getDare Truth or Dare

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BabyWeirdo 06-17-2017 04:06 PM

His Plaything
I was excited as we entered the foyer. This was it, a week as His pet, His dare-slave, His plaything. I was two parts excited and one part anxious. I knew how we were going to start. I was going to the cinema with Him first. He’d said I didn’t need to bring much, only to come wearing diapers. I guessed He didn’t want to be stopping at all for me to have a moment to myself. He had a large sports bag with him. I wondered what was inside.

I could feeling Him looking at me, checking out my body. I’m self-conscious, anyone looking at me for any period of time makes me go bright red in the face. He smiled when He saw this. He asked me what I was wearing underneath by clothes – I told Him I was in a thick diaper that should take several wettings and boxers over this. I mentioned my socks as an afterthought, stumbling over the words. I was so nervous. He searched in his bag as He said I’d need to go to the bathroom and take off my boxers and socks; He handed me a plastic bag, inside were two more diapers like the one I already had on and four booster pads, he told me to cut slips in the diaper I was wearing and put on those as well.

I felt nervous once I re-entered the foyer from the bathroom. I could feel myself waddling, not just a small waddle but a big one. I tried to tell myself no one would notice anything, that it was all in my head. It didn’t make me any less anxious – if kept these on till all three diapers were fully soaked then I could be stuck in them till tomorrow. He handed me His sports bag – it was heavy.

“I want you to finish everything in the bag by the end of the film.”

It was then I looked inside. A litre of water. Two litres of coke. Two pints of milk. Alongside the liquids I glanced a big packet of cream crackers. And something else, something fleecy.

“When you put on your new outfit I want you to place your jeans and top in the bag with your jacket”

I gulped nervously. This was going to be a more intense start than I’d imagined.

I sat near the back of the empty screen – He sat right behind me. As the adverts began I started drinking, gulping down lots of one, then moving onto another. In the bag was also a chocolate bar wrapped up in kitchen foil. I wolfed it down – that and the crackers certainly dried my mouth out for the next lot of liquid. The screening was quiet and so, once the light went down and the film started, I began to think about changing into whatever it was in the bag. I pulled it out, in the darkness I made it out to be a onesie in the pattern of a monkey, with a monkey’s face on its hood. There was even a tail.

A smaller bag fell out onto the floor. Inside were what looked like small clothes pegs, linked on a string a few feet long. I knew He would want me to put these one first: they were for my nipples. A note was attached – ‘pass me the string’. I quickly but surely put them on and passed the string over my head behind me, one end of it ran along both sides of my neck. My t-shirt off at this point, I quickly finished the task of changing – slipping my jeans off – why are skinny jeans so hard to take off? – A bright light reflected off the screen. I saw myself lit up by the light of a CGI New York skyline, naked apart from a huge bulk of diapers. I flashed a look around – no one else could see me. I quickly put on the onesie, pulling the zip up at the back by a handily attached cord. Phew. I could breath.

It took me a while to calm down, the adrenaline was racing through me. I heard a snip behind me, I jumped but before I could look around the cord I’d used to pull up the zip floated down before my face. The sound of a padlock locking came… I’d been locked into this onesie. I cautiously moved my hand to the back of my neck: sure enough a small padlock attached a tiny hole in the top of the onesie to the little hole in the zipper. I was stuck.

I knew I had to keep drinking. And I did, but my brain ran in panic – yes I look ridiculous but this is a different town – you’ll stand out a mile – everyone will wonder why on earth you’re dressed like that – what if you need to change your diapers – need to drink – how long has the film left? What happened if I didn’t finish all the liquids? That chocolate tastes so weird – OW –

He’d started pulling on the string attached to the nipple clamps. I grimaced. I was excited. I was pumped. This was it. A whole week. It had started.

hoi30e 06-17-2017 04:39 PM

Please keep on going, its awesome.

person7 06-18-2017 03:22 AM

excellent start , id love to hear more

BabyBro 06-18-2017 12:27 PM

Very good start! Would love to read more!

