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Bloxo 08-07-2018 12:29 PM

Gunge 'em Dungeon
Hello all!

Welcome to my latest endeavour on this site...this is all a little off the top of my head, but I hope it will work out and people will enjoy!


This thread will chronicle an adventure through a fantasy which wants to get you messy...can you make the right choices and stay clean...or will you end up on the receiving end of one of it's many pit falls...only time...and your luck will tell ;)

How it works:

I will begin the story...and stop it at a certain cliffhanger, those that want to play will then post the following:

1. Their character name
2. Their race (Human, Ork, Elf, Dwarf)
3. Your characters weapon
4. Their characters special skill (one per player, be creative...anything overpowered will be turned against you, so keep it realistic).
5. Your action to combat the challenge.

Once you have posted and a certain amount of time has passed, I will reveal the results of your actions and whether you face reward or forfeit. I will expect you to post back to either detail what you did for your forfeit, or acknowledgement of your reward.

Now you can team up with other players, so if a player posts a certain action, you could support them...or even undermine them ;) maybe you push someone into harms way in the attempt to stay clean and get a reward...

I will reward creativity, punish dull responses, but we shall see what calibre of player enters this let us begin...

Oh and before I forget...I am the dungeon master here, and my ruling is final...appeals against forfeits will be heard, but not necessarily listened to...

Bloxo 08-07-2018 12:54 PM

Chapter 1: Frolics in the forest
The wind was howling that night...the trees come to life, branches swaying in the air, dancing fanatically to a silent melody...unsuspecting of what was to come next...

For you see, this ordinary forest was about to be cursed and become a very treacherous and potentially messy place for any that may enter and try to reveal it's secrets...

On the edge of this dense forest was a small town, called Splott, a grim place, with little more than a tavern, a few dwellings, a couple of small farms and a granary, more of a stopping point for travellers on their way to seek adventure and glory!...for you may not know this, but MUK forest is an ancient place, it has had it's share of tales over the years, many have gone missing here...many battles have been fought here between neighbouring kingdoms and many ancient ruins can be found overgrown by natures incessant growth...

Our tale begins in the Tavern of Slime Hill... our bartender, is busy chatting to the local farmers, telling his tales of yesteryear...for you see he was quite the adventurer in his youth...

"I tell you folk, there is more Gold hidden in that forest than a thousand wagons could hope to carry, I own this hear Tavern thanks to my excursions...and luck in my prime" He smirked as he talked...

"Dennis!" One of the farmers blasted out! "Please stop, we've heard your stories a thousand times and we still don't believe a word of it, we are happy to work an honest living, tending to our Pigs and Cows, tending to our grain, brewing our mead...we care not for your fanciful tales of adventure, that is not a life for a simple farmer, nor one we care to listen to!"

Dennis, obviously annoyed then proceeded to skulk behind his bar and wash some mugs...only spitting in every third one...Life was a dull one here and his stories was his only real excitement...

"Hey...what's going on here?!" The farmer exclaimed while staring out of the window..."Something is happening, I don't understand"...

The locals gathered up against the window, looking quite transfixed at the occurring's the normally lush green forest started to blur, and almost appear to flex from their point of view...growing very dark, the sky started to cloud over, Lightning began to strike to forest over and over, the thunder so deafening that the locals had to hold their hands over their ears to avoid being deafened...Rain was pouring at such a rate it soon started to flood outside, the water began seeping into the Tavern...but as soon as the storm started, it quickly subsided...but looking out to the forest, there was now a bright green glow, almost blinding to the eye...and then it came...


And then there was silence...

But unfortunately...this was the moment a group of travellers started to flock into the Tavern for shelter...

The group was hard to describe, a complete mix of all sorts, different races, genders, heights, weapons...obviously some sort of travelling adventurers...

Bloxo 08-07-2018 01:07 PM

The locals still in shock at the occurings in the forest didn't even notice the travellers arrival...they stood their, mouths gaped open, in utter disbelief of what had just happened, their small minds trying to comprehend what was happening...

