getDare Truth or Dare

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Lonelyangel 01-19-2008 09:05 AM

Premier League
Ok those aware of the doings of the EPL will be aware of the concept of the big 4: Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United.
My idea is that i find one supporter of each of the teams (aside from Arsenal because i call dibs on them). After each week of games the winning teams get to set 3 dares for other participants, any drawing teams get to set 1 dare and losing teams get to set 0 dares. At the end of the season the winning team of the EPL gets to set an Ultimate dare that other participants MUST do. The same will also go if any os the big 4 win the FA Cup, League Cup, Champions League or UEFA CUP.
Anyone interested? Apply here

Trystaan 01-19-2008 09:50 AM

Yer I'm definately up for it

Im Man U fan

So dibs On Man U

Lonelyangel 01-19-2008 11:19 AM

OK just need Liverpool and Chelsea, the first round will be over (if we have the players) on monday when Liverpool play Aston Vila.
Tonights results:

Birmingham 0-1 Chelsea
Fulham 0-3 Arsenal
Reading 0-2 Manchester United

So the league currently stands as:
1)Man U 51pts **
2)Arsenal 51pts
3)Chelsea 47pts
4)*Liverpool 39pts
*Liverpool have one game in hand
** Man U lead on goal difference

Trystaan 01-19-2008 11:29 AM

Jus to say this is a dahm good idea

C'mon Liverpool and Chelsea fans we know your ashamed but cmon

anonimousbob 01-19-2008 12:11 PM

I don't support chelsea, in fact I don't really enjoy football, but I'll take them because I want to take part in this.

Lonelyangel 01-19-2008 12:28 PM

Ok now we just need a Liverpool fan. By the way i don't mind a little bit of friendly banter about teams, infact i encourage it, but anything that is said keep it within Getdare rules. And Bob it mean's alot to me that despite a indiffernce to football you would like to take part in this.

JackSpratt 01-19-2008 12:33 PM

I am a Liverpool fan. I'm sure that we'll win the Champions League this year, as Liverpool are better in cup competition than league tournament. Although the system should be edited slightly. First off, there is no point in including the UEFA cup in this as none of the 'Big Four' are in that particular competition.

Now, arrange by order of importance.

Champions League & Premiership;
FA Cup;
League Cup.

My suggestions is that at the end of the season, three ultimate dares for winner of Champions League and three for winner of Premiership, two ultimate dares for winner of FA Cup and one for winner of League Cup.

Does that seem fair?

By the way, i'm well up for this as the Liverpool supporter ^^ No problem against Villa on Monday.

Lonelyangel 01-19-2008 12:39 PM

Fair point about the Uefa. However the point system for the FA Cup will remain as 3, seeing all teams have an equal chance in it and it is the oldest cup competition in the world and for those reasons it stays at 3. However i accept the possibility to change League cup to one seeing it's Chelsea and Arsenal youths still in it.

Lonelyangel 01-19-2008 12:44 PM

Also application now closed. Any other suggestions from either of the teams representatives welcome until Monday 7:30PM GMT. We also need to think of something maybe if teams go head to head or get knocked out of a competition.

Trystaan 01-21-2008 03:07 PM

Liverpool 2-Aston Villa 2

So that means 3 dares go to

Arsenal-Lonely angel
Man U- Me
Chelsea- Bob

So Sniper gets 1 dare through Liverpool

Is that right lonely??

Oh and if a Head to Head the winning team should be able to give the other an 'Ultimate Dare' or something along them lines

Lonelyangel 01-21-2008 03:17 PM

Ok the mighty Gooners dares shall be:
For Liverpool- since your team only managed a measly draw, you must draw a realistic picture of your penis and show it to 5 people.
Chelsea- Since your team are loaded you must get the tightest underwear you can and pour as many coins as possible down there and leave it for one hour.
Man U-Since i despise Man U you are not allowed to masturbate till the next round of EPL matches are over.

