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Amelie 05-04-2009 09:06 AM

The corrupted wish game.
Ok, the idea of this game is that you grant the wish of the person above you but you also put a negative twist on it. A curse so to speak.

For instance;

Player 1: I wish I could take a holiday in the Bahamas

Player 2: Wish granted although you have to spend your holiday with Hitler.. awkward!

Make sure you make your own wish as well as granting one or else the game wont work.

I will start. I wish I could have the next week off school.

BettyBoop 05-04-2009 09:11 AM

Wish granted, a week off school but you can't leave your room.

I wish I could win the lottery.

interesting 05-04-2009 09:53 AM

Wish granted: you win a million dollars, but it's all taken away in backtaxes!

I wish I could travel in time to when I was younger and experiment things I failed to experience back then.

vivala_dare 05-04-2009 09:57 AM

wish granted but you have no use of your penis but to pee out of it.

I wish for a good book?

Bloxo 05-04-2009 10:37 AM

I send you a copy of the Iliad, but it's in it's original Greek.

I wish I had a successful job!

Komodo Jones 05-04-2009 11:18 AM

Wish granted, you have a successful job but it's on an island in the middle of nowhere.

I wish that my college professors were less sadistic.

dared to perfection 05-04-2009 12:07 PM

wish granted but now they are ultra happy and freaking annoying.

i wish i could have a real life mistress

BettyBoop 05-04-2009 12:10 PM

Wish granted but when you meet your mistress 'she' surprisingly has a penis.

I wish my Dad would let my boyfriend stay for longer.

Komodo Jones 05-04-2009 12:13 PM

Wish granted, but your dad finds out he has a secret past so he's sent to jail for 10 years.

I wish that I could get a job playing video games for a living.

lydiab6 05-04-2009 12:14 PM

Wish granted, but the video games you get to play are the kind designed for toddlers to help them learn their abc's

I wish I had a boyfriend...

dared to perfection 05-04-2009 12:18 PM

wish granted but you get the most embarassing car in the world.

i wish i had sex toys

Komodo Jones 05-04-2009 01:38 PM

Wish granted, but you find out that they've all been previously used by people with VD.

I wish I didn't have to do this gay English paper on analyzing a poem.

Coyote 05-04-2009 02:55 PM

you dont have to do your english paper. But you have to do the paper in spanish.

i wish i had the ability to shapeshift

Amelie 05-04-2009 03:45 PM

Wish granted however once you have changed you may never change back, and you can only change into a bee, that has one wing.

I wish I had a girlfriend.

Officelover 05-04-2009 06:20 PM

Wish granted, but she gives you a monkeys paw. It gives you three wishes. You first wish for $25. You get it, but it's your girlfriends paycheck. She wanted you to have it before she killed herself. Then you (foolishly) ask to see her again. She turns into a ghost to haunt you. Then you wish her at peace, and you never see her again.

I wish for a coin for the coin machine.:p

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