getDare Truth or Dare

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lil Trouble 05-28-2018 03:09 PM

2 original questions = 10 spankings
welp i have nothing else to do... ask me whatever and ill do my best to answer what i can.

if i see any questions that have been copied and pasted from other ama's constantly then i might choose not to answer it. So be creative with your questions people.... I dare you!

Also... for every 2 people you give me, i will do 10 spankings on my ass

if I get to 150 spankings by the end of June 1st then I will post a picture of the marks. All spankings will be done by June 2nd

Butterfly's Prisoner 05-28-2018 03:10 PM

If you were to leave for a desert island and you could only bring 3 items, how many of them would be not kinky?

lil Trouble 05-28-2018 03:19 PM

Well, anything could be turned into a kinky toy so i would bring items that would be realistic and would help in my survival. Items whose main purpose in not kinky... something i might bring could be a shirt. the shirt would keep me warm when it got cold or provide shade when it got hot. it could be turned into an item for bondage or chastity related play.

So, in conclusion, none and all of the items I bring will be kinky.

lil Trouble 05-29-2018 09:46 PM


For every 2 questions you give me, i will do 10 spankings on my ass

** questions still have to be creative... not those ones you just copy to every ama

if I get to 150 spankings by the end of June 1st then I will post a picture of the marks in an album. All spankings will be done by June 2nd

Masterwants 05-29-2018 10:53 PM

If you could only have one specific kink for the rest of your life which one would you choose?

If your possessions were about to be destroyed and you could only save one, what would it be?

Enjoy the spanks :)

AmberCrystal88 05-29-2018 11:32 PM

According to your profile you are "blasting music into my ears with my amazing headphones" - what kind of music and what headphones?

If one (guy or girl) were to "blast" themselves, if you know what I mean, onto you... Where would you like it to be?

KurumiTokisaki123 05-31-2018 04:55 PM

What was the weirdest thing that turned you on ?

Ever found yourself in a kinky situation you could have never imagined in your dreams ?

NcLiving 05-31-2018 05:02 PM

If you had the ability to pass any piece of legislation, what would it be? Why?

Enjoy your spanks :) Sorry I couldn't think of something better...

lil Trouble 05-31-2018 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Masterwants (Post 3299698)
If you could only have one specific kink for the rest of your life which one would you choose?

If your possessions were about to be destroyed and you could only save one, what would it be?

Enjoy the spanks :)

I'm confused why i would want a kink at all...

a sharp twist or curve in something that is otherwise straight.

a stiffness in the neck, back, etc.; crick.

It doesn't seem very enjoyable... I think I would prefer to have zero kinks, but if I had to choose one, i guess I might choose my left leg since that might be the least uncomfortable.


The one thing that I would save is my emergency backpack which I keep incase everything is about to get destroyed.

Its contents are a fully charged computer, a computer charger, a fully charged phone, a phone charger, my head phones, my headphone charger, my earbuds, a full, clean set of an outfit (jacket, sweater, shirt, pants, bra, panties, socks, shoes, hat, gloves, hair tie, sunglasses, retainer, earplugs), my wallet, my credit card, my cash, my coins, my ID, my blanky, my teddy bear, my diary, my 169 crayons, my crayon sharpener, my ladybug sleeping bag, my ladybug pillow, my ladybug fuzzy socks, my ladybug pjs, my ladybug slippers, a bedtime story book, my bed, my bed sheets, my extra bed pillows, full waterbottles, water filter, water flavorer, snacks, bread, creamy peanut butter, strawberry jelly, a jelly knife, a plate, a napkin, a table, a placemat, a tablecloth, scotchtape, pink ducktape, gummybear ducktape, hello kitty ducktape, a notebook, an agenda, a calender, pens, white out, pencils, erasers, skittles, watermelon sourpatch.


Originally Posted by AmberCrystal88 (Post 3299719)
According to your profile you are "blasting music into my ears with my amazing headphones" - what kind of music and what headphones?

If one (guy or girl) were to "blast" themselves, if you know what I mean, onto you... Where would you like it to be?

I usually like to listen to pop music. The best kind to blast is on my google radio station called "Uplifting Pop Motivation". But I also have other pop stations: Feel-Good Pop, Electric in Bloom, Pop Serenades, Relaxing Soft Pop, Mellow Pop, Ultimate NYE Party. Then there are stations for ASMR (which doesn't work for me but i sometimes listen to), meditaion, Jazz, Kidz Bop, and instramental music.


My head phones: Beats by Dre Beats by Dr. Dre Wireless Headphones: Studio 2/Sky (EA-MHDL2AM/B) Blue

Masterwants 06-01-2018 12:23 AM

Does your sex map show any interesting hills, valleys or tunnels?

If you could be gummy bear how would you like to be devoured?

Spank away!

MasterMichaelNY 06-01-2018 07:32 AM

Oh a lil, I'm going to have fun with this.

