that when Azaz was over in Warsaw he would have a good tour of the city and plenty of things to make his stay a great one!

What Rich didn't know at this that Azaz's visit wouldn't be the only thing that would be a source of activity and great drama was about to follow...

Bloxo 12-29-2020 01:45 PM

On the last Friday of September it was a work day just as any other.

Rich was working late, on a call with Azaz just past 5pm, Damian tapped him on the shoulder and asked to speak to him. Rich confirmed he had a few things to iron out on the call and he would come and find him, not quite sure what was going on he was curious...but he had his priorities.

Once the call finished he was summoned into an office with Damian and Alicja, the two senior managers of the department, Rich knew he hadn't done anything wrong so wasn't concerned, but he felt something had happened...

They revealed to him that the supervisor Weronika had been fired...this was something very rare in the company...
They explained that she had been taken sick leave without getting Doctor's notes repeatedly and had received several warnings about this before, Rich was a little shocked...but he was not upset, numerous times he had to cover her work because she didn't finish things, she spent more time getting close with the team than doing the admin side of the work.

Rich would also later learn, that on the night of the last party that she had been inappropriate with one of the team members, this Lesbian in the group Paulina (There are a few Paulina's in the team haha), she had become possessive and tried to make out with her...when she was rejected it turned into a fight and the managers had to step in...

It also turned out that Weronika was on some medication, which was most likely some kind of anti-psychotic and when mixed with alcohol she would do some crazy things, recently she had text the team on Messenger to arrange a night out which never happened for example, and she was being very flirty with a few girls in the team.

She had been asked to leave quietly, it was a deal struck so she would still get a reference.
In fact, the whole reason she was given this posting was due to some behaviours in her previous team, and HR wanted to give her a second chance, Alicja had agreed to take her on...

She met with the team that night in a bar, Rich decided not to go...he did not feel appropriate seeing her and getting involved, it would later transpire that she was accusing managers...including Rich of plotting against the team, laughing at them when they made mistakes and planning to fire other people...none of this was true I will add...

Over the weekend Rich was having a quiet one at home, most likely watching netflix and playing games...on the Sunday night he was surprised to get a text from Asia recommending some crime series on Netflix, he thanked her for the message and started to watch this show...he didn't want to act over-excited at this point, it was just a friendly thing to do and he didn't want to read into things, especially after what she had said about her situation.

The following day, Asia discovered that she had received a pay rise and permanent contract.
At one point her and Rich were outside when he was having a smoke, he congratulated her on her news and they hugged.

He also gave her condolences about the Weronika situation, he knew they were a little close, she was not overly concerned but surprised by what had happened, just as the rest of the team were.

Rich had also confided with Asia in Wroclaw that he had some concerns about Weronika, Asia had asked him not to approach management about this...he reassured her that he had not spoken to them, which was true and that he had kept his word on this particular conversation they had had.

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