BabyWeirdo 06-19-2017 01:49 PM

His Plaything II
I was very wet by the time we left the cinema, my waddle was even bigger than it had been; I grimaced as I stepped out into the daylight, looking like a toddler in this ridiculous, light-brown monkey onesie. He led me into the toilets and locked us into a large cubicle. He undid the padlock –

“Don’t worry, I’ll lock it back on before we leave.” He seemed to sense my every wonder. He checked how wet my diapers were (nowhere near full enough apparently), and then handed me back my socks. A mound of marshmallows filled where my sweaty feet had been only a couple of hours earlier. He pushed each sock down into the innermost diaper, leaving the ankle ends visible at the top to pull up, the marshmallows squishing up against my skin. Pretty soon they would be melting together in the sweat and pee of the diaper. I bit my lip as he winked at me.

Next He went to the sports bag. I’d finished the chocolate, the crackers, the water and the fizzy drinks. A lot of the milk remained however. Seeing this He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a large bottle –
“Caster oil. A table spoon for every 200mls not drunk. I think that’s three and a bit spoons for you, let’s say four.”

I grimaced. I’d never had caster oil before but I had heard online that it was disgusting. It was. Each spoonful seemed worse than the last, the thick liquid filling every crevasse of my mouth.

In the car He went over the rules for what would happen when we arrived at His house. I had to kneel whenever still and crawl whenever moving about. I would be restrained a lot of the time. I would make Him His meals and in return He would make me mine. I would be eating out of a dog bowl on the floor (“of course”). Where I slept depended on how well He thought I had done each day.

By the time we pulled up to His house, I was desperate to wet again, conscious that any new wetting would soak the marshmallows I did my best to hold my bladder. As we walked up to the front door, a dribble fell through. As He unlocked the door I had to give way to a little more. Stepping into the porch, He took a collar He’d placed on a coat peg as I closed the door. As He attached it around my neck I couldn’t hold myself any longer, I flooded my nappy with pee. Crap.

I opened my mouth to ask what was going to happen next – and whether I would be able to be changed into dry nappies – but before I could a round ball gag was placed in my mouth and fastened.

“Ahem” He coughed.

Remembering what I had been told, I knelt before Him on the floor. I smiled before Him.

“Take off our shoes.” I did mine first, slipping them off quickly, before immediately turning to untie his laces - my nipples screamed –

“Always attend to me first pet!” He’d grabbed the nipple clamp string that had happily swung behind my back throughout the journey home. I tried to apologise – of course the gag stopped anything but baby-like noises escape.

He told me He was getting hungry and that I was to start making dinner. We’d agreed His menu before-hand, today has to be a pasta with creamy mushroom sauce. I’d downloaded the recipe online and practised the week before so I knew what I was doing. Cooking over the hob in a full onesie was hot work, sweaty work. I was vaguely conscious of the marshmallows that had been fusing together in socks next to my private parts.

I served up the food and knelled by the side of the table, looking up expectantly for His feedback. Instead He told me to be his footrest under the table, I crawled under and lined myself up sideways on to His feet. As He ate I could feel Him begin to feel around my body with His feet. When He brushed my face the noise I made was enough to give Him an idea.

“Turn around to face me” I did “Lie on the floor with your hands by your side. I want you to place your nose in-between my big toe and the next one here” He stuck his foot out to indicate where my face was to be placed. I squirmed myself into position, wriggle up on the floor the last few inches until my nostrils rested directly between the two largest toes on his sweaty, cheesy feet. Chuckling at the look in my eyes, He quickly finished the rest of his dinner.

As He stood up I stayed where I was, wondering what would be happening for mine. All I could think about was those marshmallows…

BabyWeirdo 06-20-2017 12:44 PM

His Plaything III
I awaited nervously by the dog bowl on the floor as He potted about. The bowl was red and large with ‘DOG’ written on the side, it didn’t smell new but musky. I really hoped it hadn’t been used before by an actual dog. My legs were spread wide by the diapers, crawling across the floor in the kitchen to the corner where I was now had taken more effort than I’d imagined; He had taken my out of the onesie, removed the marshmallow socks and put me in locking plastic pants so there was still no chance I could fiddle with my diaper package. I was also in mittens, padded and lockable mittens, as though my hands were clenched fists in the middle of a sponge football. They were completely useless, He had mocked me as I tried to open a few of the doors and cabinets around the room when he told me to try my new “hands” out. As so there I was, sat like an apprehensive puppy in the corner of the kitchen.

