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legendofthesith 11-24-2011 02:20 PM

In the shower
A few questions about your showering habbits.

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked

3. How long do you normally take in the shower

4. How warm do you have the shower

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

T-Moze 11-24-2011 04:36 PM

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
If I have the time, half an hour to an hour
4. How warm do you have the shower
Generally pretty warm, not extremely hot though
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes, I'd say about 30% of the time.
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
Yes, with my girlfriend.
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
Not really, unless you count the locker room in the gym.
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
Not while anyone was at home.
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
No (unless you count from myself). I'm open to the idea, but my girlfriend isn't though :(

BlueCookies 11-24-2011 04:38 PM

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
Oh, anywhere from a few minutes to almost an hour, depending what I'm doing in there ;)
4. How warm do you have the shower
I like it to be as hot as I can stand it.
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
I tend to do it in there, as its the only place I can truly be alone. As for how often... maybe once every couple weeks, sometimes more if I'm dared to/had a stressful day.
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
My bathroom door doesn't lock. :o
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Actually, no one ever has. We have a rule in our house, if the bathroom door is shut we don't go in.
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower?
Once, for a dare. Did not enjoy!

BettyBoop 11-24-2011 05:39 PM

1. Male or Female?

2. Do you shower completely naked?
Doesn't everyone?

3. How long do you normally take in the shower?
Depends if I'm in a rush/shaving etc.

4. How warm do you have the shower?

5. Do you ever masturbated in the shower?

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex?

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex?

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered?

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering?
My friend has been using the mirror in my bathroom while I was in the shower, I'm not sure if that counts.

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower?

Dylan xX 11-24-2011 11:31 PM

1. Male or female Male

2. Do you shower completely naked Who the fuck doesn't?

3. How long do you normally take in the shower 15-30 minutes.

4. How warm do you have the shower Wayyy too hot XD

5. Do you ever masturbated in the shower. Do you do it often Yes, and yes.

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex Kinda. We had clothes on.

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex Yesss :3

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered Always

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering Oh yeah.

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower Once or twice off a dare. It's not awful but I don't see how you can get pleasure from it.

Lonely_Boy 11-25-2011 12:03 AM

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
About 15 minutes
4. How warm do you have the shower
I like it hot!
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes I have, not that often.
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
Yes, my bathroom doesn't lock.
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
No, but once when I just got out and was towelling off.
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

ToDScott 11-25-2011 01:17 AM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked
Sure do

3. How long do you normally take in the shower
15-25 mins
4. How warm do you have the shower
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
When I was younger a bit. Now, never.
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
Always do
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

bi-guy 11-25-2011 02:19 AM

Here are my answers.
Here are my answers.

Originally Posted by legendofthesith (Post 576770)
A few questions about your showering habits.

1. Male or female?
2. Do you shower completely naked?
3. How long do you normally take in the shower?
When I have to get ready for the day about 10-15 minutes, when I'm relaxing more like an 30 minutes to an hour.
4. How warm do you have the shower?
As hot as I can stand. I HATE cold showers.
5. Do you ever masturbate in the shower? Do you do it often?
Sometimes, if I'm horny and happen to be in the shower. Or if I need to release some stress.
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex?
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex?
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered?
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering?
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower?

seasider1953 11-25-2011 02:48 AM

1. Male or female Male

2. Do you shower completly naked Yes of course!

3. How long do you normally take in the shower 5 mins

4. How warm do you have the shower Hot

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often Yes, not often though, take longer then 5 mins if I do lol

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex Yes several times

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex No

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered Yes, there's no lock on the door

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering Yes

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower No

shynessincarnate 11-25-2011 04:25 AM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked
Well...yeah, why wouldn't I?

3. How long do you normally take in the shower
Actually depends, goes from 5 to 15 minutes.

4. How warm do you have the shower

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
I have. I can't say I do it often though.

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
All the time, since I've had my own place, hence why the answer to #6 is yes... :D

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Oh yes (see #8)

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
Nope. Don't plan to either.

Captain_Obvious 11-25-2011 08:23 AM

1. Male or famale
Male here.

2. Do you shower completly naked
Well, yes.

3. How long do you normally take in the shower
Oh, I'd say between 15 and 25 minutes? Something like that.

4. How warm do you have the shower
Pretty warm.

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
I have... but I don't usually do... that... there. >_>

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
Yes. Me and a few of my friends showered together once.

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
Every time, actually. ^^
We don't have a lock on our bathroom door, though. If we had one... well, I probably would lock it. Usually.

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Yep... my brother walked in on me once while I was just toweling off.

