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AzerFox 07-18-2011 02:54 PM

Dice Piss Control 2 [2-4 hours, Males & Females]
WARNING: I do not suggest doing this dare while you already have to pee, but if you want the challenge go for it.

Alright, so I decided to make a second bladder control dare for those of you wanting to try more. This one operates sort of like a "Chutes and Ladders" style of play. You will only need 1 die and many glasses of your favorite drink.

The point of this game is to get to a score of at least 18. Once you have a score of at least 18, you win and may release your bladder in any style that you wish. If you do not follow the rules of the die, then you fail. If you pee when not instructed to, you fail. Failure will result in punishment (PM me for the punishment).

Your score is cumulative. For example, if you roll a 2 your first time, you will do what it says to do under #2. If you roll a 5 the next time (2+5=7) then you will do what it says for #7. If you roll a 1 the next time (7+1=8) then you will do what it says for #8...


LUCKY! Advance immediately to 6 to do the dare provided.

Drink a single glass of water. Wait 15 minutes before rolling again.

Drink two glasses of water. You may roll again immediately.

Drink a single glass of water and you may not touch your groin until you reach a score of at least 18.

Drink a single glass of water and you may not cross your legs until you reach a score of at least 18.

Drink a single glass of water and wait 15 minutes before rolling again.

Drink a single glass of water and wait 15 minutes before rolling again.

UNLUCKY! Drink a single glass of water and then you are bumped down to 4. Perform dare 4.

Spend 10 minutes listening to a river or waterfall on YouTube. You may continue rolling while performing this dare.

LUCKY! Advance straight to 12 and perform dare 12.

Drink two glasses of water and then wait 15 minutes before rolling again.

Drink a single glass of water and then wait 15 minutes before rolling again.

Lay on your stomach for 30 seconds and relax your muscles. If you start peeing, you must empty your bladder right there. (If you do end up emptying your bladder there, the game is done for you)

Drink a single glass of water and then wait 15 minutes before rolling again.

Go over to the toilet (or wherever you wish to pee) and pee for only two seconds. If you pee for any more than 2 seconds then you have failed the dare.

UNLUCKY! Drink a single glass of water and then drop down to 14. You do not need to perform dare 14.

UNLUCKY! Drink a single glass of water and then drop down to 14. You do not need to perform dare 14.

You Win! Go celebrate by peeing!

As always, your comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Also if you end up doing the dare, tally up how many glasses you got.

Pet Phoenix 07-18-2011 03:37 PM

Oh oh oh!! I can't wait!! ima do this in the morning ^^

bodacious 07-18-2011 08:15 PM

Ok, so I already had to pee when I started this dare. Big mistake. I rolled a 3 + 2 + 3 = 8. Went back to 4 and tried to not touch myself. 4 + 3 = 7. Waited. Rolled a 5 and performed dare 12 and waited. Yet again. 12 + 4 = 16 so I went back to 14. At this point, I'm chugging and getting rolling dice simultaneously. Then I rolled a 6 and considered myself done.

The worse part? I was watching TV with my mom and sister and every 15 minutes or so I would go to my room and chug water. Sitting with them was excruciating.

Pet Phoenix 07-19-2011 08:24 AM

>< -_- hahahaha, okay.. i think i must have officially found the easiest set of rolls with which to get through this dare :p

*laughing at how easy that turned out to be* >< hahaha okay.. i rolled, uhmm.. in order. 3, 6, 5 and 4..

So firstly i had to drink 2 glasses of water.. i took your advice and started started on a mostly empty bladder :p but i was allowed to re-roll immediatley.

plus 6 gave me a score of 9 and now i had to listen to the sounds of water for 10 minutes.. that was okay, beacause having only just drunk the water it had barley even had time to hit my bladder, was quite relaxing really ^^ i thought 'wow.. half way already, not doing too bad'

My next roll, 5 brought me to a score of 14 and ohmygawd.. i had to drink abother glass and wait 15 minutes.. that, wasn't really very hard.. haha the time frame overall was just so short thus far.. now ofc, the end was in sight.. i wondered if i'd hit some odd curveball right at the end.. have to wait an hour or two yet or something.. buuut no.. my final roll of 4 saw my happily to spot on 18 ^^ I uhm.. don't even feel the need to pee yet :p ^^ hahaha I think i'm gonna try this one again later when i'm less lucky :p

AzerFox 07-19-2011 09:59 AM

Yeah you got awful lucky. I tested this game a few times with just rolls and the average amount of drinks was 6.

AzerFox 07-19-2011 12:40 PM

I'm doing my own dare right now. I'll edit this post when it is complete.

Alright so this is what happened. I already was feeling the urge to pee when I started so I was hoping for some lucky roles to end it quick. First roll was a 3. I basically chugged 2 glasses quickly and then rolled right again. Nothing too serious.

Second roll was a 6, so I did dare 9. I found some nice river flowing sounds and it was very relaxing but it did make me have to pee. I was crossing my legs at this point.