When He came back and stood before the dog bowl He held a single die in his hand.

“Ready, so I’m gonna throw this dice at you. I want you to catch it between your mitts and then drop it into your bowl. The number it lands on will be how many minutes I cook your beans for.”

“Mmp mmp mmmpff” I was still gagged but I was trying to ask what would happen if I missed.

“If you don’t catch it, or if you miss the bowl then I’ll just be serving up your dinner cold. You got one practice go, okay?”

I nodded as He stood back to throw the dice to me – the distance was only a few feet but the mittens made it impossible to get a grasp on anything. As soon as the die was thrown, I knew I had missed catching it. It dropped to the floor beneath my diapers. The thought of a cold dinner now seemed inevitable.

I steadied myself for the next throw – somehow I caught it between the two mitts – careful – all I had to do now was drop it into the bowl… Five! Five minutes! That was more than enough time to cook beans. I smiled at my fluke result as He turned and returned soon after with a saucepan full of baked beans to splatter into the dog bowl.

I knew what to do next, I had done it for Him on webcam many times before. Once the gag was removed, I dived into the bowl like an animal, lapping up the mess and covering the bottom half of my face in the sauce. He smirked and pretty soon I knew why. These beans were hot – spicy hot. I needed water.

“You can have a drink when you’re finished”. He seemed to enjoy the show I was making, trying to eat as large a mouthful as possible before panting loudly as is the air might provide some respite to my tongue.

Eventually I had finished however and He told me I’d done well enough to receive a treat. He filled my bowl up to the brim with water.

“Do not spill any of this onto the floor.” He said, sternly. “I’m giving you forty-five seconds to drink every last bit of that water without getting any of it onto the floor. Succeed and I’ll give you some little pink marshmallows to go with your scoop of ice-cream. Fail and it’ll be the slow-sock-cooked marshmallows you had in your diapers earlier.” I gulped at this next challenge. “Go!”

I pursed my lips as though around an imaginary straw and began to suck up the water, taking are not to spill any over the side. The relief of cold water to combat the spicy bean taste left in my mouth clashed against my wish to be careful and not spill any water. My eyes looked right into my peripheral vision, watching the water ripples run to the end of the bowl. Thankful none went over and I gained in confidence.

By the end of the countdown I had just finished the last of the liquid in the dog bowl. I had won a nice dessert.

After I had finished eating, He pulled me by a lead attached to my collar and led me into the living room. He told me to stand up with my hands by my side, and began to wrap around my shoulders with cling film. The tight plastic sealing my arms to my side, down and down He went, mummifying me down and around the plastic pants. Next I was given a pacifier to suck on before a large lamp shade was placed over my head, blocking my vision. I felt a rip in the plastic film, a breeze touched my nipples. They were still raw from the clamps I had been wearing up until He has finished with his dinner. I winced as he flicked them.

“Stay still.”

He stepped away and I heard nothing for a while. The television was turned on. I waited for a while more, letting a fresh stream of piss enter my diapers, warming my crotch. I was his furniture, just a part of the room. And so I stood and waited, until I was called upon to do something new to please my Master.

BabyWeirdo 06-24-2017 05:15 PM

His Plaything IV
Judging by the television, it was past eleven by the time the lampshade was removed from my head. A leash was clipped to my collar and I clumsily fell down on my knees as He asked. A spreader bar had been attached to my ankles an hour or so later, spreading my legs about a metre wide. He detached this now, and stood back to look at me.

“Jump.” I did. “Jump again.” I jumped again. “Keep jumping. Don’t stop till I tell you to.”
I jumped up and down, my arms secured tightly by the cling film wrapped around my upper half, my soaked diapers bouncing against me as I jerked upwards. The dummy in my mouth fell out but I was told to ignore it. I just had to keep jumping. The plastic against my skin trapped the sweat and I started feeling very hot. Still I had to keep jumping, again and again. I’d lost count of how many times, I was getting tired. He kept telling me to keep going.

“Pause.” He clipped clamps onto my nipples. A short chain ran between the two clamps and from this dangled a small weight. “Jump. Don’t stop.” My nipples screamed. Up and down, my nipples yanked the weight up, the weight tore my nipples out to stretch as it landed mid-air.