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

daremenj 11-25-2011 09:53 AM

1. Male or famale


2. Do you shower completly naked

yes haha

3. How long do you normally take in the shower

15-25 min

4. How warm do you have the shower

hot but not too hot im burning myself

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often

i have before, cant remember the last time though

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex

only once, definitely need to do it again haha

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex


8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered


9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering

not that im aware of, unless public showers count

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower


Bestslave 11-25-2011 10:24 AM

1. Male or female
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
10 minutes probably
4. How warm do you have the shower
Moderately warm, sometimes a bit cooler for my hair.
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
I have before, not recently and not often.
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Yes, but it wasn't a big deal
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

SkyLight 11-25-2011 12:41 PM

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
Depends, but usually 15-30mins
4. How warm do you have the shower
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
All the time
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

rhode64 11-25-2011 02:03 PM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked
yes is there any other way

3. How long do you normally take in the shower

4. How warm do you have the shower
hot steamy
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
yes always

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
no I am not into that

Kira-Lee 11-25-2011 04:21 PM

[QUOTE=legendofthesith;576770]A few questions about your showering habbits.

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
30 mins
4. How warm do you have the shower
as hot as i can stand it
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
yes..maybe once or twice a month
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
ew! no!

daremaster 1 11-25-2011 08:02 PM

1. Male or famale...Male

2. Do you shower completly naked...Yeah

3. How long do you normally take in the shower...About 10 to 15 minutes

4. How warm do you have the shower... Pretty hot

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often.....About every other day

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex...No

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex...No

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered... Yes, but not on purpose.

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering... Yes

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower...No (unless you count me)

BabyDoll2111 11-25-2011 11:34 PM

1. Female
2. Yes
3. Around 20 mins
4. Usually fairly warm
5. I don't usually in the shower, but in the bath.
6. No
7. No
8. Yes
9. Yes, my mom.
10. Hell no!

nudie 11-28-2011 01:42 AM

A few questions about your showering habbits.

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
4. How warm do you have the shower
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

TorDjunky 11-28-2011 01:39 PM

1. Male or female: Male

2. Do you shower completly naked: umm that is correct.

3. How long do you normally take in the shower:about 15 min

4. How warm do you have the shower: Very warm

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often: Yes and sometimes.

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex: No

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex: Yep

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered: Sometimes

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering: yes :P

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower: No.

Alexax 11-28-2011 05:16 PM

1. Male or famale Male

2. Do you shower completly naked Yes

3. How long do you normally take in the shower 5-10 mins

4. How warm do you have the shower Not so warm, not so cold

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often Yes, maybe once/week?

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex no

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex no

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered I left the door open when i was home alone...?

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering no

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower NO!

geosnake7 11-28-2011 11:40 PM

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
10 minutes or so.
4. How warm do you have the shower
Very Hot
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes I tried using Conditioner as lube to jack off with. I rarely do it.
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
My Brother I guess
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Yep my friend was having sleepover kind of weird because she stared at my dick.
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
Yep nothing like warm piss on your body.

Krystal 12-01-2011 01:26 PM

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
good while

4. How warm do you have the shower
very, probably too warm
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
yes and yes

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
mmhmm i have
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
lol yes
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
i have

skibum 12-01-2011 04:21 PM

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
15 minutes
4. How warm do you have the shower
Around Medium
5. Do you ever masterbate in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes, yes i do it often, if i have the time,
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
No, unfortunately
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
Yes, all the time
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Yes, others share the washroom
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

Nakedmaster911 12-01-2011 04:36 PM

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
20 mins, always with the head shoved up my pussy
4. How warm do you have the shower
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes, all the time!
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
Yes, sex involved
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
Yes, we were friends with time crunched
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
Open infact
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Yes, in fact, 10 people have, and 9 of those times I was masterbating
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

321tt 12-02-2011 11:37 AM

1. Male or famale Male

2. Do you shower completly naked Usually I do, at home but I love showering in speedo or underwear. At pool I often shower naked

3. How long do you normally take in the shower Around 10 minutes

4. How warm do you have the shower Usually really warm

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often Sometimes, like once in 2 weeks

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex No

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex Yes, but only kind of "communal showers"

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered Usually I shower unlocked

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering Yes, family members

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower No

dominateME 12-02-2011 02:12 PM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked
Of course!

3. How long do you normally take in the shower
10-20 minutes, depending on if I'm rushing or not.

4. How warm do you have the shower
HOT! Anyone who gets in a shower with/after me can't stand it :cool:

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes quite often.. Not so much nowadays. I just hate when my cum gets on my legs and dries all sticky... :(
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
Yes, my girlfriend and I have them quite often! :D

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
Not in the same shower, but have been in open showers in changing rooms etc.

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
All the time!

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Yes, but they knew I was in there

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower?
No.. But I wouldn't mind one... ;)

tim.too 12-02-2011 03:24 PM

1. Male or female

2. Do you shower completely naked
Yes, what else?

3. How long do you normally take in the shower
10 minutes?

4. How warm do you have the shower
nice and warm

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
I have, but not often

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
Yes, definitely

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
Not really

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

Slenderman - Doctor 12-03-2011 03:19 PM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked
Yes... who doesn't?

