getDare Truth or Dare

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2EggsOverEasy 06-28-2008 10:00 PM

Can You Weather The Storm? [SINGLE] [G/PG (maybe)]
It's time to watch the weather! Aren't you excited? Are you all giddy inside? No? Well, then maybe you need to have more at stake to fully appreciate the gift of dare that mother nature offers you...

Roll one die. This will determine which of the following keywords is going to be your forecast for tomorrow. No re-rolling if you don't like your number. That's life, suck it up.
  1. sun/sunny
  2. clouds/cloudy
  3. rain/showers
  4. high
  5. storm
  6. pressure
Now watch the weather forecast. Yes, the entire weather forecast. Pay particular attention to the meteorologist whenever they mention your keyword. You must count the number of times they say your keyword. It's going to be very important, so pay close attention!

All day tomorrow, you must wear the same number of items as times your keyword was mentioned on last night's weather forecast. Should you be cursed (or blessed, depending on your point of view) to have your keyword mentioned zero times, you're stuck wearing your birthday suit all day long. I hope you rolled a good keyword!

Now, a few definitions...just to make sure we're all dressed appropriately for the conditions!
  • Item: An item is ANYTHING that was not found on your body when you were born. (Well, I guess a tattoo would be an exception...but just about anything else qualifies!) Common things that are considered items: watches, jewelry, shirts, pants (even though they cover two legs, pants are only one item, see - I can be nice!), socks (each sock is one item...sorry, that's just the way the cookie crumbles), shoes (each shoe is also one item), etc.
  • Wear: Placing something on your person with the intent to not have to hold or carry it. A backpack doesn't qualify as something wearable, but a watch, underwear or your shirt does.
After you've completed this dare, answer the following question in a blog post on (And feel strongly encouraged to share your challenges or lack of challenges with the rest of us pitiful souls!)
Is the weather any more important to you than it was before?
Now go be daring...

This dare is intended to be a relatively G-rated dare, hence my choice of keywords. Of course, given the seasonal changes in your area and the propensity of the weather to change from day to day, well...the result could be just about anything.

sr88 06-29-2008 03:44 AM

i rolled a 6, pressure
just watched my weather online and the guy didnt say pressure once, typical! looks like im guna be naked all day tomorrow! great dice dare btw

2EggsOverEasy 06-29-2008 05:23 AM

Not a single pressure? Wow!

You're meteorologist must just be too laid back to feel any pressure...

appy6789 06-29-2008 11:32 AM

4 omg yes!!!
Our meteorologists says the high andn low temp for every single day of the week and it was said it 7 times normal clothes minus watch :)

2EggsOverEasy 06-29-2008 11:44 AM

Who says every dare has be difficult? Sometimes it's just enough to acknowledge that you don't have control. (And, of course, sometimes it's not!)

The thing I like about this dare is that it may change as often as the weather does...Which might suck if you live in Arizona and have sun for 360 days a year.

appy6789 06-29-2008 11:47 AM

lol yah that would suck but I like this dare doesn't break me out of my newbie shell two much roll for tomorrow: 4 aqgain lol I know It will be 7 again so every time he says the next number I roll I subtract that peice of clothing 6 woooh I might get 6 peices of clothes

2EggsOverEasy 06-29-2008 11:49 AM

Are you rolling with a loaded die? Maybe you want to try with a different one! :)

Or try watching the weather for some other part of the world...I never said you had to watch your own weather! Ahh, the beauty of streaming video on the interweb.

appy6789 06-29-2008 11:52 AM

omg almost all dice wetre ours my final one siad 1 so I will try. my dice like me

wthoax 06-30-2008 12:59 AM

Nice dice dare :)
Can be very difficult if you are unlucky or very easy if you are lucky.

I rolled a 3 and counted "rain/showers" only 4 times because it's going to be mostly sunny and hot here.
So all I'll be wearing is a shirt and pants. Shoes are the 2 left items :D

I wonder, can I count slippers as (indoor) shoes ? or do I either have to wear my normal shoes or go barefoot at home?

2EggsOverEasy 06-30-2008 07:20 PM found a loophole! I never specified that it had to be the SAME number of items. Technically, according to the dare as I wrote it, you could swap items an unlimited number of times during the day, as long as you ALWAYS had on the correct number of items.

So, in answer to your question, yes, you can count your slippers as indoor shoes. The trick is going to be switching shoes, or any item for that matter, as you ALWAYS have to have the correct number of items on. I'll leave you to figure that problem out!

(Sorry for the late response...I missed your reply!)

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