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Saphir 08-28-2011 03:36 PM

Adventure Abroad [MxM]
Reading all this awesome stories on here, I couldn't resist giving it a try aswell.
The story itself, the plot, is fiction, but I'll try to keep it as real as possible. The personalities of my characters are loosely based on people I know. So the way the characters act is based on real people however their sexual orientation (and possibly some other details) isn't always fact ;)

The story will be mainly, if not only be [MxM], so if you don't like that, don't complain about it.

Oh and... yea, I know it's a long, boring introduction, but I believe you can do it! :P
The next chapter will be more interesting!


Adventure Abroad - Chapter 1

As he walked down the hall, the sound of the people talking was harsh. Not as harsh as he had imagined it to be, but still the voices around him sounded strange and unfamiliar, just as he felt here. Noises echoed through the hall.

The flight had been long and he had just woken up and felt absolutely exhausted. He looked around and saw young men and women hugging, happy to see each other again. Still standing there and realizing his new situation, he slowly picked up his suitcase.

“Chad, come on, we ain't gonna wait forever.” Would his brother ever stop annoying him? He rolled his eyes and went after his family towards the airport's entrance.

A few days later
“Good luck.” They've never gotten along with each other, but now Chad and his brother stood next to each other and wished each other the best. Both of them were kind of scared of the things to come. “That is all we got, let's make the best out of it.” With these words, Chad walked towards the school building, his brother close behind him.

Chad wasn't happy at all. His parents seemed to just not care about him, nor about his brother. They decided to move over here for his dad's job. He didn't speak any German at all, had to deal with a new home, new people around him and whatnot.

Even if he made some friends over here, he would have to give them up after the year, as his parent's weren't going to stay here for too long. Additionally, he would lose another year of his life in school, because he had no chance to keep the pace with his classmates back home.

Actually, there was no point in going to school here, because he didn't understand anything anyways. But his dad said he had to and there was no international school nearby, so he should just try to learn some German at least.

Considering this, he became very unmotivated. It was just not fair.

They reached the teacher's room and knocked on the door. An old man opened the door. “You are probably Chad and Craig.” He smiled at them. “Welcome to our school. I'm Mr. Krone.”

They followed Mr. Krone through the hallway while he explained to them that each of them were going to be given a fellow student. They’d join their respective student through his courses instead of selecting their own courses because they didn’t understand any German yet. This was so that they had someone who helped them if they had any problems. But of course they could always come to him, as well, if there was anything wrong.

Finally they stopped at some door and Mr Krone entered the room with Craig. After introducing Craig and some other stuff, he came out again and continued to Chad’s class. Chad wondered whether Mr. Krone’s English, which was totally fluent, was average for Germans. “Nah, I’m just the teacher for Physical Education and English, that’s why. Most people you will meet here will be able to communicate, but don’t expect too much.”

As they finally arrived at Chad’s classroom, he felt kind of shaky.
“Are you ready?”
“Yep.” Chad actually didn’t feel ready.

They entered the room. The first thing Chad noticed, was the pretty small amount of students in the room. Only 16 students were there, about half of the amount some of his courses had at home. The students were about the same age as he was. Looking at the board, Chad could see that he was in Math.

“This is Chad, he’s from North Carolina and will join our school for about a year. He doesn’t speak any German, and just moved here, so be nice to him.”

The teacher pointed at some guy in the last row and said: “That’s Tim. You’ll join his courses and he’ll help you if you got any questions.”
Tim stood up and smiled at him. “Hey Chad, how are you doing?”

Chad expected a lot when he was flying to Germany. That it would be boring, that he wouldn’t understand a word. That he would spend a year in a school with people he didn’t know and who he’d anyways leave after that year. The only good thing he had actually heard about Germany was that you had way more freedom as a teenager there. He didn’t even know whether that was true or not.

But right before him was the hottest guy he’d seen in a long time. Tim’s body was athletic. His smooth brown hair was the perfect length, not too long, but not too short. He wore shorts and a shirt of some band he did not know. His skin was lightly tanned and his face was smooth.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Chad walked over to him and sat down. The teacher continued the lesson. Chad didn’t understand a word, but that didn’t bother him, since he was busy checking out Tim.

They didn’t talk until the lesson was over. A loud bell startled him while he was staring at Tim writing. The teacher finished the lesson and they went down to the school yard.

“Chad, Why are you over here in Germany?”
“Well, my dad had to move here for his work, I won’t be staying long though.”
“Ah okay, and you like it so far?”
“Well, it’s getting better, I wasn’t very thrilled in the beginning.”

The conversation went on and they hung out in the schoolyard. Chad saw his little brother playing ping-pong with some other students and noticed that there were some quite young students in the schoolyard. The youngest were probably about ten or eleven. He wondered whether he’d actually learn enough German to understand people around him. A question cut his thoughts off.

“What are you doing this weekend, any plans yet?”
Chad’s heart made a little jump. “Well, I have nothing to do, what about you?”
“I’m gonna party a bit with some friends, you could join... if you want?”
“Of course, I would love to. Better than hanging around home. Could we meet somewhere? I mean, I don’t know this city at all.”
“Yeah, you could just join me after school on Friday.”

For some reason, Chad knew this weekend was going to be fun.