3. How long do you normally take in the shower
20 minutes :D

4. How warm do you have the shower
Mildly hot.

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes, no.

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

dandelion 12-03-2011 03:33 PM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked
Yes... though if I could, I'd like to shower clothed. ;)

3. How long do you normally take in the shower
10 to 20 minutes.

4. How warm do you have the shower
Warm enough.

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes, but not often at all now. Haven't in a long time.

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
I believe so, once.

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Don't think so.

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

shypilot 12-03-2011 05:15 PM

1. Male or famale Male

2. Do you shower completly naked Of course.

3. How long do you normally take in the shower 20-30 minutes

4. How warm do you have the shower Warm, but not too hot

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often Sometimes

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex Yes

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex Not since school PE lessons

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered Yes

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering No

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower No - not my thing

Vela 12-03-2011 06:25 PM

1. Male or female
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
Around 15 minutes
4. How warm do you have the shower
uh usually like a luke warm.
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
I have before but I usually don't
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
yeah I rarely lock it. No one would walk in on me anyway
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
My sister has to get something out of the bathroom but she always tells me she's coming in and she can't see anything thanks to the curtain.
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower

jpncali 12-03-2011 08:34 PM

1. Male or famale Male

2. Do you shower completly nakedYes

3. How long do you normally take in the shower15 mins

4. How warm do you have the shower warm to hot

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often yes and yes

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex Yes

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sexyes

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showeredyes

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showeringyes all the time. shared a bathroom with siblings. we were never modest about nudity

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower no desire to do this

softeyes 12-04-2011 02:42 AM

1. Male or famale?
"famale", obviously.
2. Do you shower completely naked?
No, I wear a suit.
3. How long do you normally take in the shower?
45+ minutes.
4. How warm do you have the shower?
5. Do you ever masturbated in the shower? Do you do it often?
Yes. No.
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex?
If public showers count, no.
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex?
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered?
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering?
10. Have you ever taken a-
Ew, no.

Philipp_Wars 12-04-2011 02:57 AM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked

3. How long do you normally take in the shower

4. How warm do you have the shower
relatively warm, but in the end always icy cold.

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yes, I did, but I don't find it comfortable.

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
Yes. :)

Sally123 12-04-2011 03:41 AM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked
Yea.. what? Aren't we supposed to?

3. How long do you normally take in the shower?
Depends.. normally 10-15 minutes

4. How warm do you have the shower

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
umm.. Ew? No!!

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
yupp :')

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
yupp :')

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
probably.. Yea

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
like.. showering in gold? :P jk
Yuck! Neverever.

alienguy10 12-04-2011 03:45 AM

1. Male or famale

2. Do you shower completly naked
Yer... who doesn't?

3. How long do you normally take in the shower

4. How warm do you have the shower
In summer, colder
In winter, hot

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Ive done it once - i do it other places ;)

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered

Dont have a lock on the door =/

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Yeh, mum =/

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
no yuck

kmacroxs 12-04-2011 05:41 PM

1. Male or female?
2. Do you shower completly naked?
3. How long do you normally take in the shower?
30+ min
4. How warm do you have the shower?
Quite warm
5. Do you ever masturbate in the shower? Do you do it often?
Yes from time to time
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex?
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex?
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered?
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering?
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower?

ElyaC 12-05-2011 12:36 PM

A few questions about your showering habbits.

1. Male or famale
2. Do you shower completly naked
3. How long do you normally take in the shower
Depends, share now so 5-15 minutes
4. How warm do you have the shower
5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often
Yupp, less so now though lol
6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex
Yeeah :P (Surprise blowjobs are the best.)
7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex
Only after sports
8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered
Yupp, only me n gf in the house
9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering
Yupp, gf (rare occasion she wasn't in with me)
10. Have you ever taken a golden shower
Awww yeeeaah.

depravedChattel 12-05-2011 05:40 PM

1. Male or famale Male

2. Do you shower completly naked Yes

3. How long do you normally take in the shower 20ish minutes.

4. How warm do you have the shower I usually have the water pretty warm, bordering on hot territory.

5. Do you ever masterbated in the shower. Do you do it often I do occasionally, but I don't really like it. Shampoo/conditioner doesn't really work as lube for me.

6. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the opposite sex No, unfortunately.

7. Have you ever taken a shower with someone else of the same sex No... unfortunately?

8. Have you ever left the door unlocked while you showered I actually almost always do. People in my family are sharp enough to know not to walk into the bathroom if the door is closed and the light is on and water is running.

9. Has anyone ever walked in on you showering No

10. Have you ever taken a golden shower I have peed on myself, and immediately washed it off. It's something I would like to do again, even.

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