"Um, excuse me" One of the travellers was trying to get the bartenders attention, "is this some joke? We have just arrived here to have some mead before continuing through this forest...and then all that crazy stuff this some local prank?"

The bartender took a moment from his dumbfounded look to turn and stare at the travellers, he tried to talk...but words escaped him, no matter the truth of his history...he had never seen anything like this before.

"Just what is going on here?!" The traveller exclaimed!...he was met with a pained attempt to talk, but no words could leave the bartenders mouth..."Listen, speak up or we shall not be drinking here"...still nothing..."Fine, come on my merry adventurers, we are leaving...we will not be held hostage to some joke on the newcomers!" The adventurer walked straight out of the Tavern and the group followed.

The group made it a little along the muddy road...before the ground started to shake...the group stopped...readying their weapons, for this was no natural quake...

The ground then changed shape...the outskirts of the town began to become towering walls of earth, encircling the village, leaving nothing but a small opening to the forest


It was then that out of the newly formed walls of mud that strange movements could be first it looked like the wall was warping, distorting itself, but then distinct shapes were emerging from it...Slime Monsters!!

The creatures of untold number began edging their way towards to the group, looking gross, slimy and of all kinds of different colours...

How will our group react? What actions will they take?

You decide...enter the game if you dare...tell us your tale, tell us your brave...or cowardly actions...and we shall see what fate befalls you ;)

Victoria85 08-07-2018 01:41 PM

Upon seeing the slime monsters approach Vincentio the Dwarf falls back and takes his large Mace in his hands, standing ready to smack everything that comes towards him, whilst prepared to cast a heal on a team member in need.
Popping up as the leader of the pack, he makes sure everybody gets in to formation and into the right spots to take down the enemy. Observing every move and coordinating the team.
Will they be strong enough to hold them back? Nobody knows yet, but Vincentio is assured that the team will be ready.

(something like this? :) Casting back into my role of the faithful paladin healer :D ).

Bloxo 08-07-2018 01:44 PM

A nice and tactical start...we shall see who your merry...soon to be messy band of warriors...decides to do!

Bloxo 08-07-2018 05:05 PM

Okay a slow start...

But just a few extra points:

- Yes you need to use your imagination and be creative...but the forfeits will be real dares

- The rewards you can get for making good choices will either improve your chances of surviving...or even getting other players messy

- I will respect limits with forfeits of course

- a reminder that sometimes you have to be cruel to save yourself...or will your cruelty backfire?

This game depends on the players ultimately, you do not have to play constantly, happy for people to dip in and out, each new part of the story will play as a new round

Cake Battered 08-08-2018 09:16 AM

Name: Andarin
Race: Elf
Weapon: Longbow
Skill: Rope arrows - Using his bow and a length of rope, Andarin can reach all sorts of hard to reach areas.

Standing behind the protection of Vincentio, Andarin readies his longbow let's loose an arrow, hoping to pick off some of the slime creatures before they reach the group.

Great idea by the way! :)

SmashNSplat 08-08-2018 11:13 AM

Name: Krill
Race: Human
Weapon: Rapier sword
Skill: A spell that allows the creation of small magic structures (basic shields, tiny bridges etc.) However, he's new to the spell and often will not cast it correctly, meaning it wont work or will cancel without warning. [Hopefully not too overpowered]

With a look of disgust at the slime creatures, the apprentice wizard takes a step back and pulls out his sword. He readies himself to strike at the creatures as they get closer and makes sure the spell is ready so he can protect himself if the creatures lurch at him. Perhaps he would try and protect Andarin, Vincentio, or the rest of the team but only if he was safe from the creatures when he did so.

[Basically he's the party's kinda selfish wizard, who's not great at magic]

Bloxo 08-08-2018 12:01 PM

The parties starting to form...all being very supportive so far!

Let’s get a couple more players into the field and then move the story on!

electricity 08-08-2018 12:23 PM

Name: Caspian
Race: Elf
Weapon: Pair of Axes
Skill: Axe climb - The ability to use the axes to pick into anything to reach and climb into difficult situations.

