getDare Truth or Dare

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Bloxo 05-22-2018 02:17 PM

WAMPALOOZA - The Messy Game with Twists
Welcome one and all!
After reading through the many games, challenges and dares on this site...I thought I would try to start something I introduce you to...*Drum Roll*...


Introduction: This game will be similar to other great examples, such as Gunge Tank, Pie Toss, Food Fight...but will be a little different, any potential cheating will be eliminated...fairness is the core of this game, this game will go beyond mess...I'm hoping without upsetting any limits, I will be your Game Master...any suggestions to improve this game are welcome by PM.

If you enter the game...prepare to risk getting wet or messy...potentially more

The Rules:

For Every Player that enters the contest I will spin the wheel of Consequence...The potential consequences are:

Miss - You are a possible victim for a winner
Gunge - Pick someone to be Gunged
Gunge + Forfeit - Pick someone to be Gunged and receive an added penalty
Wet - Pick someone to get Wet
Pie - Pick someone to get Pied
Splashproof Coat - You are safe for this round
Game Challenge - Winner picks a player to challenge to a game of their choice (i.e. Battleship), loser of this game receives automatic Gunge Bucket and Forfeit
Double The Fun - Winner Picks two victims to be Gunged
Computer Says No!: This poor player gets Gunged and can still be picked as a target

How to play:

To enter, you simply post to this thread, one entry per round.

Once there are enough players, or enough time has passed I will end the round and spin the wheel of consequence for each player that has entered.
I will then post the results within the thread.

Those players that win:
You have 24 hours to post who your victim/s will be and you will spin the punishment wheels, posting the result

Those that become victims:
You have to PM the winner who picks you and give them a report on how your punishment went once this is completed

The Punishment Wheels:

Determines what Victims get messy with
Special result:
Gunge Bucket - Winner Picks 3 substances for Victim to get messy with

Determines to cold wet forfeit for the Victim

Determines the Pie Action for the Victim
Special terms:
Pie Sandwich - two Pies, one to each side of Victims head
Pie Wedgie - Pie down underwear and wedgie
Pie Hat - Pie plonked on Victims Head

Determines how a Victim should apply their Gunge
Special Actions:
Full Body Cover - Fill a bath and roll in mess
Token Find - Victim has to place a small token in a bucket/on a plate and bury this in the mess, they have to use their mouth only to retrieve this token
Winner's Choice - Winner picks what Victim has to do with their Mess

Forfeit in addition to Mess
Special Terms:
Bondage - Winner picks bondage for victim while they get messy
Workout - Exercise Dare
Truth - Winner gets to ask Victim 5 questions, any not answered result in additional Gunge spin
Abstinence - One day ban from Sexual touching
Cum - Victim must orgasm while Messy
Winner's Choice - Winner picks additional Dare within Victims Limits
Toys! - Victim must give Winner a list of Toys they can use, Winner picks what Victim does with these toys while getting Messy

Extra Rules:
When submitting their entry, if a player states "Please don't gang up on me" they can receive a maximum of 2 punishments (including Computer says no as 1 punishment)

Gunge will be re-spun if Victim is allergic to the substance

Any Forfeits in a Victims limits will need to be re-spun

If a Gunge/Forfeit combo doesn't work well (i.e. Eggs and Token Find) Winner may re-spin one of the two wheels (But only 1!)

As this is a game of chance, and this should be fair and fun...if I spin for all players and all players Miss then I will re-spin for all.
Likewise if more than half of players win I will Re-spin for all.

Anyone who breaks the rules will get Gunged!

Spinner use for Winners:
Gunge: Gunge + Action
Gunge + Forfeit: Gunge + Action + Forfeit
Wet: Wet
Pie: Pie + Action (unless Pie Wedgie, Hat, Sandwich)
Double the fun: Gunge + Action (spin for each Victim)
Game Challenge: Winner picks 3 Messy items + Action +Forfeit
Computer Says No!: Gunge + Action

Please join, have fun and give honest spinner results!

Bloxo 05-22-2018 02:19 PM

Round 1
Let the first round begin!

To start I am in...Girls...please don't gang up on me!

Keep an eye on this thread and Winners, prepare to post for the Victims within 24 hours or lose your victory!

jammez 05-22-2018 02:22 PM

I'm in. Hopefully some girls join

Kitty Brat Jenna 05-22-2018 03:13 PM

i'll join as well. :)

kjhkj 05-22-2018 03:32 PM

I will join as well-Please don't gang up on me

hungrycaterpillar 05-22-2018 04:11 PM

ill give this a go

ChubbyShySissy 05-22-2018 04:14 PM

I'll join for this round

Novagunger 05-22-2018 08:27 PM

I am in for this

Natalie_XI 05-22-2018 09:43 PM

I'll give this a go. :)
Please don't gang up on me.

atownesq 05-22-2018 09:48 PM

I will be in for this round.

PieFanatic12 05-23-2018 04:43 AM

I’ll give this a go !

GermanSlaveBoy 05-23-2018 04:54 AM

I would like also to join in

MessFan 05-23-2018 06:02 AM

Sounds fun!

Please don't gang up on me ;)

Aglaia 05-23-2018 06:57 AM

Sounds like fun, i'll be in

Malkalen 05-23-2018 11:10 AM

I'd like to join in for this round. Sounds awesome.

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