I appreciate every single feedback, comment, critique, etc. :)

See you :)

Chad - Without you I would've never written this. You got me started. :P Also, without your corrections and suggestions, I wouldn't dare putting it on here, that wouldn't be nice to read. ^^ (Oh and besides, without you we got no protagonist :D)

James - thank you for your suggestions with the title, you made it possible to put the first chapter online tonight. :P

Dylan (&Connor) without your stories I wouldn't be back on here probably. :P

J.M.N 08-28-2011 03:55 PM

Wow great story !!! And i REALLY don't think i deserve credit you thought of the title yourself !! I just gave you the push :)

If i'm honest i was expecting some grammatical and spelling mistakes but at first glance i can't see any ! Congrats !

As for the plot so far it's great ! All the imformation you have given us is useful for developing and not just pointless !!

And seriously "Chad" ? Jealous of the amount of stories i'm creditted for obviously :p

So yeah in conclusion BRILLIANT !! You've just earnt yourself your first story stalker :D

C.K. 08-28-2011 04:52 PM

Great start, love it! :) you got your second stalker ;)

CK xx

ursoweird123 08-28-2011 05:16 PM

Aww! I'm blushing <3!

You did great Saphir! I am very honored (or as those dumb brits say, honoured) that you choose me to be the protagonist and the editor. I love it!

Your story is great (with my help ;)). Keep up the great work. Let me know when you need me to help again! I'm always here!

Love you!

Saphir 08-29-2011 09:43 AM

Thank you all for your nice comments. I really appreciate it!

I'm not sure when I can write the next chapter. This week is going to be pretty busy and I'm going to Denmark this weekend. I'll do my best to write it as soon as possible for you. :)

Thank you again for your comments and everything! :)

Love <3

daremaster 1 08-29-2011 05:28 PM

Wow, you are a amazing wrighter.:)

drawde 08-30-2011 08:40 AM

Awesome start. Can't wait to see what happens. Great job.

Kewai 08-30-2011 07:32 PM

WOW, You say English isn't your Native language, This story is written so well it could easily be your native language and more. I love where this looks like it is going and I love your writing, it is clear, easy to read and just wonderful.
*Subscribed - Daily Updates*
I cant wait for your next post :D

Dylan xX 08-31-2011 07:49 PM

I like it. It's pretty simple and basic, but well written at the same time.

Even if it wasn't 100% your work, props for caring enough to go to people and ask for help. Bonus points for having German as your first language XD.

Something I'll definately follow <3

Saphir 09-03-2011 06:56 AM

After a lot of writing, re-writing and poring over my dictionary I can finally release the second chapter! ;) I'm sorry to announce that there still won't be that much action in this chapter. I'm going very slowly about all the sexual stuff, as I want to keep this story kind of very 'real'. (And probably aswell because of my zero-self-confidence about being able to describe it sexily xD)

I want to say thanks to everybody who commented on here. It means a lot to me, I really appreciate it! <3

I especially want to thank James for saving your brains from reading grammtical errors and Carl for giving me some hints while writing. :)

This chapter is dedicated to that guy who stood up on behalf of all of us. :3

Chapter 2

The week went by and Chad was eagerly waiting for the weekend. School turned out to be okay. He didn't really understand anything in the lessons, but as he had Tim around him, he didn't mind.

In order to learn some German, he got private education with Mr. Krone instead of going to some of his regular lessons. Even though he was total beginner and German seemed like a pretty difficult language to him, he quickly started to understand some of the basic phrases.

Finally it was Friday, about noon, and the last lesson was about to end. Chad couldn't wait for bell to ring. He had been glancing over to Tim all the time. Occasionally Tim looked over to him for a few seconds. Every time when he did so and their eyes meet, Chad felt kind of caught and looked away quickly. Was Tim checking out his body or was he just persuading himself of that?

He noticed Tim writing something on his notepad and moving it over to the middle of their table.
"Looking forward to later on?"

Chad took a pen and started writing.
"Sure! Where are we gonna go?"

"We wanted to hang out on a lake close to the city, but since it's supposedly going to rain tonight, we'll go to a mate of mine, his name is Jan. His mum doesn't really care about what we do, so it should be fine. Do you have permission to stay for the night?"

"Yes, I have, luckily!"

Tim made a winking smiley "Cool! What about you and alcohol? Ever been drunk?"

"Well, I've drunken something a couple of times, but I never had the possibility to really get drunk. You’ve got some alc for tonight?"

Tim read that and grinned at Chad.
"Of course, we have everything the heart could wish for! It's going to be fun for sure."

Then the bell rang and everybody packed up their stuff. They rushed out of the room.

Weekend, finally!


The housing terrace was everywhere about three to four floors high. The streets were way smaller than he knew it from US and seemed to be just randomly built, not just street next to street like at his home. Also there were tons of traffic signs. He'd never really looked around on his way to school and back, and he hadn't really done anything around his neighbourhood yet, because he was spending most of his time online, writing to friends from his old school.

But now, as he was walking together with Tim home, he noticed this city to be quite a pretty one. It wasn’t too quiet but then again it wasn't too busy either. There were trees and bushes around everywhere. As he lived in a very big city before, and seldom left it, that was nothing ordinary for him.

"I'll just drop my bag, then we'll buy some stuff and go over to a mate who's driving us. You wanna wait here or come up with me?" After 10 Minutes walking they had finally arrived at Tim's home.

"Well, I'll just come up with you, if you don't mind."
Tim unlocked the front door and they went upstairs. He lived in the highest, the 4th floor. His parents said a friendly “hi”, but, probably due to their lack of English skills, they didn't really say anything else. Tim's room was quite a mess. It was quite small, due to the flat not being that big, but he had a king-size bed however.

After leaving the flat, they went to a close supermarket.

