getDare Truth or Dare

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nonstopdisco 03-11-2011 04:26 AM

Do you reckon we could take his shoes?
The sun was out but due to the height of the hill the school was on, there were quite high winds. I'd just had a long English lesson which taught me nothing but how to mentally keep myself awake during an hour of drone.

I made my way across the school fields with the intention of heading home. I'd ordered a DVD in the mail and was hoping it had come today, so with that thought I continued home. The sun attempting to warm me up through the howling winds.

I reached the gate but was stopped in my tracks by Tom and his gang of followers.

Tom was a big guy, they say he spends most of his free time working out, probably because he's doesn't have the brainpower to do much else.

Tom towered in front of me with his loyal gang of about 6 people behind him.
"Oi, Curlz!" he bellowed "me and the lads wanna solve a mystery"

Confused I replied, while looking for a means of exit.
"and what mystery is that?" I said.

"well, if your a girl or a boy" he replied with an evil grin on his face that meant he was up to something.

"you know damn well I'm a boy!" I answered back quickly. You see I have a mop of curly hair and a soft face and while it's obvious I'm male, people like to use it against me.

"Well me and the lads are gonna find out, Grab Him!!" he shouted. With that his entire gang raced past him and rugby tackled me to the ground and grabbed me by my arms and legs.

"what are you going to do with me?" I said shyly.

"relax" Tom said sarcastically "just a few experiments to see what you really are, you've done science before right"

I didn't like the smile on his face and I just nodded. I was terrified. They carried me into the woods in the corner of the school field. My school bag on my back was rubbing along the grass.

The woods are rarely visited by people, they are out of bounds during school hours. Occasionally people will come in to grab a lost ball but there are better places to hang out. The gang carried me to a tall tree in the centre and set me down on the leaves.

"get his bag and coat off" Tom ordered "then hold him up over here" the gang obeyed. "oh and we're gonna need his shirt of too" Tom smiled.

The gang pinned me down on the ground and began unbuttoning my shirt. They were all over me, I tried to fight but couldn't move. I felt the cold on my bare chest as all my buttons were undone and they pulled my shirt from inside my belted up trousers and opened it up back towards my arms. They pulled it back and down until eventually it was pulled completely off and passed out of sight.

2 of the gang picked me up by my shoulders and carried me to Tom.
"what are you going to do to me?" I asked him.

Tom stared at me and looked me up and down. "scrawny little thing ain't he" he chuckled at the gang. "how about we tie him to that tree over there?"

The gang carried me to a large tree then pushed my back up against it.

"use his shirt" Tom shouted. A short chubby kid scooped my school shirt up off the ground and tied one of the arms to my wrist, the rest of the gang had my arms and legs pinned up against the tree. He wrapped my shirt round the back of the tree and there was just enough distance left to allow him to tie the other side of the shirt to my wrist.

There I was in the middle of the school woods, tied topless and helpless to a tree with my own stolen shirt. I wasn't enjoying this at all, although my dick was saying otherwise as it had now created a nice little tent in my trousers. I hoped that no-one had noticed.

The gang all cheered after they had tied me to the tree. Tom came over and began inspecting his catch, while the gang stared on awaiting their further instructions.

Well, if he's a girl he ain't hit puberty yet" Tom joked while twisting my nipple. The gang all laughed in agreement. Good thing I'm not fat I thought, that's somewhat else they would've used against me.

"Do you reckon we could take his shoes?" shouted a skinny lanky member of the gang from the back.

"haha yeah" Tom laughed "take his shoes and socks off!"

With that the entire group surrounded me and began to crouch down. Tom stood behind them laughing. I tried kicking but 2 of the gang pinned each of my legs against the tree. My arms were fastened fast, if I moved too much my back rubbed into the sharp pieces of bark sticking out of the tree I was prisoner on.

"get his first shoe off!" one of them shouted. I felt my shoelaces being undone simultaneously. Slowly but surely I was losing the tight grip I had on my shoes. Before I had time to think both my shoes were pulled off my feet exposing my socked feet to the feeling of the leaf covered ground below me. I was beginning to feel more vulnerable.

"now his socks!" another of them yelled. Before I knew it I had hands feeling me all over my feet for somewhere they could get a grip on my tight socks. One hand grabbed my right sock by the tip of the toes and pulled it off almost straight away. Immediately after another hand grabbed my left sock and pulled it off from the top. I now felt extremely exposed as my bare feet were forced to rest on the still damp leaves beneath me.

The gang stood back and Tom walked over to me again.

"Hey! These are nice shoes. And my size too" one of the gang shouted. Referring to the shoes just stolen off my feet. They were nice shoes as well. They were a top expensive brand but I'd been lucky enough to find them cheaply in a sale last week.

Tom turned to the lad that had shouted, smiled and said "Bring them over here then if you like them, his socks as well."

"OK Tom" the lad called back. He scooped up my socks from the ground and walked over carrying my shoes with him.

"haha looks like you needed some new shoes zack" Tom laughed while pointing at his shoes. They were frayed and scuffed and one had a hole in the front.

"yeah" Zack said "you gonna let me keep them then?"

"Only if you do exactly what I say" Tom replied

"awesome" Zack said "what do you want me to do?".

"well first, you've gotta swap your shoes for his" tom said

"no problem" Zack said eagerly

"oh and his socks, as well" Tom chuckled.

The rest of the group were hysterical. They found it really funny what Zack was being asked to do.

"that's disgusting" Zack said repulsed while examining my sweaty socks.

"you're the one who wants the second hand shoes, let's see how badly you want them." Tom laughed.

"nah" Zack said "I'm not that desperate, these socks smell worse than the bins at the back of the school."

"ok fair enough." Tom smiled "kick me your old shoes over here"

"sure" Zack said and he kicked his shoes off and over to Tom, then sat down ready to wear my shoes.

"not so fast" Tom said quickly.

Zack stopped and stood up "what's the problem?"

"This is!" Tom yelled as he tied zacks shoes together and threw them up high where they got caught in a branch some distance from the ground. Tom tackled Zack while he was busy staring upwards and grabbed my shoes out of his hand.

"ok Zack, you've got a choice now" Tom sniggered.

"and what's that then?" Zack asked

"well, if you want these shoes" he said waving my shoes at him "you need to change into them socks or if you want your old shoes you need to climb that tree, which isn't gonna be easy without any shoes on"

"what?" Zack said with a worried look on his face "you can't be serious"

"oh but I am Zack" Tom said with a smile "Or you could just walk home like that." The rest of the gang were watching with great interest.

"come on Zack, we all know your a tramp really" one of them shouted. Zack looked at the tree and must have thought about climbing it but eventually he decided to wear my socks.

"fine" he said and he sat down removed his socks and replaced them with mine.

Zack stood up then said "right Tom, I'm wearing the socks, now give me the shoes."

"Not so fast" Tom said "I'm gonna hold onto these for reassurance"

"reassurance for what?" Zack asked surprised.

"well, I said you could have these shoes if you do what I say." Tom said as he turned and put my shoes in his bag.

"that's blackmail" Zack replied "you know I don't have any other shoes at home.

"well that's your fault for being so poor" Tom laughed. The trees shaded any heat the sun was trying to give off and my torso was feeling quite cold and I began to shiver slightly.

"Zack, get his trousers off" Tom said while pointing at me and struggling to contain his laughter. He then went and whispered to the chubby kid in the gang who then ran off out of the woods. Shit, I thought. For some reason my dick was all finding this very exciting and although i didn't want to lose my trousers I was also more worried about them finding out about my hard-on.

Zack unbuckled my belt and pulled it from my waist, chucking it to the ground. Tom picked it up and put it in his pocket.

"are you sure I have to do this?" Zack said to Tom

"yeah Zack, or it won't just be them shoes you'll be missing when you get back home tonight. You've made your choice now" Tom said mockingly

"what do you mean by that?" Zack asked

"do you really wanna find out?" Tom said.

"nah" Zack said and continued unbuttoning my trousers. I was trying to use all my mental power to lose the boner so I didn't retaliate. My efforts were futile, I felt zack's cold hands on my stomach as he unbuttoned my trousers and then the zipper rub along my dick as he pulled it down. Occasionally zack's socked feet would tread on mine sending a warm tingling sensation through my body.

Zack was an average build and he had short black spiked hair. He had a soft face like mine and also small feet which must have been the same size as mine, considering he wanted my shoes. The fact he was wearing my sweaty grey ankle socks seemed to excite me even more. I didn't understand what was happening to me. I was soon knocked out of my thoughts when Zack pulled my trousers down to my ankles exposing my tight grey cotton boxer briefs exposing the bulge.

"Look at that, I think he's got a bit excited" Tom laughed pointing at my boner. The rest of the gang came over and laughed mockingly.

"well come on Zack" Tom said "I said to get his trousers off not down. Zack crouched down and pulled my trousers off each of my feet leaving me feeling totally exposed. I could feel the cold air penetrating my legs, feet and chest. My arms were pulled back round the tree by my shirt. I was helpless.

"well, what i think so far is that this is a girl trapped in a guys body, shall we test that theory?" Tom shouted. The group cheered and tom said "Zack, I want you to strip for him. Down to your pants and well his socks." The gang all laughed at this.
"and you" he said pointing at me "if you can lose the boner by the time he's done then our little test will be over and we'll let you go."

"screw this, I'm out of here" Zack shouted.

"fine" Tom replied "just remember you aren't getting these shoes"

"I'd rather walk around barefoot for the next year than carry on doing what you say till the end of school" zack said "oh and curlz or John I think your name is, sorry about all this. This guys a loser." with that Zack turned and went to walk away.

"ok then go" Tom said "but there's one thing you've gotta do first"

"and what's that?" Zack sneered

"I said if you quit it won't just be them shoes your missing tonight." Tom said calmly

"and what do you mean by that?" Zack asked

"well basically you're free to go but your clothes stay here, so unless you wanna nice stroll home butt naked I'd stay here and do what i say." tom said much to the surprise of Zack.
The group cheered again at hearing this and Zack knew he could easily be overpowered and stripped before he left.

"fine I'll stay" Zack said

"thought you would" tom replied "remember you made that choice when you chose his shoes."

"you didn't say anything about being threatened with being stripped naked" Zack replied.

"you should have thought about that when you didn't do exactly what I said" tom retaliated.

immaeatu 03-11-2011 03:37 PM

this is pretty good :D

pymani96 03-12-2011 05:21 PM

Pymani96@getdare says...
I really like it. Please continue

nonstopdisco 03-14-2011 03:43 PM

Thanks a lot!!!! Heres the rest. =)

"sorry" Zack said sheepishly knowing he was defeated.

"you will be" Tom said.

"can i go for a piss first?" Zack asked.

I wasn't sure if this was an excuse to aid an escape or if he really did need to pee.

"of course you can" Tom shouted. "you can piss in the girls pants"

"what?!" exclaimed Zack "I don't quite get ya? You want me to change into his pants now?"

"nah, as funny as that would be" Tom laughed, the group along with him. "you can piss in his pants while he's still wearing them." The group were hysterical and began to gather round Zack.

"Guys don't you think this has gone far enough?" Zack said with a disgusted look on his face.

"nah, it's just beginning" Tom said.

"well, I don't need to go now." Zack said.

"too bad" tom said "you don't need potty training do ya?"

"what are you on about now?" said Zack

"well you obviously don't know how to go for a piss so maybe we should show you" tom said

"what you gna do? Make me watch you piss up a tree?" Zack said sarcastically.

"nah" Tom said "not a tree, you!"

"what is this" Zack said "have you all lost your minds?"

"nah Zack" Tom said "you started all this by choosing his shoes"

"There you go again with the shoes, I don't care about the shoes anymore" Zack shouted

"So what, your gonna walk home in someone elses socks. I'd love to see you try and explain that to your mother" Tom said.

"not if I tell her you threw my shoes up a tree and forced me to wear someone else's socks" Zack replied

"nah, I'll just let the message get around that you beat up an innocent kid, took his shoes and socks then he fought back leaving you naked in that muddy puddle over there. You know how persuasive I can be." Tom said proud of his skills with coercing the older generation. "I might let you keep the socks as a reminder"

"you wouldn't dare" said Zack

"try me" Tom replied

The gang making sound effects of oohs and ahhs during the argument.

