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Butterfly 08-08-2018 11:15 AM

August 2018 Dare of the Month
Last month I asked the users of getDare to submit their own dares and we had two absolutely wonderful submissions. This month, you have the choice between these two dares.

Dare: Please choose one of the following. If completing the petplay dare, you may choose one of the options to submit, or combine some.

1. Horny Dice Dare by LitDarkness

2. Exploring your inner pet by Pariahterror

Proof: Photo or Audio + Report

Deadline: August 31, 2018

As always, the winner will gain access to the Dungeon for one week in the month of September.

*Note: Even if photos are a limit, you may still choose to submit one. The photo does not have to be of your full body or even of you if you choose. Examples: take a photo of the dice rolls you get, show us the toys you used, your costume, or sketch out a photo

poetrylover828 08-09-2018 07:06 PM

I want to try the inner pet one. But I don't have any plugs or ears... Hmm I might still try though.

Butterfly 08-09-2018 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by poetrylover828 (Post 3385558)
I want to try the inner pet one. But I don't have any plugs or ears... Hmm I might still try though.

You can always improvise. Maybe try attaching a scarf around your waist and taping paper ears to a headband?

poetrylover828 08-10-2018 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Butterfly (Post 3385581)
You can always improvise. Maybe try attaching a scarf around your waist and taping paper ears to a headband?

I think I will look into trying something like that. Hopefully I have a privet day coming up this month.

atownesq 08-26-2018 06:36 AM

I did the horny dice dare to earn permission on this thread. Everyone please go there and help me out, btw!

I rolled a 1 for 3 edges. The first edge was with eyes closed, so I set up a timer on my camera to take the pic, leaned back in my chair, closed my eyes and edged.

My next roll, using, was a 3, so I did my next edge by just rubbing my cock with my open hand. This produced quite a bit of precum on my palm and stomach.

Finally, I rolled a 5 so I put my boxer briefs back on and rubbed my cock through them until I edged again, leaving a decent sized precum stain. As mentioned above, I'm not allowed to cum anyway right now so my final roll of a 6 was moot. Pics at the link, nsfw

naked_lego 08-27-2018 10:14 AM

My Entry!
Here is my entry! ^.^
This was more fun then I thought it would be.

"I rolled. Getting 4 edges.

The first, being after I peed. Luckily enough I had to go at that time and right before bed. It was kinda interesting laying down on my bathroom floor for such activity. But I liked it.

The second, being humping. This happened the next morning. Whenever I have something like humping my boy Sherlock likes to help me out. We had a good time until we had to stop.

The third, again after I peed. This was later the same day in the evening. Right before I took my dogs for a walk (which is why I am wearing my shoes). With the excitement growing inside me I found it harder to stop and was really REALLY close to cumming. This made me pretty wet for the whole walk.

The Fourth was simple. Just a simple edging by rubbing. This was actually done the next morning so I had to go the whole day and night denied because I rolled for 24 hours."

Nick wild 08-27-2018 09:02 PM

Here is my submission for the exploring my inner pet, completed to the best of my ability

Puppy(of course):


So i got into pup mode as much as i could, naked on all fours wearing just a collar and socks on my "paws" to reduce dexterity. I dont have a plug so i guess im a tail-less pup. I set the timer on my phone using my nose to operate it and quicky started throwing and fetching the granola bar (i dont have any dog toys on hand) i managed 11 fetches. So i struggle with my phone to get "animals" by maroon 5 playing then to which i make soft whining noises to as i cant bark (im in a college dorm) but i make a medium volume howling sound when the song does. During the rest i do my 11 strokes of pawing off. And then crawled to the bathroom and made a soft yelp-ish bark when i go in. I took a couple lappes from the drink. Then head back out to the main part of my dorm, yelping through the door. i picked up the shoe with my mouth and placed it on the floor and lick it, then i rummaged head first through my dirty clothes for the underwear i wore all day today. I find them, made sure to grab them by the crotch and carried them over to where the shoes are, after putting them there i went back to the bathroom to mark my shower. I removed my paws, pissed, wiped myself off with some wet paper towels to remove splattered piss from my leg. Then i re donned my paws grabbed a towel to protect my doggy bed from what was about to happen.... my reward for using the toilet bowl happend. And i finished by licking up the reward as i believe a good pup should.

Butterfly 08-27-2018 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nick wild (Post 3405976)
Here is my submission for the exploring my inner pet, completed to the best of my ability

Puppy(of course):

Please add your report here as well

jonn 08-28-2018 07:58 PM

Okay, so I did the dice dare.
My first roll was a 2 so I had 6 edges.
I then rolled: 4, 2, 6, 1, 5 5
I'm not allowing myself to cum anytime soon so my denial (I rolled a 1 = 24h) doesn't really matter. Maybe I'll just tack that on to my total..

