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Sarmatio 06-29-2022 04:47 PM

Nine years lurking in GD
I noticed I have been lurking in GD for nine years and few days. For that time, I met some awesome and not so awesome people, I have had quite long periods of inactivity or just browsing, online relationships and various friendships... To be honest I have actually connected with very few people from here, thing I feel a little regret about, because here I have seen quite great people in the forums.

The saddest thing for me, is that a lot of the people I have met in here (online) ghosted me at some point of time. I can understand it, but still connecting with some of them felt very real and true, and leaving by cutting all communication wasn't very cool thing.

I can see also GD is slowly dying, which also makes me sad, since I remember "good old days" when here was full of life.

Hopefully this post won't be too emotional for some people - it wasn't my intent.

Wish all the nice people of GD to have many more great moments in here.

forever87 06-29-2022 09:16 PM

Well done on 9 years! It has changed a lot over time and the ratio of guys to girls (or at least active posters) has increased (guys). What would you like to see come back/improve?

Middle 07-16-2022 01:33 AM

I have been around very much on and off for long periods for a similar time myself.

I couldn't believe these forums are still going to be honest. Many of the threads look very similar now as they did 8-9-10 years ago.

Long live :)

Manarus 07-16-2022 04:45 AM

Yes, ghosting... This is a strange thing in online relationships and communication... Also happened to me a few times. You exchange messages, and suddenly there is no reply any more. You write again (everybody overlooks a message from time to time, or is busy with different things) and again, still no response. This is so extremely unpolite and frustrating. Why can't the people not just answer, even a one liner would do, and tell you, sorry, I am too busy at the moment, I don't enjoy the activity we have been doing any more, or anything else? Don't they have the guts to write one line to a stranger in the internet? Are they simply not interested in putting this one minute of effort? That's not a nice thing, nevertheless quite some people behave this way. However, it is a good filter, which people would drop out anyways as soon as there is a little inconvenience.

I'm not the best person in responding quickly, either. Nevertheless I try to answer every mail (sooner or later), even if I am not interested in the contact. And especially if there has been an ongoing communication previously.

Apart from that, what makes you think getDare is dying? I don't have this impression so far. There is still a lot of activity around. But might be that it is more difficult to find reasonable people than previously. However, this might also just be a "historic bias" everybody has, tending to see the past better as it really was.

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