"Fine" said Zack "I'll do what you say."
Zack walked over to me and I had an idea what was coming. He kicked my trousers behind him and stood close to me. The group all watched on with big grins on their faces. I had lost the boner by now and the cold air had caused my dick to shrink slightly.

"sorry about this" Zack said quietly to me "this has gone a bit too far."

"thanks, but just get it over with" I replied.

"please don't look" Zack asked

"sure" i replied back reassuringly.

I just caught a glimpse of Zack pulling down his flies as I turned my head away to the right. I felt the waistband of my boxers get pulled back then something warm against my skin. Soon after a hot liquid began filling my boxers covering my dick then trickling down my legs and onto my feet.

The gang were cheering all around us, I kept my head turned the other way as I'd promised. I felt Zack shake his dick in my boxers then pull away flicking the waistband of the boxers back onto my skin.

I turned my head back just in time to see Zack Zip his fly back up. My boxers for the most part were soaked through, he must have been holding it in all day. All this water had been playing tricks with my bladder and I began to feel the urge to piss. I thought about asking Tom but knew where that would go so i just went there and then in my boxers. More urine running down my legs and onto my feet. Tom and the gang were too busy mocking Zack and setting him up for his next task to notice.

"looks like ya got him good!" one of the gang said to Zack "what you drank today? Half the atlantic ocean?"

Zack remained quiet, he must have realised by now it was best not to say anything.

"right Zack, ready for your stripshow?" Tom asked

"sure, whatever you say" Zack said

"ok then Zack, you might wanna get you bag and coat off first" Tom said

"sure" Zack said as he took off his bag and coat and placed them next to mine.

"right Zack, you've gotta dance and strip in your sexiest way cause if he doesn't have a boner by the time your done we might have to tie you to the tree next.

"ok, whatever" Zack said in agreement. He then started dancing, swirling his hips around and rolling his arms not with the greatest enthusiasm, just meters in front of me. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, Tom was watching from the right and the gang from the left egging him on. Slowly his flat chest began to emerge from inside the shirt, he wasn't fat but not too thin either, about as average as you'd get. He pulled of his shirt while still attempting some sort of dance and threw it in the direction of the gang. One of them grabbed it and threw it behind them cheering and laughing.

"trousers, trousers" they all shouted together. Zack looked worried. Fortunately I'd kept my dick under control for the time being. The wet piss soaked boxers keeping any erection at bay. Zack undid his belt and threw it towards me and it landed just to my right.

"drop em, drop em, drop em" the gang was chanting. Zack undid his button and flies then dropped his trousers to his ankles, exposing his plain White designer boxers, I noticed his bulge had grown and he seemed to have a boner growing. This made my dick twitch but the wet boxers kept it at bay.

Zack kicked his trousers over towards Tom and said "there, one stripshow" Tom and the gang found it hard to control their laughter at what they had just witnessed.

"nice one Zack" Tom said while still laughing "looks like Curlz passed our test here though. But you didn't do so well" he said pointing at zacks bulge which had now grown.

The chubby kid now appeared back on the scene with a black bag.

"hey Lee" Tom called to him "did ya bring what I asked?

"sure did" he responded "here." Tom took the bag and pulled out some battery powered hair clippers.

"nice one Lee, thanks" Tom said

Zack went to reach for his trousers but Tom stopped him. "not just yet" he said and picked up his trousers and put them in the bag "get me the rest of his clothes as well he shouted, curlz stuff too"

Pretty quickly all the clothes lying around were collected up and put in the bag with the exception of my shirt which was holding me onto the tree and zacks socks and belt which remained on the floor. He had even took the coats off our bags.

"you can have these back all in good time" Tom sniggered.

"i thought you were letting him free and tying me up instead." Zack said. It shocked me that Zack would remind him of somewhat like that.

"maybe later" Tom said "for now I need ya to give our new friend here a haircut."

"ok," Zack replied "what sort of haircut?"

"here I've set it to 2" Tom said as he handed Zack the clippers "just do it all over."

Zack walked over to me again, making sure he didn't tread in any of the piss that was on the floor beneath me. He lent forward and turned the buzzers on. I closed my eyes not wanting to witness what was about to happen. Zack brushed the clippers all over my head removing chunks and chunks of hair which I could feel falling down my body.

The gang cheered and whistled as Zack finished the last of the head shave. "wow, he looks like a whole different person" Zack said

"yeah, he will thank us for this one day" Tom smiled "Ok lads, untie him and grab Zack" Tom shouted.

The gang surrounded me and untied the shirt from my wrists, then threw me down to the ground in front of tom. I noticed 2 of the gang had Zack held by the shoulders next to Tom.

Tom picked up my shirt and placed it in his new bag "well your free to go" Tom said

"what about my clothes?" I asked. I was now feeling yet more vulnerable, the hair missing from my head felt like another an item if clothing had been taken from me.

"if you stick around and do what I say, I'll consider it. But otherwise it's just you and your bag that's free to go at the moment." Tom laughed

Although I had more clothes at home, I didn't like the prospect of the journey back dressed like this. If I could at least get some of my clothes back I may have felt more like leaving.

"I think I'll stay a bit longer" I said

"thought you would" Tom smiled "we'll get you cleaned up a bit.

Tom walked over to zacks bag and began rummaging through it. He pulled out a small draw-string bag and emptied the contents on the floor. There was a towel and a black speedo.

"perfect" tom said "knew you'd been swimming today Zack" Zack didn't say a word for fear of making a bad situation worse.

"right, baldy" he called me "change into this." he said while holding up the speedo. "as I'm in a generous mood I'll let ya change over there" he said pointing at a thick overgrown bush"

I took the speedo and went behind the bush. I quickly lowered my boxers, a sudden thrill overpowering me as I stood there butt naked behind a bush in the woods. I saw Tom and the gang holding Zack, waiting for me to return. I quickly pulled the speedo up, it was still wet from his practice earlier but was much more comfortable than the urine soaked boxers. The excitement of wearing zacks speedo overpowered me and cause my dick to stand to attention again, the speedo barely able to contain it. I returned to the group, boxers in hand.

"Put your boxers in here" Tom said holding up zacks bag. I did as he said and waited to see what was instore for me next.

"ok, we're gonna make a move to the river" Tom announced

"how are we gonna get there?" Zack suddenly asked "it's a 15minute walk away, and people walk dogs round there."

"just do what your told and stop complaining" Tom said

"your not the one that's gotta get there in your underwear" Zack said

"ok," Tom said "you and badly can have a competition. The first one to bring me your old shoes from that branch up there gets to wear a shirt for the walk."

"fine" Zack said "you up for that?" he asked.

"yeah, why not" I said

"ok, go" Tom said. With that me and Zack both tried our luck at climbing the tree, we both tried but even with shoes I doubt we could have climbed it. Tom was sitting on the ground with the gang all watching our futile attempts at grabbing the shoes, they were just but a metre out of our reach.

"giving up yet?" tom shouted.

"Give us more time" Zack replied.

Eventually I said to Zack, "look if we've got any chance of getting them down we're gonna have to work together"

Zack agreed, we worked out a plan which involved me lifting him up to the branch while he grabbed them. I lifted Zack as he didn't want to touch my legs and feet which were still covered in piss. He climbed into my hands and up on my shoulders.

"I can just about touch them with my fingertips" Zack shouted

Tom and the gang began to notice what was happening and came over. One of the tall guys in the gang wedgied me, pulling the speedos up into my ass crack causing me to lose my balance slightly.

"Nice ass" he said jokingly. I lifted zacks legs up one last time as high as I could and he grabbed the shoes while the chubby kid pulled my speedos down to my ankles and I caught Zack as we both fell to the ground.

I quickly pulled the speedos back up and pushed Zack off me. Tom and the gang were laughing again. Luckily I don't think they'd seen much other than my ass as zacks legs covered me as we fell.

We both sat cross-legged on the floor, Zack tossed me one of the shoes. "here we're in this together he said.

Tom came and stood in front of us "this is rich" he said "helping each other out now?" tom took a shoe off each of us. "well there's no prizes in this game for ties and I'll keep these he said as he put zacks shoes in the bag Lee had given him earlier.

"baldy, go wash your feet in that puddle and dry off with this towel." he said throwing zacks towel at me "oh and wear these" he said throwing zacks old socks at me that he'd just scooped off the floor. "your gonna need something on your feet for the walk"

I went over to the puddle, the water was a dirty brown colour but i took full advantage and removed as much of the piss as possible. I rubbed my self down with the towel and pulled on zacks black school socks.

I walked back over to the gang and Tom snatched the towel off me, putting it in the bag he was given.

2 of the gang each grabbed our bags, and Tom picked up the belt next to the tree. Both me and Zack were led out of the forest and out to the footpath at the side of the field.

It had gone quite dull now, the wind was still high and me and Zack were shivering as the breeze hit our bodies.

"we're gonna run for it" Tom said "but there one thing I want you 2 to do he said looking at the two lads behind me and Zack. He handed them our 2 belts out of his new favourite bag.

"if these 2 dont keep up you know what to do" he said. The lads nodded. Tom began running, keeping up a fair pace. We managed to keep up for the first few minutes, but as we got nearer the river our feet were beginning to ache from the hard gravel on the ground. We slowed down occasionally but was punished with the hard wip of a belt. Eventually we made it to the river.

The river was wide and deep, a few people had boats moored up against the edge but it was not very busy. Tom had took us to his favourite hangout. There was a stone bridge going over the river with a bench underneath. The floor was covered with more gravel and it was very cold under there. Just outside the bridge was a small patch of grass.

Tom instructed everyone to place their things under the bench and he sat down, the gang joining him.

"ok" Tom said to us "how about you do a few dares off me and the lads then we let you go?"

"do we have a choice?" Zack stated.

"nah, not really" Tom laughed. "unless you wanna walk home like that"

"first, i dare you to take each others socks off with only your teeth" Tom said.

"how many of these dares are there?" Zack asked.

"Depends when we get bored" Tom replied.

"ok, I'll go first" Zack said to me. He knelt on the floor in front of me and I lifted up my left foot. He bit into the elastic of the sock and pulled it straight off my foot.

"that's it" Tom shouted. Zack spat the sock out onto the floor, and went for the other one. He pulled it off in much the same way and spat it on top of the other.

Zack stood up and I crouched down on the floor. I could now feel the gravel sharper than ever under my feet. I pulled his socks off in the same fashion he took mine and put them together on the floor with the ones I was wearing.

"ok" tom laughed "I can see they enjoyed that" he said pointing at our boners.

"ok, your next dare is to lie face up with your eyed closed on the floor in front of us for two minutes and you can't move no matter what." Tom said

Sounds easy enough I thought and me and Zack lay on the ground side by side. Tom went back to the gang there were some murmurings then he came back with 2 of the other lads. They stood around us Tom by our feet and the other 2 lads by our stomachs. I felt a stream of warm liquid cover my entire lower body. They were pissing on us.

They finished up and tom shouted "times up" Zack looked filled with fury, but he knew he had to control it.

The smell was revolting. We both shook our bodies in a feeble attempt to dry off, I was close to been sick.

"haha bet you wish you'd left when you had the chance" Tom laughed "how about we let you wash it off a bit. Your next dare is to swim to the middle of the river and pull each others pants off then wave them in the air.

We both quickly jumped in the river and submerged our heads under the water pleased to wash off the piss and waded out into the middle. The water was ice cold and initially sent a small shock through our bodies. This must have been one of the shallower parts of the river as the water barely reached our shoulders.

"I'll go first then" I said to zack and with that I ducked under the water and felt for zacks boxers. I grabbed the waistband and pulled them down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and I stood up with them held tightly in my hand. I lifted them above my head, cheers heard from the bench where Tom and his gang were sitting.

Zack then did the same to me as I felt his hands grab my speedo then giving it a strong yank down. I stepped out of it and he popped up out of the water holding the speedo above his head.