1. What is your favorite coloring book, describe it.

2. Have you ever build a blanket fort, when you were 18 or older?

3. Have you ever invited a friend into your fort?

4. What did you do in the fort?

5. In your avatar, your at the beach, have you ever build a sand castle, in the past two years?

6. As a lil, what is one thing you can't live without? It has to be a lil item, not your music.

7. What punishment do you like the most. What punishment do you hate the most.

8. How would you rate ice cream on a scale from 1 to 10.

9. What is your favorite ice cream?

10. What body item do you like to play with when your bored. Some people like to twill there hair, others play with there toes.

MsterG 06-01-2018 08:11 AM

Any dirty fantasies you wished you could do in real life? For example being in a gangbang, to being in bondage

lil Trouble 06-07-2018 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by KurumiTokisaki123 (Post 3301879)
What was the weirdest thing that turned you on ?

Ever found yourself in a kinky situation you could have never imagined in your dreams ?

1. Well it depends what you define as weird. Each person is different and has seen and heard or different things. I might not know about the weirdest thing or what you might consider as the weirdest thing.

This question is a bit hard to answer since I have such a bad memory. I'm sure I don't remember the weirdest. Plus I probably wouldn't even want to remember the weirdest thing that has turned me on. There are many things that I find weird but remembering if it turned me on is the hard part. I might get turned on by something weird but might find it so weird that I force myself to forget that I ever was turned on by it. Some things might even be totally regretted by society and social norms.

Having all that in mind, for my answer I'm going to say (without thinking too hard), is Tripsolagnia. Ok so definitely not the weirdest but I can't think of anything else. I mean there are kinks like having sex with furniture but that doesn't turn me on. So either I don't remember the weirdest turn on or I just don't get turned on by what I think is weird.

2. Oh I'm sure I have tons of times :p


Originally Posted by NcLiving (Post 3301883)
If you had the ability to pass any piece of legislation, what would it be? Why?

Enjoy your spanks :) Sorry I couldn't think of something better...

Dang there's so many things I'd want to do!!!! The first ideas that come to mind are all related to school (e.g. Get rid of homework, get rid of school all together, etc.).
But I think atm I would just get rid of college applications. Apparently some countries don't do them! Why does America have them!?!?? Noooo!!!! Getting rid of them would decrease sooooo much stress that I have right now. And I wouldn't have as much work and would be able to spend my time doing other things.
A more long term legislation could be like allowing the child to decide if he/she wants to go to school. It could be like age 16 and up or something like that.

lil Trouble 06-12-2018 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Masterwants (Post 3302182)
Does your sex map show any interesting hills, valleys or tunnels?

If you could be gummy bear how would you like to be devoured?

Spank away!

1. Don't think there are any tunnels at all, but the hills and valleys are for you to decide if any are interesting.
2. I would want my head eaten first, a quick and painless death. Plus, I always like eating the head first :p


Originally Posted by MasterMichaelNY (Post 3302455)
Oh a lil, I'm going to have fun with this.

1. What is your favorite coloring book, describe it.
I don't have a specific one I like, but my favorite ones have stickers and pictures that are easy to color, not too complicated. I don't have a coloring book at the moment sadly because I'm so picky, but I do like printing out pictures and coloring them.

2. Have you ever build a blanket fort, when you were 18 or older?
Of course! All forts are so much fun, especially with lots of snacks to share with all my bears (teddy bear, panda bear, polar bear).

3. Have you ever invited a friend into your fort?
Unless my bears count, no.

4. What did you do in the fort?
I think the last time I rolled around since I was on my bed. I was completely in little space.

5. In your avatar, your at the beach, have you ever build a sand castle, in the past two years?
Oh hell yea!!!!! I LOVE building sand castles. I can spend like 6 hours just building one.

6. As a lil, what is one thing you can't live without? It has to be a lil item, not your music.
My heart pillow. Its my most precious item and I can't sleep without it. I got it as a birthday present about 7-8 years ago and I love it soooooo much!

7. What punishment do you like the most. What punishment do you hate the most.
Spankings... I love spankings.
Homework... I HATE homework with all my being.

8. How would you rate ice cream on a scale from 1 to 10.
Well, it all depends on the ice cream and the temperature. I cant have ice cream if its cold because then I will die of chills. When I first think of ice cream, I do not think "omg yasssss I need nowwww" but there are times where I do think that. For example, on a summer day, I would die for an ice cream sandwich. So, I cant really rate it since it really varies, but my mood for it right now is maybe a 4. I am too lazy right now to get some and then cleanup after myself, the temperature is perfect, and I actually don't have any right now (long-ish story).

9. What is your favorite ice cream?
Ben and Jerry's but it depends on my mood.

10. What body item do you like to play with when your bored. Some people like to twill there hair, others play with there toes.
My fingers I suppose... I'm always fidgeting with them.


Originally Posted by MsterG (Post 3302484)
Any dirty fantasies you wished you could do in real life? For example being in a gangbang, to being in bondage


sammyy2qt 06-12-2018 11:24 AM

1. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and why?
2. last book you read?
3. what are you scared of?
4. what is the worst thing you ever ate?
5. Do you have any regrets?
6. Would you consider yourself a good person?
7. Do you have any pets?

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