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wicked 07-15-2009 12:41 AM

Obama approves naked teenage boys gay raped in front of their mothers

Go to hell obama

LittleRayRay 07-15-2009 12:47 AM

I have but one thing to say.

Oh my god. I hate obama. Tatter Tot was right!!! Mcain all the way, and in a few years he will die and get Pailin in office.

I feel realy bad for them. Man.

urlilslave080 07-15-2009 04:12 AM

Don't believe all you read is all i'm going to say, i don't believe obama had anything to do with this and it is a racist reporter trying to bring him down.

In Jess's holes 07-15-2009 04:17 AM, politicians.....they can ALL go to hell.

NONE of them deserve to be where they are....NONE of them know what the hell they are talking about.

When you vote, your just voting for the LEAST possible destruction, not voting for the best outcomes.

People are stupid, and I hate it...but what can I say....I'm stupid too.

depp 07-15-2009 04:17 AM

Last post in an EPIC thread!

Update: Just kidding! Unlocked for more awesomeness!

jhacksworth 07-17-2009 12:54 PM

I feel when you vote you are voting for the lesser of two evils... It doesn't really matter what I vote anyways because CA is full of democrats so nothing ever changes around here...

dragonator 07-17-2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by In Jess's holes (Post 164204), politicians.....they can ALL go to hell.

NONE of them deserve to be where they are....NONE of them know what the hell they are talking about.

When you vote, your just voting for the LEAST possible destruction, not voting for the best outcomes.

People are stupid, and I hate it...but what can I say....I'm stupid too.

im sure that the majority do deserve to be where they are and do know wtfr theyre talking about, its just those few idiots up near or at the top that mkae everything horrid because to get there they promised to much and (while some arent even going to try to fulfill it) screw things up trying to do what they promised which they shouldnt have promised in the first place

BettyBoop 07-17-2009 01:03 PM

I doubt anyone would truly "approve" of that.

interesting 07-17-2009 01:14 PM

Sensationalism. That's what it's all aboot.

Of course, Obama doesn't approve of these things. Do you? Does anyone here? If so, keep it to yourself, unless you want to get flamed.

What is being done here is linking element A with element B thru element C. And the article does not reach the conclusion presented in this thread's title. The journalist only states that traditional media are being silent about the affair. Do not jump to conclusions.

For example:
Obama likes cats.
Terrorists like cats.
Herego, Obama is a terrorist.

This argument makes as much sense as the one in the article. Gotta love sophistry.

I'm not saying not releasing the photos is a good or bad thing, nor am I disputing that abuse such as that described might have taken place, I'm just exposing the fallacy of the logic behind the journalists' argumentation. If crime was committed, then I hope sanctions are enacted against them, appropriate to the crimes, but there is no need for the public to see such photos.

Also, have you noted the 'conspiracy tone' behind the entire page (and not just the article)? It would not surprise me that 'prisonplanet' be a biased media outlet - but then aren't they all nowadays?

wicked 07-17-2009 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 165058)
I doubt anyone would truly "approve" of that.

You would surprised.

either way, if no one approves of it, then why would Bush start it, and the guards do it?


the article said Obama has became complicit with the torture acts that Bush started. When Bush left, he left everything to be dealt with Obama, including the torture prisons. they're are locked out from doing anything they want. Get a job, find a girlfriend, go to college... they don't have the chances. And to make it worse, the guards are laughing in their face and beating them.

Officelover 07-17-2009 02:42 PM

Why?! Why?!!!!

Originally Posted by LittleRayRay (Post 164161)
I have but one thing to say.

Oh my god. I hate obama. Tatter Tot was right!!! Mcain all the way, and in a few years he will die and get Pailin in office.

I feel realy bad for them. Man.

Oh LittleRayRay, you are still awesome and I want you to ignore this rant. But please, know this: I do not dislike you. You've said you've grown up in Indiana, so I let you off the hook, but let me please explain the FACTS: (Oh, and please no hard feelings):

1. Obama is not a bad president. We can all agree he is better than his predecessor. He has not yet started a pointless war that has no set goals. In fact he has tried to stop said war.

He has not ignored Global Warming, and is doing something, anything, to try to stop it.

He is trying to stop torture. Is it like Obama ordered this torture? No, he didn't. On the other hand, on his first FREAKING day as president he ordered to start closing down Guantamino Bay where the real torture was happening.

Incidentally, all this torture was allowed by George Bush, though banned by the Constituation. And, btw, Obama has discontinued Waterboarding.

That is suffocation torture.

Think about that.

And what about the economy?

Did you know that in the last three Republican presidents, we have generated a three trillion dollar debt. That's written as, $3,000,000,000,000

(Look at this funny video on Youtube:

Also, did you know, that with the last Democratic presdent before Obama, Clinton, there was a SURPLUS?

Obama is trying to make this country a better place. Obama is trying to fix the mess that George Bush made.

2. First of all, LittleRayRay (once again, please no hard feelings. You rock.) you misspelled McCain.

Second of all, and I quote:

and in a few years he will die and get Pailin in office.

Palin in office?

The thought haunts my nightmares. That woman is insane. She is THE WORST possible candiate for anything. Ever.

Can you imagine if Palin would become president? So what, "Oh there would be a woman president." That is not worth the era of doom and idiocy that would fall upon these great United States of America.

