getDare Truth or Dare

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Slenderman - Doctor 12-03-2009 02:51 PM

How do you write your stories?
Do you type them straight into getDare? Do you plan them/make notes? Do you hand-write them? Do you type them up into Word/Notepad before posting? Do you write one part per day? etc.

Basically, how do you write your story/stories?

Star Shadows 12-03-2009 03:17 PM

Other than slowly and with great difficulty? I write them up on word and copy them across. The same as with my Fanfiction one, but that's another matter.

Duckers 12-04-2009 09:55 AM

I've been writing in Open Office's word processor (Writer, I think it is called). I generally use Word, but Writer isn't bad. Word's better at catching grammar mistakes, but the Writer file size is tiny compared to Word.

I write whenever I get time, which mostly seems to be the middle of the week. Most of my current story is just a matter of remembering what happened, so I've been jotting out things that happen later in the story and shoving them down to the bottom of the file.

Having a buffer between what you have written and what you have actually posted works well for me. There have been numerous times that I have remembered a detail that was important for the later part of the story, and I've been able to add it in without worrying about editing an existing post.

greatsayaman 12-04-2009 10:06 AM

I do them all at once, no plans, no redrafting, in MS Word.
Then I'll copypasta into gD, if I want to upload it here.

Slenderman - Doctor 12-04-2009 01:29 PM

I tend to write my stories up in Word and save them. A new document for each part. I tend to write stuff and just go with it. Usually, when I go back through it, I tend to notice bits I don't like and I end up either deleting the whole thing or faffing about for hours. So what goes up on getDare is usually my first draft. I apologise for any mistakes and just hope there aren't any plot holes - if there are some, well, the reader can make up a theory or just use imagination to get around it.

With my latest story, I've just written up part after part with few breaks. I also have some handwritten notes to help me keep track ^__^

Midnight 12-04-2009 01:53 PM

While I don't post on here, I am an avid writer. I write the bits I see on a document or piece of paper. It just depends on what's handy. I try to keep the whole story on one document and when I post in it chapters, I paste those particular chapters in a document and load them up individually.

Some have notes, some have outlines. It depends on how much is in there and whether or not I can process it all at once.

BettyBoop 12-04-2009 03:58 PM

I type them into word so I can save them for myself. And I post a chapter whenever I think of something or when I have time and can be bothered, which sometimes takes ages.

jackfromnyc 12-04-2009 05:09 PM

I start with an outline of the whole story. Then I outline each chapter. I do research to get it as accurate as possible. Then I write it in word and copy/paste.

andrew_b 12-15-2009 02:28 PM

I just write them straight up and make it up as i go along :P, yeah i'm not really a proper writer but hey people like it so i'm not complaining

Lizard 12-16-2009 04:56 PM

I write "off line" using a plain text exitor (vi) and a text formatting programme that converts the "source" into something suitable for cutting and pasting into an edit window.

Genrally it takes a month or two before I'm happy with how it reads and feel it is ready for public consumption. Some times it takes much longer depending on my writing mood. I currenltly have a story started, targeted to this site, that has been in progress for three months now. I tend to read, and reread my stories, making slight changes with each pass. Multiple revisions are critical, in my humble opnion, to producing a good story; the most imortant thing that is gained is consistency, both in the plot and in the narrative style.

TiedGuy 12-22-2009 10:04 AM

My stories are my fantasies
My stories are fantasies that turn me on. The first part is usually from a picture or something on the web that turns me on. The story get filled in when I am in bed and I imagine things I could put in the story that gets me excited. Idea for the following segments usually occur as I am daydreaming about the last post.

To write the story I use Gmail documents. This way there is no file that someone could find on my laptop and I can work on the story from anywhere. Also I have less problems when I paste from Gmail docs than from word. I use spell check and reread before I post. I find it useful to reread the segment after I post it. Very often I have to edit it to correct errors or make it more understandable.

chubbsman7 04-03-2010 09:11 AM

Me.. wow, I am one paranoid son of a bitch!

Usually, I type mine into Word/Pages (I have a Mac). Just incase anybody would find them, I save them on my flash drive, which has another seperate volume INSIDE a seperate volume (.sparsebundles), which are encrpyed with a 256-Bit Code. Only I know the password so... It's a very slim chance that any would find them. :D

Yes, I am paranoid, if I already answered that question.

HeadHunter_t 04-03-2010 10:39 AM

I type it in to word and then post it by chapters when i get a chance.then i get alot of complaints becuse i am not posting quick enoph from the people who read it:p you know who you guys are :p

openinvizion 04-11-2010 12:44 PM

For my current story, I started writing it with Google Docs >< but now, I write it with word.

The problem with Docs is that spelling errors are only found if you "Check for Errors"

Ninjota 04-11-2010 12:52 PM

As an author of short stories and such, i have to be in the right mood to write them. That mood is USUALY either:

Inspired (Randomly comes to me)

or the most common,


Sometimes when i get depressed its easier to write about the more....edgy topics, such as the story im writing now.

I began my story here (Architecture of a Sadistic Nature) one night i was extremely depressed and in a dangerous state of mind (Ive since recovered but ive been continuing it)

Anyways, the night i began i was extremely depressed over stuff (I wont get into, it was a bunch of stuff) so i turned off all the lights in my basement and lit candles. I Then performed a ritual of protection and such to my gods (As i am Pagan) and left the candles on, i turned on some music..the song "A Succubus in rapture" by Dimmu Borgir, and began writing.

When i write its all about the state of mind im in, which is usually a dangerous one. But as ive said in my story, "All great art is made from suffering"

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