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Powerstrip 02-24-2007 11:11 AM

Girls Overpowering [NON-FICTION]

After a post about girls taking an advantage over a guy who didn't expect something, I thought I'd shed light on my experience.

I was on a summer camp about 2 years ago and this group of girls (about a year or two younger about 5 of them) were messing about. Being pretty much the next oldest me and a few friends befriended them.

One day only a couple of us turned up the others had gone elsewhere so it was me, my friend James and then these girls. We were just messing about and then James goes aswell becuase his brother had gone to hospital. So I was left with them.

They said that we ought to do something and so during a bit of time we had free we went up behind the lunch hall, where we weren't in view of everyone.

We dared each other to do a couple of things, I dared one of them to kiss another girl, which really pissed her off. When it got to her turn, she had me put holly leaves down my pants (knickers for americans)

They picked about 10 leaves and said to do it. I hesitated, but as they outnumbered me they said that I would do it, or they would do it.

I undid my belt, lifted up the waist band of my knickers and started to put them in. They said to do it properly, put some under my balls, some between my balls and penis, so I did it a bit, but didn't try to do it properly.

One of the youngest ones then accused me of not doing it properly, so they said that one of them had to do it for me, to make sure. So the one that I dared to kiss another girl, came forward. She pulled all the leaves out, put her hand under my balls lifting it up and put a leaf underneath.

She then let go of my balls and pushed down to make sure the holly spiked me a little. Then she put all the leaves in, each time rearranging for maximum pain.

When she did all the leaves, she pushed me back on to a bench, then kneed me in the groin, and carried on pushing so the holly leaves stung me aswell.

All the girls had a look at my balls and penis as she held the waistband out forward, and they crowded round.

5-1, a little embarrasing, but it hurt. I'll post back on a couple more things they have done.

Soraslight 02-24-2007 12:39 PM

I hope you got your own back, not as bad as my experience though :-/ sounds relatively painful.

Powerstrip 02-24-2007 02:15 PM

Nope never got a chance really.

Tessdog 02-25-2007 12:29 AM

comon power strip tell some more!

scoop 02-26-2007 04:55 PM

nee to the balls not cool! but a good story

Musty 21 02-26-2007 08:15 PM

sounds painful and fun lol

Powerstrip 03-01-2007 02:38 PM

Next time they try it I'll let you take the knee.

What other stuff did they do?

Well, I never really tried to stop them, so they pretty much had there way with me (I'd been to an all boys school, so any form of female attention was good)

After the above, they wanted more fun like that so over lunch they had talked between each other as to what they wanted.

As we were older we were allowed more freedom and one of the activities was just walking round the fields of the school. At the bottom of the field there was like a little wooded area. We went down there, and they then told me about their plans.

They had decided that they enjoyed seeing me naked, but wanted to see me struggle a bit more so they decided I should strip down for them and then let them do whatever they wanted. i wasn't sure, but seeing as they outnumbered me and they already had seen me naked I went along.

Took off my clothes slowly, not fully sure if I wanted to do this, but may aswell. So I was now standing naked in front of about 8 girls (all younger). At the time it was fine, looking back, not my best ideas.

Anyway, we get walking and occasionally they have a feel and very quickly I am hard. We sit down and they have a bit more of a play and a chat about my nakedness, my cock, the usual :P

After a bit I started getting used to the situation and so start going limp, which they didn't like, so they decided I ought to cum for them. So I start going, then try my luck and say I need "material" ;)

Not all of them were eager about it, but a couple teased a little (showed me nothing though). This tipped the edge and I cummed. A couple of them taste it, never having seen it first hand, but the rest I am forced to eat (I don't find it that nice really)

So far i have got off quite lightly, but as we walk round we get near EHS, a high school for girls, but fortuneately they are all on holidays and they don't run a summer school. However, they decide to walk round it, meaning I was out in the open, naked. I don't think anyone was there, but I was quite worried.

We had to go back then, so to allow me my clothes back, I had to let each one do something to me. I can't remember all of the things I had to do, but things I did have to do was to lick the ground, put a stick in my ass, walk into some bracken and nettles and one of them also had a good smack at the jewels with a branch they found. :o

I was allowed my clothes back then, but they promised that tomorrow they would be better prepared. Apart from the painful ones, it was a bit fun, I had never done much with girls due to minimum interaction with them, so I was getting what I can.

I'm too lazy to write more now, but I will add more.

Shawn 03-01-2007 07:02 PM

Great how long ago did this happen?

Tessdog 03-01-2007 08:18 PM

please keep writting I am liking these stories

Powerstrip 03-02-2007 11:45 AM

It must be about 2-3 years ago.

