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Wcbrown514 08-09-2007 07:56 PM

The Devil and God. (18+, explicit content)
“In the end all we have is our faith.” says Brother Andrew, on this foggy Sunday as I lay half asleep in the back row of our little church located in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, I am awoken by the quick jab in my side brought on by an elbow of the girl next to me. “Wake up, Corey.” she says “He is looking right at you!” “Like I care.” I say, while deep down I am terrified of opening my eyes for fear of seeing him. “You are so stubborn!” I hear her says out of the side of her mouth. Are we not all stubborn? I am tired, why shouldn’t I sleep when I am tired, I mean I am only hear because of her and my dad makes me come. Suddenly my phone lets out a loud ring and everyone in church stops and slowly turns to face me as I quickly grab it and run out of the building. ”Hello?” I ask, “Hey quick come to my house.” The voice on the other end of the line says. “Why should I?” I demand. “Because I said so.” She demandingly says. “Whatever. I will be there in a minute.” As I hang up the phone, she runs outside to me and I tell her I have to leave. As I turn to leave she ask why I must go and I simply tell her “Family troubles.” Family troubles……yeah right. Right as I enter the house I know what is going on for there she stands completely naked dripping wet. “Are you ready?” she ask. “Whatever lets get this over with. Oh and where are your parents?” I says. “Away for the week so we have plenty of time.” she quickly answers as we enter her bedroom…..”So is this all you needed me for?” “ Well wasn’t it worth it?” “Yeah I guess your right.” “So now what?” She asks. “Let’s just watch a movie.” “Ok!” So we put in a movie and end up lying in her bed naked holding each other while enjoying Garden State for almost 2 hours then we go and grab a bite to eat then head to Will’s house. “Hey, Mrs. Filhiol!” “Oh, hello Corey and Jennifer! William and Victoria are in the back room.” “Thank you, Mrs. Filhiol.” As we make our way down the hallway we hear William and Victoria conversing. “What’s up guy’s?” “Oh, hey dude!” Soon we tire of hanging at Will house and decide to head to John’s house to play some video games. John and Sabrina are in the living room playing another rousing game of yu-gi-oh. Once they finish we play Super Smash Bros. Melee(I hate), then I kick their ass at Halo 2(I love) After that we decide to call Austin to come over and then Daniel and in the end it turns into a party, after which I decide I am staying at Williams house, but I have to tell William I have to take Jennifer home. “ Alright cool, but hey don’t come until about 11:00.” That’s 2 hours just enough time for one more go….. Once I get to his house I see John and Daniel are also there and are spending the night, well I guess I know what that means. The rest of the night melts away with a can of keyboard duster. I wake to the ringing of my phone once again. “Hey, come and pick me up.” “Alright I will be there in a minute.” Once I get there we decide to have some fun before we leave, but after that we head to William’s house. We spend the rest of the day just hanging there, Wal-Mart, Cici’s, and John’s house, but our adventure finally ends at her house for just one more time before I have to go to work the next day. Needless to say I was tired when I came into work. The whole day I felt like crap, but I got through it and I reluctantly told Jennifer I wanted to go home and get some sleep…I didn’t go to sleep until 5:00. When I woke at 4:00 in the afternoon I quickly got a shower and head to church. I am back in the same place I was in the beginning.

“There is a battle for my soul between the Devil and God, the Devil won this round.”

the Bean 08-10-2007 12:19 AM

this story scares me

Tony12 08-10-2007 05:23 AM

:S Umm huh what?

I'm a bit confused here but still interested :)

dared to perfection 08-10-2007 08:14 AM

totally flabbergasted !!! i am not sure where this story is going what its really about but its good :D

Wcbrown514 08-10-2007 05:42 PM

Thank you, and sorry bean never meant to confuse you, well the thinking behind this story is that I like to write things that will make people say something about them. I also would like to say that I am happy to be the first person to be rated in our new system. I don't know if I will continue it or not. The story just kinda came to me. It all depends on the reaction I get.

glue 08-12-2007 10:18 AM

i did not make sense to me

Wcbrown514 08-12-2007 05:15 PM

Ok it has no background story this is the beginning people. You meet the main character his name is corey and the story is how one day of his life goes. There is no way to explain anything else because there is no background history made or anything. Don't look for some explaination on everything take it as the way it seems. If you would like for me to give a detailed explaination here I will.

Wcbrown514 08-13-2007 06:12 PM

Ok I have good news, I think it is good news, I am writing a second part because the next part just came to me and I had to write it down.

