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Victoria85 10-08-2020 01:32 PM

35, Gender Fluid and proud. AMA
There is probably an old AMA from me out there somewhere.

But that was before:
- I realized I am Gender Fluid (still biological Male)
- I embraced it
- I show myself

But still:
- I am not out to friends or family
- Public in my neighborhood still scares the shit out of me

So yes I still have some ways to go...

However you can ask the new me almost anything already, so here goes. :)

And yes the pictures are me!

kila 10-10-2020 09:21 PM

What was your first kink experience and what is your most memorable (both good and bad) experience?

Victoria85 10-10-2020 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by kila (Post 4157990)
What was your first kink experience and what is your most memorable (both good and bad) experience?

My first was probably around 18,seeing bdsm pictures online and playing with a small plug.
First real experience was with my girlfriend at that time when I was 22,we went to a bdsm party for young people. Don't remember exactly what we did, only that I took part in a competition.

Best kink related experience was my now wife sending me a message on a bdsm chat over 9 years ago.

Most memorable in a bad way...
Well I don't have really bad experiences, of course there has been some unintended things, like accidental icy hot on balls.
But usually if the special feeling with play partners is missing I break it off before things can go bad.

kila 10-11-2020 10:17 AM

Aww very cute story about how you and your wife met!

1. Why the name Victoria?
2. If you could have special powers for only 24 hours, what power would you pick, why, and what would you do with it?
3. What type of humiliation are you into?
4. What was the last task/dare you had to do that made you burst out in laughter?

Side note: nice pics!

Victoria85 10-11-2020 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by kila (Post 4158588)
Aww very cute story about how you and your wife met!

1. Why the name Victoria?
2. If you could have special powers for only 24 hours, what power would you pick, why, and what would you do with it?
3. What type of humiliation are you into?
4. What was the last task/dare you had to do that made you burst out in laughter?

Side note: nice pics!

Thank you for both. :) The pics were professionally taken and helped me set another step and is one of the reasons I dared to show myself here as well.

1. Because it's closely related to my own name, I learned from my first Girlfriend that for ID it's handy to use your real first letter. She was in transition when we met.
And I like the name too. :D
2. If it was only for 24 hours, it would probably be something that makes me win lotteries. That way we could move to a bit larger house with more privacy in the garden and we both could start freelancing and are able to come out. Most of the money would be wisely invested to make sure we have a proper living for the rest of our lives.
3. Not so much Penis humiliation, hey I am Gender Fluid, but I am still okay with what I have. Mostly just other types, feeling low, dirty, abused.
4. I laugh a lot but burst out... Most likely some ultimate fantasy thingy that was totally unrealistic or people expecting you to have no life at all...

tamer6198 10-12-2020 01:15 PM

1. What it like to be Gender Fluid, like what does it mean?
2. what is your biggers fantasy?

Victoria85 10-12-2020 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by tamer6198 (Post 4159829)
1. What it like to be Gender Fluid, like what does it mean?
2. what is your biggers fantasy?

1. For me it means I both love my male self as well as my femme self and am fluid between them. In kink I mostly am my femme self at this moment, this might change in the future. As I am not out, I can be seen most as my male self.

2. My biggest fantasy would be to some day be a slave at a Level 2 SM party and be well used by others.

Ponies 10-12-2020 01:45 PM

What is the craziest task you have ever completed?
Would you do it again?

What is the least favorite task you have ever completed?

If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?

Victoria85 10-12-2020 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ponies (Post 4159876)
What is the craziest task you have ever completed?
Would you do it again?

What is the least favorite task you have ever completed?

If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?

Hmm good question. I have done some stuff, nothing really damaging or extreme. Still a scaredy cat from time to time and I keep it to safe, sane and consensual....

I think the craziest has been quite a while ago... Starting off by writing all kinds of degrading words on myself, than pissing myself while wearing panties. Putting those panties in the filter of a gas mask and hog tie myself using my ice lock in front of a mirror.
I wouldn't do it exactly the same again as, well that would be boring, but with a play on it, who knows. :)

The least favorite task I complete are edges and denial. Edges because well it just doesnt do anything for me. It's boring, pointless and just annoying.
Denial because, well it's only fun if you do it for somebody special imho.

If I could change one thing about my body, I would pick something I can't really easily change currently... Well it can but .. I would go for no hair on my back...
I can shave everything, but that...

EnigmaticBunni 10-13-2020 01:03 PM

Whats one question you are surprised no one asked on your AMA. And how would you answer that question?

Victoria85 10-13-2020 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by EnigmaticBunni (Post 4160789)
Whats one question you are surprised no one asked on your AMA. And how would you answer that question?