I was grateful when I was allowed to stop. My nipples needed a rest. I needed a rest, my legs were aching.

He let me waddle upstairs to the guest room, and undid the cling film wrapped around me. As my skin breathed I looked around the room. It was small, plain and simple, with a single bed against the wall covered by a plastic protective matt. I lay down on it. He lifted my legs up as He changed my diapers, putting me in a fresh one with two boosters. Then He helped me into a cute little boys onesie, designed with pastel coloured yachts alternating between dolphins. I looked cute. Ridiculous, but cute.

The bed felt cold with the plastic protective cover on it. I hoped for some blankets, but first He pulled a yellow fleece onesie out from the wardrobe. My feet fitted into the footed ends, and He locked me into this onesie with a small padlock. It was soft. I felt comfortable.
Sir had prepared warm milk for me to drink, along with two pint glasses of water to ensure I would have a full bladder for the night. But there was something else, other than pee, that was on my mind. The Castor Oil. Would It make me poop? I’d only had a small amount, and I did have a really strong bladder. I thought I did at least.

My leash was tied to the bed. With my hands locked into mitts, there was no escape. I was trapped. I was going to wet myself and not be able to anything. I hoped I didn’t have to mess. A growing cramp in my belly disagreed.

Sir tickled me – I spluttered out a giggle. It was a surprise and distracted me. He did it again – and kept going –

“I need to pee and need to pee!” Pretty soon I had wet myself. He felt the expanded crotch of my diaper and pulled a blanked over me.

“Night night soggy pants!” He taunted me as He left, leaving me unrestrained to sleep however I wanted on the bed (of course the leash stopped me leaving the bed!) and turned off the lights.

In the darkness I grappled in my mittens to pull the blanket better around me, so that I wasn’t lying on cold plastic all night. I woke numerous times in the night, to wet and clench my sphincter. My diaper expanded as the inevitability of messing myself grew ever closer.

raynacd 06-24-2017 06:13 PM

great story i hope you keep going

BabyWeirdo 06-28-2017 09:34 AM

His Plaything V
Breakfast was oatmeal. Slimy, lumpy, only mildly warm, I still lapped it up as quickly as I could. I stank. I could smell the mess I’d made. I tried not to think about how its texture felt the same as slop in my dog bowl.

I felt like a pig, totally degraded, waking up with my bottom in a giant splodge of my poop. I could smell it straight away. I remembered waking up to mess, but fell asleep soon after that. It had been a long night of waking and wetting, waking and clenching, before finally waking and messy my diaper.

He teased me about the smell, the mess, the brown mark visible on the back of the nappy. He took great joy in mushing It around my bottom. It clung to me as I waddled downstairs and made toast and fried sausages for Him. He made me wait till I had finished eating before changing out of my mess. I was so humiliated I made no attempt to argue. No-one had ever been there when I’d messed myself before.

At last I licked up the last bits of sludge that made up breakfast. He clipped a leash onto me and led me into his back garden. The garden was small, grassy, and had tall fences stopping anyone from looking in. It felt secluded. And then off came the footed onesie, the babygrow and the stinking diaper.

And then He turned on the hose. Cold water blasted my body, I gasped at the shock as goosebumps arose on my skin, the jet of water soaking me quickly. After having fun spraying me everywhere, He handed me the hose and a bar of soap before telling me to clean myself. I moved quickly as He disappeared inside with the clothes I’d previously worn that night; I rushed to soap and rinse every area of my body with as little exposure to the cold hell of the hose water as I could manage.

When He returned He brought with Him a large carrier bag. He blindfolded me before lifting up each hand and each foot of mine, wrapping them in a cold, squidgy, thick and restrictive material. They smelt of something but I couldn’t work out what it was. He told me these were to be my “paws” for the day, and took off the blindfold. My paws were the soaked diapers from yesterday and last night, the smelly dampness was that of my own piss. Ew.

He put a thin gag in my mouth, made of fabric.

“Now you’re going to be a good pup for me today pup?” I nodded eagerly as He put knee pads on me. “Come on then”. I crawled after Him into the garage, my naked genitalia minute after the freezing cold showering. He opened up the trunk of his car and shut me inside.