"Wow, that's quite a range, for such a small supermarket." Was pretty much all Chad could say, when they reached the section for beer, wine and liquor. "But how are you gonna buy that? How old are you actually?"

"Oh, I'm 16, but I only need wine. We’ve got pretty much everything we need over at my mate's. But I just don't like beer. My friends think I'm weird." Tim grinned and, after noticing Chad's slightly confused look. "Well, you can buy wine and beer with 16 over here. And you supposedly know, Germans drink a lot of beer..."

Finally, after all that running around, they had bought Tim's wine, and Tim also got two different types of beer for Chad, a Bavarian and a tart North German one, and they had met Tobias, obviously a mate of Tim’s, who were driving them to the party. Toby didn't really talk, probably due to his noticeable lack of English. He was a blonde, good looking guy, even through his shirt Chad could make out that he had just the right amount of muscles everywhere, enough to look well-toned, but not unnaturally.

Toby dropped them somewhere at the edge of the town and drove on, to find a parking lot.

When they were walking towards the house, Chad noticed a sweet, brown-haired, sporty guy waving at them. Tim waved back. "Hey Robin, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, thanks! You gonna party at Jan's tonight?"

"Sure, you look like you are about to leave, aren't you gonna join us?"

"Nah sorry, next time maybe. I'm on my way to my basketball training and I'm pretty busy this weekend anyway."

"Well, have fun, see you." Tim reached the door and ringed.

Robin mounted his bicycle. "Viel Spaß!" He winked at Tim. "And Chad, take care, don't drink too much." He grinned at Chad, waved again and drove off.

For some reason, Chad had the feeling that Robin knew more than him...

C.K. 09-03-2011 03:07 PM

Here you are mr fussy <3 you've left it on a really really mean cliff hanger :( I love your story, can't wait for more!! <3 love you........r story lots ;) xxxx

Kewai 09-03-2011 03:49 PM

Great Story, Absolutely loving it. I cant wait for more!!

Slugger 09-03-2011 03:57 PM

Amazing detail! Something I am scared of? this starts out the way most MxM stories, do.
Make sure to keep originality! When writing always go with your first idea. Over thinking and analyzing will lead you onto a plain road. Make sure to keep the language and grammar clean. Other than that, really good start. I am excited to see where it goes from here!

alex987 09-04-2011 02:24 PM

Ok so first of all I really like the references to how different the US and Germany are. Especially the reference to streets and the way cities are set up was cool.
Also the German names are awesome!
This story sounds like it's going somewhere nice ;)
Also, your English is great, especially considering it's not your mother tongue.
Mach weiter so! ;)

Saphir 09-06-2011 12:58 PM

First I want to say, I'm sorry for anybody who thought this was the 3rd Chapter. <3

I am so happy about all your comments! I really appreciate it. And keep them coming! :P

@slugger: I'll try my best. :P I'm not sury in how far other MxM stories are 'just the same than the others' or original, so I can't really promise. ;) But I'll try my best and tell my own story ;D

Vielen Dank! <3 :)
If you know any other differences, just tell me. :P You surely know more and better than I do. :P

I'll try to post the next chapter within the next days. I've got about 1/3 done but school kinda keeps me busy. :s


ursoweird123 09-07-2011 01:41 PM

I have returned :D! Great update!!! However, I think I might have to help you with corrections because obviously you asked James for advice which was stupid because he speaks the incorrect form of our language ;). Sorry I couldn't help, but I'm back.

Love you!

Saphir 09-09-2011 09:46 PM

Hey everybody!

Finally the third chapter is written and edited. A big thanks to Chad, James and Carl for editing and the getdare Chat (in particular Leo) for helping me with a very annoying sentence! ;)

If you got any questions about further detail, logic and in how far things in the story fit with reality or anything, feel free to ask.

I'd really appreciate your comments, criticism, guesses about what is to come in the next part, and what not. ;)

This chapter is dedicated to Chad. I'm so happy that you're back! <3


Chapter 3

"Hey Tim! And hi Chad." A blond guy, presumably Jan, opened the door. He hugged Tim and shook hands with Chad. He was just as tall as Tim and Chad and although he was neither athletic, nor fat, but just an average guy, he had quite a handsome face. Chad had seen him a couple of times in school, but he didn't know that Tim and him were close.

"What are you waiting for, the party has already started!" called Chris, while he was already going up the stairwell. They followed him into the flat, hearing Bob Marley singing loudly about the Buffalo Soldier in the stairwell already.

The flat was rather small, but cosy. They went to the living room where another guy was mixing a Tequila Sunrise and smoking Hookah. In the background he noticed some movie running on the TV.

"That's Jonathan, that's Chad." Tim introduced. Chad had already seen Jonathan a couple of times before, as they had some courses in school together. He was blond and a rather tall and skinny guy.

The coffee table, which wasn't small at all, was fully covered with various juices, beer, glasses and various liquors. Probably enough alcohol to keep everybody in here a whole week drunken.

"Hey Chad, what's going on? You want something to drink?" Jonathan said, while concentrating on filling grenadine in his glass. "Sure." said Chad and dropped next to Tim on the couch. Just after Jonathan had filled another glass with Tequila, orange juice and grenadine, a small, orange-brown haired girl, probably about 16, entered the room and sat down partly next, partly on Jonathan. "Hey Chad, I'm Steffi, Tim already told me about you." she smiled at him.

"Hey, nice to meet you." Chad replied and smiled back.

Jan turned the music down a bit and took a seat on Tim's other side. Then he held out the hookah hose in offer.