Hmm good question.

Two came to mind in that regard, but I forgot the one when I was typing this. :rolleyes:
In between the lines and even a bit more in my ad's I said that I am in a relationship. So one question that often comes up is. Does your partner know and how does she handle this.

Well in my case, we met through kink, my femme side had been pushed away back then a lot and so it was more a small fetish from time to time. But over time it grew and grew and we communicate a lot. Not only on this.
So she knows all about it.
She still finds it sometimes challenging to see me as a woman and doesn't really see me as the partner she married. But she sees and knows I am happy like this and she knows I don't want to be en femme all the time.
And this works for us, yes its still a bit awkward from time to time, but we keep on communicating and we will have challenges in the future, but we will overcome them together.

Bobcat 01-04-2021 11:05 PM

1. what is the wildest dare you ever did
2. have you ever been nude in group
3. would you ever do a dice roll to see what you wear to a party if nude was in there
4. do you like micro mini skirts
5, what side do like the most dom or slave
6, would you dress a guy up as women and take them to a bar
7. would you put a guy on cam dress a guy up as women
8. what is the worse thing you gave a guy to do
9. what is a secret you like to keep away from everyone
10.what would you do if an older guy was nude in front of in their 50s
11.what is your favorite way to get cum
12.when did you first taste cum

Victoria85 02-03-2021 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Bobcat (Post 4253703)
1. what is the wildest dare you ever did
2. have you ever been nude in group
3. would you ever do a dice roll to see what you wear to a party if nude was in there
4. do you like micro mini skirts
5, what side do like the most dom or slave
6, would you dress a guy up as women and take them to a bar
7. would you put a guy on cam dress a guy up as women
8. what is the worse thing you gave a guy to do
9. what is a secret you like to keep away from everyone
10.what would you do if an older guy was nude in front of in their 50s
11.what is your favorite way to get cum
12.when did you first taste cum

1. Hmm wildest dare, well for that time it was to go out at night and walk crossdressed through a forest. For that time it was wild.
2. I have been nude at a BDSM party, but other than that no.
3. Depends on the type of party. ;)
4. Micro Mini Skirts can really have something slutty and from time to time I do like that. :D
5. I am mostly a slave
6. If that said guy would be into it and wish to experience it.
7. If somebody is seeking help to experience that, yes I would
8. Well it all depends on the perspective of course, but I like to play with dislikes :D Irl never played with a male submissive, but I am mostly a sadist.
9. Some real life details online. From friends my Gender Fluidity still. Try to be as open as is safe.
10. Well I have sucked of a guy in his 50s ;)
11. Favorite way is while being pegged and than jerked off
12. Pfft first tasted my own cum nearing my 20s I think. Somebody else, well always played safe.

Consensus 02-03-2021 01:39 AM

Can i just say, great pictures and lovely answers to read so far. i am so pleased that you and your wife communicate so much and seem so happy with one another - that is a huge deal!

i'm afraid that i only have the one question, and it's one you probably get a lot, but how did you know that you were gender-fluid? As in, what was the instigating incident that led to the realisation and when were you comfortable acknowledging it?

Oh, actually, i lie, i have a follow-up: how did you break it to your wife? Or did she already kinda know and suspect?

Sorry, feel free to ignore these questions if they are a bit too invasive.


Victoria85 02-03-2021 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Consensus (Post 4281782)
Can i just say, great pictures and lovely answers to read so far. i am so pleased that you and your wife communicate so much and seem so happy with one another - that is a huge deal!

i'm afraid that i only have the one question, and it's one you probably get a lot, but how did you know that you were gender-fluid? As in, what was the instigating incident that led to the realisation and when were you comfortable acknowledging it?

Oh, actually, i lie, i have a follow-up: how did you break it to your wife? Or did she already kinda know and suspect?

Sorry, feel free to ignore these questions if they are a bit too invasive.


Thank you Connie and no problem. I think it's good to share a bit of insights on this as well. As it might help others. :-)

Let's start with that I know my wife through BDSM and we both used to switch with each other. In the early stages of our relationship I did wear some female clothes occasionally during submissive play.

But as years progressed the relationship itself became more vanilla and we are more submissive in nature.

The last couple of years I started exploring my Female side more and more and started enjoying it more and more. In 2019 I also started doing more make-up and trying to represent more feminine in the end. As 2020 came and with it WFH and all, I got more time to explore it all and became more and more happy with myself up until a point that I came to the realization, that I don't want to be without Victoria, but neither without my male self. Suppressing one or the other for a long time, makes me unhappy nowadays and yes they do influence each other.
So I started reading more and more into it as well and when I came across Gender Fluid and such, I felt at home.

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