"this is priceless" Tom and the gang were having the time of their lives, if only the same could be said of me and zack. I think to some extent a part of me was enjoying this.

"ok" Tom then shouted "your next dare is to put the pants you're holding on your head then walk back over here, oh yeah and hold hands" Tom and the gang began laughing at this again.

"when is this gonna end?" Zack said to me.

"like he said, when he gets bored" i replied with a sigh. We both put the pants we'd took off each other on our heads. Zack grabbed my hand and we started to walk back towards the shore. The murky water was the only thing protecting our shame.

Tom was waiting for us at the edge of the river. "thanks he said" as he scooped out last remaining items of clothing off our heads. Great I thought, now I'm worse off than when I started.

"your next dare" Tom suddenly said "this is a cracker, thanks chubz" he said. "you've both gotta climb out of the river over there" he said pointing to the patch of grass on his right "walk across the bridge then climb in over there" he said pointing at a small dirt ramp on his left.

There was a steep, almost vertical bank at the other side of the river and the dirt ramp led to a small ledge on the other side of the bridge.

"you got that?" Tom said "then you can swim back over and meet me here.

"and do we get anything to wear?" Zack asked, not wanting to run naked across the bridge.

"no Zack it wouldn't be much of a dare then would it?" Tom replied. "but I'm not that harsh I'll let you use your hands to cover up."

"fine" Zack said "let's get this over with"

"wait, I haven't finished yet" shouted Tom to Zack who had already started to wade towards the grass.

"what is it Tom?" Zack called back

"I said you could use your hands to cover up, but each others hands not your own" Tom shouted

Me and Zack looked at each other wondering what to do.

"in fact, I insist on it" Tom laughed. The gang cheering behind him.

I walked over to Zack who was now standing near the patch of grass at the waters edge. "ok let give this a go" he said.

I felt his hands feel round my crotch and grab my dick forming a cup around it, it was the first time it had ever been handled by anyone else and to say it felt exhilarating was an understatement. I returned the favour, grabbing his crotch and feeling his now shrunken dick, shrivelled from the cold water. Having never felt another dick before I was secretly enjoying this part of the dare.

It wasn't easy climbing out the water. We each had one hand on each others dick and the other on the waters edge, lifting us out of the river. We climbed out of the water, our arms crossed, protecting each others final bit of shame. We helped each other up and then used both hands to cover each other up.

We walked across the grass to the stairs at the side of the bridge and looked to check no-one was around. Tom and 2 lads from the gang came running over laughing and taunting us.

We climbed the stone steps, the gravel digging into our barefeet and climbed up onto the bridge. Immediately the now high wind hit our wet bodies. Cold wasn't the word. Tom and the lads followed up the stairs still mocking and insulting us.

Tom ran past us and turned around "you'd make a perfect couple, you know that" he laughed. He quickly grabbed a small camera out of his pocket and snapped a couple of photos.

"hey, what the hell are you doing?" Zack yelled. "you never mentioned any photos.

"yeah, but your not really in a position to argue now are you zack" Tom replied.

We carried on over the bridge making it to the other side, Tom and the lads circling round us.

We were met by a problem when we saw the dirt ramp had been blocked by a wooden fence about shoulder height. Tom must have knew this. The only way onto the dirt ramp was to climb over it. There were no gaps to put our feet to climb up it and the only way over was to use both our hands.

Tom and the gang were laughing at us, "can't wait to see how you get past that" he mocked.

Me and Zack both stood as close to the fence as we could and let go of each others cocks. We stepped back slightly and I noticed Zack briefly look at my crotch getting a good look at my now semi-erect dick.

Tom took his camera out and began to walk towards us, before we could let him get another picture we both simultaneously grabbed the top of the fence and pulled ourselves up and over rolling onto the other side.

"don't take too long in there" Tom mocked and we heard them leave us. Presumably back over the bridge to the bench where we had to meet him.

pymani96 03-14-2011 04:59 PM

Pymani96@getdare says...
I love it! I insist that you continue. Like soon

Sybren 03-17-2011 04:37 PM

Great story. Like this one very much. Thanks for sharing

CuddleRainbowz 03-18-2011 03:07 AM

Carry on carry on carry on!

Bidz4321 03-18-2011 10:40 AM

Really good story, I am really enjoying it. Can't wait for more!

NoraazXD 03-18-2011 11:16 AM

Nice story, I really like it! Can't wait for more!

nonstopdisco 03-21-2011 12:30 PM

Wow, thanks for all the kind comments =) its much appreciated

Heres a bit more,

Zack stood there, arms by his side and I got to grab a glimpse at his dick for the first time. It was now at full mast and slightly bigger than mine and his pubes were tidily shaven. This excited me in more ways than I could understand and I noticed my own dick had joined his sporting a large erection.

Zack quickly sat down against the fence and squeezed his legs up against his chest and started to cry. This surprised me as Zack hadn't struck me as the type to cry. I say down next to him and he looked up at me, tears running down his face.

"what are we going to do?" he said to me. "I can't go home like this and I need those clothes for school and my family can't afford anymore."

I put my arm round him "look, whatever happens we'll get out of this" I tried to reassure him.

Zack looked at me and smiled. "yeah, what worse dares can he really throw at us now?"

"nothing much worse than getting pissed on" I replied.

"yeah," Zack said with a smile "that was pretty disgusting"

"sure was" I agreed "I was glad to get in the river when I did"

"me too" Zack smiled "you know your not so bad, maybe we could be friends when all this is over"

"yeah, I'd like that" I said back my heart pounding at his words.

Suddenly I heard tom shouting, "Zack! Baldy! If you don't get back here in the next 2 minutes we're gonna leave ya here and take your stuff.

"yikes, we'd better go" I said to Zack. Zack agreed and we helped each other up not bothering to cover up from each other anymore.

"Let's go" I said and I headed towards the ramp.

"wait" Zack called. I turned around and Zack walked over to me and put his hands on my dick. "the whole gang will be watching us" he said.

"ok, your right" I said and returned the favour. We walked down the dirt ramp, careful to avoid the stinging nettles and made it to the ledge at the other side of the bridge.

"about time" tom called from the other side.

"was he good?" shouted the chubby lad receiving a high five from Tom.

"just ignore them" I said to Zack quietly "if you want to come back to my place after all this and get cleaned up or whatever before you go home, your welcome as my parents are out"

"wow, thanks" Zack said "would you really do that for me?"

"of course I would" I replied. "although I'm just hoping we get all our stuff back"

"me too" Zack said and with that we both climbed into the river, let go of each other and swam to the edge where Tom was standing.

"well, getting along now are we?" Tom mocked "even after Zack here helped nick your stuff" Tom said.

"well your next dare, is to crawl over to the pile of socks over there then pick one of each sort up with your mouth and crawl over to the grass over there." Tom announced. "then I'll give you your next dare."

"do we get our pants back?" Zack asked

"hmm" tom said appearing to be thinking to himself "I'll consider it, but at least not until this dares over" he laughed.

Knowing we had no choice me and Zack climbed out of the water butt naked and sat at the edge with our hands over our dicks.

"well get on with it!" Tom suddenly shouted. We both rolled over on to our fronts still holding onto our dicks with one hand for fear of the gang seeing.

"it takes 2 hands to crawl" Tom laughed. "do it right." I thought I'd better do as he said so I put my other hand in front of me exposing my dick to the group who were now struggling to control their laughter.

"nice cock" one of them shouted mockingly "think he might be male tom" one of them laughed. Zack soon joined me our asses up in the air the wind blowing my dick sending chills of excitement through my body.

We crawled over to the pile of socks we had left earlier, our legs, feet and knees getting covered in dust and gravel. I used my teeth to separate the pile of socks and after some fiddling managed to grab the two I was after, they tasted like the dirt and sweat that was now engrained into then.

I began crawling over towards the patch of grass, now feeling embarrassed, vulnerable but also excited. We sat down on the grass and watched as Tom began to head over.

"someones coming!" one of the gang shouted. We all turned around and sure enough in the distance a man was walking this way with his dog. Tom grabbed the towel from under the bench and brought it over to us. He threw it over at us and said quick get under this.

I shook the towel so it was flat but it was just big enough to cover dicks and part of our legs. "stay still" Tom laughed.

We both lay on the ground under the small towel and saw the dog walker getting nearer, his dog running out in front of him. I was beginning to get distracted in my thoughts as parts of zacks naked body brushed against mine under the towel.

Eventually the dog reached us and began sniffing the ground. The dog sniffed and came towards us then sniffing the towel, probably smelling the piss that was on it from earlier.

The dog grabbed the towel in it's teeth and pulled it off us, me and Zack both sat up immediately and began pulling on it attempting to keep it. It was useless, the dog was too strong and pulled the towel out of our hands running off past Tom with it.

Tom and the gang were watching from the bench and the laughter was at a new volume. We both sat there squeezing our legs up against our chests to cover from the dog walker who could now see us.

"great" Zack said to me "looks like things just got worse"

The dog walker was an older man, probably in his early 50s. He was wearing walking boots and had a plain blue baseball cap on. He stopped and looked at us.

"cold day for a swim isn't it lads?" he said.

"yeah" I replied "we lost a bet with those guys over there" I said while pointing at tom."

"oh, I see" he smiled "well, have a good day and i wouldn't stay out too long or you'll catch your deaths" he said and continued on totally unaware his dog had just stolen our towel.

Tom walked back over to us "well played" he said "By the way I've got all your clothes here" he held our bags up in which he had apparently stuffed all our clothes inside.

"the two of you are gonna have a match, the winner of which gets to keep both bags" Tom announced. "the loser will be free to go as well but will have their hands and feet tied together with this bike lock" he said while holding up a plastic covered chain with a lock either side which just needed clicking into place.

"what sort of match are we playing?" I asked tom.

"it's gonna be sock wrestling" he replied "your both gonna wear them socks you carried over, the winner will be the first to hand me the others socks." the gang all burst out laughing.

"I suppose we've gotta do this naked" Zack said, not looking too enthusiastic.

"nah, of course not" tom said whilst smiling at us "you'll be wearing socks of course." This set the group off, they gathered round us cheering, laughing and shouting.

Me and Zack looked at each other, Zack smiled at me then whispered into my ear "if I let you win, will you help me?"

I smiled back at Zack and nodded, zack then smiled back and winked at me.

"ok then" Tom shouted "get your socks on." we both picked up one of each of the socks and put them on, they were quite filthy from all the walking we had done in them. The gang had made a circle around us on the grass, at least blocking some of the view from potential passers by.

"Sit back to back" Tom shouted "then I'll count down from 3, when I shout go you know what you've gotta do."

CuddleRainbowz 03-21-2011 01:29 PM

Left it on a cliff hanger! PLEASE PLEASE GO ON! :)

pymani96 03-21-2011 03:22 PM

Pymani96 says...
Lovely. Just lovely. This is all i have to say today

glue 03-27-2011 11:44 AM



nothing else to say!

CuddleRainbowz 03-27-2011 12:06 PM

CARRY ON! OR I VILL KILL VU!! That was a joke by the way. I won't kill you. Or will I? ;)

nonstopdisco 03-28-2011 05:29 AM

Wow! Thanks everyone, ill keep updating when i have the chance.

Heres some more =)

Me and Zack sat back to back, our arms pulling our legs up against our chest. I could feel zacks damp skin resting on my own back and for a moment forgot where I was.

"are you ready!" Zack shouted the gang cheering and following toms every word. "3!, 2!, 1!, GO" he shouted.

I didn't move straight away but Zack quickly turned around and pulled me down towards the ground catching me off guard. I noticed a few flashes of toms camera which must have been grabbing pictures of every detail of our naked bodies. Zack rolled on top of me and I felt his dick rub across my chest as his hands went for my feet. I quickly sat up and grabbed zacks legs with my arm, his hands only just touching my feet before I moved them. I stood up and lifted Zack by his ankles off the floor, my dick now brushing against his chest.

I let go of zacks left ankle and he started kicking it around. I used my free hand to pull off his ankle sock just as Zack grabbed my legs causing me to fall over on top of him, his feet in my face, and my groin holding his hand against his side.