"Thanks but no thanks, I don't like smoking."

"Oh, I didn't know. I hope you don't mind us smoking?"Jan said concerned.

It didn't bother Chad that much and he didn't want to cause problems just after arriving on his first party in Germany. "It's fine, I just don't feel like smoking."

He leaned back and started drinking his cocktail. It tasted nice and one could hardly taste the alcohol in it. He could probably drink a couple of them before he would feel any affects of the alcohol.

Toby, Tim and Jan started chatting about people he didn't know and the last weekend. Due to Toby's horrible English they quickly switched over to German, with the result being that he didn't understand anything.

Having finished his first cocktail, he took his first beer and tried to twist off the crown cork. It didn't work at all.

"What the hell are you trying?" Tim said laughing. Jan and Toby looked over and started laughing as well. Tim smiled at him. "You look like you got power in your arms, but it's not going to be enough for that.
"I didn't know, I'm used to twist-offs" Chad blushed hard.

"There are twist-off caps for beer bottles? Tim asked surprised. "Weird imagination. But well. Give me the bottle, I'll open it for you."

Chad handed over the beer and Tim took the closest bottle he could grab, a Licor 43, and levered the cap of.

The conversation went on, mostly in German, so he couldn't quite follow. He sat back on the couch. There had been less space on the couch before, but now it seemed that Tim had leant even closer to him. Did he do that to get closer to him or had Jan just taken his chance to get more space on the couch when they were busy with the beer? Chad didn't know, yet just enjoyed the touch of their arms and shoulders as they brushed together.

Not being able to follow the conversation Chad contemplated his time in Germany. He expected the worst, most boring year of his life when he was coming over and now, just after a week he was sitting in some flat with a couple of funny people getting trashed. The Germans he learnt to know seemed to be cool and open-minded. And totally hot, at least the ones he hung out with.

He looked over to the other couch. Steffi was getting closer and closer to Jonathan and seemed to try to make out with him. She caressed him and then and now kissed him but he mostly just sat there and seemed to not really care. Of course, he kissed her back, and he didn't look like he didn't like it, but it rather seemed like she did everything and he just waited for it to happen.

Either he's totally drunk, or not interested in girls. Or both. Chad wasn't sure. He however started to feel a bit disorientated.

Watching them kind of made him horny and he started to imagine making out with Tim.

"How about a drinking game?" Tim's suggestion startled him out of his thoughts.

"Of course, why not." Chad said. Toby seemed to be as delighted as one could be and suggested to play circle of death. Jonathan and Steffi seemed to be busy making out, but didn't complain and Jan had already gotten a deck of cards.

While Jan was shuffling the cards, Tim explained the game to Chad. The rules were very similar to the ones of Kings.

After some games everybody was kind of drunk, some more, some less. Chad had quite a bit of luck during the game. Only thinking of the amounts that Jan and Toby had been drinking, not only because of the game but also drinking extra when they felt like it, made him feel like puking. They seemed to have fun though.

They are probably way more used to it, Chad thought. It was approximately midnight when they finished their last game. Toby stood up. “Goodnight, we see us. I go now home.”

Wow, his English gets even worse when he’s drunk, Chad thought.

Toby left the room and started putting on his shoes and coat.
“Is he going to drive back that drunken?” Chad asked showing concern.

“No worries, of course not. He’ll walk. He has to leave because he has to get up early tomorrow. And he can’t drive in six hours either.” Tim replied and stood up. He opened the window for some oxygen and cold air to come in. The smell and the cool blow of the summer air made Chad instantly feel a bit more sober. Toby left the flat and Jan turned the music down a bit so the neighbors wouldn’t complain.

Jonathan and Steffi, who were sitting in some kind of hug and seemed to be tired, started looking around disturbed. “It’s cold, go away!” Jonathan complained, more tired than anything else. As nobody made a move to close the window after 15 seconds, Jonathan and Steffi stood up. “We’ll go over to Jan’s room and watch a movie.”

They left together with Jan, who joined them to turn on The Hangover. When he came back he closed the door, sat down and started making drinks for him, Jan and Chad.
“Could you make a Batida de coco with cherry juice for me?” Tim asked.
“Cuba Libre for me, please.” Chad stated to Jan.

“Here we go.” Chris said, handing over the cocktails some minutes later.

They leaned back and enjoyed their drinks a lot.

“Well, it’s only the three of us... What about playing another game?” Tim suggested.

“Which one.” Chad asked. During the party he had given up almost every single bit of his hope that something, at least a little bit, with Tim and him would happen tonight. But now his hopes grew high again.

“Well,” Tim said, “how about a game of Truth or Dare...?”


Write a comment! I dare you to! :P

Thank you for reading!


Kewai 09-09-2011 09:53 PM

WOW!, Just WOW! You are an amazing writer and I LOVE your story. Perfect way to end the chapter iswell, I cant wait for more :D:D:D

C.K. 09-10-2011 07:43 AM

No wonder you were asking me about bottle caps!! Haha great chapter, finally getting to the fun.. ;) wooo can't wait :D xx

alex987 09-10-2011 02:17 PM

The story is developing really well! :D this was a really great chapter and a pretty evil cliffhanger ;)
I saw some twisting beer caps in the US, dumbest idea ever ;)

AMGWallHax 09-10-2011 11:10 PM

Gut! :3

i like it :)

Saphir 09-12-2011 01:38 PM

Thank you for all the nice comments, I love you! :3

The bottle caps were quite a tricky thing, yep C.K., that's why. I actually had to investigate what they look like, if you rather find twist offs or pry offs in US and so on, to be sure that what I'm writing makes any sense at all. Because I have never seen a twist off crown cap in my life. :D
Alex, I totally agree. :D I Don't get why they need that either... :D

If anybody finds logical errors in my story, or just something what sounds strange to them, please ask/annote it, so I know. :P

I've sadly never been to the US (nor to any other English country ;) ) so I can't know everything. :P

I'm afraid, I havn't started writing the next chapter yet. I will hopefully find some time on wednesday or thursday, so it would be spellchecked and released on Friday... otherwise I have to do it on the weekend. :P School keeps me busy. :/

I'm always happy about your comments. So write one and quit the lurking. ;D


slutjuice 09-12-2011 03:45 PM

mxm stories or my favorite! Good job! keep it up!