“Mmmf mff wwwwf wurfuuf?” He ignored my attempts to ask where He was taking me. I just hoped it wasn’t anywhere public, anywhere I could be seen. He placed a water bottle in the trunk next to me.

He pulled out a red marker pen and began writing on my chest. Bit letters, in perfect cursive. Stinky. I was stinky. After capping the pen and admiring His work, He went back into the house for a minute. I curled up against the edges of the boot, trying to make myself comfortable. He’d put a couple of blankets down and so I worked to awkwardly arrange them with my diaper-wrapped hands into something a bit more comfortable for the journey.

He returned with a packet of gummy sweets. He opened them up and fed one to be, the gag being malleable enough that I could chew and swallow.

“Are you okay pup?” I nodded. I was happy that He cared, and from His relieved smile I could tell He was glad I was still enjoying myself. “Good stinky. Are you ready to go walkies?” I nodded. I was comfortable, He knew my limits around being in public. “Okay then, let’s get going.”

He shut the boot on me. I was in darkness.

tbrmgfh 06-28-2017 09:59 PM

awesome story!! cant wait to see where it goes next

BabyWeirdo 07-01-2017 04:23 AM

His Plaything VI
He had excellent suspension in His car. I finished the water and drifted off to sleep, snuggled in the blanket, to the gentle roll of our journey, waking up only when He opened the trunk to flood my eyes with light. I looked around, we’d arrived in some sort of woods. It was quiet, with no other cars in the car park.

Sir attached an extendable dog lead to my collar, and helped me out of the car. The ground was soil, damp in places, muddy in others. He placed a rucksack on my back, one He would return to over the next couple of hours for drinks (regular sized for Him, extra large amounts of water for me).

He led me down a rough path. I hurried to keep up with Him, crawling at the maximum speed one can when on all fours. Sir quickly slowed His walking pace down for me. Bits of mud and soil grew up my legs, slowly covering the underside of my body. The lead attached to my collar was kept short, pulling me close to Sir. The crawling in itself was tiring, but the heavy bag on my back made it a much harder.

After about an hour of crawling with soaked diapers on my front paws I was very muddy and very tired. Sir pulled me to heel at the bottom of a large field. He let me rest on the grass for a minute, leaning on his boot with my head.

“Okay pup, time to go pee pee.” I looked down at my genitals, they were embarrassingly tiny in the cold air. I looked to Him, wondering if He was going to pull a diaper out of the rucksack. “Go on. Use that tree.” I guessed I really was being a pup that day.

I crossed the path towards the large tree He had pointed to. I didn’t know what to do. Imitating the animal that I was supposed to be, I lifted my right leg in the air. After a few seconds I began to pee, slowly at first, the piss not really hitting the tree but instead catching my leg and running down to the ground via my knee.

Soon I was pushing out a stronger stream that was no longer hitting my body. Then a conker hit me – I moved my hand to regain my balance before looking back to where it must have come from. There, Sir grinned cheekily, proud that He’d managed to cause my flow to spray over my body and lower legs once more.

When I returned to Him, He picked a stick up from the ground and held it before me.

“Ready? And… fetch!” He through the stick into the field, must have gone a hundred yards. I rushed after it, across the field. It was lopsided in weight and unwieldy to pick up with my mouth. I was slower getting back to Him with it, He could tell it was too big.

After a few more throws with a smaller stick we headed back to the car, only stopping once more for me to be force-fed a final litre of water through a funnel gag. I looked forward to getting back into the warmth of the car, but first He made me wash myself in a cold river close to the car.

I moved quickly to clean myself of the dirt, the pissy diapers on my hands and feet swelled up to the biggest size possible in the current. He let me remover the diapers on my hands and walk back to the car wearing absolutely nothing but the two nappies on my feet. I wondered how long the scent of old pee would linger on my fingers.

He opened up the back door of the car and laid out a diaper on the back seat. After padding up, He pulled the diapers off my feet and told me to wash them in a washing up bowl of cold river water. Once clean, He helped me into a baby-grow and fastened the seatbelt around me.