I will try to keep adding, but right now am too tired, maybe tomorrow :)

Powerstrip 03-04-2007 03:30 PM

Well, the summer school was coming to an end (don't worry there are a couple more stories left) and they wanted to go out with a bit of a bang and were plotting.

I listened to there suggestions and there were very extreme dares and then softer dares, so I wasn't sure what they would ultimateley decide on.

Some of the suggestions included me putting on some girls clothes on the girls changing room, me doing something naked in a more easily seen place.

One of the activities that you could do was waterslope. You would go down a slope with water and it was quite fun, thought at the end there was just a few of those safety mats or else you'd hit yourself on the adventure playground.

They had decided upon a dare, but I didn't know what it was, so when we were choosing what we wanted to do they told me to do that.

So we are told to go and get changed into swim stuff and then to go to the hill where the water slide is. So we go off and nothing happens. We start going down and the teachers on duty hold the mats.

After a bit two of the girls decide to give the teachers a rest and hold the mat themselves. Everyone has a few more goes and then it comes to the last round. I'm last to go and as I go down one of them "accidentally" drops the mat and so I hit the playground.

It obviously hurt and the girl is all apologetic (it wasn't too bad as I hit most of the matt, just one side of my leg hit it.

So one of the teachers (the medic of the teachers) comes over checking that everyone is OK. I'm there saying I'm fine, but the girls are all worried saying that i really got a thump and should be checked properly.

So they all help me to the First Aid room and help her check me over and she is happy that I am OK. One of the girls pipes up saying "Miss you haven't checked him properly" indicating that I have kept my swim shorts on. They all said that they were sure they saw blood and it was one mighty thwack.

The teacher shooes everyone out and tells me that she had better take a look "just to make sure"

This summer school is run in a primary school, and everyone leaves for secondary at 12, so I'm 14 and the matron wants to see my cock. I really try and avoid saying I will look and if there is anything worrying I will show her, but she is having none of it.

She is very pretty, probably my first crush when I was at the school, so obviously some things happen and now I am really embarrased.

I decide to just get it over and done with so she tells me to take them off and then lie down on the bed. I take them off, lie back on the bed and she starts checking (meanwhile I am as hard as anything) and at that point there is a knock on the door and one of the girls comes in "tearful" checking that I am all right.

That was very awkward. The teacher blocked the view fortuneately, but the check she did was thorough and through out I was stiff for her.

Needless to say the last couple of days were awkward whenever she was there.

Tessdog 03-04-2007 04:30 PM

Keep it going powerstrip these stories are the best......

Powerstrip 03-06-2007 02:07 PM

Glad to hear your enjoying them Tessdog.

Time for another one :)

Well after the summer school ended I neve expected to bump into them again. As if you hadn't already guess, I did. I was in town just looking round and someone taps me on the shoulder and three of them are there.

I sort of stutered a hello at the same time thinking of what they must be imagining right now.

We talked for a bit, but after about 5 mins I knew there heads were still back at the summer school. They then started dragging me round with them so I ended up giving my opinion on dresses, shoes and the like.

After about the 10th shop they realised that I was quite bored and decided to involve me a bit more. Any guesses?

They took me to a part of town that was devoted to girls clothes. Everything from the plain BHS and M&S all the way to the sexy stuff in New Look and Mango et al.

So they each chose a shop and so I had to go to all three trying on different outfits for them. I wore dresses, mini skirts, kinky underwear, corsets.....list goes on.

After they had finished on my outfit (yes they did pick one out for me) I paid (for all of them) and we then went down the road to the cinema. There wasn't much on at the time and the most exciting thing looked like The Aviator.

The film is quite good, but it dragged a bit so we got quite bored. So during the film they had me try on a couple of things they had kept hidden, such as bikinis and tankinis. The cinema we were at was new and not very well known about (the entrance is round the back) so we had the place pretty much to ourselves and it was a big room so we were far from anyone else.

Modelling for them there was no biggie, I had already done it for them and no one else could see. They then took the clothes away and had me wank to the girl on the screen which was nice, though the popcorn tub was the receptical that caught the cum.

They all then touched my cock and kept me hard for the rest of the film. As soon as the credits started they gave me my clothes (which I put on as fast as I could) and by the time I was ready they had left (taking £20 in the proces out my wallet)

That pissed me off and from then on promised that I would never go along with them. I er....didn't quite keep that promise, but there is one more story to come and that will have you all completly up to date with them.

Hope you like the others and the final one (when it comes saturday probably)

Tessdog 03-06-2007 03:04 PM

Cant Wait these are good stories!

spat 03-06-2007 03:21 PM

Doing well, keep up the story.

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