Kewai 09-24-2011 03:02 PM

This story is amazing, I can't wait for your next chapter tonight :D I am waiting and waiting and waiting hoping that this chapter will be up before I go to sleep :p

Saphir 09-24-2011 08:01 PM

Hey, finally! :3
I'm reallly sorry for the long delay, school kept me busy and, to admit it, I was also a bit lazy. :D

I can finally present the 4th chapter. I worked until deep in the night to get it done (5 am...) so be nice and leave me a comment. :P

A little disclaimer:
Even though we drink lots of alcohol here, I have to mention: Alcohol is evil! :3
Seriously! You should never get people totally trashed to do stuff with them. That is the worst crap you can do. If you drink alcohol you should not go over your limit. You put yourself and others in danger.

Oh and if you get aggressive or don't know how to behave or something when you're drunk, get a psyciatrist and stop drinking. I don't like such people...

Have fun reading! :)

Chapter 4

Chad couldn't believe his ears. Had Tim really just suggested to play Truth or Dare?
"Uhm, yeah why not?" Chad replied, maybe a bit too fast and excitedly. Was this leading to where he wished it to be? He looked over to Jan to check his reaction. Apart from looking drunk, Jan looked like he liked the idea, but also like he wasn't surprised at all.

Are they going to play this game for the first time or do they do it occasionally? Jan's reaction being far from surprised or reluctant, Chad became somewhat suspicious.

"What about the rules?" Chad asked, wondering what Tim was aiming for. Was he interested in guys, and Jan maybe as well? Or did he just wanted to find out some spicy details about him?

"Well, Jonathan and Steffi are in the flat, and my mum is as well, sleeping just in the room next to us. So we have to keep quiet, at least I want neither of them to notice. Also, nobody should spread this around."

Tim nodded and added: "Don't ask the same person twice in a row. Keep it reasonable, everyone can, one time in the game, reverse one dare or truth given to them. So only ask for things you could imagine to do or answer as well."

"Sounds fine." Chad said. "Who'll start?"

"I don't care." Tim responded.

"Me neither, but let's drink for it." Jan suggested and took a bottle of champagne, filled three glasses, each 0.2l, full to the brim and gave each of them a glass.

"This is not going to end up good for me." Chad murmured. He was sure he couldn't beat any of them. Jan sat down on the other side of the table, so it was only Tim and him left on the sofa.

"Go!" Jan said. Chad started drinking as fast as he could. The sparkling champagne wasn't the best think for a drinking competition. When he had drunk about the half of the glass he already had to burp like hell. He looked over to Tim, noticed that he was almost done.

He heard coughing from the other side of the table. Jan seemed to have choked on his own drink. He had to stop drinking and started coughing vigorously. After a few seconds of struggling it was over, but despite continuing drinking immediately, he had no chance to catch up. Tim was the winner, Chad got the runner-up slot and Jan was the last one.

They waited for Jan to clean up the mess he caused while coughing, then Tim said: "Chad, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Chad replied instantly. He had already expected Tim to ask him first; also, he was not going to take a dare directly in the beginning.

"Uhm, well... tell me, are you in a relationship with someone? And if not, are you interested in someone recently? And if so, is it someone from the U.S., or someone from Germany, who you met this week?"

"I'm not in a relationship..." Chad replied. "But I might be interested in someone, from Germany." He looked at Tim, maybe a bit too obvious, and blushed a bit, hoping Tim wouldn't notice.
Tim however seemed satisfied with his reply. "Okay, your turn."

Chad pondered what he could ask. He would ask Jan first and hoped Jan would ask Tim, so Tim couldn't ask him again and had to ask Jan back, and Jan him then, so he had a better idea of what the pace of his questions should be.

"Jan, truth or dare?"

"Gimme a truth, Baileys anybody?"
Tim shook his head.

"I'd take one, and my question is... how far have you gone with a girl yet?"

Jan took his time to reply, filled two glasses with Baileys and handed one over to Chad. "Well, not that far really, making out, having hands down there and such. But not all the way."

He looked a bit gloomy while saying the last sentence, but then his face cheered up and he grinned. "Whatever, cheers!"

"Cheers!" replied Chad and he sipped at his glass.

"Okay, I ask you in return: How far have you ever gone with someone."

Chad sipped on his glass slowly. Jan didn't specify it on girls. He placed the glass on the table, delayed his answer a bit more, and pretended to think. Actually he was thinking, but it was less about recalling and more about how to put the answer. Then he spoke. "Well, handjobs and blowjobs, but never all the way."

Hopefully they don't ask whether I gave or received, Chad thought.

"Oh cool, okay, better than nothing." Jan said. "It's your turn then."