"put the sock in your mouth" Tom shouted "your gonna need both hands for the next one" he laughed.

Wanting our stuff back I did as he said, the taste was absolutely revolting but the gang were quite amused by it. I rolled over, still clenching zacks ankle in my hand pulling Zack over on top of me. I felt his hand run down my leg and reach my foot, my dick brushed against his causing me to lose concentration for a moment and before I knew it felt my ankle sock get whipped off my foot.

"look after it in your mouth" Tom laughed. Zack just clenched it in his teeth. Zack then grabbed my other leg just below my knee and rolled over so I was on top of him. He had a chance to grab my other sock as his hand worked his way down my leg but instead he moved his leg into a place where I could reach his and I just whipped it off his foot.

The group all cheered, Tom came towards me and I handed him the odd socks that Zack was wearing.

"looks like we have a winner" Tom announced the group still making a lot of noise.

"here's your stuff" Tom smiled "your free to go now"

I headed over to the bench to get dressed again and opened my bag, to my horror all my clothes were in there but they had been cut into little pieces.

I turned back to where Zack was and saw Zack sitting on the floor leaning forwards and his hands and feet tied together with the bike lock.

I ran back over to Zack and tried to free him but it was tied very tightly, the only way to remove it was with the key.

"those bastards just tied me up and legged it up and over the bridge" he said tears running down his eyes. "Why haven't you got dressed?" he asked.

"I can't, I went in my bag and they've cut everything into little pieces" I replied

"those bastards" Zack said "what are we gonna do now?"

"well, we need to get back to mine" I said "I've got spare clothes and there should be something in the garage to cut off that lock"

"awesome" Zack replied "don't know how we're gonna get there though."

"let's get somewhere a little more sheltered" I said "and we'll see what options we have"

"ok cool" Zack replied and I did my best to pick him up and carry him to the bench. Once we made it to the bench I lifted him up onto it and he lay there hands and legs in the air.

I sat on the floor in front of Zack and looked at the 2 bags.

"empty them all out" Zack said "and we'll see what we've got.

I opened both the bags and tipped them out onto the floor. Sure enough all our clothes had been cut into little pieces even our coats. Zacks old shoes had been cut up but my shoes were still there in one piece which was odd.

Amongst our school books and the rags there was zacks swimbag, a pencil case, my keys for the house and 2 wallets belonging to both me and Zack.

"Is there anything in the swim bag? Zack asked. I opened it up and all that was in there was my piss soaked boxers that I was wearing before this all started.

"great" I said. I walked to the edge of the river and dipped the boxers into the water attempting to give them some sort of wash. I then walked back over to the bench and slid them on feeling relieved to at least be wearing something.

"well, that just leaves me" said Zack looking unhappy. I picked up the the swimbag and thought maybe I could use it to make something for Zack to wear. I began to tear away at the stitching either side of the bag which broke away easily as it seemed to be cheaply made. Eventually I had opened up the bag to create one flat piece of material and a drawstring.

I wrapped the bag around zacks essentials and used the drawstring to tie it into place.

"thanks" Zack said "I feel very slightly better now"

"no problem" I replied "now we just need a plan to get to my place."

"is it far from here?" Zack asked.

"about 20 minutes walk normally" I told him.

"damn" Zack said "I can't even walk.

"I could leave you here" I said "there's a hardware shop about 5 minute walk from here, I could run it in about 2 and buy something to get that lock off.

"would they even let you in dressed like that?" Zack said "and I dont like the idea of been left here out in the open.

"nah, an old lady works in there who probably wouldn't even notice plus it'd only be for a few minutes" I said "and in the hour we've been here only one person has walked past"

"ok" Zack said "I don't see any other choice, I just hope Tom doesn't come back"

"I think he's got what he wanted now" I said while giving Zack a reassuring smile.

I collected all our stuff up into my bag, not bothering to pick the rags up off the floor and left zacks empty bag on his lap. I slipped on my shoes and told Zack to hold tight.

"be quick" Zack said

"I will be" I replied and I ran as fast as I could in the direction of the store with my bag on my back.

I ran alongside the river for a bit then turned and ran down the path which led to the street. It was starting to get dark and fortunately the street seemed quiet. It was great to be wearing shoes again, despite only having one sock that wasn't originally mine.

I saw the shop just a few buildings down from the path I had emerged from and I headed towards it. It was getting extremely cold and I was shivering as I was still wet.

I peeked through the window of the shop and luckily there was no-one in there except for the old lady sitting behind the counter reading the paper.

I opened the door and the bell rang, the old woman looked up briefly then got back to her reading. I browsed the shelves and found some metal cutters, when I heard the bell on the door ring again.

Shit, I thought. I went to the far back of the shop and waited for them to leave. I got a peek and it was a guy a year or two older than me with short dark brown hair but I didn't recognise him, he briefly looked around then left fortunately not venturing towards the back of the shop.

I put the metal cutters on the counter and was asked for some money. I didn't have enough on me but after looking through zacks wallet I managed to find just enough to cover them. The woman didn't look up from her paper as she served me and I left ready to set Zack free.

I left the shop and headed towards the path back to the river. The cold air was once again reaching every area of my exposed skin. I couldn't see the kid that I'd seen in the shop anywhere and the street seemed as silent as ever.

I decided to run, Zack must have been quite frightened but for some reason the thought of him lying on the bench waiting for me excited me. I neared the bench where I'd left Zack but found he was in trouble. I quickly sneaked around the side of the bridge.

The guy that was in the shop had walked the same way as me and spotted zack on the bench. It sounded as though he had just found him.

"how did you end up out here like this?" he said while pointing and laughing "looks like someone had a good go at your clothes."

"leave me alone" Zack said quietly "I'll be ok"

"haha no you wont" the kid laughed and he pulled Zack over onto the floor and tore away the 2 bags protecting his modesty chucking them onto the ground.

"why are you doing this?" Zack asked quietly his face and voice seeming as though he was about to break down into tears.

"because I can!" he laughed "and you don't seem to be in a position to do anything about it, I'm gonna call my cousin and get him down here I'm sure he'd like to see this."

The kid stood in front of Zack, his back facing towards me. I crept up behind him then grabbed his legs rugby tackling him to the floor. Zacks face lit up when he saw me and I noticed his dick suddenly grow.

The guy was quite strong but manageable "get off me" he shouted while squirming around. I grabbed the drawstring from zacks bag off the floor then tied his hands together tightly behind his back.

I used the wire cutters I had bought and managed to cut through the metal of the lock freeing zacks hands and feet.

The kid was wearing black tracksuit bottoms and white slip-on trainers. He also had a black tracksuit jacket on but I couldn't see what he was wearing underneath.

Zack helped me hold the kid down, we looked at each other and silently agreed what we had to do. We had him pinned to the ground face first Zack sitting on his back. I pulled off each of his shoes revealing his perfectly clean white socks and threw them over towards the bench.

Zack continued holding onto his upper body tightly and I moved around and began to pull his tracksuit bottoms off, the kid was kicking and screaming all sorts of language at us.

"You'd better shut him up" Zack said "or someone might hear"

"yeah, your right" I agreed. I kicked off the shoe i was wearing that still had a sock underneath then pulled off the sock and screwed it into a ball. We both sat on his back pulled up his head then I managed to stuff the sock into his mouth, nearly getting bitten in the process.

Zack threw the remains of his swim bag over to me which we used to tie round his mouth and at the back of his head to hold the sock in place.

I finished pulling off his tracksuit bottoms revealing his thin hairy legs and a pair of white shorts. I threw the tracksuit bottoms to Zack and he sat on the kids back pulling them on. They were big round the waist and baggy on Zack but would be perfect cover for the walk to mine.

I then pulled off his shorts revealing quite strong upper thighs and a small tight pair of white boxer briefs. I pulled the shorts on over my boxers and began to feel a lot less exposed. I put the shoe back on that I had took off earlier and Zack put on the kids trainers, again they were big and loose on his feet but did the job.

"what shall we do with him?" Zack asked referring to the kid that was now lying on the floor with no shoes or trousers.

"well, he could have just walked past" I said "or even attempted to help but instead he got nasty, I say we leave him here on the bench but give him a chance to escape."

"ok" Zack said "and if he wants to know why, then it's because we can"

We both pulled him up to his feet and undid the cord tying his hands together, he fought back but he wasn't strong enough to overcome the two of us. I unzipped his jacket then pulled it off his arms. Revealing his blue polo neck t-shirt.

I wore his baggy jacket and felt good to have some clothing on my upper waist which I hadn't had since this ordeal had began.

Me and Zack then pulled his shirt off exposing his slightly built upper body, the kid looked furious but was helpless. Zack then pulled the shirt on while I grabbed his hands behind his back attempting to tie them back up again with the cord from the swimbag.

Zack helped me and eventually we had his hands tied behind his back as he stood there in his boxers and socks.

We got all our stuff together and Zack emptied his pockets onto the floor in front of the guy. There was a wallet, phone, penknife and some cigarettes and a lighter. Zack pulled the guys boxers down to his ankles, "now we're even" he shouted and I led the way as we ran along the river in the direction of my house. We glanced back and saw him on the floor attempting to pull his boxers back up with his hands still tied behind his back. Me and Zack hi-fived and carried on towards my place, wearing his clothes between us.

nonstopdisco 03-31-2011 06:51 AM

Just a short update, hope you enjoy =)

We kept going, Zack was struggling to keep up with me as his shoes were too big.

"slow down a bit" he said.

"ok" I replied and I slowed my pace walking alongside Zack.

"do you reckon that guy will be ok?" Zack asked me.

"yeah, he's got his phone" I smiled "he definitely got what he deserved after what he was gonna pull on you"

"you don't think he'll call the police do you?" Zack suddenly said looking worried.

"you know I never thought of that" I replied "I suppose we did steal his clothes, so they'd have every right to arrest us"

"shit" Zack said "and they'd have evidence from the fact we're wearing them, it won't matter what he did to me first"

"yeah" I replied "I think we'll have to lose these clothes when we get near mine.

"oh well" Zack smiled "at least it won't be for long this time"

"yeah" I said "hey Zack, do you fancy staying the night? We can both walk into school together in the morning"

"yeah, that'd be awesome" Zack said quickly "I'll just have to let my mother know where I am."

"cool" I said "well we're not far from mine now"

"awesome" Zack replied.

We both walked down a side alley, and I stopped Zack once we reached this large bush overhanging the path.

"we'll have to hide the clothes here" I said "my house is just down there round the corner."

Zack kicked off the shoes underneath the bush, the tracksuit bottoms just fell round his ankles. I began staring at his arse, the sight sending me into a trance.

"well, are you gonna join me?" Zack whispered snapping me out of it.

"yeah, sorry" I said as I dropped the shorts down to my ankles and kicked them off into the bush. Zack took his t-shirt off, hiding that in the bush then held his bag round the front to cover up.

I took off the jacket and we made sure everything was well hidden then we made our way to my place feeling cold and exposed yet again.

Once we exited the alley my house was just across the street on the right. It was a good size with 2 floors and a 3rd attic room, which was my room.

The street was quiet so we ran across and made it to my front door.

"this is a sight for sore eyes" I said. Zack just smiled. I found the key in my bag and unlocked the door. Once in the hallway we left our bags and my shoes by the door and I directed Zack to the phone, which he picked up and began dialling.

I heard Zack get an earful about being late but he convinced his mother to let him stay with me the night. We both sat at the bottom of the stairs, Zack naked and me just in my wet filthy boxers.

"well, we're safe for now" I said.

"yeah" Zack replied "but I don't think we're out of it yet"

"I know" I said "toms gonna be around at school tomorrow and what about that guy who's clothes we stole?"

"yeah, he's not gonna be too pleased" Zack said laughing. "anyway, what shall we do now?"

"let's go get cleaned up, then we can order a pizza and watch this DVD" I said picking up a package off the doormat.

"sounds like a plan" Zack smiled.

"follow me" I said and I headed upstairs to the large bathroom.