All in all the order of my edges were as follows:
1 | After you pee (do this edge first)✓
2 | With your eyes closed✓
3 | Hands tied✓
4 | Humping✓
5 | Wearing only your underwear✓
6 | Wearing only your underwear✓

Since I rolled a peeing one I started with that then went in the order of which they were rolled.
I really enjoyed each of these but I would have to say that the eyes closed was my favorite. My least favorite was the humping one, not because it was so humiliating, but because my coffee table was really cold!
I took a front and back facing photo on 5&6 because the were the same
Most of these I just took a video of the entire edge then later took screenshot right when I edged (like the eyes closed pic)
Anyway I'm no good at writing reports and a picture is worth a thousand words!

Pariahterror 08-30-2018 11:54 AM

Yay finally time to do my own puppy dare and within the month too. It was lots of fun. Puppy did write a fun dare for himself.

So first, puppy had to be in puppy mode. So I had my collar on and plugged myself. puppy didn't remove his chastity cage since he is denied. Don't want to be tempted too. And at last some knee protection. I don't want to ruin my knees.

So first some fetching. Fetching is fun. Puppy used his latest and most colorful toy for it. it was fun as always and pretty tiring too. This puppy ended up retrieving his toy 15 times. That was good.

Next was the resting. I pushed my two big pillows together and put on the music. Puppy was smart and had the page already loaded so the music started almost directly.And there was a lot of barking in it. it was loads of fun. Just barking and some more with the music. The music was also very happy, that made me even happier too. So happy puppy forgot his strokes during resting and did them after the music went down. It felt like puppy was even edging whilst rubbing his cage with his paw 15 times.

Then it was time for some water out of a deep plate. The water tasted good, even better when out of a plate and only allowed to use you mouth. Ofcourse I had to push the plate a bit sideways to drink all the water. And the need to pee already began.

Now it was time for some misschief. Chewing on the shoes. The taste wasn't really there unfortunately, but the shoe itself was a bit flexible, puppy likes that and chewed on it lightly. Don't wanna damage those shoes.

Then it was off to the washing bag (don't have a bin, and the bag works perfect and is designed for it. on the top the was some underwear. It was freshly removed not more than half an hour ago. Grabbed it with my mouth and brought it to my big pillows. Puppy chewed and licked on the underwear for some time. it smelled nice :D.
(left left his spot a bit messy)

Then it was time for a bathroom break. Had to go to the shower, but that is through the hallway where housemates can come too. So puppy removed his knee protection and put on his brathrobe. It is hard to put it on with my mittens still on, but funny too. Under my bathrobe I was still naked, but it hides enough for now.

Luckily noone saw me and puppy went into the shower and peed. Due to his cage, some of puppy his pee went everywhere instead of a straight line. So some even landed on his leg etc. Then it was time to quickly clean, don't want the pee laying around. Grabbed the showerhead and turned the water on. Those mittens really are a handicap and that is great. After cleaning i went back and luckily noone saw me. I was barking also everytime I went through a doorway which would be at least 10 times total.

once I was back puppy layed on his pillows again and relaxed by chewing on his toy. This silly puppy also put the underwear above his head so he could smell some more. Puppy likes it very much too. What is there to hate, there is lots of fun. After relaxing for some minutes it was time to get up and write my report of having so much fun.

streetsweeper 08-31-2018 07:04 AM

Sorry I'd been meaning to post a report but haven't had a chance.

I did the dice dare myself for this.

I will upload a pic of the dice I rolled (if I still have it), however I rolled having to edge once by humping and was able to cum, which was actually quite lucky!

Someone chose for me to hump against a chair leg. which was super embarrassing. The check leg was quite and I kept just slipping of it as i tried :$ So instead I had to move my crotch very close to it as because after 15 mins I couldn't get near edge. After that though it worked and I managed to cum :)

Ly Ph 08-31-2018 08:43 AM

The horny dice dare seemed like the more difficult to make interesting to read but in this mouse trap I saw free cheese and a challenge.

I got 4 edges (5 on the die)

To be done as:
Hands tied (2) - I have recently got some leather handcuffs I haven't used very much so its a good excuse.

With eyes closed (4) - I actually prefer it this way as it lets me concentrate on the feeling and honestly I hate peoples faces in porn when they fake hornyness or say yes yes yes and make that fffffff noise. Partners, not so big on when you do this, who knew!?

Wearing only my underwear (5) - If I have my eyes closed as well I thought I may as well jump into bed.

Humping (1) - Shit! humping is hard to get enough friction, I would have preferred any other die roll.

Afterwards there would be 6 hours of denial. I probably would be asleep for some of this so I decided to alter it to be 6 waking hours to be more fair to the spirit of the game.

I thought it would be easier just to do them all in one go. I got the handcuffs, a short chain (about 22cm) which has a spring clasp on ether end and sat on my bed stripped down to just my dark green lacy bra and thong, and handcuffed my self. The chain is a bit long but its not like I could padlock them together without help. Unfortunately I forgot to bring a towel lets just hope I don't meet a Strag.