Yes thats right tryX, I've personally gone with one individual dare for each side, you could do it different i just like order.

Good Luck and Good night

JackSpratt 01-21-2008 04:03 PM

So, someone whose team won could choose to give me three dares on the trot? I see...

...dammit, I wish Liverpool would just win a match! Oh well, at least I have Crouchy to thank for giving me this one dare...

I aim it at the Man U fan - since you won 6-0 last week, you should celebrate... with 6 clothespegs! One on either nipple, two on the head of your cock and two on your ballsack. Bet you wish that the linesman hadn't allowed that Tevez goal now!

Trystaan 01-22-2008 12:30 PM

You 2 really hate Man U dont you

Rite Chelsea is also using money. You must take to clips which can hold a small bag and attach the clips t your nipples then add a coin to the bag every 10 secs for 4 minutes

Liverpool as you are 5th in the premiership that is how many inches of an object that can go up your ass will go up for you will then keep it up repeatledly fucking yourself saying Man U are great

Arsenal as you conceded 35 goals last season you must spank yourself that many times hard with a belt or table tennis bat

Trystaan 01-23-2008 01:42 PM

Sniper ive done your dare kept them on for 10 minutes by which time the pain had subsided but taking them off caned so bad

Any chance of seeing the Chelse guy

give_me_dares 01-26-2008 08:07 AM

yeah, great idea, im a chelski man, sign me up. we'll win the league easy

Trystaan 01-26-2008 11:21 AM

Angel do you and sniper get dares for winning F.A cup games?? And do you think we should get a different chelsea fan as the other one hasn't posted yet

Lonelyangel 01-26-2008 03:40 PM

We do as hopefully you will tommorow once you beat spurs for us! But we'll sort that out after your game. Agreed new Chelsea fan required, anyone interested post details. Also sorry Bob it's nothing personal but i want to keep this running smooth as possible. Any new applicants must post by 18:00GTM on Monday, also please post in the Lounge thread not this one.

anonimousbob 01-28-2008 11:17 AM

sorry, haven't been able to get on and when I did I didn;t have a chance to check the thread, I will keep going unless someone else wants the spot

If I seem to disappear again please feel free to PM me to remind me


Originally Posted by xTrYsTaNx (Post 44457)
Rite Chelsea is also using money. You must take to clips which can hold a small bag and attach the clips t your nipples then add a coin to the bag every 10 secs for 4 minutes

Did it for 2 mins, I added 5p coins as much as I could because they are small but then the bag fell off. I tried to reattatch it but it kept falling off so I started anither 2 mins from scratch

Trystaan 01-28-2008 11:20 AM

Bob you have an overdue 3 dares to give out from last EPL round of matches

anonimousbob 01-28-2008 12:17 PM

yep, I know. I'll give you 2 of them now

start by waiting until you need to do a poo really badly and put some toothpaste up your ass, use quite a lot. Stick your finger up and spread it around up there. Leave it for a few mins (3-5 mins) and then you can finally poo. After thatgive yourself a swirly with what is in the toilet

Anally masterbate with something (I think a wooden spoon handle works) for 15 mins and then wipe it clean over your body, you can't clean yourself for another 15 mins

Trystaan 01-28-2008 12:38 PM

Harsh but as I am the great Man U I guess fair.

Rite so i have made a table of stuff

---------------Dares Achieved------Dares Given---Dares Left
Lonely Angel------------6----------------3--------------3
Sniper Wolfgang---------4----------------1--------------3
Anonymous Bob----------6----------------1--------------5

Trystaan 01-31-2008 03:08 PM

Right my first dare goes to the scouse

As you have conceded 17 goals this season. You must go 17 hours when awake without feeling your dick atall the only pleasure you can get if someone else does it

Lonelyangel 02-01-2008 08:58 AM

Ok mine goes to all three, Take the amounts of games you've lost this season and thats the amount of ice cubes you must insert anally.

anonimousbob 02-02-2008 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Lonelyangel (Post 46723)
Ok mine goes to all three, Take the amounts of games you've lost this season and thats the amount of ice cubes you must insert anally.

that's harsh, but I'll give it a go

*runs off to see how many games Chelsea lost*

3, oh well, nothing too hard then...