Third roll was a 3 so I did dare 15. This was the hardest one. I went to the restroom and opened up the toilet. It looked so inviting and I was already crossing my legs. I undid my pants and pulled my dick out of my briefs and gave a quick 2 second stream. It felt soooooo good to get some out of me but it was crazy hard to stop. I had to sit on the ground and hold my groin in order to keep myself from peeing more. After a few minutes of that, I went back to my computer to roll again.

Fourth roll was a 2, so I did dare 17 and then fell back to 14. I still had to pee really badly.

Fifth roll as a 4 and that brought me to 18. I thought I could hold it a bit more so I typed this out and now I'm going to run to the bathroom. BYE!

Iam 07-19-2011 09:13 PM

I started this the moment I started reading it. I hadn't peed for a long while but didn't feel the urge.
I rolled 6,6,3,2,6
I got a 6 and drank the first glass and waited 15 minutes
I got another 6 for a total of 12 and drank my seceond glass and right before the 15 minutes ended, I felt a very sight tingle to go pee
I rolled a 3 for a total of 15 and went into the bathroom and peed and stopped just before 2 seconds (got lucky there)
Then rolled a 2 17 & had to drink another glass, then jump back to 14.
Finally I rolled a 6 and totaled a 20 and it ended.

I am now finishing typing this and still have not gone pee, I am not going to use the bathroom until I wake up.

I got pretty lucky with my rolls :)

kandou 07-20-2011 12:57 PM

Started when I was starting to be able to use but didn't actually need a piss. First roll was a 1, so went to six. Drank a glass of water then went to do some other stuff for fifteen minutes. Then got a 3, found a video of Victoria Falls in Zambia that was 7 minutes, with knowledge that a three minute video would need to be found when it was finished. Continued rolling.

A 4 lead me to lieing on the floor for thirty seconds. Really started to feel like I could use a piss at this point, though more notably the effect of the sound of the video made me feel rather relaxed and sleepy in that position.

Then a 6 lead me to an easy victory, though I waited until the end of the waterfall videos until I went (...Though I still haven't been now they've stopped thanks to writing this post) All in all an enjoyable experience. Will probably do again at some point.

AzerFox 07-20-2011 01:50 PM

Hmmm. I might need to make this harder if people are getting by so easily :P

codymich 07-20-2011 02:31 PM

Yes, harder please :) I'm going to give this a try right now, but I'd like to see a tougher one as well.

I finished it pretty easily. I rolled 2, 6, 7, then 12, so I drank a glass each time and waited my 15 minutes. At that point I had to pee, but not super badly. Then I rolled a 15, so it was nice to let 2 seconds worth of pee out. Not too hard to stop, since I didn't have to pee too badly. Then another 3 and I was done.

AMGWallHax 07-20-2011 04:22 PM

I got so mad lol, i kept rolling 16 then 14 the n 16 then 14 >.< still goin strong tho 30 minutes in, and for added torture, every 15 minutes i have to press on my bladder and do 15 jumping jacks not fun :O

moofu 07-20-2011 08:29 PM

Ok so I did this dare. I got very unlucky though I could never advance very far without going way back down... then I finally hit 13 and I just could not hang in there any longer. I ended up peeing for what seemed to be a very long while I was there on the floor embarrassed

daremenething 07-20-2011 09:46 PM

Not only did I start already having to pee, instead of water I used Mountain Dew, which we all know is highly caffeinated. I also got very unlucky with my rolls.

3--not too bad, drank two glasses, rerolled immediately.

+4--7--drank one glass, waited fifteen minutes

+1--8--drank one glass, got bumped to 4, drank another glass, cannot touch groin

+1--5--drank one glass, cannot cross legs.

+3--8--drank a glass, got bumped to 4 again, drank another glass


+6--10--advanced to 12, drank a glass, tried to wait fifteen minutes, gave up with four minutes to go. have to do a punishment.

Iam 07-21-2011 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by AzerFox (Post 499254)
Hmmm. I might need to make this harder if people are getting by so easily :P

Include wearing a diaper and peeing a spurt, or many spurts to make it tempting to go pee, and include some punishments...i will most definately do your upgraded dare.

AzerFox 07-21-2011 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by daremenething (Post 499560)
Not only did I start already having to pee, instead of water I used Mountain Dew, which we all know is highly caffeinated. I also got very unlucky with my rolls.

3--not too bad, drank two glasses, rerolled immediately.

+4--7--drank one glass, waited fifteen minutes

+1--8--drank one glass, got bumped to 4, drank another glass, cannot touch groin

+1--5--drank one glass, cannot cross legs.

+3--8--drank a glass, got bumped to 4 again, drank another glass


+6--10--advanced to 12, drank a glass, tried to wait fifteen minutes, gave up with four minutes to go. have to do a punishment.

Your punishment is to do this dare again, but each dice roll is subtracted by 1. So if you roll a 4 for instance, it is as if you rolled a 3. Be sure to tell us how it went.

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