getDare Truth or Dare

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centurion01 08-10-2016 11:03 AM

Should the current Staff and site rules be member set?
I'm asking if the members and users of GetDare believe that it's time for a staff clean out and rules updated.

bleonav06 08-10-2016 11:14 AM

I think there could be elections for staff positions, although I have no problem with any of the current staff so they can stay.

wolf82 08-10-2016 11:19 AM

I'm fine with who we have on here as mods/admins, and we do have this mod application that can be filled out at any time by anyone:

silverdarknight 08-10-2016 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by centurion01 (Post 2362149)
I'm asking if the members and users of GetDare believe that it's time for a staff clean out and rules updated.


Our current mod team do an amazing job. I think changing them is a stupid idea.

Besides, this isn't your website. Unsurprisingly, the folks who own the website, pay the hosting etc own it.

This suggestion is akin to wandering into someone's house and suggesting it is run by a bunch of passing drunks.

SubMissChievous 08-10-2016 11:30 AM

I don't have an opinion on your question.

However I do believe that the current staff of Microsoft suck and that it's time for a staff clean up and for me to be made CEO. I mean... I don't have a clue about the ins and out of how Microsoft works behind closed doors. But I don't like Windows Updates and other small annoyances and me being butthurt is perfectly reasonable justification to just take over a company that isn't even mine and make decisions based on half-informations I have and even though I am aware that Microsoft is not a democracy.

Surely, this must sound logical right? Should I make a poll about it?


Originally Posted by silverdarknight (Post 2362169)
This suggestion is akin to wandering into someone's house and suggesting it is run by a bunch of passing drunks.

Pretty much this.

P.S. I could actually close this (and probably should) but I'm in a good moood today and I find it rather amusing so I will leave it up. I can't guarantee what one of my "awful" co-moderators won't though :)

centurion01 08-10-2016 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by SubMissChievous (Post 2362183)
I don't have an opinion on your question.

However I do believe that the current staff of Microsoft suck and that it's time for a staff clean up and for me to be made CEO. I mean... I don't have a clue about the ins and out of how Microsoft works behind closed doors. But I don't like Windows Updates and other small annoyances and me being butthurt is perfectly reasonable justification to just take over a company that isn't even mine and make decisions based on half-informations I have and even though I am aware that Microsoft is not a democracy.

Surely, this must sound logical right? Should I make a poll about it?

Pretty much this.

P.S. I could actually close this (and probably should) but I'm in a good moood today and I find it rather amusing so I will leave it up. I can't guarantee what one of my "awful" co-moderators won't though :)

And the closing of a valid question... is the good example of the point I put across..

Ps, it would breach freedom of speech laws to close it

SwitchKinkyM 08-10-2016 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by centurion01 (Post 2362203)
And the closing of a valid question... is the good example of the point I put across..

Ps, it would breach freedom of speech laws to close it

That is hilarious. I've got news for you, freedom of speech does not apply here. Any attorney would laugh you out of their office if you were seeking one.

This website is not owned nor run by the government. Not is it a public space. It is owned privately and simply provided to the public as a privilege.

Can I yell "fire" in a crowded theatre and claim freedom of speech? No! See Schenck v. United States.

Perhaps even more relevant, could I, as a student, write anything I wish and have it published in the school newspaper? Freedom of speech, right? Nope, wrong again! Administrators can choose what is and is not included in the school paper. See Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

If you have a problem with the moderators, the appropriate avenue would be to discuss your concerns with them via private message or stop participating on the website. Your freedom of speech entitles you to purchase your own domain and start up your own website where you can say (almost) anything you'd like!

Disclaimer: my post was written from the perspective of a US citizen as the website is not a uk site (

TKMinimalist 08-10-2016 12:15 PM

Well, no because of everything stated above. Also because at least 50% of users here are faking their gender, pretending to be people they're not, and it'd probably cause a whole host of problems. The mod team is fine as is, and they're all great.

Also, you could've at least stated why you felt this should happen in your original post. Having a big clear out "because reasons" or just for the hell of it =/= a good decision.

