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Emerald diapers 06-06-2015 04:08 AM

Potty Training Dare/Challenge (ABDL Dare)
Potty Training Dare/Challenge!

This purpose of this dare is to simulate what it would be like to have to go through potty training again. This dare at minimum will take 54 hours to complete, so it would be best to have time set away because as we all know, public bathrooms are far in between ;) (If the conditions are too hard for you, feel free to change it up to fit your boundaries, I would still love to hear how it went).

For this dare/challenge, you will need the following things. The amount of diapers and pull-ups you will need is based on your ability to make it through potty training.

1. Suppositories or Enemas

2. Diapers

3. Pull ups (Adult or Child sized)

4. Underwear and clothing you won't mind being possibly ruined

7. A portable timer

Now that you have your supplies, you must now lose your potty training. You will roll a D6 to see how you will theoretically lose your control.

1-2: You wet yourself immediately

3-4: You must drink 32 oz of water then you must hold it as long as you can and wet yourself.

5-6: You must take either a suppository, enema, or laxitive. Now you must hold it for as long as you can then mess yourself.

Punishment:Now that you have soiled yourself, you must be punished for being so naughty. Roll another D6 to decide your punishment.

1. Stand facing the corner of a room for 15 minutes without changing yourself

2. Roll the D6 again and spank yourself the amount of times you rolled times 10 (1=10 and 6=60 etc.) You may not change until you are done.

3. Nothing, you may go change and move on to the next step.

4. Roll the D6 again and multiply your number by 10 (1=10 and 6=60 etc.) You must write on a board or a piece of paper, "I am a baby and I need potty training" that number of times before changing out of your clothes.

5. Do what you want, but you must stay in your soiled clothes for 30 minutes.

6. Do number 2 and then number 1

Diaper Time:Now that your punishment is done, we can't have you having any more accidents and ruining your clothes now can we? You will now be put back into diapers and use them as your only underwear and toilet for the amount of your next D6 roll.

1. 6 hours

2. 12 hours

3. 18 hours

4. 24 hours

5. 30 hours

6. 36 hours

Step 1:Now that you have spent some time in diapers, I think it's time we started your potty training again (Change into a clean diaper before this phase starts if you have not already). Your first stage of potty training will last 24 hours.

Now whenever you feel the need to pee, every 10th step you take towards the bathroom, you must stop and relax your bladder until the last moment before you actually pee, then you must try and stop yourself from actually peeing, if you don't pee you can take another ten steps, if you let out a tiny bit, you have to stand there for 30 seconds before moving your next ten steps.

If you feel the need to poop, you must squat and push on your bowels as if you were on a toilet for 5 whole seconds every 15th step you take towards the bathroom.

If at any time you have a full accident you must go back to the punishment rolls and roll for a punishment then you may change your dirty diaper and retry again only your phase 1 potty training time will reset back to 24 hours.

Step 2: Good for you for making it through your first stage of potty training! You have graduated to pull-ups now! Your second stage of potty training will last another 24 hours.

Now whenever you feel the need to go pee you must set your timer for 2 minutes if you are in public, or 30 seconds if you are home, when the timer goes off, you must wet yourself regardless of where you are or wearing (Even if that means in the process of pulling down your diaper) You may not move towards a bathroom until the timer starts.

If you have to poop, you must hold it and take either a suppository or enema and hold it for the times below (you may not wait in the bathroom or near it while holding).

Enema: 10 minutes

Suppository: 30 minutes

If you manage to hold it, then you may now go to the bathroom and relieve yourself.

If you have an accident, you must roll for another punishment and start from phase 1 again.

Step 3:Now that you made it past the "pull-up stage" You can now wear big boy/girl undies, but wait another challenge awaits you! This will be your final test before being fully potty trained!

From the moment you wake up, you are not allowed to use the toilet for 6 hours. If you have an accident, then you roll for a punishment and start again from phase 1.

Congratulations! You are now officially potty trained! You may now enjoy your unlimited use of the potty! Also, please let me know if you enjoyed my dare, I will be doing this one myself soon and will post my results when done below :)

SissyDan 06-06-2015 02:41 PM

Love it!
For sure will try once I have the free time!

redfred1016 06-14-2015 08:07 AM

This is by far one of the greatest dares I've ever come across. I can't wait to do this. And I might even keep everyone informed on this post.

k1rage 06-14-2015 10:00 AM

really cool dare may have to try it

I actually made something similar a while back

robin the slut 06-14-2015 04:33 PM

i started this dare a week ago and i still havent passed yet i got 24 hours for the first diaper time failed step 1 3 times and step 2 twice i tried both suppository and enema but couldnt hold either ill get my big girl panties back one day and ill let you know

Emerald diapers 06-15-2015 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by robin the slut (Post 1804788)
i started this dare a week ago and i still havent passed yet i got 24 hours for the first diaper time failed step 1 3 times and step 2 twice i tried both suppository and enema but couldnt hold either ill get my big girl panties back one day and ill let you know

Don't worry sweetheart ;) potty training isn't easy for everyone! I'm sure you will get it eventually.

Undisclosed 06-16-2015 09:38 PM

Great dare. I really want to try it but I'm just not sure when I would ever have enough consecutive time to do it =/

I might just try to do the amounts of time non-consecutively but it's not exactly the same.

redfred1016 06-17-2015 06:58 PM

so i started the dare. and it hasnt been going well at all.

for my first roll i rolled a six, so i had to use an enema right off the bat.
then i rolled a 5 for punishments.

I didnt get to lucky with diaper time either. i rolled a 4 so i was incontinent for 24 hours. i drank alot that day too, so i went though a couple of diapers.

after that i started off on my training which was easy. i made it to the potty everytime without even a little accident. that was untill a few minutes ago, i was only an hour away from being promoted but my bowels started rumbling and i was nowhere near a bathroom. i only made it 30 steps untill i filled the back of my diaper with stinky poopy. and to make maters worse i rolled a 6 as a punishment. so i'm in the corner with poopy mushing onto my red butt cheeks.

after corner time i am going to start up my 24 hours again, wish me luck

Edit. It's 9:18 and I messed myself again. I'm never getting out of diapers

Edit again. i wet myself just a moment ago. really do not see me getting through potty training any time soon. at least i didnt get a punishment this time.

redfred1016 06-20-2015 02:30 PM

So I finally made it to training pants. And everything went well. But not well enough, because I was at Walmart at one end of the store and I had to pee. I set the time ran to the bathroom and just as I started take of my diaper the timer went off. So close yet so far.

I started my new day back in diapers and had to poop only 2 hours into it. I walked every 15 steps and pushed real hard for 5 seconds. I wet myself before the poopy even came out. Defeated, I just let go and messed my diaper. I got corner time too.

I'm gonna be stinky forever

robin the slut 06-21-2015 03:08 PM

i finally did it i never thought i could miss my panties so much or be so happy to wear them again

Emerald diapers 06-28-2015 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by robin the slut (Post 1814188)
i finally did it i never thought i could miss my panties so much or be so happy to wear them again

Looks like we have our first winner! I'm about to start mine, tomorrow is day one!

CharlotteXOX 09-03-2015 05:22 AM

I think I'll start this after work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be out of diapers before I'm back in Tuesday morning..

CharlotteXOX 09-06-2015 12:58 PM

Well, I managed to get through the diaper phase unscathed. Now I've just got to hope the pull-up phase is just as uneventful..

Babygirlpoopdiaper 09-17-2015 02:35 AM

I'm doing this now

Babygirlpoopdiaper 09-17-2015 04:14 AM

rage one
Well very thages going go I'm aat stage 1 but I have to poop

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