getDare Truth or Dare

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Mythologist 08-19-2009 05:03 PM

Maid Service
I think this dare thread needs a catchier name, so suggest one if you think of any. This is sort of a follow-up to my waitress training dare, and I think I might wind up doing a series of profession-related dares. Here it is, hope you like it.

Oh, you must be the maid...
You've got your uniform right? I need my maid to be properly dressed if she's going to be working for me, so go put on your maid's uniform. You don't have one? *sigh* Fine. I suppose you'll have to stay naked until you get one then.
Either wear a maid's outfit, or stay naked for this dare.

You don't walk like a maid...
I always thought that maids took dainty little steps. You're striding around like a giraffe or something. Here, this should help you walk appropriately.
Tie your ankles together with shoe lace so that you can only walk with half-steps or baby-steps.

Start by dusting...
This place hasn't been dusted in forever! Your supplies are over there. Make this room spotless!
Place a featherduster in your butt or vagina and dust everything within the room. If you don't have a feather duster, rub your face and head against everything instead (goggles recommended for severely dusty places.) If you sneeze, clean up any snot using your face.

Good. Now go do the dishes...
They've been piling up for a while. Ah well, that's what you're here for, right? Go use some of that soap to wash them. Sorry, but I don't have any clean rags for you to use.
Clean any dirty dishes you have by
Girls: Geting your breasts nice and soapy and washing off dishes using those as the rags.
Guys: Soaping up your genital and using those to clean off food remains.

What the... My dishes!
I can't believe you broke a plate! I paid good money for that! Get over here and take your punishment!
Spank yourself once for every dish/glass/ piece of sliverware you had to clean. If you cant take it, use your belt/paddle/similar instead of your hand. Shout "I'm a naughty maid, sir/madame," each time.

Back to work. You do windows, right?
You'd better after breaking my stuff like that. Oh, and don't use your hands. That always just leaves smudgy streaks.
Go to a window with the curtains open and spray water on the glass you can reach at chest height.
Girls, 'clean' the windows using your breasts.
Guys, use your genitalia and chests

The bathroom could use a good scrub down...
Especially the shower. Get in there and clean it up.
cover your front side wit soap and rub against every inch of the shower you can reach. Give the shower head a blow job, and mastubate as you do so, stopping once you edge.

Good work. Now polish my shoes.
All of them. I hope i didn't step in anything gross.
Clean every pair of shoes in the house with your tongue.

You've done pretty well today. See you tomorrow.

What the...? Clean up this mess!
If at any point you come during these dares, you must immediately lick up your juices until the area is clean.

Do the toilet while you're at it
Scrub the inside of the toilet bowl with your hand or foot for three minutes.
I think it's clogged...
Clog up the toilet with something of your choice ( a lot of toilet paper is the least gross thing that comes to mind), and then unclog it using your mouth and tongue.

Straighten this stuff up would you?
Clean your room :D

I'll add more later if I think of any. Any suggestions? More dares to ad to this would be welcome. All portionsofthe dare are optional if they are against your limits, but I think most of the non-optional stuff is pretty easy to do.

Greenman 08-19-2009 11:29 PM

Good dare. I did it all. I had a lot of dishes... And I made myself cum just so I could clean it up. I also took out the trash! That could be for more daring users.

Officelover 08-20-2009 05:19 AM

Wonderful. Simply... genius. I ave this thing for maids... and I wouldn't mind playing one for a day.


c3po471 08-20-2009 08:45 PM

i love the dare and will try some of them. good job righting them with a cool flair.

Mythologist 08-21-2009 02:14 PM

Thanks for the replies guys. ^^ Always nice to hear that my dares are enjoyed. I'm still thinking of adding more to it (like the trash idea) if I can come up with more dares, or if you suggest more that I like.

Night-1991 09-05-2009 03:10 PM

I loved this dare. I actually wrote about it in my blog. Thank you very much for this! :)

*Gives thanks*

edd18 09-09-2009 02:19 PM

I think u shud use ure tounge instead of genitals for more parts of the dare, eg plates.

Night-1991 09-09-2009 02:34 PM

I thought of that myself. actually having to lay the plate on the floor and lick it clean

Mythologist 09-09-2009 06:58 PM

Hehe. Nice idea. My slave might have just gotten a new task to do the next time we play "maid".

stinkybutt 05-04-2014 03:14 AM

I did this one and it was great!! I cleaned the whole house and washed all the dishes, with nothing but a feather duster in my butt and some ropes in my ankles all tied up... it was truly amazing! The windows part is really scary tho :( i'm so scared that someone will see me or something and take pictures of me all naked and stuff...i just can't do it...but my daddy convinced me otherwise... it was really fun and exciting...but still very humiliating...thank god nobody saw me tho :) your dare really turned me on, sir. thank you very much for this dare, it was so wonderful :)

CherryGirl201 12-04-2014 09:33 PM

I know this is old but it was super fun to do! I did it earlier today but forgot to post about it.
I felt like such a naughty maid as I walked around doing all of these things. My favorite were the spankins, dusting, and the first round of dishes hahaha. :)

LovelyWhore 12-11-2014 09:11 PM

Brilliant idea that was well said. Good job, and thank you, it will definitely be doing something along these lines in the near future!

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