I lay down on my side closed my eyes and began the first 3 edges. I like to tell my self a story so I came up with getting grabbed on the street and injected with something and blacking out, waking up having cold water hosed onto me and finding my self in a metal shock collar and chastity belt. A chain stretching for the back of my collar to a ring in the centre of the floor. A brown haired smartly dressed woman told me I would eat from a bowl on the floor and as long as I was obedient I would get permission for more and more luxuries. The story continues with a strict but loving mistress (cuddles kisses that sort of thing), at first me being resistant and then eventually going with it and getting trained to be her pet slut (monogamously) and falling in love.

I guess I should talk about that damn humping edge. Lucky it was the last of the 4 edges and I was hoping I could ride of the already built up sexual desire from the previous 3 and just humping the mattress cover without having to get up and move about. Unfortunately for me despite really wanting to touch normally and enjoy my self I continued for some time unable to edge before stopping as it just wasn't happening. While I do some times hump the bed as an interlude its never to actually edge/orgasm and I guess I just wasn't horny enough to begin with to manage to edge from this, this time. It took a little while to calm down from being horny but after that sleeping was fairly easy. Mornings are where I have an issue at this point I wish that "6 waking hour to be more fair to the spirit" wasn't something I already decided on and I was tempted to break but realistically I had already failed one of the edges. Once out of bed the desire quickly faded and in the end I waited till the next night to end the denial.

Unfortunately lack of sexual drive is a side effect of HRT and it can make some of these tasks more difficult or perhaps its just recent break from things like this that made it more difficult.

I hope my attempt to make this interesting without just telling you all a story in great detail was a good read, even if I did abandon the humping edge after some time.

Have a lovely day you fine lot.


PrincessJessica 08-31-2018 03:26 PM

The Adventures of Jessica Rabbit

As soon as I saw this dare I knew I “had to do it”. Sexyred is such a fan of bunnies that the chance to make her giggle a bit at me doing the dare was too good to turn down. I had a long ago, almost forgotten, dare to do for her too as a precursor to this one as I snapped a few shots of myself crossdressed and playing with my cuddly toys first. Even though it was just me and my camera the embarrassment built through this “warm-up” dare, likely as I’ll be sharing my face pic with my Mistress (I’ve never shared one with herbivore).

(The pre-dare also explains my odd choice of picture, I took a few with myself in showing the buttplug but my new camera really shows all my imperfections rather too needs to see an ass quite that hairy trust me :p)

Before getting into bunny mode I collected my pictured bunny cuddly toy and then spent 15 minutes (at least) searching for a piece of cotton wool that I knew was in the house somewhere before pulling the rabbit out of the hat with a piece of discarded fabric that I had no idea existed. I also peeled the carrots hopping that would ease their later journey. As I was unwilling to draw on my face (privacy) I made some bunny ears attached to my Princess Tiara, cuffed my ankles together before stripping off and inserting my butt plug with its new rabbit tail. Most importantly I turned my bunny toy's eyes away from the action.

Next was the hunt for the carrots. I went to the greenest room in my house as I had a hutch they’d mistaken the green flooring for grass, and sure enough, they were sat conveniently in my bathroom just a few hops away. This also allowed me a look at myself in the mirror, ears proud as I bounced along which was rather humiliating, especially as my mouth was stuffed with carrots meaning I was drooling everywhere.

As I tied my ankles together I unceremoniously collapsed at-hop my bed onto my pillow which conveniently collected my drool. I was kinda nervous about the next part, anal play isn’t something I do very often and I was paranoid about the carrot breaking as I replaced the plug with my carrot as I sucked on the other one. Luckily everything stayed intact as I was extra careful and after a good 2 minutes I swapped them over cleaning the one that’d just been in my ass obediently. This began to turn me one a little as my mind wandered out of “pet zone” imagining I was sucking a cock. Watching too much porn is doing nasty things to my mind.

This pre-horniness should have made the humping easier but no matter how much I tried I was nowhere near the nearest thing to an orgasm I’m allowed...a beautiful edge. After 5 or so minutes of bouncing on my pillow I looked at my sad dicklet and decided just to rabbit to an edge. The final bit to do was nibbling on my carrot as I “pleasured” myself with one (anal doesn’t bring my much pleasure but I did it anyway). Honestly, the taste of the carrot, coupled with where it’d just been moments before (even licked clean), was the yuckiest most awkward part of the whole dare. I don’t eat raw carrots although at least now I’ll be able to see in the dark.

Although I altered a few minor bits of the dare I quite enjoyed doing some petplay, especially as I made the extra effort making ears and a tail which really helped me get into the role (although I'm yet to see a rabbit stick a carrot up there or make quite so many "eugh" noise when eating a carrot). I hop you enjoy all the bad rabbit puns, I burrowed a few from online and hopted to sneak a few in :p

poetrylover828 08-31-2018 05:40 PM

I love seeing everyone's submissions. Sadly I ran out of time to complete anything this month. But I do want to try pet play so maybe I will find some time this next month and do a blog post about it. :D

Butterfly 09-01-2018 11:13 AM

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