As we set off He began playing songs from a playlist on his phone. Barbie Girl specifically was what came first.

“Go on baby, sing along” It was humiliating at first. Then I got into it. Before long we were both singing, me dancing too in the back seat before quickly ducking from the bemused looks of a family in the car next to us at a set of traffic lights. Embarrassed, it took me a few seconds to realise they would have seen me wearing the pink, cupcake-patterned baby-grow onesie that I was in too.

He laughed back to me from the front seats. I was ridiculed. I had looked ridiculous. I was mortified.

“Do you need warming up when we get back?” I barked that I did in response. When we got home it was time for what He called a “nap”, although everyone else would call it a bondage session.

While we were still driving, He passed me a funnel gag to put on. Back at His house I was placed into a leather straight jacket. It felt hot and heavy as my arms were fastened securely around my sides. Next He pulled two lots of plastic trousers up my leg.

“Jump.” I did. “Keep going.” I kept jumping before Him like an idiot. I was beginning to sweat heavily.

He led me into the garage. There, in the middle of the floor, was a basic coffin-shaped box. I gulped. On the lid was placed a handwritten sign: ‘Napping Box’. Sir removed the sign and opened up the casket. Inside were straps lining the sides. He helped me down into the box, lying with my face upwards, and began fastening straps tightly across my body – sealing me to the floor of the box.

It seemed to take ages, each strap pressing ever-more tightly into me, but eventually He was done. He poured a glass of water into my funnel gag, I worked to swallow it quickly as he disappeared for a moment. He returned and tickled my feet, I smirked and spat water up into the gag. Try as I did, I was completely unable to squirm strapped in like this.

He placed something on my body. It took me a while to work out what they were, He placed eight of them in with me. From the heat, I guessed they were hot water bottles. I was already sweating so much. I was going to boil in this box.

A jar of mushy, tasteless (presumably baby) food came down the funnel gag, followed by another glass of water. Distracted by this I was too late to shout incomprehensible protests through the gag at the sight of the lid closing over my body. A hole in the lid was big enough for the funnel of the gag but nothing more. I heard locks, seven of them, clicking shut along the side of the casket.

I tried to close my eyes and settle down for the world’s sweatiest and most uncomfortable nap. Sleep didn’t come.

LilMonki 07-03-2017 04:00 PM

Another great installment!

BabyWeirdo 07-21-2017 08:18 AM

His Plaything VII
Smaller update this time. Been very busy lately whilst trying to work out what comes next. Don't worry, I now have the next few instalments planned so hopefully my publishing gaps won't be as long again.

Ka-click. Silence. Tap tap tap, creeping up towards me. Ka-click. Silence. A long silence. Had he changed his mind? I was left waiting for another few minutes. I was drenched in sweat. My diapers were soaked. There was nothing I could do. Ka-click. Ka-click. He had returned. Ka-click. Ka-ka-CLICK.

The lid above me was lifted off. Sir looked down at me, frowning.

“Want to get out?” Mmmmpf! I was desperate to stretch my arms and legs. “Will you do anything?” I nodded my head up and down as much as the restraints would allow.

And so I waited for ‘Anything’ in the garage, kneeling silently in my diaper and straightjacket. He had disappeared to the kitchen and then came back with my dog bowl. And a sock. The sock. Pushed inside out, a yellow-tinted gelatine mush plopped out in smaller and larger clumps. I gulped at the sight at the smushy, sweaty, pissy marsmallows that I was going to eat. I hoped I would never have to see them again. And I was wrong.

With Him watching me, grinning at me, I bent down and dropped my face into the mess. I cringe at the thought of it – it tasted just as bad as I imagined, if not worse. It seemed to grow in the bowl. Sticky, sicky. The lower half of my face was covered in the muck.

He chuckled at my final enthusiastic push to finish, and gently wiped my face with a damp cloth when pleased I had finished. I was glad to be done with it.

“What do you want to do next?” I looked at Him with curiosity, confused that he was offering me the opportunity to decide. “Would you like to get back into the box?” I shook my head rapidly. “Would you like to nip round the corner and bring me back today’s paper?” I tilted my head.

“What’s the catch?”

“No catch, we’ll just get you dressed up in a lovely little outfit and then you can go fetch me a copy of the Times from the shop.”

