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Pepper Ridge 07-15-2007 12:49 AM

Sister's Soiree [FICTION]
My little sister had her friends over for a sleepover...again. I'm never allowed to have my friends over, not since they wrecked my mom's lamp when playing golf in the house (it was extreme golf, and lots of fun). I sometimes think my little sister has her friends over so much just to annoy me and bother me, sort of a way of rubbing in the fact that my friends are no longer allowed.
"You be sure and help Isa out with anything she needs," my mom said as she left with dad that evening. My sister's name is Isabelle, but everyone in the family calls her Isa. I wish I could call her idiot instead, because she's really stupid and mean, but I just call her Isa like everyone else. Otherwise, I'd get in trouble.
My parents were leaving for a big important performance of some opera or something. This was in the big city, so they were going to go to the show and spend the night with my dad's brother, Shawn. They wouldn't be back until the next evening. This meant they were counting on me to keep order in the house while they were away.
"You be sure to keep some order in this house while we're away, son," my father said before he left. "Don't let Isa get carried away with her friends during this sleepover. You understand how sometimes people can get carried away." He meant this as an obvious reference to the lamp fiasco that took place with my friends. This angered me that he still had such resentment after so many months had passed.
When they left, Isa stuck her tongue out at me and walked inside to call her friends. When I got into the house, she was already talking to Lindsay and Samantha. They're sisters who live down the road from us. They had moved in about a month ago, but Isa had already made friends with them. Isa makes friends really quickly, and with everyone she decides she wants to make friends with. This includes people who aren't even her age. So, while Isa was only 13, Lindsay and Samantha were 17 and 15, respectively. You'd never know looking at Sam, though. She's so small, she looks like she could be in fifth grade. I know, because she's in my class at school. She's a year younger than I am, but she was moved up a grade at some point, so that's why she'd in my class. I can't figure out why she was moved up a grade, though. She must have been way smarter before at some point, but now she's just a normal student. I would rather stay in the lower class with people my age if I were her, but, I guess she probably didn't have as much say in the matter as her parents and other people did. I'm okay with that, though. She sits in front of me in a few classes, and she's a joy to look at. She has beautiful brown auburn hair, and perfectly smooth skin. I'd be more glad when she comes over to the house except that she always brings her sister Lindsay with her. Lindsay and Isa are much better friends, despite the age difference. Lindsay is very protective of Sam, and won't let her speak with me at all. She's bossy and controlling, and although she is tall and good looking, her mean attitude almost makes her unattractive.
My sister is probably the best looking of the bunch, but don't tell her I said that. If she knew that I thought about her during fantasies and dreams of mine, she's think I was a sick pervert. At the moment, she at least only imagines I'm a sick pervert. I'm not really sick, I just have a beautiful little sister.
My sister was planning on having a larger group over for the sleepover, since the parents were away and it would be more fun, but it turned out that only Lindsay and Sam could make it. Most of Isa's other closest friends live farther away and couldn't find rides to our house. All the same, Isa was happy to have her two newest best friends over.
When they came over, my sister gave me a look that said I should retreat to my room and stay there as much as possible, in order to not bother them in their fun. "Okay, whatever," I thought. "I'll give them their space. Maybe Isa will return the favor someday when I have friends over again."
Sitting in my room was not a chore. I have numerous video game systems and a lot of good books. I was trying to read when, after a few minutes, the sound of giggling got louder, to the point where I couldn't concentrate on the book anymore. I decided to switch to video games. The sound of the music drowned out the noise from the lower level living room pretty well, for awhile. But, then the giggling got louder, and more frequent. Soon, I noticed that the giggling was coming from the hallway outside my door.
I opened my door to see what was going on. I saw all three girls standing there, pushing Sam towards me. Sam was reluctantly going along with it. She came right up to me, and, holding back giggling, said, "I love you. Kiss me."
I looked at her for a moment, then at the other girls, especially Lindsay, who was giggling slightly, but also seriously motioning for me to kiss her sister. I looked back at Sam, who was waiting patiently and nervously for me to fulfill her wish. I couldn't figure out what their deal was, but I knew I was lucky to have a chance to kiss the Samantha's gorgious full lips. I bent down and gave her a two second kiss, with only a hint of tongue. As I started to lift my head up, she grabbed me and pulled me back down, to french kiss me for what felt like a full minute. She then ran back to the group of giggling girls and waved goodbye as they walked down the stairs at the end of the hallway.
I at first didn't know what to do, but then decided to go back to my room. Let them figure out what happened for themselves. I thought little about the kiss while I continued to play my video game. About five minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw my sister standing there, alone. "I was wondering," my sister said, nervously. "I've never seen your penis before. Could you show it to me?"
"What the hell?" I thought. "What do you want to see that for?" I asked, honestly perplexed.
"I just thought, you know, as your sister, I have a right to see it," Isa responded.
I knew something odd had to be up. There's no way my sister wanted to see me naked. The other girls must have put her up to it, and were having a cruel joke on her. I didn't like to see my sister made fun of like that, and decided to go have a good talking to these older girls who were clearly beating up on my little sis. I pushed my sister aside and walked down the stairs to be greeted by Lindsay and Samantha, anxiously awaiting Isa's return.
"Well, did you show her?" they asked me.
"Show her? What do you think? Of course not."
"Oh, you lose!" they told Isa as she sulked down the stairs. She slapped me on the arm as she came back to hug Lindsay. "Okay," Lindsay stated. "Now you have to try another one, since that one failed. This one will be tougher."
"What's the meaning of this?" I asked. "Am I part of one of your dumb games?"
"Yes, dummy," Isa responded caustically. "It's called truth or dare, and you just made me lose. How hard would it have been to show me your dick?"
"Well, excuse me, but I've never heard of truth or dare being played to the point where one's brother is exposing himself to his own sister," I said. "What brings these ideas up to your minds anyways?"