The bathroom was the first door at the top of the stairs, I grabbed 2 towels from the cupboard in the wall and chucked one to Zack.

"cheers mate" he said. We entered the bathroom, it's a large room with a large sunken hot tub like bath in wooden decking underneath the window overlooking a view of the countryside. There is a sink and a toilet on the right side and a shower unit and some cupboards on the left.

I put my towel down on the cupboard by the shower "do you want the bath or the shower?" I asked Zack.

"that's a big bath" Zack said "why don't we just share a bath." Zack looked scared at what I'd think but I was fluttering inside, his words sending the most amazing feeling through my body and causing my boxers to tent yet again.

"i mean you don't have to if you don't wanna, I just thought it'd" he continued but I stopped him there.

"yeah sure!" I said and smiled. "it'll be relaxing after the ordeal we've just been through. I noticed zack's dick then also rise before he quickly moved his towel in front of it.

I began running the bath, Zack sat on top of the toilet seat with the folded towel covering his dick. I was feeling the water with my hand as it filled the bath to ensure it reached the correct temperature, I noticed Zack peering over at me from his reflection in the window.

We both kept quiet, I was beginning to ponder thoughts of whether Zack was interested in me and how far he would go. I'd never had feelings like this before. I had never thought of myself as gay but these thoughts I was having were making me doubt myself, was Zack feeling the same way?

I'd got the bath quite full of lovely warm water. I slid off my boxers chucking them on the floor then climbed in the bath, the feeling of the warm water was incredible.

Zack stood up and walked over to me "so the baths ready then?" he said.

"yeah, and its fantastic" I said "can ya grab the shampoo and soap out the shower then you can join me if you want."

"no problem" Zack said and he threw his towel over on the cupboard on top of mine and grabbed the stuff from the shower unit. He set them down on the wooden decking at the edge of the bath then climbed in next to me, our feet touching at the other side of the bath.

"you know I think this bath was made for 2 people" Zack said "it's almost like it's got 2 seats in it looking out the window."

"yeah" I said "it came with the house and was a major selling point"

"it definitely is" Zack replied "I've never seen a house with a bath this shape before either"

"nah it's certainly unique" i said "are you feeling better now? You seemed quite upset earlier"

"yeah, thanks" Zack replied "but only because you've been so kind, which I certainly don't deserve especially from you"

"hey, I don't like to see anyone suffer" I said "it seems to me that you've just been mixing with the wrong crowd"

"you can say that again" Zack smiled "anyway I'm really sorry about asking for your shoes earlier, I was just caught up with the moment"

"nah, it's fine" I replied "I understand, anyway you can have them if you want them. I've still got my old pair and I can always get more."

"nah it's ok" Zack said "your being too nice to me and I haven't done anything to deserve it."

"well, your either taking them or you get nothing" I said laughing "you seem like a nice guy so be my friend and I'll look out for ya agreed?" i lifted up my hand out of the water and offered him a handshake.

He grabbed my hand and gave it a firm shake "agreed buddy!" he replied.

"awesome" I said "I don't think you've had a proper friend before have you?"

"nah" Zack replied "I only ever hung out with Tom and that cause there was noone else."

"well, in a way i think toms done us both a favour" I said smiling.

"yeah" Zack agreed "I'm still in your debt though"

"well if you do wanna do somewhat for them shoes you can clean the dirt off my feet" I said jokingly giving him a playing push.

I expected Zack to make some playful comment but he just smiled then grabbed the sponge and moved round to the other side of the bath propping my feet up on his chest.

"dude, I was only kidding" I said.

"it's cool" he replied "i owe you one anyway"

I just lay there as zack started to work at cleaning my feet, he went in and out my toes then started rubbing the bottom of them. The feeling was immense. He then started working his way up my ankles and towards my legs.

"dude, what are you doing?" I asked

"I owe ya remember" he said smiling.

pymani96 03-31-2011 02:29 PM

Awesome! Please continue at some point

Yelsey 03-31-2011 04:10 PM

This is a really good story. Great plot so far

Demon Thief 03-31-2011 10:59 PM

I just read this, and I have to say it's freaking amazing.

Can't wait until your next post.

Kewai 04-01-2011 11:38 PM

Great story. Cant wait for your next post

nonstopdisco 05-07-2011 03:27 AM

Sorry for the delay ppl, heres some more though!

Zack gave my legs and feet a good thorough scrub, he got some soap out the dispenser and rubbed it in with his hands then scrubbed with the sponge.

"hows that?" Zack asked. He had a grin on his face which looked as though he was enjoying himself.

"perfect" I replied "I've just gotta clean the rest of me now" I said smiling.

"leave that to me" Zack responded moving round to the right hand side of me and kneeling by my dick. "just lie back"

I did as he said, my dick was bursting for attention but I didn't feel like I could do that in front of Zack. It was strange how he was so eager to wash me but I never really thought about it and just enjoyed it.

Zack began washing my stomach and chest, my heart beating faster at every touch. He worked his way down my stomach till he reached my dick. He began scrubbing it with the sponge but I couldn't control myself anymore. The most intense feeling of pleasure shot down my body and I sent the biggest load of my life out into the bath.

"shit" Zack shouted and he jumped out the bath "what the hell dude?"

I was panting from the feeling I had just felt, it was amazing. Zack just stood behind me looking at what he'd just done.

"sorry buddy" I managed to murmur "I don't know what to say"

I was now scared I had made things awkward between me and my new friend, he just stood there naked looking shocked at what had just happened.

"it's fine" he suddenly managed to say "I think I'm gonna finish getting clean in the shower if thats ok?"

"yeah, that's fine buddy" I said. Zack walked over to the shower, turned it on then stepped in.

I lay there thinking about what had just happened for a moment then decided to finish getting washed up. I used the shower head above the taps to wash my hair, which was a lot easier to wash now it was short then finished rubbing my body over with the sponge.

"John, can you bring me the shampoo and soap when your done?" I suddenly heard Zack shout.

"course I can buddy" i shouted back. I climbed out the bath, pulled out the plug and grabbed a towel then tied it around my waist. I gave the empty bath a quick rinse with the shower head then I picked up the soap and shampoo and took it over to the shower. I couldn't really see Zack through the frosted glass but I pulled open the shower door and stood there in shock at what I saw. Zack was standing in the shower rubbing his dick with his right hand and his eyes closed.

"Erm, here's the shampoo" I said holding the shampoo and soap in front of me.

"what the hell !?!" Zack screamed as he took his hand off his dick and rearranged his hands to cover himself.

"sorry dude, I just came to give you the shampoo" I said. "I didn't think I'd need to knock seeing as I've seen you naked already"

"ok, just give me the shampoo" Zack said still covering his dick with one hand and reaching out for the shampoo with the other.

"sure, here ya go" I said and handed him the shampoo and soap "I'm gonna go upstairs to my room and get ready, come up when your done it's the attic room at the top"

I smiled at Zack and he smiled back "ok then buddy" he said "I shouldn't be long now."

"cool" I replied and I left the room with the towel round my waist and climbed the stairs to my room. My head swimming with thoughts of what had just happened.

My room was amazing, there was a double bed in the centre with a big tv opposite linked up to a playstation. I would spend many a day lying on my bed watching my tv or playing games. I had shelves next to the tv with my DVDs and games on. My computer was on a desk on the left hand wall and on the right hand wall was a big wardrobe filled with clothes. There was a chest of drawers either side of my bed where I keep my underwear and lots of junk hidden away.

I stood in the middle of my room and pulled the towel from around my waist. As the ceiling above my bed and tv was diagonal, the windows were also diagonally positioned in the roof so I didn't have to worry about passers by.

I began drying myself off with the towel but I couldn't stop thinking about all that had happened earlier. When I was nearly dry I suddenly heard a banging at the door downstairs. Wondering who it could be I grabbed a dressing gown out of my wardrobe and put it on, so I could answer the door and see who it was.

I walked down the stairs the door still banging, I knocked the door of the bathroom on the way down to let Zack know I was gonna answer it.

"I'm gonna answer the door" i said "just stay put in there while I get rid of them"

"ok buddy" I heard him shout back.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and once in the hallway I opened the door slightly and peered out, suddenly a big force pushed the door fully open and the person behind the door burst in and pushed me up against the wall.

To my shock, Tom had turned up with 2 people from his gang but what surprised and scared me more was the guy whose clothes we had took earlier was with them.

"well" Tom said "looks like you got home easy enough" he said while looking pretty pissed off "where's Zack?, he must have come back here with you and is there anyone else here?."

"yeah, he came back" I managed to say "but I just gave him some clothes and he went home and no I'm on my own."

"aww, so you didn't even get time for a quick bum" Tom said mocking me while the other 3 laughed.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked but Tom just ignored me.

"well I see you've met my cousin Mark here" he said turning my head towards the guy from earlier. He was now wearing what looked like a PE kit consisting of white shorts and a white vest that was slightly too small for him, socks but no shoes.

"I got a call from him earlier and he told me about how you tied him up and robbed his clothes" he said "I went and found him and knew it was you and hedgehog boy, so I've bought him here to get back what's his."

"hey, you cut our clothes into pieces what did you expect us to do?" I retaliated.

"I said I'd give you your clothes back and I did, but you picked the wrong person to rob new threads from" he said back with his face up in mine.

Shit, I thought. Can this get any worse?

"where are his clothes then baldy?" tom asked now pushing his hard shoe down on my barefoot.

"they're in a bush in the alley over the street." I said "we hid them there so I didn't get caught with them in my house"

"pussy" Tom laughed "you can come and show us but it's cold outside" with that he signalled the 2 lads over who grabbed my arms while Tom untied my dressing gown then the 3 of them pulled it off leaving me butt naked in front of them.

"haha, look at this lads" Tom laughed "he isn't wearing anything underneath."

Tom continued holding me up against the wall. "Mark, wear this and it'll keep ya warm" he said while throwing the dressing gown over towards him. "and slip them shoes on" he said pointing to my shoes by the door. They were obviously tight on him and he had to tread the backs down to get his feet in.

Tom then signalled for everyone to go outside and they all piled out, he still had me held tightly by my arms and he led me out into the street.

The cold breeze in the air dug into my skin like knives and I began to shiver.

"if Mark gets his clothes back I'll see about giving you your things back" he said, he then pulled my front door shut "whoops, looks like your locked out, sorry about that" he laughed. The other 3 in the gang all laughed with Tom.

Tom let go of me and pushed me towards the gang, I quickly used my hands to cover up.

"get Mark his clothes back then" tom shouted and he began walking behind me pushing me along.

"ok" I said "follow me this way" I used my hands to cover my dick then walked through the gang to the front and crossed the road with them all following behind me. I kept treading on small stones that were scattered across the ground digging into my feet. I felt totally humiliated and there was nothing I could do about it.

I took them up the alley to the bush where we had hidden the clothes. I was terrified that they might have been moved or stolen, I just wanted this ordeal over.

"so they're in here?" Tom said "well what are you waiting for, get them out!" he demanded.

I put my hand in the bush and began pulling the clothes out first his shirt and jacket then his shorts and bottoms. Fortunately his shoes were still where we had left them under the bush. I was so relieved it was all still there.

I gathered the clothes in a pile and handed them to Mark but Tom stopped me. "hey baldy, you took them off him so you put them back on him."

"nah, really its fine" Mark said "I think I can dress myself Tom"

"ok then" Tom said "you can cover him while he gets changed then baldy, give him the dressing gown Mark"

Mark took off the dressing gown and handed it to me.

"ok, hold the dressing gown in front of him baldy" Tom said

I opened up the dressing gown and held it in front of Mark who then started to get changed on the other side.

I looked away and waited for him to finish swapping his clothes back. He handed the t-shirt and shorts to Tom over the dressing gown and kicked my shoes to over to him. Tom put the clothes in his bag but left my shoes on the floor. When Mark was done he snatched the dressing gown out of my hands and threw it over to Tom.

"if you want this stuff back, then you listen up" Tom laughed "you aren't gonna get off that easy"

"ok" I agreed, completely helpless and embarrassed.