Phew, Chad was quite relieved that Jan didn't specify his question. He turned to Tim.
"Well, it's not the best question, I know, but... I've been wondering about this all the time. Did you actually set all this up?"

Tim looked like he had been busted for a split of a second.

But then he grinned and replied...

__________________________________________________ _____

I hope you liked it. The pace is slow, I know, but there is more to come. :P
Don't forget your comment! :P

Kewai 09-24-2011 09:32 PM

LOL, OMFG This is SOOOOO GREAT!!! I love it, you deserve an award, english may be a second language, but your writing doesnt show it.

Keep up the great work :D

ursoweird123 09-25-2011 11:00 AM

Sorry it took a while for me to reply. I love this story, because it's me! It's really good and you would never know someone who doesnt speak the language fluently was writing it. Keep up the great work!

captainsatkins 09-26-2011 05:44 PM

Excellent story. Liking it... also liking that the Germans can drink at 16... not liking that it's 18 in the UK.

Saphir 09-29-2011 04:18 AM

Thank you for your comments!

I thought, as I haven't written the next chapter yet, I could give you some background information about fictional/real stuff in this story. Maybe some people are interested. ;)

Otherwise just skip this and wait for the next chapter. (hopefully this weekend, btw.)

About the party:

The description of how the party went is pretty much what happens in reality when we are over at Jan's. We just talk, play drinking games and have fun (get trashed, not the other fun ;D ), even though his mother is just in the room next to us.

Jonathan and Steffi are oftenly making out and before they came together she actually made out with both, Tim and Jonathan, at the same time (one on the left and one on the right... it really was fun to watch :D)

We played some funny (drinking-)games with the same outcome as truth or truth, which is why I know them quite well. But we never had anything going on between the boys, sadly, it's all fictional about that. :(

And Chad is lucky so far. We had two times Americans over. One time an exchange student of Jan who wasn't allowed to drink (and didn't want) at all because his parents were weird and he too. However, on the 2ndlast day we had school's out and he was somewhere in the park with his American mates and he got so super trashed, he puked and everything. Wouldn't have happened if we were with him probably... ;D
And I had two Americans over and we partied over at Jan's. He (20) got totally drunk under the table by some 16 year olds... and she (just turned 21)... well let's say.. Absinth is evil :D *cough* never saw someone puking so long and much *cough*

About Germany:

You can buy beer, wine and champagne as soon as you are 16, liquor with 18. The law only prohibits to buy it or to allow children and teens to consume it, but it does not prohibit to consume it. It does only count in public (which includes bars, shops, etc.) But not in your flat/house. If you are drinking in a park or something, it's not like anybody cares
It is not like every German teen drinks a lot or regularly, but I hardly know anyone who hasn't drunken liquor a couple of times before becoming 18. On the other hand the most German teens I know, can handle how much they drink and how far they can go.

Streets and City
As the most German cities are very old (the one where I live is about one thousand years old), the streets are totally different to streets in U.S. we have a very weird system how traffic works, tons of signs and totally confused streets. This summer I had a student from Colorado and his girlfriend over, and they (both have a driver's licence in the U.S. for years) said, they wouldn't dare driving on German streets, at least not yet. Just because it's too confusing and they'd probably cause an accident within the next mile.

Thank you again for your comments! If you got any other questions about stuff in the story, feel free to ask. ;D Also if you have suggestions about the story or criticism, just tell it! :P


J.M.N 09-29-2011 08:27 AM

Looking forward to the new chapter and thanks for the extra information :D It makes the story easier to imagine :)

alex987 09-29-2011 12:45 PM

First of all, slow pace is awesome! ;D
Second of all, nice note about Germany etc.
I like the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter there!
Englisch ist wie üblich super ;D
Morgen endlich Wochenende ;3

Saphir 10-03-2011 10:39 AM

Finally a new chapter!

I hope you like it, please leave me a comment, if you did so. :P


Chapter 5

But then he grinned and replied: "Well, it's not like I had planned, but I anticipated some fun at the party. And that's why I opened the window, Jonathan and Steffi would obviously leave then." He smirked.

"Ah okay, your turn", Chad replied, still wondering whether this game was going to lead where he thought or not.

"Uhm, Jan...?" Tim said.


Tim looked contemplative at him and uttered a 'hmm'. Then he grabbed a glass and made himself another drink, looking even more contemplative. Just then Chad realized that, when Jan asked him about his experience, he wasn't even given the opportunity to choose, Jan just asked and he replied, probably because he was to busy being scared about them figuring out about him and boys. He wondered if he should complain about Jan disregarding the rules, but however overlooked it because he was eager to know what Tim was going to ask Jan.

"Uhm..." Tim started slowly and grinning. "When did you jerk last and what were you thinking about? You don't need to tell in detail, just one or two sentences."

Jan hesitated for a moment, causing Chad to hold his breath. This could actually become quite interesting. Jan looked a bit like it embarrassed him to tell, but he finally started.

"Well... it was last night and,” he paused for a moment, blushed and continued: “I was thinking of what Robin and you were doing to me last weekend, after I lost..." he silenced. "Well, that's enough information." He grinned and stuck out his tongue, but also blushed even more.

"Ah, good to know!" Tim replied winking, obviously satisfied with the response, judging from his grinning. Chad had to assimilate what he just had heard. Jan had jerked off about something Robin and Tim were doing to him? What could have happened? Whatever it was, there was definitely more going on than he could have dreamt of before. Definitely they were at least bi or something. He couldn't think of anything else what Jan could be referring to.

