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Tempting_rebuttal 07-24-2018 07:03 PM

I AMA 22/transman!
Thought this could be a fun and interesting way for me to get back into this community again!

(This paragraph is a bit of an edit, since it's info I forgot to place in before) now, yes, I am a trans man. This means I'm transitioning from female to male. I started on hormones at 16 and had top surgery at... 18, I'm pretty sure. So I've been doing this for a while. The whole thing has been a long, arduous trip but we'll worth it. In terms of bottom surgery I've not even started thinking about that yet. Top was expensive enough and at this moment in time I'm comfortable with where I'm at.

So come one, come all! Ask your questions! Just please be respectful in your asking and (though I'd assume these would be common sense) no questions that would potentially identify who I am nor any asking about what my name before transition was haha.

On top of asking questions feel free to leave any dares below as well if you'd like! So far I've gotten "edge once for every question"
"every asker gets to choose how long I'm denied for with every post they make. The max per post is one week but make more posts asking more questions and you can stack onto that amount!
So add your own rules/ dares or add onto these to. Let's really get me rutting :D

centurion01 07-24-2018 08:18 PM

1- so where have you been?
2- what brings you back?
3- what is your next move?

Tempting_rebuttal 07-24-2018 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by centurion01 (Post 3367690)
1- so where have you been?
2- what brings you back?
3- what is your next move?

Hey! It's been a while! Hope you've been doing well :)

1. Does Mexico count? ;P
Worked on a couple shows which has been an amazing experience.

2. Ive missed the fun challenges and all the discussions I had With peeps. I got so busy that I got out of coming on here. I remember having a certain comfort from this community and, considering the past month has been a little choppy, I think I'm also trying to enjoy some of that comfort once again

3. Keep acting, keep working towards the success I'm pushing for haha. Otherwise, I wish I knew specifically my next move but I guess life will do that to ya sometimes.

also if you ever wanna catch up send over a pm!

centurion01 07-24-2018 08:45 PM

4- would we know any of these shows?
5- what's the most fun kinkwise youve had since youve been gone?
6- describe your kinkiest fantasy.

Tempting_rebuttal 07-24-2018 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by centurion01 (Post 3367706)
4- would we know any of these shows?
5- what's the most fun kinkwise youve had since youve been gone?
6- describe your kinkiest fantasy.

4. I mean netflix does have a pretty broad network doesn't it? 😉
it certainly would be an [B] unfortunate event[/B] if i told you

5. Unfortunately, haven't been doing much kink truth be told. The boyfriend isn't much into it though I've slowly been getting him to warm up to it.
Would be lying if I didn't say I miss the fun it provided

6. Ooh, giving me a hard question huh? At the moment, probably being placed in chastity/denial and submitting as a slave. Whether that submitting means through pet play or control, depends on the day haha

centurion01 07-24-2018 09:26 PM

7- whats the most kink youve tried with the BF?
8- since youve came back found any good threads?
9- should we wean you back into kink, making each question a edge?

Tempting_rebuttal 07-25-2018 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by centurion01 (Post 3367739)
7- whats the most kink youve tried with the BF?
8- since youve came back found any good threads?
9- should we wean you back into kink, making each question a edge?

Poo, I can't get to sleep so why not answer more of your questions for the time being haha.

8- slow down there, it's only my second day back haha! And eh, so far nothing screams at me or anything. But that's how it gets here; things ebb and flow

9 - sure, why not? I've gotten awful at my edging control

.. Oh dang, I almost forgot to answer it so - -

7- it's been little things, incorporating toys where we didn't usually before, different positions, that whole deal
Still trying to talk him into bondage. Soon, hopefully 😜

Tempting_rebuttal 07-25-2018 03:23 PM

To hopefully generate more questions coming my way, how about we add this; Every person who asks a question may provide a chosen amount of time I'm denied orgasm. The max you can choose per post is one week, however you can always stack onto that time by asking more questions in more posts ;)

SemiGolfBoy 07-25-2018 05:09 PM

Hello you beautiful, beautiful maned bird. I'd love to ask you stuff cause I'm a ftm too and I have plenty of things i wish to know!
So as long as it's pleasant and ok for you to answer those, may I please know...

~ What are your thoughts on small penis humiliation, feminization, and all sort of humiliation that plays on belittling your masculinity? I'm asking cause you have humiliation in your likes so it could be, but I'd understand if it hurt more than it hit the sweet spot. As you can see on my side it's really a thing.

~ I have this fantasy to be humiliated about my cock/clit size compared to another (bigger) ftm's rather than an actual cock, so that I feel like it's even more real. What's your thought on that?

~ I didn't quite catch how far along in your physical transition you are, if I missed it on your profile just point it out to me, but otherwise, how much did you change about your body, and how much are you comfortable changing ultimately?