Bloxo 08-08-2018 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by electricity (Post 3384121)
Name: Caspian
Race: Elf
Weapon: Pair of Axes
Skill: Axe climb - The ability to use the axes to pick into anything to reach and climb into difficult situations.

Hey Electricity, nice bio...but what action will you take in the story?

Silly bitch 08-09-2018 02:06 AM

Name: Becky
Weapon:a balloon sword a shield
Skill : the ability to get my own way with just one shake of my bum

I stand hiding behind everybody else not quite sure what’s happening

WAMPup 08-09-2018 11:52 AM

Character Name: Nolon
Character Race: Half-Elf
Weapon: Rapier
Skill: Inspiration (Nolon can boost morale of his fellow travelers by encouraging them and singing, making them better at the things they do. But he can only boost morale of one person at a time.)

Nolon sees the slimes and takes his position between the slimes and Andarin. He readies his rapier so he can hit anything that gets too close. As he does so he calls out to Vincentio. "We're ready for this. We're right behind you Vincentio."

Bloxo 08-12-2018 11:16 AM

Okay, I think that I should have put more work into this game, next round I will give some options to choose from so it's easier for people to play, but let's have a go at continuing and see how things work out...

So our valiant adventurers decide to take on the slime monsters head on!

Led by Vincentio the group mounts the charge!

Nolon and Caspian lead the advance, Vincentio in the middle of the fray, with Krill and Andarin providing support...Becky stands back and tries to avoid the fight...

The monsters are all made up of different messy substances, held together by magical fields and literally aim to throw themselves at our adventurers!

Nolon swings his swift Rapier at the approaching targets, and the sword slices through a bean monster and a gunge monster effortlessly!

Caspian goes to work slashing away with his axes...but soon finds himself overwhelmed! He cuts down one yoghurt monster...but before he can swing his axes again a Custard Monster overwhelms him!

- Forfeit: Pour custard over your head!

Vincentio stands firm and bashes monster after monster with his mace, crushing many that try to splat him!

Andarin manages to sink a few arrows into the crowd of monsters, but unfortunately one of the beasts while charging him explodes!

- Forfeit: splatter your self with Jam!

Krill is busy casting shield spells while swinging away at any monster that comes close...but one of his spells gets miscast...oops, it's a teleport spell and a cream monster ends up high in the air...falling on the unsuspecting Becky!

- Forfeit: Becky has to take a whipped cream pie to the top of the head, with a pie sandwich to follow!

The first wave of monsters is now vanquished and our heroes, though somewhat messy are feeling proud of their accomplishment...until suddenly, a new wave, 5 times as many as before appear and advance...the group has no choice but to retreat...they try to gain access to the pub but the door has been locked and bolted...the only way they can go is to the forest!

Bloxo 08-12-2018 11:33 AM

Chapter 2: A forests a stirring!

Our heroes rush into the forest, but the slime monsters do not follow, they are safe for now...

The forest is dark, Krill initiates a light spell so the group can see where they are going...

There is one straight pathway ahead and the group follows this onwards, keeping ever watchful for any surprises along the way...

RETURN BACK TO THE VILLAGE the mysterious voice booms, but our group doesn't care, they need to vanquish this enemy so they can move on with their quests, they plod on until the path opens up into a clearing, walled all around with trees with the path continuing on the other side...however the clearing isn't empty...

In front of the group is a giant tree, it's branches full of what appear to be various coloured balloons...the group try to walk around the tree but it spreads it's branches to cover the clearing, creating thorny impenetrable walls forcing the group to fight!

What does our intrepid group do next?

1. Attack the trunk head on
2. Try to hack through the Thorn walls
3. Attack the branches of the tree to weaken it
4. Something else (use your imagination).

Existing players, if you want to continue, make your choice and describe your actions.

New players, please give your introduction and make your choices.

We shall see who gets messy this round and who escapes!

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