He noticed Tim looking over to him with a slightly concerned, examining glance. He's worried about my reaction, Chad realized. Of course, Tim had done something really daring probably, having a random American over and having a coming out like this... well he didn't mind, as he was bi anyway, but he knew enough people who would react differently than him. He looked into Tim's eyes and smiled soothingly. Tim seemed to understand, looked relieved and smiled back.

"Tim, what's your choice?" Jan's voice interrupted, pulling them out of their silent conversation.

Tim remained silent for some moments. Then he said cheekily: "Uhm, I'm kinda scared about what you gonna do now, but let's break the ice. Gimme a dare."

Jan looked over at Chad, he looked like he was considering something. Had he noticed Tim’s and his exchange of glances? He sipped on his glass and waited for Jan to do something.

Finally Jan spoke to him: "Uhm, Chad, you don't mind if I involve you in a dare, do you?"

Okay, he surely had noticed. "Sure, go ahead, no worries."

Jan turned to Chad and said: "I dare you to give Chad a hot lap dance and let him strip your shirt whilst you do it. You have to dance at least one minute, no need to hurry with this task."

Tim stood up and looked over to Chad. "You're alright?"

Chad nodded and leant back to give Tim the space for his lap dance. The tent in his trousers had started to grow already. He tried to think of a way to hide it but found himself caught in this situation, unable to adjust with his hand or anything else. Tim grinned at him and slowly lowered himself onto Chad's lap, face to face, his legs at the outside of Chad's legs and moving for and backwards over his crotch. Chad couldn't help getting a fully hard-on immediately.

Chad just leant back and enjoyed at first, trying to not moan or look like he enjoyed it too much though. Tim put his hands on his shoulders and massaged them softly. Suddenly he stopped. "What are you waiting for, strip my shirt. We're doing this not just for the fun of it!" He said sternly, but then laughed and added whilst smiling: "Just kidding, but go ahead."

Chad, having been scared for a second, exhaled relieved and grinned. His hands went down to Tim's knees and he slowly stroked along the upside of his legs, working his way up to Tim’s ass, resting his hands for some seconds there to grope softly around the buttocks. He looked up into Tim’s eyes. This was going so fast it seemed almost unreal to him. Tim looked back to him, he seemed to be enjoying the whole thing and grinned at him cheekily.

Tim's hands went down to his chest and fondled playfully through his shirt around his nipples. Chad felt like in heaven. He closed his eyes and moved his hands up to Tim's back, shoving his hands under Tim's shirt. He went up the back first, then down again and around the waist, grasping the shirt at the hips and pulling it up slowly. While pulling up the shirt he moved his hands over to the back and leant forward. Tim withdrew his hands from Chad's chest and moved them above his head.

Chad then looked over to Jan, only to see him making a short grab into his pants to adjust his little big friend, who was causing quite a tent. Jan noticed him looking and turned his head away with a guilty facial expression immediately, obviously not feeling comfortable with being caught. Chad grinned at him, crossed his arms behind Tim's back and pulled up the shirt slowly, their chests and heads almost touching. After removing Tim's shirt he stared at his chest, admiring his athletic upper body, his perky nipples, noticed Tim having slight goosebumps.

Tim's hands went from his shoulders again down to his chest, playing around for a few seconds. Then stroking down to his tummy and afterwards his hips, where Tim let go. He felt one of Tim's fingers nudging into his belly and looked up to see Tim smiling and getting up and moving next to him onto the sofa.

"Wooow, you guys are hot." Jan uttered.

"You really liked it, didn't you?" Chad replied with a teasing glance onto Jan's crotch.

"And you didn’t then?" Jan shot back, peering with his eyes alternately into his eyes and onto the huge, still not adjusted, bulge in his trousers.

"Yea, whatever!" Chad blushed and took some sips from his glass to break the eye contact between Jan and him.

"I guess it's my turn then." Tim said with a devious grin. "I guess you take a dare Chad?"

"Well, I don't really have a choice, do i? I don’t want to look like a pussy." Chad responded.

"That's true." Tim admitted. Then he pointed onto the floor in front of the TV.

"I dare you to lay down there and... "

What do you think comes next? :P

I want to thank J.M.N for editing this chapter. I actually wanted to wait for Chad aswell so at least two native speaker checked this. But now I don't want to let you wait anymore. I hope there are not too many mistakes. :P

And a big thanks to everyone who commented!
My next post will be an annotation again, then the next chapter. :)

Kewai 10-03-2011 10:54 AM

Wow, I really like it. It is seriously awesome and really well written. Keep up the great work :D

AMGWallHax 10-03-2011 12:50 PM

All these cliff hangers, i want moreeeeeeeeeee D:

love the story :3

alex987 10-03-2011 01:55 PM

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--!!! You can't stop there. Aah dude the new chapter better be up PRONTO!!!
...I'm just kidding ;)
That was some seriously sexy shit there ;D My favorite chapter of the story so far!

Saphir 10-04-2011 03:49 AM

Thanks to everybody, I really appreciate your your comments. :)

Another (rather short) part with some background info... I actually wanted to mention this earlier, but yeah... so I tell it now...


Tim's confusion about twist-off caps:
We simply don't have them in Germany, the most Germans don't even know they excist. And if they know they consider it to be a weird idea, in my experience. ;D

I try to write proper English of course, even though none of the characters, apart from Chad, speaks English fluently. Also, they would probably talk partly German and partly English. In their age, every German knows enough English for basic conversation and usually uses it when there are foreigners around, so they can understand each other. They talk German now and then, when they speak to other Germans, especially Jonathan and Steffi (I usually don't...)