~ Imagining that you have both a long enough cock and a pussy, would you prefer topping or bottoming with a man? And what about with a woman?

~ Are you interested in trans women, or in other trans guys? Did you ever try?

Tempting_rebuttal 07-25-2018 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by SemiGolfBoy (Post 3368485)
Hello you beautiful, beautiful maned bird. I'd love to ask you stuff cause I'm a ftm too and I have plenty of things i wish to know!
So as long as it's pleasant and ok for you to answer those, may I please know...

~ What are your thoughts on small penis humiliation, feminization, and all sort of humiliation that plays on belittling your masculinity? I'm asking cause you have humiliation in your likes so it could be, but I'd understand if it hurt more than it hit the sweet spot. As you can see on my side it's really a thing.

(sorry for the long answers haha. I find this free stream kinda typing very cathartic)
Of course I'd be happy! I always found it comforting, especially at the beginning of my transition to talk with people dealing with the same thing I am!

Now onto your first question; when I was just starting transition, all of those would have been huge hard limits. I was still really trying to get over my own bullshit that came with being transition and starting transition.

As I've been on T now for a good 5/6 years, I've become a lot more comfortable making fun of the not so perfect parts of myself (except my hips, still trying to come to accept them haha) and I've... "grown into" certain parts, if you get my drift
in terms of humiliation I'm more into the forms more associated with say pet play or even being treated to, say, strict rules and don't deal so much in small dick stuff. I'm sure I could get into that though given the right atmosphere, if that makes sense.

In terms of feminization, I'd love to do drag at some point and would love to get an acting role that gave me the excuse to put on a dress but I'm not sure I'd be able to make it into a fetish for myself :P


Originally Posted by SemiGolfBoy (Post 3368485)
~ I have this fantasy to be humiliated about my cock/clit size compared to another (bigger) ftm's rather than an actual cock, so that I feel like it's even more real. What's your thought on that?

It's definitely an interesting fantasy! I think I can see why too. Part of the fun would come from having it be from a person who deals with the same shit and knows what you're going through I'd imagine?


Originally Posted by SemiGolfBoy (Post 3368485)
~ I didn't quite catch how far along in your physical transition you are, if I missed it on your profile just point it out to me, but otherwise, how much did you change about your body, and how much are you comfortable changing ultimately?

Ah, I knew I forgot something in the introductory post! So! Im six years on T, and I've already gone through top surgery. Now would I like to get bottom surgery is the big question and for there I'm not sure. Mostly because I don't want to lose libido/things to become painful or unenjoyable. The results I've seen so far for bottom surgery aren't to my taste and I'm still curious where technology takes surgeries like that.

Having said that, there is a website; transthetics that is working on an all in one super realistic prosthetic "the bionic" that, if it does all they're saying it'll do, will be a great solution to my problem. I've been keeping a close eye on the project and I'm really hoping it works out.

I'm fortunate though, as with the changes that have come with T and top surgery, I'm comfortable with my body at the moment and don't need to think about further surgeries...specially since I am not able to afford it! (top was expensive as is haha)


Originally Posted by SemiGolfBoy (Post 3368485)
~ Imagining that you have both a long enough cock and a pussy, would you prefer topping or bottoming with a man? And what about with a woman?

This is so interesting for me to think about cause, you see, I love bottoming. I love the idea of giving up control to someone and letting them do as they wish to you. However, that love could easily be from my upbringing right? I've always wondered, had I been born as I should have been, would I have been more of a top and I think, though Id still enjoy bottoming, I have a feeling I'd be a bit more of a switch.


Originally Posted by SemiGolfBoy (Post 3368485)
~ Are you interested in trans women, or in other trans guys? Did you ever try?

before meeting my lovely boyfriend I have now, I had only been in the dating game for about a year; not long I know, so I never really did run into any other transpeople.

Its difficult for me to say just because every trans person is different. I think if the person was comfortable with sexual play I'd have definitely given it a try with them

Tempting_rebuttal 07-26-2018 01:08 PM

Bump, if you all don't mind~!¡!

SemiGolfBoy 08-01-2018 08:27 AM

Using this method:

how long is your clit? <3

Tempting_rebuttal 08-01-2018 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by SemiGolfBoy (Post 3375855)
Using this method:

how long is your clit? <3

2 inches and a few. So I'm not the longest but, it's pretty substantial for any transman, I'd say

Tempting_rebuttal 08-16-2018 07:28 PM

Bumping this thread to bring it back from the dead :D

centurion01 08-17-2018 01:29 AM

Whats your favourite sexual position?
Wheres the most fun place youve had sex?
Wheres the riskiest place youve had sex?
Whats your favourite implement?

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