RiskyFlame 08-10-2016 01:38 PM

Everyone who posted in this thread is against replacing the current getDare Staff members and so am I. But none of you talked about updating the current rules of getDare. I, too, think that the current rules are outdated or not explained enough. I mean, there's a dozen of threads a day that get moved or deleted.

And have any of you read the getDare Forums Rules? And no, these are not the rules about what not to post. I think that the list of rules should be modified to a newer version and that it should be clear what the penalty is when you break the (specific) rules anyway.

Of course, this is all work and probably none of you want to do it. I would be happy to do it but I don't have the status and maybe others don't think that I'm fit to do it. Anyhow, after having some of the rules for a decade already, I opt for updating them.

sexualfeelings 08-10-2016 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by centurion01 (Post 2362203)
And the closing of a valid question... is the good example of the point I put across..

Ps, it would breach freedom of speech laws to close it

The wording of this post reminds me of a recently banned member, Jasont. He was going on about how his thread was closed and that it was a violation of freedom of speech. He even made a rant thread, to try to get support rom the other members.

I am not saying you are like him, but the way you worded the PS sounded similar to his posts. You could find the thread in the Trashcan section.

My opinion is that the staff is fine the ways it is, no cleaning needed.

SubMissChievous 08-10-2016 02:03 PM


But none of you talked about updating the current rules of getDare. I, too, think that the current rules are outdated or not explained enough.
That is true and you know what? I tend to agree with you. The forum rules, which we put together in 2009, could use a little makeover especially since some changes were made to the site and several sub-forums were added since.

However, that's not something one mod can do alone so it could not be expected to be done in one day should we revise and update them.

However, we are open to suggestion and discussion. But it has to be clear that there is a difference between "don't you think this or that could be changed, how about X or Y instead" and "the staff sucks and needs to go so I will make a silly poll about it".

We are much likely to listen and discuss with members who have ideas and a genuine desire to contribute rather than with confrontational and entitled attitudes.

J.M.N 08-10-2016 02:24 PM

TKMinimalist 08-10-2016 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by J.M.N (Post 2362659)

Perfect. You win the thread.

Rachie 08-10-2016 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by centurion01 (Post 2362149)
I'm asking if the members and users of GetDare believe that it's time for a staff clean out and rules updated.

First it is getDare -- lower case "g"

Sorry not seen your staff request aplication when asked.

What rules WOULD YOU personally want changing?

If the site was yours who WOULD YOU have as staff members?

Just curious. (Please answer without slagging people down though)


Originally Posted by RiskyFlame (Post 2362594)
And have any of you read the getDare Forums Rules? And no, these are not the rules about what not to post. I think that the list of rules should be modified to a newer version and that it should be clear what the penalty is when you break the (specific) rules anyway.

First i agree that some rules MAY want looking over and penalty reviewed over time.

The Penalties
If you break a gD rule we have an infraction system. Every time a rule is broken a staff member gets the option of either warning (No infraction points) or issuing an infraction. Different rules are worth different infraction points with different lengths of time to be held on the users license.

Eg) if a user posts in the wrong furum a staff member may decide to just warn the person if its a first offense or a new person, however if having been warned they continue or it is an obvious rule breach eg posting m/s advert in story section they may get ...... Infraction points.

These points add up determinding the users penalty.

RiskyFlame 08-10-2016 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rachie (Post 2362797)
The Penalties
If you break a gD rule we have an infraction system. Every time a rule is broken a staff member gets the option of either warning (No infraction points) or issuing an infraction. Different rules are worth different infraction points with different lengths of time to be held on the users license.

Yes, I figured that there would be some sort of system. Else there's no clear communication between the gD Staff regarding the warnings members are given.

I just meant making penalties known to all members. Although, right now I am second guessing this because those who show interest in the rules almost never break them. So there's no point actually for them knowing the penalties because they don't break rules.

656,461 People voted. Lol, there aren't even that many members. :D

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