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CIA 06-03-2013 11:06 PM

What You Fall Back On
Just so we're all clear on this, this new story that I’m developing, is going to be developed chapter by chapter. So that means this story may possibly stop and go at anytime, almost like a street light if you will. I can’t predict how long each chapter will be, it just depends if I'm in the mood to type, or if i’m too busy/tired.
On that note, I’m not sure where this story will lead. My base is usually a male high school kid, so i’ll start from that. But who knows he may become Emperor of the United States for all I know (It probably won’t get that crazy), and I’m always open to suggestions, so throw something down in the comment section or PM me if you mus, to see the characters continuation.
I don’t have much for a character base for him, so I don’t really know where to start. Dark hair or light hair. Smart or plaintively dumb. Sense of morals or unkindly. Poor or rich. etc... Note I’m writing all this before I even begin writing the story, I don’t even have a name for him yet, I just felt like typing.

Ok so these first few chapters are gonna be pretty dark for our main character. So this may take me awhile to get typed since this isn't my mindset.

Adam Aldar was the name I chose for you...

The pounding wouldn't stop, it sounded if artillery fire was igniting the late evening far away. Then the next sudden just a few meters away from his head, and he woke almost falling out of his bed...
Trembling for the first few seconds, he realized the thunder and lighting were that which woke him, and his fear slowly subsided and heart beat slowed. He breathed out a sigh, another sleepless night. At least he found peace in the rain that clapped against his window, and the low rumbling and booms became soothing melodies, but there was that one loud bang that would interrupt the sequence.
It was just a few hours before he had to get ready for another day of school, he just lay there, silently listing for the rain.

“Adam! Wake up.” John called from downstairs

Adam, already awake, slowly drew his covers back and pushed himself out bed. He wandered downstairs to the bathroom where he would take a quick shower, dry off, put on clothes, deodorant, etc..
Then Adam would look in the mirror, he was never sure of what he saw, what he thought about himself. His short, slightly combed back light, well its darkened lately for no apparent reason, brown hair, his medium length forehead, down to his nose that just seemed to blend in with his round face features, his large hazel eyes, his thin but just perky lips, and back to his ears that just looked the same as everybody elses.
He truly didn't have any distinguishing physical features, his slightly paled skin, his height of just 5’7, and only 120lbs to accompany. Except as of late, Adam has had a hard time sleeping, so dark circles have started to imprint themselves under his eyes
Adam also saw nothing to contemplate about his clothes either. Regularly wearing the latest teen fashions, Adidas, was the current hard hitter in town as of recent. Generally changing from month to month.
Usually Adam would strive only to be seen in public looking his best, and hated being seen otherwise. But Adam just really didn't even care anymore, his now unstyled hair and non consistent clothing of dark cargo shorts and plain black tee shirts, somewhat matched his now unshaven face. Adam started considering shaving irrelevant this past week, and has now has a certain homely look about him. Also Adam always wore to golden crosses, on tiny golden chain (Usually hidden) around his neck, he stopped doing this too.

“Morning” John said while sipping coffee at the kitchen table, watching CNN on a TV hung above the table

Adam went to the stove and started piling pancakes and sausage on his plate before sitting down “Morning”
“Did you finally get some sleep last night?” John asked
“Yeah, a little more than these past couple weeks” Adam lied after eating some of the food on his plate
“You want to talk about it?”
“There’s nothing to talk about, I just can’t seem to get any sleep”

Finishing his food, Adam set his plate in the dishwasher and got his school things in order.

“You want me to drive you to school?” John asked
“No, I’ll drive my truck, why?”
“I really don’t want you driving, you look like you could drop at any minute, if I had my way I would keep you home, but your mother would probably kill me”
Adam leaned against a door frame “All right”

Well I hoped you liked the beginning of this new story.

CIA 06-13-2013 09:23 PM

The red trailblazer came to a slow and steady halt in front of the highschool doors.

“Hey, just don’t forget to pick me up, this storm isn't supposed to let up” Adam told his dad getting out of the vehicle
“I won’t, and if you feel really tired, just call home, I’ll be here in a few minutes”

Adam shut the door to the Blazer and walked to the front entrance of his high school. The place always did have that “I’m from the early thirteenth century” look about it, and even worse, when it rains out, the school inherits a musty smell.
Adam quickly ducked inside to avoid the rain, and every day he usually saw the same thing. The first thing he saw was the drives ed teacher swinging his keys around, talking on his cell phone waiting for his first class to show, so they could start driving, Adam always wondered who he was talking to.
Then not to his surprise, there was little 5’4 Gimmy (pronounced like Jimmy, but spelt with a G), being picked on by a few bullies, Keith, Tommy, and Riley A.K.A O'Neill. Everyday it was the same thing, Adam would talk to them and let Gimmy escape, but this time Adam walked right by, just like previously theses past couple of weeks, he just decided if the kid should stick up for himself for once, he even thought about taking his backpack and throwing it on top of the lockers, for a second.