Rudi_87 02-02-2008 11:04 AM

I'm an Aston Villa fan if you need one (we should be in the big 4!) lol

Trystaan 02-03-2008 04:01 AM

Right I now have 3 dares so all the teams count up how many goals have been conceded this by hours is how long you may not masturbate for (eg-28 goals conceded-28 hours without masturbating)

Lonelyangel 02-03-2008 08:55 AM

Ok Liverpool & Chelsea you both won so post your dares too.
Mine is for everyone:
The amount of goals you've scored since the start of 2008 is how many pairs of underwear you must wear to bed tonight.

Trystaan 02-03-2008 09:02 AM

Just because Man U are the best I'm gonna be out of my bed with the amount I have on

anonimousbob 02-03-2008 03:02 PM

Dare from Chelsea is a simple one.

Put on as many clothes as possible, try to get all shirts, all undies, all trousers, all socks. Then do a 20 minutes workout: running, starjumps etc

JackSpratt 02-03-2008 04:11 PM

I know that i'm supposed to get three dares for winning, but since Liverpool were just so god damn -terrible- today, i'm only going to do one that everyone has to do.

Find the top goalscorer for your team, and write his surname on your cock in big, bold letters (use a marker pen!)

Lonelyangel 02-04-2008 09:18 AM

Emmanuel Adebayor, that shouldn't be too hard to fit on my cock :p

anonimousbob 02-04-2008 10:04 AM

lol, no idea who it is for me, I'll have a look later

Trystaan 02-04-2008 10:36 AM

Hmm Arsenal have Emmanuel Adybayor I think chelsea is Didier Drogba and I have the incredibly short name of Cristiano Ronaldo

Trystaan 02-11-2008 02:04 PM

Right If Arsenal win tonight they will have another 3 dares while the Chelsea and Liverpool respectives have 1 dare a piece. I have none due to the appauling display put on by Man Uniteds team.

Fair way to show respect to the Busby Babes aye boys.

TeenSlave 02-11-2008 03:55 PM

lol wud like to be in on this but I'm a liverpool supporter :(

who is lpools rep anyway

Lonelyangel 02-12-2008 03:52 AM

Sniperwolfgang is a Liverpool rep. Both he and Bob need to submit there one dare for their draw. However Arsenal hard fought win last night not only puts us 5 points ahead of the pack but also gives me 3 dares.

Man U= You have a very effeminate star player in Ronaldo, so for one day i want you to wear totally girl stuff underneath your regualy clothes, so thong, leggings, bra and a girls top.

Liverpool= You're not even in the top 4 right now so for 24 hours whenever you go to the toilet to pee you must keep your underwear on. The fun part is to pee less you must drink less but the less you drink the more it smells.

Chelsea= This weekend you're playing league 1 outfit Huddersfield in the FA cup, due to such an easy match, i want you to be easy for the day, well more slutty flirt with everyone you speak to (family excluded) your aim is to kiss them.
There you go enjoy.

anonimousbob 02-12-2008 07:00 AM

sounds like fun, maybe I'll play it safe and stay at home though lol

shroobs 02-12-2008 09:06 AM

I live in the USA, obsessed with soccer (football)

My favorite team is Newcastle.

Keegan needs a win boys. :( Come on!!

Lonelyangel 02-12-2008 09:55 AM

Bob you could have posted your one dare whilst you were on couldn't you?

anonimousbob 02-14-2008 11:07 AM

I needed a while to think about it.

I'll give you a simple one. Insert the same number of icecubes as losses this season up your ass, or if you can't, double that number in your underwear.

A comprimise is also allowed, so if 3 fit up your ass and you have 7 losses, the extra 4 are doubled and therefore 8 go in the undies

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