“What sort of outfit?”

“A nice little one.”

So that was the catch. I knew I was still away from home, but the way Sir had emphasised “little” when referring to the outfit worried me. I chose the box.

He giggled as he fastened me back down into the box, inserting the feed gag into my mouth once more, fastening it around my head. He did up the straps and placed a small bundle of something on my chest before closing the lid. My head strapped back, my eyes fixed upwards, I couldn’t tell for sure what the package once.

But it stank. It stank of shit.

He was locking me in the hot casket with his own poop. Thankfully it wasn’t actually touching me – the smell was enough to make me gag.

No – it was His piss that was making me gag – I swallowed liquid quickly – I hadn’t noticed him starting to pee down the funnel into my mouth through the lid of the box. Warm, salty and unmistakably piss, He kept up a steady stream for what seemed like an eternity. When talking about it after, He said that He had thought it had been a relatively short piss, but to me in the box it went on forever.

The box was His toilet. I was His urinal.

When He stopped I yelled to get out – I was too scared to wriggle for fear of spreading the poop – it was too much.

I let at three loud “MMRFH”s of equal length. I paused and then repeated myself. It was our signal. He opened up the casket, removed the bag of poop and then my gag.

“May I have a shower before going to get your paper, Sir?” He smiled and reassured me that it would be fine.

BabyWeirdo 07-21-2017 03:46 PM

His Plaything VIII
I looked at the outfit laid out for me on the bed. He had given me only two minutes to put it on, but I didn’t know where to start. First was the diaper, a single sissy diaper with stuffers was laid next to clothes on the bed. Counting four stuffers, it was a tight squeeze to tape the diaper on.

I wobbled as I got up, this diaper was so thick, its waddle would be a nightmare to manage. Next I put on the socks, plain and white but with a little black bow on the top. They pulled up easily over my shaved skin to just below my knee cap.

Next I stepped in the petticoat, a large poofy tutu-like underskirt, and then pulled the summer dress over my head. It was white with countless little red spots dotted below the waist. The petticoat pushed out the bottom of the dress, making it look wider and more noticeable.

I was looking at myself in the mirror, this bizarre pet in a little-girl costume, when He came in smirking. With a brown felt tip pen He started tapping my nose, my cheeks, my jar. He was giving me freckles. I blushed, at the sight of myself, and kept blushing as He made my red cheeks an ever brighter red with a second felt tip.

“Good girl. Ready to go out?” I nodded insecurely. “You might want to get yourself a cheerleading magazine there as well.”

“A cheerleading magazine?”


I took a deep breath once the door was shut behind me. With money clutched in hand (dresses have no pockets!) I began to walk down the street to the shop on the corner of the road. I say walk. It was a waddle, a huge waddle, I could feel my waist and the rest of my body swinging round each way with each step.

A couple of teenage boys were walking behind me on the other side of the street. They saw me. I saw them giggling at my funny walk, when I next dared to glance at them I saw them imitating it. I felt the blood swell in my face and hurried my pace – but the faster I went the bigger a waddle I ended up doing.

I prayed they wouldn’t follow me into the shop.

They did. They saw the freckles and blush drawn on my cheeks. They saw my red face, the dress, my flat chest, the little bows on the front of the socks.

“What are you doing like that?”

“It’s a dare” I mumbled.

The tall one snapped a picture with their mobile.

“Delete that! Please delete that – “ I panicked.

“Meet us outside when you’re done and we’ll give you a chance to get it deleted.”

I hurriedly found the newspaper Sir had asked for and picked up the only magazine with cheerleaders on – Forever Cheer. It looked like it had been designed for eight year-olds. The cashier smirked at my appearance but I was too anxious to get outside and have the picture deleted to care about what any shop worker thought.

The teens were waiting for me outside. The taller one, the one with the picture on his phone, kept the image on his screen and pointing at me. The shorter one handed me a large chocolate bar and told me that if I wanted the picture deleted I had to put the chocolate down the back of my panties.

“I-I’m not wearing any panties.”

“What’s that?” I’m not sure if he was teasing me or genuinely couldn’t hear through my stammer. Not wanting to say it out loud, I pulled up my dress and petticoat and dress.