"it's friday tomorrow so after school you and hedgehog are gonna spend the weekend at my place" Tom said "That'll give ya plenty of time to pay up for what you've done." tom had a big grin on his face.

I nodded in agreement now terrified at the thought of what the weekend brought.

"Good lad" Tom smiled "for now, lads grab him!" with that the 2 guys that were with Mark and Tom grabbed me by my arms. "bring him here" Tom shouted then he started walking back out towards the street holding my dressing gown and my shoes that he had just scooped up off the floor.

Tom walked in front and Mark behind as they led me out into the street and back across to my house. I couldn't even cover up as they had both my arms gripped tightly. Tom ran up my path and placed my shoes on the doorstep then came back down still clutching my dressing gown.

"ok, you can wear this for now" Tom said handing me the dressing gown "we're gonna go for a little stroll." the 2 lads let go of my arms and I grabbed the dressing gown, quickly putting my arms in and tying it up at the front.

Tom then began pushing me down the street "this way" he said. "oh, and I promise me and the lads won't take that dressing gown off ya again tonight" he had that grin on his face which meant he was up to something.

Tom led me to the top of my street with the other 3 lads following closely behind. The street we turned onto was busy and even at this time of night there were quite a few cars whizzing past.

"busy enough for ya baldy?" Tom shouted "your putting on a great show" I just ignored Tom and carried on walking where I was being pushed. People were walking past me in the street looking at me with curiosity as to why I only had a dressing gown on.

"he lost a bet" Tom said to a group of girls that were walking past.

"nice legs" one of them shouted back.

I just kept my head down and carried on, I felt lucky I was wearing anything at all.

We reached a corner and Tom pushed me again "down this road baldy!" he said giving me another push. I did as he said, fortunately this was another quiet road like mine. My barefeet were aching from the hard ground and I wanted to stop and rest.

"ok baldy, stop here" Tom shouted as we reached a lamppost at the side of the street.

Tom reached in his bag and pulled out a giant industrial zip tie, shit he's gonna tie me to the lamppost I was thinking but I was almost wrong. Tom signalled the 2 lads over who grabbed me by my arms and pushed me up against the post. Tom rolled up the left arm of my dressing gown up and pushed the zip tie through. He then pulled it around the post and locked it tightly into place.

Mark walked up to me, "that'll teach ya to mess with me" he said and he pulled the cord of my dressing gown from around my waist causing it to fly open. I moved my arms round and held it back over me. Mark spat on my feet then walked off using the cord to rub the back of his neck.

"look at the time, we'd better be going. Have fun baldy" tom laughed as they all turned round back towards the busy street. "oh and you and hedgehog meet me in the basketball court after school tomorrow, you don't wanna find out what i'll do if either of you aren't there."

I stood there at the lamppost in my dressing gown and began processing what had just happened. I tried undoing the zip tie but it was done up tight and it was very thick and strong. The only way I could get away from the lamppost was to leave the dressing gown behind leaving me naked. The only way back home was back along the busy street which I wasn't prepared to walk down naked, not yet at least. I watched Tom and the gang disappear around the corner and I stood there continuing to think of a way of escape.

Suddenly I was interrupted as I noticed someone walking towards me from the busy street and I began to panic as I didn't want to be seen here like this by anyone. In a split second decision I pulled my arms out of the dressing gown, turned away from the busy street and ran down the road naked. I noticed a bush in someone's front garden behind a low brick wall and I sandwiched myself between them. The leaves and twigs were digging into my back.

The figure was getting closer and closer, I stayed put hoping I wouldn't be found. I was now terrified and the cold air was causing me to shiver.

MarisaLaugh 05-07-2011 10:51 AM

Wow, I absolutely LOVE this story! Good work! <3

Lui-Kyi 05-07-2011 02:05 PM

Great story :b It was one of my favorites when you were active.
I hope its Zack.

Ryann 05-07-2011 09:43 PM

Good story and wow! Those have to be the longest chapters ive ever seen on here lol :) I like it though

jonny6-dare 05-08-2011 03:14 AM

pls continue with this maybe more humuiliation in school or something it's great so far

Electric 05-15-2011 04:33 PM

I love this story, it's very original and fresh! I hoPe you continue this!


nonstopdisco 08-13-2011 03:12 AM

The figure stepped into the light underneath the lamppost, they were wearing almost all black along with a black hoody. I couldn't see their face as the shadow of the hoody covered it well and they were some distance away down the street. They paused and began looking at the dressing gown tied to the lamppost.

I kept as still as I could as I didn't want to be found. The figure pulled something out of the bag on their back and cut the dressing gown off the lamppost, they then rolled it up and put it in their bag.

"shit" I said quietly under my breath, what did they want with my dressing gown? I kept still and noticed the figure look around then continue along the street walking closer towards me. I focused on the figure but then had the fright of my life.

"Hey you boy! What are you doing in my garden!" an angry man came towards me with a wooden walking stick. I'd been so focused on the figure I hadn't noticed him come from the side of his house with a bag of rubbish. "Get outta here!"

I was completely terrified, he could only see my face peering over the wall so he had no idea I was naked.

"I'm sorry" I pleaded "can I just hide here for 2 more minutes?"

"no you bloody well can't!" he shouted "your ruining my bush, get out!" he started poking me with his stick which caused me to jump up a bit.

"you bloody youngsters going round with no shirts on when it's as cold as this" he bellowed "get out my bush!" he continued to poke me.

The figure heard what was going on and ran over. "damn, what next?" I whispered to myself.

The figure walked up to the man "having trouble?" he said. Straight away I recognised that voice, it was Zack! I suddenly felt incredibly at ease and comfortable, it was as if all my problems had just dissolved.

"Yeah, this bloody fool in here is squashing my bush!" he shouted at Zack "and he won't get out."

"I think I know why" Zack said "I
just saw him get in a bit of trouble round the corner and I was just looking for him to give him back his stuff that they stole"

"what did who steal?" asked the man now beginning to calm down. "this neighbourhood gets worse every day"

"All his clothes" said Zack "some gang's idea of a sick joke"

"you're joking, bloody cretins!" the man said "here, stand round him while the poor lad gets dressed."

Zack passed me the bag which turned out to be my school bag and then both him and the man stood in front of me with their backs towards me.

I opened the bag and underneath my dressing gown in the main compartment I found some fresh white boxers and socks, some black tracksuit bottoms, a grey polo neck shirt and a pair of trainers all out my bedroom.

I pulled on the boxers first and instantly began to feel better. I pulled on the bottoms next, feeling a great warmth as I pulled them up. I then moved from behind the wall and pulled the shirt over my head which blocked out more of the cold air. I sat on the wall and brushed my feet off with my hands, they were filthy and had stones stuck to them. Zack and the man turned around.

"Nearly done bud?" Zack asked "bet your pleased to see me.

"sure am" I replied "I thought I was done for then"

"well you did squash my bush" the man said now in a much calmer tone "but it seems as though you aren't to blame"

I pulled the socks onto my feet and slipped on the trainers.

"all done!" I announced and I rolled the dressing gown up and put it back in my bag.

"why do you have a dressing gown?" asked the man with a puzzled look on his face.

"it's a long story" Zack replied "but thanks for all your help sir"

"no problem at all" he said, now seeming as nice as ever "are you sure your ok though lad? That's quite an ordeal you've been through"

"yeah, I'm fine now" I said "sorry about your bush"

"don't worry" he said "But I'll be keeping a closer eye out here in future"

"I don't blame ya" Zack said, he then turned to me "come on, let's go home"

Zack patted me on the shoulder and we began to walk away.

"you look after yourselves lads" the man shouted "you don't know what could be around the corner"

"we will" I shouted back. He was right, Tom was still not finished with us.

Me and Zack walked up the road together and once we were out of earshot of the man we began to talk.

"Thanks so much dude" I said with a beaming smile "your an ultimate lifesaver!"

"no problem buddy" Zack said "like you were saying earlier we look after each other now right?"

"Right!" I said "but I definitely owe ya for that"

"You sure do" Zack laughed "I'm starving" Zack looked at me and winked.

"HaHa" I said "no problem, let me just see if I have any money."

I opened my bag and managed to find my wallet. I'd spent all my cash in the hardware shop.

"sorry buddy" I said "looks like I'm all spent out"

"too bad" Zack replied "guess we'll have to go back to yours"

"yeah dude" I agreed "There's some money stashed away at home, we'll order pizza!"

"That sounds perfect" Zack smiled "then we can watch that DVD of yours"

"true that!" I replied "I need to seriously sit back and chill after today"

"Awesome" Zack said "I was thinking the exact same thing."

We reached the top of my road.

"Zack, I'll race ya to my door" I laughed "I can see you found my favourite pair of trainers" I said while pointing to the pair of black trainers on Zack's feet.

"Sorry dude!" Zack smiled "they fit like a glove and feel like cushions on my feet"

"don't apologise mate, your welcome to them" I said patting him on the back "you ready?"

"sure am" Zack said smiling "3,2,1, Go!"

Zack charged off and I chased after him. Zack was a fast runner but I ran as fast as I could go and managed to catch up with him. We reached the gate to my house which was open, I legged it up the path to the door but Zack placed his hand on the door a fraction of a second before mine.

"haha I blame the bag on my back" I joked "your a good runner though"

"well that was a close one" Zack laughed "we'll have to try that again sometime."

"definitely" I agreed "where did you put the key Zack?"

"It's here" Zack said as he dug the keys out of the flowerbed in the front garden "Just in case Tom caught me somehow"

"good thinking" I said as Zack passed me the keys "let's get back in for the final time tonight"

I opened the door and grabbed my school shoes which were still on the doorstep and went in Zack following me.

Hey Zack, there's a pizza menu in the drawer underneath the phone" I said "pick what you want and order me a meat feast"

"sure thing" Zack replied and he headed over towards the phone to order up "what's the address here?"

I walked over to Zack and found him a letter on the phone table with my address on it "here use this" I said.

"cheers buddy" Zack replied "I'm gonna go for the hot and spicy pizza if that's good with you?" Zack looked at me with a slight smile on his face.

"Anything you want" I smiled back "I'm going upstairs to clean my feet yet again"

"sure" Zack smiled "see ya in a minute"

"ok mate" I replied back and I kicked off my trainers in the hallway dumping my bag and school shoes next to them then I ran upstairs to the bathroom.

I left the door open and began to fill up the bath. I sat at the edge of the decking and pulled off my socks, chucking them on the floor. The soles of my feet were black with dirt.

Once the bath was filled up with enough water I turned the taps off and rolled up each of the legs of my tracksuit bottoms to my knees. I then sat at the edge of the bath on the decking and placed my feet in the water.

I sat there for a moment thinking about everything that had just happened. I hadn't told Zack about Toms plans for the weekend yet and although the ordeal with Tom tonight was terrifying and extremely upsetting Zack saving me made me feel really good.

I started to rub some soap into my feet when Zack came in. He'd took the hood off his head and all his spikes were gone as he'd washed his hair earlier. I also noticed he was barefoot and mustn't have wore any socks with my trainers which I thought was unusual.

"hey mate, the pizzas are all ordered" he said looking pleased "they said they'd be here in about 20 minutes and it's all gonna cost about 15"

"Awesome!" I replied "would you mind grabbing the towel I left in my room so I can dry my feet off?"

"no problem" he said and he left heading upstairs.

I finished cleaning my feet and waited for Zack to bring my towel. I was still waiting for the best time to tell him about Toms plans for us.

Zack eventually came back and he took me by surprise as he was now wearing what looked like nothing but a towel around his waist with another in his hand.

"Here ya go buddy" Zack said handing me the towel in his hand.

"why have you got changed mate?" I asked him finding it difficult to take my eyes off him again while I started rubbing my feet dry.

"Hey, they weren't my clothes so I thought I'd put them away for ya" Zack replied with a cheeky smile on his face. "though I've still got the boxers on under here if that's ok with you"

"oh I don't know about that" I joked "which of my boxers did you wear?"

"you joker" Zack laughed "here I'll show ya"

Zack pulled the towel from around his waist revealing a tight pair of black boxer briefs.