(Consider this a prologue of sorts. The true story will come next time, as he joins in the game with his sister and her friends ... I hope it will turn out fun, don't you?)

the Bean 07-15-2007 07:17 AM

:D wow! this is actually really good! :) Its really quite origional as well. Looking forward to the next art, keep it up!:D

Pepper Ridge 07-15-2007 09:54 AM

I forgot to post that this is fiction. Is there a way to fix that?

Pepper Ridge 07-15-2007 10:39 AM

"Okay, Isa," Lindsay stated authoritatively. "Here's your next one."
"Wait, what's he still doing here?" My sister pointed at me. "You can't make me do anything until we're alone."
"Um, you just asked to see my penis?" I responded. "I think I should stay here and supervise to make sure nothing like that happens again."
"He has a couple of points, Isa," Lindsay said. "One good - he has been put up to a few things in connection with this game - and one bad - he shouldn't stay here and supervise. The sick bastard only wants to get a hard on watching three girls do things he can only dream of."
"I do not!" I answered. "I just don't want to see this get out of hand."
"Oh, look at you," Lindsay retorted. "You're acting like your father or something. What are you going to do, banish us from the house like he did your friends?" I gave a sour look at Isa, upset that she had told them about the incident of shame.
"Fine," I stated. "Play your stupid little game. Just don't involve me in it anymore." As I started to go upstairs, I heard the voice of Samantha.
"Wait," she said. "I really liked kissing you. I think you should stay here and play with us." Ordinarily, I would have just said something to the effect of "I don't play stupid games" and walked up to my room. But, this was Samantha, and she had said she enjoyed kissing me. I had to show her that I wasn't chicken, and that I could play a risky game, even if it was with my sister and her two friends.
"Do you all agree?" I asked the group. "Can I join in the game?"
"Well," Lindsay looked at Isa. "I'm okay with it if you are."
"I can't believe you think you can play with us," Isa said sourly. "What do you know about truth or dare? You'll lose miserably." This statement made me have to play.
"I'm playing," I said, matter-of-factly. I joined them in their circle in the center of the room. They arranged a place for me to sit, and then told me the rules. Lindsay said that they'd already played about three rounds, so, after Isa finished her turn, I would have to take three dares in a row.
"No truths?" I asked.
"No, that's the penalty for being late," Lindsay stated. With that, we began to play. I had never played truth or dare before, but I had thought about its possibilities for humiliation and nudity in the past. I was quite excited about the prospect of telling Samantha what to do ... all that I wanted to see. Not to mention my sister, but I was trying not to think about that too much. I didn't want Samantha to know that I thought my sister was gorgious.
"Okay, Isa," Lindsay said. "Since your last dare was to get your brother to show you his penis, and you failed, you now have a more difficult task. If you fail this one, you're out of the game and become our slave for the rest of the evening."
"Alright," Isa responded. "What shall I do?"
Lindsay had already prepared a good dare, you could tell. She told Isa that she'd have to pee on my face.
"What?" I said. "I'll never allow it. It's disgusting." Although, I must admit, I was a little turned on by the idea of my sister crouched over my face.
"There's no backing away from a dare once you're in the circle," Lindsay said. "If you don't allow the dare to take place, you're out, and you become our slave for the rest of the evening." I wasn't sure how they'd force me to be their slave, but I didn't want to worry about it. It was easier to submit to their wicked pleasure. I lied down on the floor, ready to be peed on.