I think compared to that group, my English is the best, Tim and Jan are good and Jonathan and Steffi don't really like to speak it but they can if they want to. But Toby.... well he really sucks at English, he always hated it in school and he didn't start improving until he started playing online on a US server. Before that his English sucked a lot, so I thought it'd be fun to let him fail speaking English. (So far by literally translation of German sentence structures.)


I'll try my best to get the next chapter as soon as possible done!

See you soon! :)

C.K. 10-04-2011 06:22 AM

Let them strip him?!! I want moreeeeee!! Hurry up :p love you saphir! <3

ursoweird123 10-05-2011 01:37 PM

Wow! Very nice :D! I love your story. You're a great writer :D. Saw some British words...dumb James <3! Keep up the great work!

Lots of love,

Saphir 10-08-2011 08:20 PM

Hey :3
I want to thank Chad, Carl and Chris (who spend like one and half an hour with me on skype to fix details :D) for making this story more enjoyable to read for you. :P
There is not really a cliffhanger in this chapter, I thought I should be nice at least every once in while. :P

Enjoy! :3

Chapter 6

"I dare you to lay down there and... " Tim paused, waited for a moment, grinning and looked like he was still thinking how to exactly word the dare.

Chad was about to die from excitement. "C'mon, don't keep me in suspense!"

Tim grinned at him. "Okay, lay down there and close your eyes. When I say go, Jan and me have one minute to do whatever we want to you." He paused for a second. Chad's eyes were filled with surprise and even a bit of fear about such a daring demand. Tim laughed, "Take care your eyes don't drop out. Don't worry, it's not going to be what you seem to be thinking." Chad wasn't sure if he should believe Tim or not, but sighed slightly. "Go on then!" he demanded.

"Well, your task is to not laugh, make noises, fidget or anything. Just don’t move and be silent. We will try to make it as hard as possible for you, but we will not hurt you or cause real pain. If you fail you will have a 5 second break until we continue and for each time you fail you will lose one article of clothing."

"I'm so screwed man," Chad laughed, partly worried, partly amused. He stood up and walked over to the spot Tim had shown him before. He had no idea how he was going to be able to stand it. They were probably going to tickle him, and that was not good since he was very ticklish. He could not imagine a more horrible challenge. His dick had already shrunk down to a semi again and when he laid down, he hoped it would stay like that for a while. But when Jan and Tim came over after drinking some more sips of their drinks and knelt down on his left and right respectively, his dick made clear that there were other plans and it started growing slowly but surely.

Tim leaned across him, laid his head to the left and looked at him sexually, smiling into his eyes. "Close your eyes, sweetie." Did he just say sweetie to him? Chad got a sudden feeling of extreme happiness and his lips formed a grin, so much so that his cheeks hurt, but then he realized his situation and obediently closed his eyes, trying to calm down and prepare for whatever they were going to do.

He could feel a hand on his right, probably Tim's, and heard him ask. "So, Chad, are you ready?"

His dick was almost full-mast again so he’d rather they started fast before one of them pointed it out. "Well, not really, but go ahead." He felt some kind of fabric, probably a pullover, being laid on his head so he couldn't look. First he tensed his body, but then he decided that it would be better to just lay there as relaxed as possible.

"Okay, the clock is ticking." He heard Tim say. Then he felt two hands softly caressing his chest around his nipples. The hands gently wandered in bigger and bigger circles around his chest and then down to his sides. Suddenly he felt a hand touching his left knee and then slowly groping upwards along his inner thighs, until it reached his crotch and rested on his rock-hard cock, slowly feeling out it's outline. Whichever of the two it was, this was definitely sooo gay. Chad felt warmth rising around his dick and it felt like it was about to simply explode, so desperately was his heart trying to pump more blood down there.

Suddenly, without any warning fingers grasped his sides and tickled him, playing around his ribs. He was totally taken by surprise and tried to resist, yet he couldn't help but to let out a loud squeal. He squirmed and writhed in laughter as the hands continued their torture.

"Stop whining." Tim called laughing, and the hands stopped their work. "Okay, 5 seconds are almost over, get ready."

By now the time had to be almost over, for they had taken too much time to tease him before the tickle-attack. He steeled for the next attack and some seconds later he could feel a hand going into his trousers, down under his boxers and checking out his dick, feeling the glans, then around his shaft and finally grabbing his balls. This was definitely not to make him squirm again but just to check him out. But he couldn't do anything about it anyway, and it was not like he didn't like it, so he just remained quiet and wondered whether it was Tim or Jan.

Then he felt something on his feet and before he could even think or react, his reflexes screwed *it up already and he found himself squirming like a fish out of water. "Aaaaaah, stop it!" Chad pleaded.

Tim let go of him and took the pullover. "You can open your eyes. Time’s almost up anyways, so we'll just release you." Chad opened his eyes and stood up with a relieved sigh.

"So I get to take off two pieces of your clothing?" Chad looked up and saw Tim grinning at him. "That wasn’t exactly part of the deal." He replied. But considering that Tim would strip him, he changed his mind and he stuck out his tongue at Tim. "Well, if you really insist, then you can do it. You can have my socks and shirt." He sat down on the couch, grabbed his glass and stretched out his legs in Tim's direction.


Be so nice and leave me a comment! :3 :P

Love <3

Kewai 10-09-2011 01:52 AM

Absoulutly awesome, there was alot of improvement since I read it and it flows allot better. Sorry I couldent help to much, I hope I will be able to help another time.

Love you
Kewai <3

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