“Could I get a little help here A” Gimmy hoarsely whispered while Keith was putting his arm around Gimmy making him uncomfortable.

“Don’t talk to me” Adam said darkly, and continued to walk by

Next, Adam wouldn't see “it”, but he would smell a kid named Ted, the biggest pot head at his school. You could just smell that awful smell, and it would just follow him. Except, today he actually saw him.

“Hey you dropped this” Ted handed Adam a notebook with a small bulge in it
“I didn't...”
“Enjoy” He said walking off

Adam opened the notebook and a small bag of what he knew was weed almost fell out, and a handwritten note was above it:
“Looks like you could use it, heres my number if you need more 498-5256” (just an example number)

Adam threw it in his pack real quick and walked off. Adam wasn't quite sure what to do, but he just threw it in his pack. Adam decided to let loose, let himself have a little break. After all, why should he always be the “Good”, uptight, nice, etc... guy, it just wasn't fair.

The bell rang, first hour, it rang again, and again and again. Last hour hit. In Adam’s History class, A girl named Kat passed an invite to a party later that night, beer included. Adam... accepted her invite with a flirtatious wink. And then put his head down like he did earlier in the day.
Adam was finally free when his last bell rang, and true to his word, his Dad was there waiting ten minutes early to pick him up. Adam’s dad was never late for him, never once had he missed an event he had to attend for Adam, from his Jr. High Promotion, to just now, picking him up from school, brought up memories from Adam’s time in elementary.
The short ride home was quiet and uneventful, but that changed when they got home.
John got a call from the school earlier in the day to report Adam’s grades, that they fell. An argument ensued between Adam and his Dad, and very rarely did that happen, both ended up raising their voices, and Adam just shut himself in his room.
staring at his backpack, staring, wondering. Adam opened his backpack and found the little baggie, Adam opened it and thought. He smoked it, all of it, rolled it all in a piece of paper, and just smoked it, he was happy, well not with the taste and irritation, but felt relieved. For about a good 15 minutes anyway, Adam ran to the toilet and threw up. He took a long cold shower, and soon after brushed his teeth twice, and sprayed his room down with Axe. Thinking of no consequence of what he just had done, and decided to attend tonight's party for the hell of it.

Four hours later after just laying there, Adam came out of his room to find his Dad managing stocks on a laptop. sitting on a couch all by himself, he didn't even have the TV on.

“Dad I’m gonna go out” Adam said grabbing his keys
“Alright, just ... nevermind” He looked at his son

Getting in his yellow Chevy, Adam just sat for a minute, thinking about that look on his Dads face, never had they fought over something so stupid. But that didn’t stop Adam from igniting the engine of his Chevy, and going half a mile to the party.
Before he could get there though, a small Ford pulled up beside him at a red stoplight, it was Keith and the other two.

“Wanna race, its a straight shot down to Kat’s house, if you're going to the party” Keith asked
“I am, your on” Adam said getting ready to punch his engine

Adam actually hit 68mph for a few seconds, beating Keith. Pulling into the lot, the house was overly large, the music was pounding out of the house. There were mobs of people everywhere, he couldn't even name half the people there.
Adam never really went to these parties, but he sure was enjoying himself. Socializing was another thing Adam really didn’t do, but he sure did talk to a lot people that night. He even drank, and drank a lot, and definitely felt the buzz. He knew better, Adam had a tragic event happen very early in his life that involved a drunk driver, and Adam said he would never, ever, under any circumstances drink alcohol.
Ted was there, making those “Smooth” passes at people offering them weed, and stopped Adam for a chat.

“Hey your looking better, did you like it” He had to yell over the music
“What in the hell are you talking about” Adam tried to dodge the question
“Come on bro, I've been doing this long enough to know when someone tries it for the first time, here, I have just a little extra for another sample”
“If you ever try to give me drugs again, I’ll punch you in your fucking face” Adam asserted
“See, thats what the drugs are for man, here take this” Ted tried handing Adam a little baggy

It almost sounded like a loud clap, well, Adam true to his word punched Ted square in the face, probably broke his nose. Ted hit the floor and scrambled away, Adam never felt so, powerful, so assertive. A few people looked at Adam but just shrugged and went back to partying. Adam felt a tap against his butt, he turned around somewhat surprised to see Kat with a huge ass grin on her face.