"No, idiot," Isa told me. "Not here, we'll ruin the rug. Then mom wouldn't let me have my friends over ever again, just like yours. Come on, to the bathroom." I got up stupidly, and entered the bathroom with my little sister. Lindsay and Samantha followed, obviously wanting to view this odd treat. I lied down on the floor, with my face over the lip of the bathtub. My sister then got into the tub, and took off her pants. This was the first time I'd seen her naked since she was a very little girl taking a bath in this very tub. I was amazed at the beauty of the sight that was before me, although upside down in the position that I was. She crouched down, with her butt facing the spectators, and her pussy lips right next to my face. I admired every inch of the view, her soft pussy lips eagerly awaiting a kiss. I was tempted to submit to their inner desire, and lay a kiss on her, but I was afraid of what might happen game-wise if I did. My sister obviously didn't feel the need to piss, having gone prior to her friends coming over. She was probably also nervous about being watched by so many people, and so up close and personal by her brother. As a result, we sat there for a full three minutes or so, to my great pleasure. I came to know my sister's pussy better than I know parts of my own body. I was able to look up her shirt a little, and see her small white sports bra over her very tiny tits. It was a great delight that I hoped would never end.
Finally, Isa said, "I don't think I can do it just yet. I really don't have anything to let out. Can't I wait until I'm ready?" Lindsay responded in the negative, and we continued to wait.
I couldn't bring myself to look up at Isa's face. This was obviously very tough for her, and I didn't want to make it more difficult. After another couple of minutes, I finally saw a golden drop of urine slowly extrude from the crevice in front of me. Isa scooted forward a little, and I knew to prepare myself. I closed my eyes just as the warm stream hit my nose. Moisture traveled down my nose to my forehead and into my hair. Most of it went off my cheeks on either side, while some traveled down my chin and into my shirt. It was the most exhilerating sensation I had ever experienced. It was made all the more provocative by the fact that my sister was the one peeing. It couldn't have lasted as long as it felt, because I know my sister didn't have much pee stored up. All the same, it went on for awhile. When she got up from her crouch, and began to get her pants back on, I was thrown a towel by Samantha. When I was wiping my face off, knowing that no one could see behind the towel, I silently licked a small portion of the urine from my lips. It tasted like urine tastes, but it was great to know that it was my sister's. I was very turned on at that moment, and very happy I had decided to play this game.

(More to come ... I hope you can make your way through to read it all. I think it will get better)

zack199 07-15-2007 11:00 AM

thats some VERY good writing.

doxanything 07-15-2007 11:30 AM

very good writing i love it

NorthernAZSkies 07-15-2007 11:58 AM

My head is spinning! Great story and I can't wait for the next section.

JMOB 07-15-2007 04:43 PM

damn, this is a good story. You are a very good writer and i love the story. now finish the story !!!! i need to read more!!!

or i will eat your future children

MoneyMatt 07-15-2007 09:33 PM

very good story please continue :)

Soraslight 07-17-2007 07:37 AM

Finally something new, *claps* i'll be glad to hear more of this story.

the Bean 07-17-2007 08:23 AM

really good, no joke. how do you think his sister feels about exposing herself to her own brother?

Smile Guy 07-19-2007 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Pepper Ridge (Post 18787)
I forgot to post that this is fiction. Is there a way to fix that?

Fixed for you!

This is an excellently well-written story and crucially pretty original. Both thumbs up!

molten man 07-19-2007 04:56 AM

man.. excellent story.. keep it up!!

Pepper Ridge 07-20-2007 12:35 AM

Sorry for the lack of update. I've been meaning to get back to this as I have the whole story pretty well fleshed out now. However, I will not have the necessary time to write it all until this weekend. Expect the update on Sunday.

the Bean 07-24-2007 02:34 PM

why isnt it here *sobs* i was really looking forward to this

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