She believes "Creationism should be taught alongside Evolution in the Schools." WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we living in the dark ages?! Creationism is clearly the beliefs of one religion. What would happen if they taught that? Why bother having freedom of religion at all, if the schools will just tell students, "This is what you have to believe." Do we need another Scopes Monkey Trial? Didn't we already have that? In the TWENTIES!

She wants to make a constitutional ammendment against gay marriage.

WTF???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gay marriage should be legal everywhere. It's not fair. It's a form of segregation- it's like saying Blacks have to go to a seperate school. This is denying a certain group of people the American right to marry. It's the exact same thing as making a constitutional ammendment that bans people with blonde hair, or Muslims, or people who believe in Unicorns, or people who practice Wicca from marrying.

Besides that, it's bypassing the right of the state to decide whether or not gays can marry.

"Bridge To Nowhere" ring any bells?

Oh, remember during the campaign when she went to her church so that they could perform a exorsm on her to rid her of the demons that "Democratic sorcerers" placed upon her? Her church believes that she can talk "the languages of angels".

Well, at least she won't be wasteful.

Oh wait, she spent 35,000 dollars of campaign money on an outfit. What would she do with the American taxpayers money?

She seems to be a family-kind of person.

Oh wait, her teenage daughter was pregnant.

She seems to eb the worst possible person to be president, except for Georrge Bush himself.

So yeah, Obama is doing a pretty good job, and we shouldn't be swayed by these lies and half-truthes.

interesting 07-17-2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by wicked (Post 165088)
the article said Obama has became complicit with the torture acts that Bush started. When Bush left, he left everything to be dealt with Obama, including the torture prisons. they're are locked out from doing anything they want. Get a job, find a girlfriend, go to college... they don't have the chances. And to make it worse, the guards are laughing in their face and beating them.

There is little way a debate on this can go in any direction but badly. Still, debate is good for democracy so here goes.

I'm guessing by this definition of complicity, we are all at fault, because we are not manifesting outright to have the information released. By that logic, it would be so easy for me to take charge of a company, run it to the ground while making record profits for myself, then handing the company to another and claiming that person has as much responsibility as I do in the fact that the company is going under.

Obama did inherit Bush's legacy, but he is by no means its architect.

What the soldiers in these videos/photos are doing is wrong, morally and legally, and it should be taken to justice. But they are responsible for their own actions. If the Nuremberg trials thought us anything, it's that soldiers cannot use the defense of simply following orders (although I doubt the orders were to rape and sodomize people). Every man is accountable for his own actions, and regardless of wether or not the pictures/videos are released, I hope the criminals who perpetrated these acts get what's coming to them. It's the only form of justice we can hope for, since the acts they performed can't be undone.

In regards to torture prisons and Guantanamo, let me remind you that Obama gave the executive order to close the prison - but that it is the American representatives (both Democrats and Republicans) who, in the name of their constituants, refuse to take in these criminals into their own local jurisdiction. The Senate and House are effectively preventing Obama from following up on his promise (although I don't know if there have been developments on this recently).

I have one final question: according to you, does the media outlet 'prisonplanet' have a bias in its reporting of the story, same as the other media outlets have in not reporting it?

wicked 07-17-2009 03:02 PM

Yes, obama did say to close it, but he set it to close in a year. why?

you will find the same articles and many websites, copy and paste the title into google. you'll also find it to be on other news sites with different titles.

it is not on CNN or fox because they like obama, and don't want to give him a bad image. he is one of their top stories right now. i think they did the same thing with bush.

the soldiers better get fucked up.

Powerstrip 07-17-2009 03:15 PM

I haven't read the article and don't know the details of what he has chosen to do or anything, but I find it very strange how one moment everyone was so pro-Obama and now all of a sudden it's "Obama is the worst ever!"

Of course he won't release images of boys being raped in front of their parents, who would release that? It's not needed to be seen by anyone. He knows it happened and that's all that's needed. Hopefully it will be sorted, those that did wrong punished and an end to the war.

It wasn't a pointless war, it got rid of an evil dictator who murdered millions of kurds, that's a good thing imho.

interesting 07-17-2009 03:58 PM

I don't know why Guantanamo is set to close only in a year, but there can be a multitude of reasons.
One possibility: where do you put the prisoners in the meantime since, as I mentionned, no one wants to take them in? Answer: you need to put them somewhere, so they remain there until the red tape is cleared and the issue is resolved. That red tape was set by the Senate and House, not Obama, by the way.
Another possibility: administrative delays. Obama signs the thing, and it goes down the echelons of power, until it gets done. Process. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it is.

I'm not debating the truth of the article or its content, and I do believe there was torture, sexual abuse and other things we don't want to think or talk about done to these prisoners. My only issue is with the media bias, which exists one way or another. Is it odd that a webpaper printing a story that blasts the new president also has an ad for a webfilm called : Obama-Deception? That would be like a newspaper with Pepsi adveristing printing an article that Coke causes blindness and erectile dysfunction.

CNN and MSNBC are pro-Obama. FOX is pro-Bush. It's an issue of their respective owners, sponsors and general political orientation. FOX is Republican. The others are Democrat. Most media outlets have such a bias. It's become standard practice, and I neither condone nor condemn it. Personally, I get my American news from The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. At least, you KNOW what their bias is!

But I think we both agree the soldiers who perpetrated these acts need to pay for them.

(Off-topic: these new icons are way cool!)

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