Wcbrown514 08-13-2007 06:38 PM

“How does this one look on me?” she casually ask even though she can clearly see my discomfort. “Do I have to help you pick out underwear? Can’t I just go hang out with guys and you and some of your friends can do this.” I plead, “Well if you get to take them off of me then why shouldn’t you help me buy them as well. Now if you would rather not do this we can simply stop having sex all together.” she says “Do you honestly think I am addicted to sex or something? We have other ways of relieving our sexual desires.” I say quite loudly. “Would you shut up!” she screams. We finish underwear shopping and she then has to go shopping for a outfit and shoes, etc. Finally I am able to go and pick up the jeans I want along with a new jacket, shoes, and some shirts. “This was a fun day! Wasn’t it?!?!” she says mockingly and I just glare and she can see the answer in my eyes. “Hey let’s get something eat then go and see a movie!” “Am I going to waste all my cash on you?” “Perhaps.” “Ok, but if I do you are paying for my gas for the rest of the week.” “Well it looks like you won’t be going anywhere.” “Very funny.” The movies sucked so we left and I decided we would head to the park and just rest for awhile. “ Corey, why do you like this place so much?” “I don’t know it is so peaceful and calm, but everything just seems to stop and you finally get some time to think.” “Wow that is deep.” she says sarcastically “You making fun of me?!?!” I question her. “ Well it would seem that way wouldn’t it.” We spend the rest of the night lying there and then we head home, no sex tonight. As I awake the next morning I realize I have like 10 missed calls. I call William back and he is frantically trying to explain thing and all I hear is “ Dude it came out of nowhere she was pulling into her street and suddenly it just came out of nowhere, man.” I quickly ask “Who, who got hit William?” he slowly ask “ Are you seated, man?” “Yes, I am.” “It was…Jessica.” I hung up the phone then and there. He quickly called me back, but I ignored him this time. Suddenly my mind went blank and I busted out of my room running, out the front door. The sunny was burning I could barely see anything suddenly I tripped and hit the ground, knees bloodily on the jagged asphalt. “SHIT!!!! WHY THE FUCK! WHY THE FUCK! WHY HER? WHY HER, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!” I scream uncontrollably. My mom was in shock having never heard such use of language from me. “Corey, I never want to here that come out of-” “Mom, Jessica is dead….she is fucking dead.” “Oh my god, Corey I am so sorry.” The rest of the day is spent in the comfort of my friends and family. Friday is the wake and then Saturday is the funeral.

“Where is your faith in a time like this? What can it get you? False hope. Lost dreams. Faith is nothing.”

the Bean 08-14-2007 10:50 AM

i'm quite honestly petrified... ok, for as much our sake as it is yours, here are some tips:
1: Use paragraphs, because i for one didnt finish this second installment
2: Reread through your work carefully, and see if it makes sense (because it doesnt)
3: Stop scaring me, my pacemakers going bonkers

Wcbrown514 08-14-2007 06:51 PM

Ok I am simply not trying to be redundant by putting She says and I say after every sentence. Also it will make sense if you read because the speaking can easily be read by looking at the sentence and then thinking of the characters personality. Also if you are looking at the fact that I don't use characters names alot it is because I like to develop an impersonal relationship with my characters. If you will notice the other girl mentioned in the first installment has no name as of yet. Why the hell is it scaring you? There is nothing scarey. Please tell what you think is scarey. Also finish all the fucking installment before you critize my writing.

Wcbrown514 08-15-2007 05:47 PM

My next entry is a little shorter, but more will come.

Wcbrown514 08-15-2007 05:48 PM

“ So how are you feeling?” she said as we casually stroll down the sidewalk,

“What you mean since the accident?” I simply reply.

“Yes, are you okay or does it still hurt to think about it?’ she quickly ask.

Still hurt? What does she think, I lost the love of my life a year ago and now I stroll through the same park that I last talked to Jessica at before she died…such a stupid question, well what can you expected from a stupid bitch.

“ What the fuck do you think?” I angrily reply.

“ I am sorry Corey, I am just worried about you that’s all.” She lovingly replies.

Worried, worried! When the fuck has she ever been worried about me? She broke my heart more than a year ago and now she tries to say she is worried about me! She doesn’t know what the hell she is saying.

“Since when have you worried about me?” I ask her.

“Corey, why the hell do you do this. You always think that I am some heartless bitch that cares nothing about you.” She yells.

“Well, aren’t you?” I quickly ask.

The conversation is broken up by my cell phone. It is John, he says they want me to come over. So I walk off leaving her there with her questions unanswered and her replies unheard. She is talking to no one now, fuck her, she deserves it. When I arrive at John’s house William, John, Daniel, and Austin are there and they have plenty of alcohol to go around. We drink the night away and watch 300, kick over port-o-potty’s and shit some people’s doorstep’s. It was a fine night.

“Corey, Corey, Corey! Wake up! You gotta go home dude!” John’s screams.

“Fine, whatever dude.” I angrily reply.

The ride home is less than enjoyable. My head is killing me and I am tired as hell. My bed welcomes me with a warm hug. I sleep for almost 5 hours then get up and go to work. Life as usual. Sucks.

molten man 08-15-2007 09:09 PM

i somehow.. did not understand this!!

Wcbrown514 08-16-2007 04:56 AM

Ok guy and girl walk a down a sidewalk and they are talking about how they guy is feeling then the guy get a phone call leaves the girl and goes to wasted with his friends. Wakes up in the morning and drives home. done.

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