"haha mate, yeah you can keep them" I laughed. "I'll find ya some other clothes in a bit.

"cheers buddy" Zack replied "I guessed you wouldn't mind me taking them."

I smiled back at Zack who had now wrapped the towel around his waist again and I pulled my socks back on inside out, so I didn't get any dirt on my feet again.

"come on" I said and I headed downstairs to the kitchen and opened up the tin where all the money is kept and pulled out a 20.

"wow, there's a bit of money in there" Zack said "is that all yours?"

"nah, it's my parents money" I replied "since they both agreed to stop smoking they've been putting all the money they would have spent in that tin"

"clever" Zack said "though they shouldn't really leave that much money round the house"

"yeah, I know what you mean" I replied "but i do find it useful"

"I like it" Zack laughed

Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door.

"That must be the pizza" Zack said excitedly and he ran over towards the door.

"Zack I'll get it" I called after him "I'm slightly better dressed for it"

"Blimey, your right" Zack laughed. "I'm so hungry I completely forgot"

I walked over to the door and pulled it open but it wasn't the pizza we were expecting.

p710a 08-13-2011 01:16 PM



cant wait for the next one

Demon Thief 08-13-2011 08:37 PM

I didn't expect this story to be continued. But I'm glad you've decided to. Well done. :D

Oh, your update was pretty good, too.

will9022 08-15-2011 12:48 AM

amazing story, I'm so glad you continued it!

MarisaLaugh 08-15-2011 07:39 AM

*copies everyone*
*ends copying*
-Marisaaaa (the Trickster) XD

Kewai 08-29-2011 11:56 PM

You are an amazing author
WOW, I went searching for this story, Just incase there was an update and there was. You made my day, I love your writing and personally believe that you have potential to be one of the best on the site.

Anyways LOVING the story and hoping to see another post soon:D:D:D

nonstopdisco 09-24-2011 10:32 AM

Thanks for all the kind comments everyone, sorry for the delays between updates. Had chapter written ages ago but keep rewriting it and changing it. Heres some more, I have more than this written but wanna make sure its good before I post it. Thanks.


A police officer stood at the door who seemed quite young but was dressed in all the official gear making me feel pretty nervous. Zack disappeared out of view.
"Hello there" he said greeting me with a pleasant smile "we've had a complaint about a disturbance on this road earlier tonight, you didn't happen to see anything did you?"

The smile made me feel more at ease but I think I knew what he was talking about, Tom wasn't the quietest kid. I didn't want to get police involved as I was too embarrassed to let my parents find out what Tom had done to me and Zack today. I was also well aware at how clever Tom was at twisting things around in his favour.

"nah, I haven't heard anything" I lied "what was this disturbance?" I asked attempting to confirm my suspicions.

"It doesn't matter" he replied "if you'd seen it you would've known"

"ok" I said disappointed with his reply.

"is there anyone else here besides yourself?" he asked.

I couldn't really lie anymore "yeah, just my friend from school" I replied "but he's in the shower"

The policeman's eyebrows seemed to raise at this "ok then I'll leave you to it" he smiled again "thanks for your time"

"no problem" I replied and I was about to shut the door when I noticed the pizza guy walking up the garden path.

Finally, I thought as my stomach rumbled again.

"that'll be 14.75" he said as he approached the door.

I handed over the money, took the pizzas and thanked him. The pizza guy just grabbed the money and left, miserable guy I thought.

Zack walked back over and held the pizzas while I locked the door.

"perfect" Zack said "I can't tell ya how hungry I am"

"Yeah bud, let's go and eat" I replied equally as excited that we'd finally got something to eat.

I checked the door was locked securely and we made our way up to my room. As we passed the bathroom I grabbed my towel off the side of the bath and threw it into the laundry basket on the landing.

"Zack, that's where you can put any dirty stuff ya need washing" I said holding the lid of the basket in my hand while pointing inside "Mum goes mad if I leave any dirty washing around the house."

"Haha ok then buddy" Zack said with a grin on his face. He pulled the towel from around his waist and threw it at me "I don't need this anymore and it could do with a wash"

"if ya say so mate" I said with a smile as I caught the towel and threw it into the basket. I then felt a rush of excitement as Zack stood there in front of me in black boxer-briefs with 2 pizzas in his hands.

"come on let's eat" Zack said while turning to jog upstairs "any longer and I'll be eating your pizza too"

"You wouldn't dare!" I shouted back after him laughing.

"hurry up then" Zack shouted back as we reached my room and Zack threw himself onto my bed and sat up with the 2 pizza boxes on his lap. I matched Zack's posture on the other half of the bed and reached across for my pizza.

"wait a minute" Zack laughed "now which ones my hot and spicy?" Zack said as he opened the pizza at the top of the stack.

"that's mine" I said as I recognised the meat feast I had ordered straight away.

"haha, that means this ones mine then" Zack laughed as he switched his pizza to the top, opened the box and began eating a slice with a big smirk on his face.

"Come on mate! Cut it out!" I laughed "I'm starving"

"ok then" Zack replied laughing "I'm sorry but the look on your face was a picture" he pulled my pizza from underneath his and placed it on my lap.

"Cheers but I'll get you back for that" I said playfully.

"we'll see about that mate" Zack smiled "do you mind if I climb under the covers? Get warmed up."

"well you aren't exactly dressed the warmest" I laughed "sure go ahead"

"cheers" Zack said as he climbed under the covers and placed the pizza back onto his lap "I needed that"

The thought of having Zack in my bed in just a pair of boxers was sending signals through my body that I had never experienced before. I was enjoying this. My mind began to drift as I started to think about zack's feelings and ....

"hey we could do with some drinks" Zack said focusing my mind again. "do you have anything in?"

"yeah I've got some cans of coke in the fridge downstairs" I said thinking to myself how dumb I was for not grabbing them earlier.

"sweet!" Zack said "would ya mind fetching them mate? I just got way too cosy and your wearing more than me"

"how about we make a bet of it" I proposed thinking I could make the evening more interesting.

"ok? What ya got in mind?" Zack asked with a smile on his face.

"how about the last person to finish their pizza fetches the drinks?" I said noticing we'd both only eaten 1 slice.

"hey! that's an unfair bet" Zack said laughing "you're all dressed and I'm lying here in my pants"

"yeah your right" I replied back "I'll give you 2 choices then" I said thinking I could test the water a bit.

"ok, shoot!" Zack said

"ok then the bet can either be you change into my clothes first if you lose" I said pointing to the tracksuit bottoms and shirt I was wearing "or the loser has to get the drinks naked"

"haha, you mean like butt naked" Zack said laughing out loud "in this cold house?"

"well I did mean in boxers but yeah let's go with that" I said both pleased and excited that I'd been misunderstood and at Zack's reaction to a naked bet"

"ok, your on!" Zack announced "I've been seeing a lot of you naked today but at least this won't be Tom's doing"

"haha! I didn't tell ya I'm a fast eater" I joked "I wouldn't get your hopes up"

"we'll see but if your so sure then let me add somewhat to the bet then" Zack said smirking at me.

"go on then" I said enjoying the fact we'd created a bet out of somewhat as small as fetching some coke.

"how about as well as getting the coke the loser has to make us breakfast in the morning?" Zack said

"what butt naked?" I asked.

"nah" Zack laughed "although actually now you mention it if your parents aren't back then that'd be hilarious, especially if you fry up some bacon."

"only if l lose" I reminded him "well my parents aren't back till lunchtime so the bet can be, the loser gets butt naked, fetches the coke, sleeps, makes each of us a bacon sandwich then does the washing up all before getting dressed and ready for school."

"washing up as well?" Zack laughed "ok, your on lets eat"

"may the fattest pig win" I joked.

Kewai 09-24-2011 02:46 PM

Great update, I really like it. I wish I could say more, but I am tired and on my iPod. But I am eagerly waiting for your next update:D

nonstopdisco 09-26-2011 02:53 AM

Thanks :) I wrote this entire story on an ipod lol.


We each had 5 slices of pizza left, but before I'd even had chance to bite into my next slice Zack had nearly finished his. I ate the next 2 slices really fast and caught up with Zack by the time he was down to 3 slices.

"don't think your gonna win just cause you've caught me up" Zack laughed

"I can't wait for that bacon sandwich" I teased back.

"don't worry you'll be making it soon" Zack joked.

We were now down to 2 slices and neck and neck. I was starting to feel full presumably because I'd eaten too fast. Zack hadn't slowed and was soon on his last slice. I shoved the rest of the slice in my mouth and began chewing it and forcing it down. As I made it to the last slice Zack had already eaten some of his. I took a giant mouthful and tried my best to swallow it but ironically I needed some coke to wash it down.

Zack was ahead of me and just as I'd finished swallowing I noticed he was just about to shove the rest of his slice in his mouth. I did the same catching him up again. We both looked at each other chewing our final mouthful.

Suddenly Zack opened his mouth and shouted "finished" with a burst of excitement.

I just looked at him as I swallowed my final bit of food just a few seconds after.

"shit" I said "I really thought i'd win that."

"well sorry buddy but it's payup time now and I could do with that coke" Zack said "come stand round this side of the bed.

"ok" I agreed and I climbed off the bed and walked round to the side Zack was sitting up in.

"Come on then let's have that shirt" Zack said with his hand out in front of him and a giant grin on his face. I pulled my shirt off and handed it to Zack.

"keep em coming" Zack laughed as I dropped my tracksuit bottoms and stepped out of them also handing them over.

"socks next" Zack said

"Dude I was gonna wear them the floors cold" I argued.

"sorry buddy but you know what we agreed on" Zack laughed "and I haven't wore any socks since we got back"

"ok" I said as I pulled off both my socks, fortunately the floor wasn't too cold in my room.

"Leave them on the floor" Zack said "now all thats left are your pants dude" Zack said obviously enjoying himself.

I dropped my boxers to my ankles and stepped out of them, leaving them on the floor. I really enjoyed stripping for Zack and my dick had gone semi-hard.

"nice, now your ready" Zack said grinning. "see ya in a minute"

"yeah, you just stay warm" I joked as I walked back round the bed and through the door.

"I will" Zack laughed.

I headed downstairs and the coldness began to hit me.

I almost ran down the stairs as I figured I wanted to get this done as quick as possible. I stepped onto the tiled floor in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs, it was ice cold. I carried on into the kitchen my barefeet freezing more and more with each step and the rest of the cold air making my naked body feeling exposed and vulnerable. I took 2 cans of coke out the fridge and now both my hands and feet were frozen. I started shivering so I quickly jogged back upstairs and into my room which seemed to be the warmest in the house.

"Did you enjoy that?" Zack asked as I walked in. Straight away I noticed that he was now dressed in my tracksuit bottoms and shirt and he was lying on top of the bed.

"not really buddy" I said "it's freezing down there now"

"well you're cool for doing that" Zack said laughing "I can't believe you went through with it"

"hey, I always stick to my word" I said "I see you've found a use for my clothes"

I was disappointed that Zack had got dressed but I enjoyed the fact that Zack was wearing what I'd just taken off.

"yeah, they're nice and warm" Zack said smirking "come sit next to me and we'll have that coke"

"ok mate here you go" I said as I climbed onto the bed next to Zack and handed him a can.

"cheers, I needed this" Zack said.

"No problem" I replied and I drank some of my coke. It felt weird just sitting there on my bed naked when Zack was there fully dressed.

"do you wanna watch some tv?" Zack asked "it's getting a bit late for that DVD considering we've got school early tomorrow."

"yeah good plan" I agreed "would you mind chucking me my boxers and I'll go and switch it on?" I now felt like I'd be slightly more comfortable wearing at least them now Zack was dressed.

"dude, the bet is you don't get dressed till after you've made breakfast and washed up" Zack laughed "I would've done the same if I'd lost"

"shit is that what I said?" I thought about it and realised that's kinda how I explained it.

"Yeah mate, looks like I'm gonna enjoy you being naked for a little while longer yet" Zack said almost unable to contain his laughter.

"great" I said feeling defeated but enjoying Zack's little dominant streak at the same time "I'll go and turn the tv on.