“Thanks for getting rid of the lowlife, God, I asked him to leave like ten times” Kat said jumping up against Adam, her blonde hair bouncing
“No problem” Adam leaned up against her smiling, grasping a small feel of her left breast

res 06-14-2013 03:50 AM

Wow. Simple as that. Do not know why you are here - you should surely be writing for a newspaper or something.
No, but seriously - this one feels like a story that you could take to a publisher, print it out and sell it in a store. Really great style of writing, an interesting setting and most of all: An convincing character - somehow the type of an anti-hero as it seems.

You saying 'I just felt like writing' makes me kinda (well not just kinda in all honesty) jealous, because never would I be able to write something like this.

Really good one - and I am looking forwards to the next chapter :)

And something to throw in: Keep him away from the drugs please... read enough sad stories ending with a guy dying to an overdose...

Kind regards

CIA 06-19-2013 11:13 PM

Kat walked off in the distance but gave Adam the sexy “Follow me” with her hand. She led him up some stairs to a bedroom, she closed the door and took off the white wife beater she was wearing to reveal some very plump breast. Although the room, neon green, hurt his eye’s, especially now since he stumbled while he walked. A lonely white bed in the corner of the room with a giant teddy bear on it, a vanity littered with makeup, and expensive perfumes.

“You know most people get nicknames in our high school” She asked pushing against Adam’s chest with her own
“You know you have one with us Juniors and Seniors”
“Oh yeah, what's that” Adam slurred
“Well it was Angel, but I think now I gonna have to change that too....I don’t know...” She continued to banter
Adam for some reason reached for the chain around his neck that wasn't there, and made a fist where it wasn't. All the while Kat undid his button on his cargo shorts, and started mashing her lips against his. Adam was just standing there, not responding to her advances.
She got down on her knees after attempting to kiss him, but Adam wouldn't open his mouth.

“Huh, guys, your all the same, fine by me” Kat purred reaching for Adam’s waistband

Adam shuffled backwards pulling up his shorts and pushing his way out of the house, well, more like stumbling, WHAT IN THE HELL HAD HE BEEN DOING, his head ached, his knuckles on his left hand hurt so bad, he was shaking so bad he could barely control his movements, his throat felt like it had been rubbed by sandpaper, and his eyes felt like someone had dumped vinegar in them.

He continued to push until he was at his truck getting rained on, “Angel” had been written on the passenger side window, with that window paint you buy at the store, Adam sighed, he opened the door, and just like that he was driving down the highway.

His phone on the dash lit up, vibrating a few time before a ding, signaling someone left a message, all he saw an abbreviated name Jos, and he knew it was Joshua, his friend, well best friend, well... Its complicated.

He pulled the truck over, seeing no other cars coming on the old highway in the middle of nowhere, feeling that lurching in his stomach, and jumped out to the side of the road. At first it was just the pain of dry heaves, but that soon turned into the real thing. Adam felt, depressed all over again, he had done what he said he would never do, he hit rock bottom almost, and just in two weeks. Just think if he a month of no self control, let alone two weeks. He just sat there, in the grass next to his truck, letting the rain soak through what he was wearing. He banged the back of his head against his truck, thinking of his dad’s face, how his eye’s were red and a little puffy, he thought of his mom, and his necklace that was resting on his nightstand.

It was weird, but it seemed as if a moment of clarity hit him. He got in his truck and drove, he didn’t know exactly where, but he drove. His brain just did everything for him, he braked twice for a herd of deer, and a third time for a bunny. The storm was still going at full power, rain pouring, thunder booming, and lighting flashing.

But he finally reached his destination, it was Mercy Hospital (Not even really a hospital, more of a “get well” facility to go to after the real hos;ital). Adam slowly walked up the steps and inside after parking his truck and grabbing his keys. A nurse nodded in his direction when he entered, she knew who he was. Adam had been there a week before, to see his friend Joshua. Most of the hospital was dark, but lit with a warm glow, and only a few nurses, and one doctor at the front desk, the night shift, all just hanging around.

Adam wandered to an elevator, punching the button 4. Ding. Adam found himself at rooms entrance, with a windowed door and a number painted on the front, 42, right next to the elevator. He saw Joshua reading a book, laying in bed with a little reading light on above him. Joshua’s short blonde hair stuck out the most. Everything else of Joshua was quiet, square, his hazel eyes, his jaw etc...
Adam slowly opened the door to his friends hospital room and put one foot in.

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