The two boys burst out in laughter. One grabbed a pen and wrote on the front – Sir later told me he’d written ‘Pissy baby’. When they finished laughing I was handed the chocolate bar.

“Go on.”

I couldn’t put it off any longer. I slipped the chocolate down the back of my diapers, between the stuffers and my bottom. It immediately began to melt in the contained heat down there, sticking into my crack. The teenage boys smirked at my grimace.

“Did you make a messy in your diapers?”

I was mortified.

“Say you’re a poopy baby.”

“I’m a poopy baby.” I said it as drily as I could. The taller boy deleted the picture and I sighed with relief. They each patted me on the bottom before leaving me to waddle home, smushing the chocolate even more against my skin.

The waddle home didn’t seem to take as long now that the worse was over. Sir was waiting for me by the front door and let me back in; He had seen the whole incident from His front yard but made me retell it to His beaming face.

I considered it when He asked whether it was worse than being in the box.

“Honestly Sir, it was incomparable. The box was terrifyingly gross. But this… It was mortifying.”

BabyWeirdo 07-23-2017 02:27 PM

His Plaything IX
He had a huge grin when He came to release me the next morning from my slumber. First He released my right hand, handed me a litre bottle of water and told me to drink it all. As I started to gulp it down, He went about the rest of my bondage, untying each ankle from being stretch out to the corners of the bed, then my left wrist which had been tied to my thigh just like my right side. Next He unclipped the leash from my collar and untied its end from the corner of the headrest before reattaching it to my neck.

As I got up from the bed, a puddle of pee revealed itself from where my nappies had leaked in the night. I looked up at Sir guiltily.

“Lick it up.” I looked back to the bed, at the thankfully not-too-yellow liquid. “Come on pup.” I began to lick. Thankfully I’d been given so much water to drink yesterday that none of the pee tasted terribly disgusting. The plastic sheeting it had drained onto tasted like rubber. Soon I was finished; when I turned back to Sir, I realised that I had a drop on my nose and licked it off with my tongue. “What an animal.”

With a cheeky nudge, He pulled on the lead and I hurried after Him, crawling across the carpeted floor to the wet room for a change. After changing into a single fresh diaper, Sir led me down into the kitchen, naked apart from my collar and the padding below my waist.

A dirty plate by the kitchen sink told me that He had already eaten before coming to see me that morning. A second plate was furnished with sausages, bacon, eggs, toast and mushrooms. I eyed it suspiciously, but Sir told me to relax and that it was all for me. Caught off-guard by His generosity, my hope for an uneventful breakfast were dashed as He emptied the plate into the smoothie maker.

“Simon says lie on your front!” With a children’s party game determining the fate of breakfast, I dropped to the floor, hands by my side, head facing down.

“Simon says roll over.” I rolled onto my back. Sir ran His socked feet over my face, brushing them under my nose, tickling my nostrils with their fibres.

“Simon says stand up and touch your toes!” I immediately assumed the position, bending down facing away with Him. After two seconds there was a large THUMP on my behind, stinging my backside through the diaper. The simple white diaper gained its first dark shape on its underside. He bent down to feel its warmth.

“Star-jump!” I immediately did a star-jump, the now-sagging soggy padding bouncing up into my crotch on my return to the ground. BLLLLRRRR. Sir was at the blender. A quick two-second burst had already broken everything into several smaller parts.

“Simon says wriggle like a snake.” I dropped to the floor and began writhing my body from side to side, slowly moving myself forwards across the kitchen floor.

“Go to your bowl.” I went to my bowl in the corner of the room. BLLLRRRRRRR. I was crap at this game. When He came over to my bowl, the lovely breakfast had become dry, crumbly gloop. Still, I knew it was all I would be getting for a while and began to eat, headfirst as an animal like always.

As I ate the surprisingly-not-so-terrible mixture He bent down and pinched on my nipples, they were still sore. We had spent yesterday evening playing Mario Kart, every race He beat me in He added another weight to be pulling on my nipples, every time I beat Him then a weight would be taken off. Suffice to say, I was not very good at Mario Kart.

The doorbell rang. Sir left me eating on the floor as He went to answer it. His guest had arrived.

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