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Butterfly 11-07-2018 10:39 AM

November Dare of the Month
Theme: Autumn

For most of us, the weather is turning cooler, the leaves are changing, snow is starting to fall, and pumpkin spice lattes or hot cocoa are being drank by all. Instead of moaning and complaining about the weather, lets embrace it and use it for our November dare theme.

Please choose one of the following to complete:

TEMPERATURE CHANGE: Weather is very unpredictable at this time of the year, it can go from freezing cold, to beautifully warm in an instant. Temperature changes don't have to be super annoying. For this dare, try to contrast between two extremes. Alternate dripping ice and hot wax on your body or experiment with edging in a cold shower before switching it to hot. Be creative in how you use temperature play.

BUNDLE UP: As we all start to bundle up in layers and layers to keep warm, it is the perfect time to try hiding something under a larger sweater, or thicker pants. Maybe try to go grocery shopping with a rope harness, or venture out Christmas shopping with your chastity cage on. Be as daring or cautious as you would like!

FESTIVE MESS: Many people are kicking off the holiday season with Thanksgiving dinner, or the start of Christmas parties. Even if you aren't celebrating a specific holiday, people tend to eat heavier and more decadent foods as the weather gets colder. Let's not let those leftovers go to waste: instead let's get messy! Cover yourself in your favorite autumn treat. Maybe that is a hot cocoa bath, adding pumpkin pie to your panties, or dumping leftover gravy over your head. Get messy and yummy!

Proof: Photo with report

Deadline: November 30, 2018

*Note: Even if photos are a limit, you may still choose to submit one. The photo does not have to be of your full body or even of you if you choose. Examples: take a photo of the mess you leave behind, a drawing of the rope harness you chose to wear out, or the full outfit you decide to wear.

WAMPup 11-07-2018 10:36 PM

One of these months I'll remember to do one of these. I think we all know which one I'd be most likely to do, but I'm thinking that might be a little boring. Maybe I'll roll for it or something. ^_^ All of them sound super fun.

amethyst353 11-10-2018 06:51 PM

The bundle up dare called to me, because I have never played with rope by myself before and had been meaning to try out a rope harness for the first time. I pulled up some instructions and went for it. I think I definitely could have made it neater/prettier, but it was functional and that is good enough for me on my first try.

So on to the real part of the dare. I didn't leave my apartment, but I do some casual video game streaming from time to time. And when I do stream, I have my webcam on. I put a hoodie on over and the top knot was definitely peaking out.

I was very self conscious about it, especially since I had a bigger audience than I usually get. I peaked at 26 viewers today and I was totally expecting someone to mention the rope peaking out. And the rope hooking under my crotch and up my crack made it so I was constantly aware I was wearing a rope harness under my clothes.

I'm also in a group for female gamers. A lot of us in there are pretty open about our sexuality and some of us share lewds with each other and I had shared the picture of me in the harness. One of my friends that saw the picture and came into my stream to tease me. "I like your necklace, marissa ;)" appeared in the chat. I think I pretty cooly just said thank you, but I'm pretty sure I blushed intensely as well. If anyone recognized what the "necklace" was, they didn't say so and my friend left her teasing there so the rest of the stream was pretty uneventful. However, as someone who is pretty adverse to doing things in public, it was pretty thrilling. It's been about 30 minutes since I stopped the stream and I am still buzzing about it!

Twisted Kitten 11-27-2018 06:12 AM

As I read the dare competition, the Festive Mess sounded like alotta fun to me, so I went out to the local shop (I do wear my cage everywere, so kinda bundle up as well? xD jk) anywho, I grabbed 2 boxes (20 pouches) of swiss mix hot cocoa. I thought the idea of bathing in hot cocoa sounded just heavenly, so this is what i did.

I filled the tub with hot water and empties 10 pouches of mix into the water, stiring it with a whisk until all the lumps were gone.

it looked at this point to be nice and chocolaty looking, so i took a dip.

one of my favorite parts of this was listening to my Christmas music playlist while soaking. the water was really hot, and at one point i decided to try some of the hot coca.

I knew it wouldn't be super sweet, because hello? like only 10 pouches but like, 30 gallons of water. but i tried it anyway and not to my surprise, it just tasted like plain old slightly altered water. sad. next time i do this im gonna put a lot more cocoa powder in there!

I loved doing this dare because it felt just so pleasant and arousing to be soaking in hot cocoa. hot cocoa and egg nog are my two favorite beverages of this season, and since eggnog is expensive i took a soak in hot cocoa. maybe ill save up for next year and bathe in egg nog! that would be fun.

Jaro 11-28-2018 09:44 AM

Ice Boobs!
I decided to try out something different around the temperature play. My Misses did experiment with this with me before using icy butt plugs but now I wanted something different!

To prepare I put 4 sacks filled with water in the freezer this morning. Two of those I filled a bit more and put 'upright' so they would freeze a bit like balls. The other two had less water and laid more flat in the freezer.

Then, at the end of the day, I had this prepared.

Yup, I was going to make myself an ice bra and ice shoes. But I wanted to play with hotness too.

I prepared a wide container of water as hot as I thought I would be able to bare. I also put a piece of rope through a hook on the ceiling and tied two candles on it. I laid two additional candles and a lighter on the floor.

Of course I was naked wearing only my bra (and collar and chastity cage) when I started by putting my bare feet in the hot water. It was definitely very hot and I had a bit of trouble keeping them in. But not too much and I figured it could have been hotter.

I wanted to make my non-existing boobs hot too and I tried this my putting a cloth soaked in that same hot water into my bra. That didn't have much effect. It cools off extremely quickly so even when pushing it against my chest it wasn't very hot.

Anyhow I sat like this for about a minute after which I put the two biggest ice bags into the cups of my bra and placed my bare feet on top of the smaller, flatter ice bags (I ended up not bothering with the flip flops).

Now this was extremely cold and very uncomfortable, especially on my soles. But it wasn't unbearable and I sat like that for about a minute also, looking down at my ice boobs.

Now it was time to make stuff warm again, so I lit all the candles, lay down on the floor and raised both my feet straight up so that my soles were under the dripping candle wax. In the mean time I held the other two candles over my chest and nipples and let the wax drip there.

Now the wax was a bit of a let down. Especially on my soles I had expected it to be quite hot, but it wasn't. I hardly even felt the drops. I felt them on my chest more.

My legs were getting tired in less than a minute though, so I lowered them again and positioned myself a bit further down so that the wax from the ceiling would drip on my chest instead. It was pretty fun but I wasn't patient enough to lie there for more than a minute after which I decided to put my feet in the water again.

The water had cooled considerably already, but it was still quite warm and I used it to clean much of the wax from my feet. Then, one final time, I put in the ice boobs again and placed my soles on the ice. This was still so cold!!

Now I decided I was done. When I looked in the mirror I noticed my very red chest. It was almost like it was blushing.

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