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vivala_dare 07-10-2008 01:03 PM

music man
ok fort of this idea. i will write a short story and put a song name. so you play that song while reading that scene and it will make that story diffrent. hope it works so lets give it a test. you can use a website to play the music so you dont have to have the song.

ok lets go

The young man is walking down the street. and he sees a car with the keys in.

play dont stop me now by queen

He turns the car on and shoots off he changes gear. getting to 90 of down the moterway. 150mph and hes going theres no stoping him now hes having a good time its happeing so fast. he shuts past a cop.

car chase city tenacious D

hes off going fast he dodges cars hes at the 170 mark the cops are on his tail. the petrol late comes on the car haults to a stop. is this game over or not. what will he do next. theres no escape. wait a oncovred man hole.

the great escape theme

trought the sewers hes going past all the rats and green shit. wear will this take him. there a bright light he makes his way towards it. what is that is it a bird a plane no its super man.

super man theme

super man flys by then pickachu comes out of nowear.

play pokemon theme original.

you wana be the very best. pickachu and the man run along the rode then pickachu gets captured by something huge comeing ove the hill.

whats that comeing over the hill.

you run for you life you run and run and run. theres no escape you call goast busters.

ghost busters theme.

you watch in amazement as they take the monster out.

it starts to rain

play singing in the rain

you dance like theres no tomorrow you eascaped death.

you look in the sky.

robbie williams angels.

thats it the day over you sit back cring liseng to the song your loveing angels. you are an angel.

hope this was something new to try hope it worked ok its something diffrent. play star wars theme. talk to you later and rember i am your father lmao. wah ha ha ha. hope you enjoyed.

the_boy 07-10-2008 04:40 PM

that is great, I laffed (spell?) [Mod: Laughed] so hard. :D

vivala_dare 07-11-2008 11:33 AM

thx pal glad u liked it

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