"Awesome!" Zack replied and he grinned as I climbed off the bed and set the tv up. I found a channel showing south park and I climbed back on the bed next to Zack. We both sat there watching south park, laughing at the jokes and we finished off the coke.

During the commercials Zack kept rubbing in the fact I lost the bet.

"Dude, I can't believe how fast I ate that pizza" Zack laughed "I might take my time with the bacon sandwich"

"nah my bacon sandwiches are that good you won't wanna eat slow" I replied back enjoying this banter.

"yep, well it's gonna be fun watching you make them" he laughed "don't get cooking your sausage though" he said looking at my dick.

"dude, I'm standing well back" I said "if anything happens to this sausage I'll blame you for holding my boxers hostage" I joked.

"you came up with the naked idea" Zack said still laughing "I just went along with it"

"yeah why is it I always regret making bets when I lose them. I said

"don't worry buddy!" Zack said reassuringly "maybe you'll win the next one"

"What's that gonna be?" i asked

"not sure but this ones fun" Zack replied.

"do you wanna get ready for bed now?" I asked as I was starting to feel tired.

"sure, do you have a spare toothbrush?" Zack asked.

"yeah there's one in the bathroom cupboard you can have" I replied.

"awesome! Shall we find out some clothes for tomorrow first?" Zack asked

"sure thing, I'll go and get some" I said and I climbed off the bed and walked over to the wardrobe. I found out 2 school shirts and 2 black trousers. I walked over to my computer desk and put them on the computer chair. I went in the drawer next to my bed and pulled out 2 pairs of black boxers and 2 pairs of White sports socks and put them on the chair with the rest of the clothes.

"Awesome, thanks mate!" Zack said "Let's just go clean our teeth and we're all set"

"yeah, let's go" I said

"Hang on" Zack said "your right the floor is pretty cold down there" with that Zack grabbed my socks off the floor and pulled them onto his feet.

Kewai 09-26-2011 10:36 AM

Lol, Zac's behavior was funny :p Yet another great chapter, keep up the great work!

nonstopdisco 09-30-2011 03:33 AM

Haha, thanks. I think Zacks starting to get more comfortable now :) Heres another shorter update :D


"dude that's low" I said annoyed but finding it really funny how Zack was making the most of this bet "I thought you didn't like wearing my old socks"

"meh, I'm used to it now" Zack replied "and it's worth it to see the look on your face.

"mate, I'll get you back for this one day" I said jokingly.

"maybe but todays today and this is fun" Zack laughed "tell me you wouldn't have done the same if you won" he said as he patted me on the back.

"your probably right" I replied

We headed out down the stairs to the bathroom, my body beginning to shiver again. The bathroom was now ice cold and the tiled floor was burning into my feet like the tiles in the kitchen.

"hang in there buddy" Zack said noticing how cold I was.

"easy for you to say" I said "the heatings been off for like 2 hours now cause we're usually all in bed by now"

"well, it won't be long now" Zack attempted to reassure me.

I got Zack a new toothbrush out the cupboard and showed him where the toothpaste was. I then went to use the toilet. The cold air had caused my dick to shrivel into almost nothing but I finished off then went to wash my hands in the sink.

"dude, i'm freezing in here" Zack said as he finished brushing his teeth "I bet you hate getting up for the toilet in the night"

"I usually have slippers and a dressing gown" I replied "but you can talk, at least you're not naked"

"yep, it's a good thing I won" he laughed.

"so you keep saying" I said

I started brushing my teeth and Zack went to use the toilet. I finished brushing my teeth and Zack came over to wash his hands.

"think we're all done now" Zack said "just gotta get some sleep now"

"yeah let's go for it" I said and we both ran back upstairs to my room.

I climbed into the bed and placed my head onto the pillow finally feeling warm and cosy again. I watched Zack stand at the other side of the bed and take off the tracksuit bottoms and socks then climb into bed wearing a shirt and boxers.

"bet your glad your finally covered up a bit" Zack said

"yeah mate! I can't wait to win a bet against you at some point though" I said

"well see" Zack replied "I've had a great tome tonight though after all the crap earlier so thanks"

"your welcome" I said. Zack thanking me had made me feel really good.

"goodnight" Zack yawned "are you ready for the light out?"

"yeah, go for it!" I said and with that Zack switched the lights out "night mate"

"night Zack" I said "see ya at 6"

"man that's early" Zack said

"well, we need time to get ready and we've got a bus to catch." I said

"yeah, your probably right" Zack said "plus I need plenty of time for breakfast"

"hey, don't take too long eating tomorrow" I said "we know what happens if we're late for school"

"yeah, its proper embarrassing, we have to read a letter of apology to the class" Zack said

"exactly why we've gotta be out on time" I argued.

"but, it's just gonna be so funny knowing you can't get dressed till you've washed my plate up" Zack laughed.

"haha, your loving this" I laughed

"sure am" Zack replied as he pulled the covers off me exposing me to the cold air again.

"dude, if ya do that again I'll make ya sleep on the floor" I laughed "you might've won the bet but its still my bed"

"ok, sorry" Zack said as He threw the covers back over me "I couldn't resist it"

"No worries mate" i said "that was pretty funny to be fair"

"hey just enjoying my prize" Zack said

"I can see that" I replied

"night mate" Zack said "I'll see ya in the morning at breakfast then"

"yeah dude, goodnight" I replied.

We were both really tired from the events of the day that I think we both fell asleep almost straight away.

Kewai 09-30-2011 12:33 PM

I liked the story. No action though :'(. Lol, I can't wait for the next update :D

daremenow123 10-14-2011 02:27 AM

wow. this is good. do continue! =D

nonstopdisco 10-17-2011 02:28 AM

Thanks for the feedback :) You cant rush the action lol :D It'll be all the sweeter when it finally happens!

I rolled over and hit my alarm at 6am. It looked and sounded like there was a torrential rain storm outside. Suddenly I realised I was naked and I began to remember everything that happened yesterday. I turned round and saw Zack still asleep and I got hard very quickly. I sat up in the bed and decided to wake Zack up. I wasn't thinking straight because my dick was warping my thoughts.

I pulled the covers off Zack and I got even more excited when I saw him sleeping there in just his t-shirt and boxers. I sat there for a minute admiring his legs and the bulge in his boxers until I decided I'd better wake him up.

I rocked him a bit in the bed "hey Zack wake up dude" I said quietly. Zack made a noise then just rolled over, he must be a heavy sleeper. My dick still fully erect at the sight of Zack's boxers and legs and I decided I wanted more so I lifted up Zack's shirt and began trying to pull it off him.

Zack remained asleep and I pulled his shirt up and over his head after moving his arms into place, I couldn't believe he didn't wake up but I didn't care as I was enjoying myself. I noticed Zack had become erect and this added to my excitement.

Suddenly I realised it was 6.15 and my common sense said we'd better get up for school. I threw Zack's shirt on the floor behind me and began tickling him all over his chest.

"woah stop, that's enough" Zack suddenly said slowly trying to push me away with his arms. "I get the message and wheres my shirt?"

I tickled him for a few seconds longer and said "hey, I've gotta wake you up somehow mate. What do you want your shirt for?"

I stopped tickling Zack and he sat up in the bed next to me.

"So you get to see what you can't do" Zack laughed "Like wearing clothes"

"Dude, quit rubbing that in" I smiled

"nah, I love winding you up now mate" Zack laughed poking my chest "let's see what your hiding under them covers"

Before I had time to think Zack pulled the covers off the bed leaving me naked again in front of him. The whole morning was making me extremely aroused.

"hey we haven't got time for you to perv at me" I joked "we'd better get moving cause we'll be screwed if we miss the bus"

"there'll be plenty of time for me to look at ya when your making that sandwich" Zack replied with a grin.

"Damn, I'd forgotten about that" I said to Zack who had now sat on the edge of the bed and was pulling his tracksuit bottoms on.

"no way are you getting out of that" Zack laughed "I'm starving"

"ok" I said "let's get this over with"

Zack pulled on the old socks from last night again and found the shirt on the floor to wear before he headed to the door.

"Well, are you coming?" Zack asked as he stood at the door.

"yeah, yeah" I said and I got my naked self up and walked over to the door.

As we continued down the stairs the house felt warmer than last night as the heating was now on. Even though I was naked it felt cosy being in a warm house when it was raining outside. Zack carried on quite quickly ahead and we made it into the kitchen.

"I'll just sit here then" Zack said as he picked a seat at the kitchen table with a perfect view of the entire kitchen.

"I had a feeling you'd sit there" I said with a smile.

"yeah I love watching my food get made" Zack laughed as he leaned back with his hands behind his head "especially by my naked pal"

"yeah, you just relax buddy" I said as I pulled a frying pan out the cupboard "I'll do all the work"

"too right" Zack said "I could get used to this"

"hey it's only for this morning" I argued.

"really?!" Zack asked "I though you were only naked for breakfast, but I might take you up on that"

"you know what I meant" I said.

"yeah dude, well do you like cooking naked for me?" Zack joked.

"not as much as i'd like you cooking naked for me" I answered back.

"nah you wouldn't like my cooking, I burn stuff" Zack laughed.

"well, maybe I'll have to teach ya" I said.

"yeah, I'd like that" Zack said "that bacon smells good dude"

The bacon was now frying in the pan and I'd got the bread ready.

"ouch" I yelled, the bacon had now started to spit bits of hot oil at me.

"haha, this is brilliant" Zack laughed.

"Hey, have some sympathy" I said to Zack playfully.

"nah mate, this is what it's like paying back a bet" Zack smiled.

"your cruel" I laughed.

"hey you would've been the same if you'd won buddy" Zack stated.

"well it's ready now" I said and I scooped the bacon up onto the bread and carried it over to the table where Zack was sitting. I sat down next to Zack with my plate.

"cheers buddy" Zack said as he stared into my eyes "I can't believe you've just done that"

I was feeling extremely turned on again and I began to lean in closer to Zack, with the intention of going for a kiss. Zack seemed to follow my lead and also leant in closer placing his hand on my naked leg and giving it a slight pinch. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. I was knocked out of my trance and Zack looked startled.

"would you mind getting that?" I said to
Zack "that'll just be the postman or something."

I was gutted that we'd being interrupted.

"dude you go, my food will go cold" Zack said.

"hey I'm not answering the door naked" I laughed "just go buddy it'll only take a second"

The door knocked again, this time louder.

"ok I'm going" Zack laughed "just wanted to see your face"

"not funny" I smiled.

"it was for me" Zack laughed as he patted me on the back and walked into the hall.

I stayed put at the kitchen table and thought I'd wait for Zack before I started eating. I heard the door open and suddenly there was a lot of noise.

"Hedgehog boy!! What are you doing here?" I heard from what could only be Tom "looks like someone's being lying to me"

I froze while my heart just sank and I was now terrified.

"Tom I only came round this morning to borrow some school clothes" I heard Zack plead.

I hid under the table for all the good it would do.

"don't give me bullshit" Tom snapped "I've just spoke to your mother"

"what, oh sorry" I heard Zack say quietly. I was terrified and didn't know what to do.

"You will be!" Tom shouted "where's baldy?"

"I dunno" I heard Zack say in a futile attempt to protect me.

"you don't know where your boyfriend is in a small house like this?" I heard Tom shout angrily "lads strip him naked!"

I heard some commotion.

"chuck that shirt over here" Tom yelled "and his socks"

"here ya go tom" I heard one of the lads shout.

"yeah that's it!" Tom shouted "get his bottoms off"

I heard laughter and more struggling.

"please don't" I heard Zack say.

"please don't what? You lying piece of shit!!" Tom shouted "lads get them boxers off him"

I heard even more struggling then some cheers, it sounded like there was a large group in there.

"Baldy I know you can hear me!" Tom shouted kinda loudly.

I was now shaking, my mind had switched from saving Zack to myself.

"Baldy! For every second it takes for you to get your ass down here your bumboy here is gonna spend a minute outside in the rain naked" Tom shouted in a firm voice. "i'd hurry up if I were you"

I had no choice, I didn't want Zack thrown outside. I was gonna have to go into the hallway.

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